Full text: Li Keqiang's speech at Thai parliament

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Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivers a speech at the Thai parliament in Bangkok, Thailand, Oct. 11, 2013. [Xinhua]
国务院总理李克强10月11日在泰国国会发表题为《让中泰友好之花结出新硕果》的演讲。演讲全文如下: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivers a speech at the Thai parliament in Bangkok, Thailand, Oct. 11, 2013. The following is the full text of Li's speech: 


May the Flower of China-Thailand Friendship Bear New Fruits
——Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's speech at the Thai parliament
Bangkok, 11 October 2013

Your Excellency Somsak Kiatsuranont, President of the National Assembly and Speaker of the House of Representatives,
Your Excellency Nikom Wairatpanij, Vice President of the National Assembly and President of the Senate,
Honorable Members of the National Assembly,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,
很高兴来到泰国国会同大家见面。30年前,我做青年工作时曾到访贵国,对这个“微笑的国度”留下美好而深刻的印象。各位议员朋友是6400万泰国人民的代表,我谨代表中国政府和人民向你们并通过你们,向全体泰国人民致以诚挚问候和良好祝愿! It gives me pleasure to meet you here in the National Assembly. I visited Thailand 30 years ago when I was in charge of youth affairs. The impression left on me by this "land of smiles" was wonderful and lasting. On behalf of the Chinese government and people, I wish to extend to you, the representatives of the 64 million Thai people, and through you to all the people of Thailand, sincere greetings and best wishes.
泰国是一个历史悠久、美丽富饶而又充满朝气的国家。闻名遐迩的大王宫、千姿百态的佛塔胜迹、绚丽多彩的民族艺术,生动展现出泰国深厚的文化底蕴和独特魅力。千百年来,泰国人民在这里用自己的勤劳和智慧创造了一个又一个奇迹。20多年前,泰国就被誉为“亚洲四小虎”之一,是东南亚国家中经济发展的佼佼者。这些年来,泰国先后战胜两次金融危机、特大海啸和洪灾的挑战,在国家建设和民族振兴大业中取得了令人瞩目的成就。泰国一定有辉煌的未来。 Thailand is an ancient, beautiful and richly endowed country full of dynamism. The world-renowned Grand Palace, magnificent Buddhist pagodas and splendid ethnic art all speak volumes about Thailand's profound culture and unique charm. Over the centuries, the Thai people have created miracles on this land with their hard work and wisdom. Back some 20 years ago, Thailand earned the title as being one of the "Four Asian Tigers" and a frontrunner in economic growth among Southeast Asian countries. In the past few years, Thailand has overcome such challenges as the Asian financial crisis, the Indian Ocean tsunami, devastating floods and the international financial crisis, and has scored remarkable achievements in building the country and strengthening the nation. I am convinced that a glorious future is ahead of Thailand.
中泰友好交往源远流长。两国地理相近,血缘相亲,文化相通。1975年中泰正式建交,开启了两国友好关系的新纪元。38年来,无论国际风云如何变幻,中泰关系始终保持健康发展势头,给两国人民带来实实在在的好处。 China and Thailand have a long history of friendly exchanges. The two countries are geographically close. There is also a strong bond that links our two peoples and cultures. In 1975, China and Thailand officially established diplomatic relations, which ushered in a new era of friendly relations between the two countries. Over the past 38 years, regardless of the changes at home and in the world, our bilateral relations have maintained sound momentum of growth, bringing tangible benefits to our people.
中国有句谚语说,种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。泰国也有句谚语,撒什么种子结什么果。我们欣喜地看到,中泰政治互信日益深化,经贸关系不断加强,人文交流更加密切。2012年双边贸易额达700亿美元,是10年前的8倍,中国已成为泰国第一大出口市场和最大旅游客源国。泰国是中国在东盟国家中主要贸易伙伴、农产品进口的主要来源地和橡胶最大进口来源地。在东盟国家中,泰国第一个同中国签署关于21世纪合作计划的联合声明,第一个同中国推进战略性合作,第一个同中国实现蔬菜、水果零关税安排,第一个建成中国文化中心,第一个同中国建立防务安全磋商机制并进行两年联演联训。泰国即将成为在中国开设领事馆最多的国家。这么多“第一”,在国与国交往中是少有的,充分说明中泰关系是不同社会制度国家之间友好合作的典范。 As a Chinese saying goes, "You reap melons if you plant melon seeds, and beans if you sow bean seeds." I understand there is a similar saying in Thailand: "you reap what you sow." We are heartened to see that China and Thailand have deepened political mutual trust, strengthened economic and trade ties and increased people-to-people exchanges. In 2012, two-way trade approached US$70 billion, an eight-fold increase in a span of a decade. China has become Thailand's top export market and biggest source of tourists. Thailand is China's main trading partner in ASEAN, main source of agricultural imports and biggest source of natural rubber imports. Among ASEAN members, Thailand was the first to sign a joint statement with China on the plan of cooperation in the 21st century, the first to pursue strategic cooperation with China, the first to achieve zero-tariff arrangement with China for vegetables and fruits, the first to set up a China culture center, and the first to establish a mechanism for defense and security consultations and to conduct joint military exercises and training with China. Thailand will soon become the country that has the largest number of consulates in China. It is not commonplace for so many "firsts" to be achieved in any bilateral relationship, which underscores the fact that China-Thailand relations stand out as an example of friendly cooperation between countries with different social systems.
说到中泰关系,两国人民都熟知一句话,那就是“中泰一家亲”,这句话已深深根植于两国人民心中,成为中泰友好的真实写照。两国之间多层次交往密切而频繁,规模越来越大。双方高层互访不断,中国历届国家领导人大多访问过泰国,泰国王室成员和历届政府、议会、军方领导人也多次对中国进行访问。两国民间更是像走亲戚一样你来我往,去年双方人员往来近300万人次,泰国是中国游客最欢迎的出境旅游目的地。中国艺术家拍摄的电影《泰囧》创造了国产片最高票房纪录,吸引了更多中国游客赴泰国旅游。美味的泰餐、华丽的泰剧、崛起的泰国体育给中国人留下了深刻印象。特别是近些年来,中泰在应对重大突发事件和自然灾害中,同舟共济,守望相助,结下了深情厚谊。有一个地处偏远的泰国渔村,村民们曾在印度洋海啸中得到过中国援助,对此念念不忘,听说中国汶川发生地震后,感同身受,第一时间就自发募捐,向灾区人民献出爱心。这个恩德相报的故事是中泰友好的一个缩影和生动说明。 Talking of China-Thailand relations, people in both countries know about "Jeen Thai Phee Nong Gan" (China and Thailand are brothers). This belief, which has taken deep roots in the hearts of our people, is a true reflection of the profound friendship between our two countries. China and Thailand conduct frequent exchanges at various levels on an ever larger scale. We enjoy regular high-level exchanges. Most Chinese leaders, both past and present, have been to Thailand, while members of the Thai royal family and successive Thai government, parliament and military leaders have visited China many times. The Chinese and Thai peoples have close exchanges like relatives. Mutual visits approached three million last year. For Chinese tourists, Thailand tops their most popular overseas destinations. The movie Lost in Thailand produced by Chinese artists has set last year's box-office record in China and sent a new wave of Chinese tourists to this country. Thailand's delicious cuisine, intriguing TV series and growing sporting prowess have all left a deep impression on the Chinese people. In recent years, in cases of emergencies and natural disasters, China and Thailand have always stood together and helped each other. We have forged a deep friendship. Thai fishermen in a remote fishing village who once received Chinese assistance during the tsunami could never forget the help they got from the Chinese people. When they heard about the earthquake in Wenchuan, they acted immediately to raise donations for people in disaster-stricken areas, showing their love and support. This touching story is nothing but a true example of the reciprocal friendship between China and Thailand.
女士们、先生们! Ladies and Gentlemen,
当前,国际形势继续发生深刻复杂变化,亚洲正成为世界经济最具活力和潜力的地区,东亚的地位和作用日益上升。中泰面临深化合作的良好机遇。我们是老朋友,也是好亲戚。在新形势下,应巩固“中泰一家亲”的传统情谊,谱写“亲上加亲”的友好新篇章,也就是成为以诚相待的好朋友,密切合作的好伙伴,频繁往来的好亲戚。让中泰友好之花结出更加丰硕的果实,推动两国全面战略合作伙伴关系迈上新台阶。相信议员们一定会为中泰友好投赞成票。在此,我愿提出以下建议: Now that the international situation continues to undergo profound and complex changes, Asia has stood out as the most vibrant and promising region in the global economy, and the status and role of East Asia have been on the increase. China and Thailand are presented with golden opportunities to deepen cooperation. We are old friends and close relatives. Under the new circumstances, we need to cement the traditional ties of "Jeen Thai Phee Nong Gan" and write a new chapter of even closer friendship. Our two countries are determined to become good friends that treat each other sincerely, good partners engaged in close cooperation and good relatives that visit each other frequently, so that the blossoming flower of China-Thailand friendship will yield more fruits and the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership will reach a new height. I am sure that the honorable members of the National Assembly will vote yes for this friendship. In this connection, I would like to suggest the following:
第一,共谋未来发展。中泰高层交流频繁的传统应当继续发扬。中方欢迎贵国领导人多到中国参观访问,中方也将安排高级别代表团经常访泰。双方合作既要立足当前,落实好已商定的项目,更要着眼长远,从战略上统筹规划。此访期间,双方将共同发表“关于中泰关系发展远景规划的联合新闻公报”,为未来合作指明方向。中方愿结合泰国国家发展战略规划,与泰方一起推进交通、水利、能源、教育等各领域合作。 First, we need to jointly plan for future development. The fine tradition of regular high-level engagement should be carried forward. China welcomes more visits by leaders of Thailand. China, on its part, will also send high-level delegations to Thailand on a frequent basis. We should base our cooperation on real needs and earnestly implement the mutually-agreed projects. More importantly, we should take a long-term and strategic perspective and make overall plans. During my visit, the two sides will release a joint press communiqué on the Long-term Program on the Development of China-Thailand Relations, charting the course for future cooperation. China is ready to work with Thailand to boost cooperation in wide-ranging areas including transport, water conservancy, energy and education in light of Thailand's strategic plan for national development.
第二,深化务实合作。经贸合作是两国友好关系的重要支撑。中方愿与泰方一道落实好两国战略性合作共同行动计划,推动各领域互利合作。力争提前实现2015年双边贸易额1000亿美元目标。泰国盛产大米等农产品,中方充分考虑这一情况,愿支持本国企业在今后5年内进口100万吨泰国大米,并将根据实际需求考虑扩大规模。橡胶是中泰贸易的重要商品,中方愿积极考虑从泰国增加进口橡胶。我们还将建立专门的机制,探讨农产品贸易合作。随着两国公民频繁来往和经济联系日益密切,中方愿积极考虑在泰设立人民币清算银行,鼓励两国企业更多使用本币进行双边贸易结算。 Second, we need to deepen practical cooperation. Economic and trade cooperation is an important anchor for our friendly ties. China will work with Thailand to implement the Joint Action Plan on Chinese-Thai Strategic Cooperation to advance mutually beneficial cooperation across the board. The two sides need to strive to reach, ahead of schedule, the goal of US$100 billion in two-way trade set for 2015. Thailand is a main producer of rice and other agricultural products. China is well aware of this and will support Chinese companies in importing one million tons of rice from Thailand in the next five years and consider increasing that amount further in light of actual demand. Rubber is an important commodity in our trade. China will actively consider importing more rubber from Thailand. We will also establish a specialized mechanism to explore trade cooperation on agricultural products. As our personnel and economic exchanges get closer, China will actively consider setting up an RMB clearing bank in Thailand and hopes that Chinese and Thai companies will settle more cross-border trade in our respective currencies.
第三,加快互联互通。交通等基础设施不仅是经济社会发展的基础,也是增进睦邻友好的纽带。铁路合作可以成为中泰合作的新亮点。中国拥有先进的高铁建设能力和丰富的管理经验,泰国推进铁路等基础设施建设有利于物流畅通、经济繁荣。两国加强铁路建设合作潜力巨大,中方对此持积极态度。我此行将与英拉总理共同出席“中国高铁展”,希望双方早日启动实质性合作。中方还将同泰方一起,积极开展电力、电网、可再生能源等方面合作,共同实施好水利建设项目。 Third, we need to speed up connectivity development. Infrastructure such as transportation facilities forms not only the basis for economic and social development, but also a bond of good-neighborliness and friendship. Railway cooperation can become a new highlight in China-Thailand cooperation. China has leading capacity in high-speed rail construction and rich managerial expertise. Railway development in Thailand will facilitate smooth logistics and economic prosperity. There is enormous potential for railway cooperation between our two countries and China is keen to advance such cooperation. During my visit, Prime Minister Yingluck and I will together attend the China high-speed rail exhibition. I hope to see early launch of substantive cooperation between the two sides. China and Thailand will also carry out vigorous cooperation in electricity, power grid and renewable energy and work together to ensure the sound implementation of water projects.
第四,密切人文交流。中国有句老话,朋友越走越近,亲戚越走越亲。此访双方将宣布商签互免两国持普通护照人员签证的谅解备忘录,这是中国同东盟国家启动的首个类似协定谈判,将为两国人员往来提供便利。双方可充分发挥孔子学院及课堂的作用,同时把泰国在华设立文化中心的事情办好,促进两国文化交往。中方将通过联合办学、短期培训等方式,帮助泰方提高职业教育水平。中方还将与泰方推进科技、海洋、环保等领域的务实合作。 Fourth, we need to intensify people-to-people and cultural exchanges. As a Chinese saying goes, "Friends and relatives become closer when they visit each other more." The two sides will announce the decision to negotiate and sign an MOU on mutual visa exemption for ordinary passport holders, the first of its kind between China and an ASEAN country. It will facilitate personnel interflow between our two countries. We may fully harness the role of Confucius Institutes and Classrooms and facilitate the successful establishment of a Thai culture center in China to promote cultural exchanges. China will help Thailand enhance its vocational training capacity through joint running of schools and short-term training programs, and work with Thailand to advance practical cooperation in science, technology, marine sectors and environmental protection.
近年来,中泰关系已超越了双边范畴,对中国同东盟国家关系发展起到了重要引领作用。中方愿与泰方进一步加强区域和多边合作的协调,保持在国际和地区事务中的密切沟通与协作。 In recent years, China-Thailand relations have gone beyond the bilateral scope, and played an important role in showing the way for relations between China and ASEAN countries. China will further enhance coordination with Thailand on regional and multilateral cooperation and maintain close communication and cooperation with Thailand in regional and international affairs.
女士们、先生们! Ladies and Gentlemen,
面对当前错综复杂的国际形势,中国将一如既往坚持走和平发展道路,坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴的周边外交方针,与各国一道促进地区和平与繁荣。今年以来,我们坚持稳中求进、稳中有为,通过深化改革、调整结构,使中国经济呈现稳中向好的走势,市场和社会对未来发展的预期稳定向上。我们不仅有能力完成今年经济社会发展预期目标,而且有条件实现今后经济持续健康发展,这将为泰国等东南亚国家提供更多的发展机遇。 In the face of the complex international situation, China will keep to the path of peaceful development, adhere to the foreign policy of building friendships and partnerships with our neighbors and work with other countries for regional peace and prosperity. This year, China has worked vigorously for economic progress while maintaining stability and achieved steady growth through reform and structural adjustment, shoring up market and public expectations about China's future development. We have not only the ability to meet our economic and social development goals for this year, but also the conditions to achieve sustained and sound economic growth. This will create even more opportunities for the development of Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries.
中泰合作进入发展快车道,中泰友谊已溶进两国人民的血脉,深入到民间交往的各个方面。10年前,一对中国大熊猫来到清迈安家落户,4年前幼仔“林冰”呱呱坠地,成为中泰友谊与合作的结晶。前不久,泰国朋友为回国“相亲”的“林冰”举行了盛大欢送仪式。听说有200多位来自贵国国会、政府和社会各界的朋友自掏路费,一路陪同送到家乡,令人感动,充分体现了中泰之间的友谊。“林冰”不久就会偕配偶重返泰国,重返清迈。我相信,随着两国交往更加紧密,中泰睦邻友好将像长江和湄南河一样川流不息、奔腾向前,中泰全面互利合作必将奏响更加美好动人的新华章!中泰两国一定会“亲上加亲”。 China-Thailand cooperation has entered a fast lane, and China-Thailand friendship has taken deep roots in the hearts of our people and is reflected in every aspect of their exchanges. Ten years ago, a pair of Chinese giant pandas arrived in Chiang Mai. Four years ago, their baby named Lin Bing was born and became a symbol of China-Thailand friendship and cooperation. Not long ago, when Lin Bing was about to return to China for dating, Thai friends held a big farewell ceremony for her. It is also said that more than 200 Thai friends from the National Assembly, the government and various sectors of society even voluntarily accompanied Lin Bing all the way to her Chinese home on their own expenses. It was such a touching story and a great example of our deep friendship. I can tell you that Lin Bing will soon come back to Chiang Mai with her husband. I am confident that with even closer exchanges, China-Thailand good-neighborliness and friendship will continue to move ahead like the Yangtze River and the Chao Phraya River. Our all-round and mutually beneficial cooperation will embrace an even brighter future. And our two countries will become even closer to each other.
谢谢! Thank you.


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