5月22日,巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里在伊斯兰堡举行隆重仪式,向对巴基斯坦进行正式访问的国务院总理李克强颁发巴最高勋章“巴基斯坦勋章”。[新华社 庞兴雷 摄] |
女士们,先生们! | Ladies and Gentlemen, |
和平、发展、合作是当今时代的主题,亚洲日益成为世界上最具活力、最受瞩目的地区之一。深厚的传统友谊为进一步发展中巴友好关系奠定了坚实基础,快速变化的时代为全面推进中巴战略合作提出了更高要求。同时,国际形势正经历深刻复杂变化,不稳定不确定因素增多。应对国际风云变幻和亚洲地区面临的挑战,需要两国进一步密切合作、加强战略沟通。中国正处在全面建成小康社会的决定性阶段,要努力建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,必须推动经济持续健康发展、打造经济升级版,需要释放改革红利,需要扩大对外开放,向西开放是我们的重大选项。巴基斯坦在中国发展同南亚、中亚和西亚国家关系中具有独特的作用,我们的发展也离不开你们的支持与合作。巴基斯坦经济社会发展仍面临着艰巨任务,作为巴基斯坦最亲密的朋友和兄弟,我们愿意为巴方提供力所能及的帮助和支持。帮助你们也是帮助我们自己。中巴两国经济互补性很强,产业发展和市场开拓空间巨大,加强合作对双方都十分必要。中巴友好合作,既符合两国人民根本利益,也有利于地区和世界的和平稳定。 | Peace, development and cooperation are the underlying trend of our times, and Asia has increasingly become one of the most dynamic regions in the world and the focus of international attention. Profound traditional friendship has laid a solid foundation for further growing our friendly relations; and rapid changes in the world today call for lifting China-Pakistan comprehensive strategic cooperation to a higher level. On the other hand, the world is undergoing profound and complex changes, and uncertainties and destabilizing factors are on the rise. Our two countries need to develop closer cooperation and enhance strategic communication to jointly meet international uncertainties and challenges in Asia. China is at a decisive stage of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. To achieve sustained and sound development and upgrade the economy, we need to unleash the benefits of reform and open wider to the world; and westward opening is a major step taken by China in this regard. Pakistan has a unique role to play in China's endeavor to grow relations with countries in South Asia, Central Asia and West Asia. Pakistan's support and cooperation are important to China's development. Pakistan faces arduous tasks of economic and social development. As the closest friend and brother of Pakistan, China will render support and assistance as our ability permits. To help you is to help ourselves. Given the strong complementarity of our economies and the vast space for industrial development and market expansion in both countries, it is highly necessary for us to strengthen cooperation. Our friendship and cooperation meet the fundamental interests of our two peoples and are conducive to maintaining global peace and stability. |
中国有句古语,“博弈之交不终日,饮食之交不终月,势利之交不终年。惟道义之交,可以终身”。中巴是道义之交,不仅可以终身,而且可以代代相传,实现永恒。无论中国如何发展壮大,我们都会始终将巴基斯坦当做休戚与共的好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴、好兄弟,都会坚定不移地同巴基斯坦人民肩并肩、手拉手。中国愿同巴基斯坦兄弟一道努力,将两国战略合作关系发展得更好、更深、更实。 | As an old Chinese saying goes, "Friendship between chess playmates lasts less than a day. Friendship between diners lasts less than a month. Friendship based on power and influence lasts less than a year. Only friendship based on shared values lasts a lifetime." What we have between China and Pakistan is a friendship based on shared values. It will not only last a lifetime, but also endure from generation to generation and last forever. However strong China may grow, we will always stand shoulder to shoulder with the Pakistani people as good neighbors, good friends, good partners and good brothers, come rain or shine. China will work with Pakistan to forge a stronger, deeper and more solid strategic partnership of cooperation. |
我们要深化中巴全面战略合作。中国愿同巴方一道努力,保持两国高层密切交往的传统,常来往,多走动,在涉及彼此重大利益的问题上加强沟通和协调。此访期间,两国将发表关于深化全面战略合作的联合声明。我们应以此为契机,进一步加强两国全方位合作,不断提升中巴战略合作的内涵。 | We should deepen China-Pakistan comprehensive strategic cooperation. China and Pakistan should keep the tradition of frequent high-level exchanges and enhance communication and coordination on issues involving the major interests of both countries. During my visit, China and Pakistan will issue a Joint Statement on Deepening Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation. We should take this opportunity to step up all-round cooperation and enrich the strategic dimension of our relations. |
我们要拓展中巴务实合作。双方要继续用好两国自由贸易协定,推动第二阶段第二轮中巴自贸区降税谈判,不断提升中巴经贸关系,使两国贸易规模不断扩大并在动态中实现贸易平衡。中国愿与巴方一道,加快推进喀喇昆仑公路升级改造项目,并积极探索和制定中巴经济走廊远景规划,促进南亚、东亚互联互通,带动周边经济发展和民生改善,不断拉紧中巴利益纽带,为本地区国家间开展合作提供示范。我们愿与巴方共同努力,以大项目合作为契机,继续加强金融和投资合作,继续集中力量推进在基础设施建设、互联互通、海洋、能源、农业、防务等领域的合作。 | We should boost pragmatic cooperation. We should continue to make full use of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA), hold the second round of tax reduction negotiations in the second phase of the FTA, and upgrade our business relations, so as to expand the size of bilateral trade and work towards a dynamic trade balance. China is ready to work with Pakistan to speed up the upgrading of the KKH and actively explore and develop a long-term plan for the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, so as to strengthen the connectivity between South Asia and East Asia and promote economic development and livelihood improvement in the neighborhood. This will not only help expand the shared interests of China and Pakistan, but also provide an exemplary model for cooperation between regional countries. We will also work with Pakistan to launch big projects, enhance financial and investment cooperation, and focus our efforts on infrastructure development, connectivity, maritime, energy, agriculture and defense cooperation. |
我们要扩大中巴人文交流。中国政府将一如既往地支持双方在文化、卫生、教育、旅游、体育、新闻媒体、学术团体等方面加强交流合作,为中巴友谊奠定更加坚实的民意基础。中方高度赞赏巴方推广汉语教学的努力,并将为此提供更多帮助。未来5年,中国将为巴基斯坦培训1000名汉语教师,并在巴增设多家孔子学院。中方将继续支持中巴100名青年互访活动,欢迎更多巴基斯坦青年来中国访问和学习。 | We should expand people-to-people exchanges. The Chinese government will continue to support bilateral exchanges and cooperation in culture, health, education, tourism and sports and between media and academic institutions so as to strengthen popular support for China-Pakistan friendship. China highly appreciates Pakistan's efforts to promote the learning of Chinese language and will offer more help for such learning. In the next five years, China will train 1,000 language teachers for Pakistan and open more Confucius Institutes in your country. China will continue to support the exchange of 100-member youth delegations and welcome more young people from Pakistan to visit and study in China. |
我们要密切中巴在地区和国际事务中的配合。中国将继续与巴方加强沟通协调,共同维护联合国宪章的宗旨和原则,维护发展中国家整体利益,促进国际关系民主化,推动不同文明对话,促进世界和谐发展。 | We should increase coordination in regional and international affairs. China will continue to work with Pakistan to enhance communication and coordination, jointly uphold the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, safeguard the overall interests of developing countries, promote democracy in international relations and dialogue between civilizations, and work for the building of a harmonious world. |
女士们,先生们! | Ladies and Gentlemen, |
中巴友好是两国人民用心血精心浇灌的结果,是两国几代领导人苦心孤诣、长期经营的结果。这种患难与共的真挚情谊,久经考验,比黄金还珍贵。中国和巴基斯坦永远友好相处,是中巴两国人民的共同心声。我们要继续和衷共济,风雨同舟,让全天候的中巴友谊结出更加丰硕的成果。 | China-Pakistan friendship, nurtured by our two peoples and fostered by succeeding generations of Chinese and Pakistani leaders, has stood the test of hardships and it is more precious than gold. To be friends forever is the shared aspiration of our two peoples. We should continue to forge ahead in both good and difficult times and work together to make new progress in growing China-Pakistan all-weather friendship. |
最后,我想再一次说:中巴友谊万岁! | Finally, let me say one more time, "Chin-Pak dosti zandabad" (Long live China-Pakistan friendship)! |
(来源:外交部网站) |
Thank you.
(Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of People's Republic of China) |
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