土豪金 [资料图] |
土豪 | Local tyrant |
“土豪”原指在乡里凭借财势横行霸道的坏人,含贬义。近来,它被赋予了新的内容,成为网络上十分流行的一个词汇。 | "Local tyrant" originally meant a rich and powerful person or family in a town or an area, with a derogatory sense or negative connotation in Chinese. However, the old term has assumed new meanings, and has become a popular term. |
最初,网友将这一词汇引入虚拟世界,指的是那些在网络游戏上舍得花大钱的玩家。另外,土豪也有暴发户的意思,指突然发了财、得了势,同时又很喜欢炫耀的人,因此有着更为广泛的应用。有些人把比自己肯花钱的人也都称作“土豪”。 | The term "local tyrants" was first extended to the virtual world to describe the people who are willing to spend a huge sum of money on computer games. Later, it was extended to describe the nouveau riche who like to brag about their wealth. Nowadays, it has become a general term used by people to describe those who live beyond their means. |
2013年9月9日,微博上发起“与土豪做朋友”以及“为土豪写诗”活动,诞生了“土豪我们做朋友吧”这一流行语,再次加剧了土豪的走红。“土豪,我们做朋友吧”代表了一种屌丝网民对成为有钱人的向往与渴望,也表达了他们对有钱人持有的一种羡慕嫉妒恨的心理。 | On Sept. 9, 2013, micro-bloggers launched an activity on the Internet to write poems for "local tyrants", giving rise to the well-known saying "Local tyrants, let's make friends!" which increased the popularity of the term. It represents the common people's yearning and longing for wealth and the resulting psychology of their admiration and jealousy. |
土豪金 | Local tyrant gold |
网络流行语“土豪金”由“土豪”一词衍生而来,用以形容苹果公司新推出的金色版iPhone 5S手机。 | "Local tyrant gold", is derived from the term "local tyrant", and has become a popular phrase in China. It is used to describe the gold iPhone 5S. |
2013年9月20日,苹果新一代手机iPhone 5S、iPhone 5C正式登陆中国市场,这是中国大陆市场第一次进入苹果的首发名单。而苹果打破了多年来iPhone只有经典的黑、白两色的传统,在iPhone 5S中加入了金色。 | On Sept. 20, 2013, the new generation of Apple products -- iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C -- was officially launched in the Chinese mainland. It was the first time that China was listed for the debut of Apple's latest mobile phones. In addition to the black and white classic colors, Apple added gold to its iPhone 5S range. |
金色是中国人喜欢的颜色,象征着高贵、光荣、华贵、辉煌。人们渴望拥有更多的金银财富,这便是金色iPhone 5S风靡中国市场的原因。 | In China gold symbolizes nobility, wealth and prosperity, and Chinese people view the metal gold as a valuable asset to hold. That explains why Chinese consumers are so passionate about the gold iPhone 5S. |
自9月20日首发以来,金色的5S手机一度出现货源紧缺,售价几近翻番,炒到了1万元。苹果将这种颜色称为“香槟金”,而中国网友则不留情面地称之为“土豪金”,讥讽其炫富的外表。 | Since its launch on Sept. 20, the gold iPhone 5S has been in short supply in China, and its price rose to nearly 10,000 yuan (about US$1,634), twice as much as the phone's original retail value. While Apple calls the color "champagne gold," many Chinese Internet users have adopted the more satirical and critical description "local tyrant gold" to refer to rich showoffs. |
截止到目前,“土豪金”在许多零售渠道已脱销,而希望购买到该产品的用户人数有增无减。 |
At present, the 'local tyrant gold' has sold out in many retail channels, while the number of Chinese consumers ordering for the product is still growing. (中国网 李京荣 译) |
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