11月1日,国务院总理李克强在北京人民大会堂出席21世纪理事会北京会议开幕式并发表题为“变化世界中的中国”的演讲。[新华社 姚大伟 摄] Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivers a speech during the opening ceremony of the 21st Century Council Beijing Conference in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 1, 2013. [Yao Dawei/Xinhua] |
11月1日,国务院总理李克强在北京人民大会堂出席21世纪理事会北京会议开幕式并发表题为“变化世界中的中国”的演讲。演讲全文如下: | Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivers a speech during the opening ceremony of the 21st Century Council Beijing Conference in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 1, 2013. The following is the full text of Li's speech: |
变化世界中的中国 |
China in the changing world |
尊敬的各位贵宾, 女士们、先生们,朋友们: |
Distinguished guests, Ladies, gentlemen, Dear friends, |
晚上好!首先我代表中国政府对远道而来的各位贵宾和朋友表示诚挚欢迎,对21世纪理事会北京会议的召开表示热烈祝贺! | Good evening! First, on behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to extend a sincere welcome to all the distinguished guests and friends coming from afar. Let me also express warm congratulations on the opening of the 21st Century Council Conference in Beijing. |
这次会议之前,理事会给我提供了一个问题清单,涉及中国发展面临的挑战、改革开放的举措、国际治理的理念和作用等诸多方面。这表明,大家希望更多地了解中国、了解中国在国际舞台上扮演的角色。理事会把这次会议的主题确定为“读懂中国”,这四个字看起来简单,但内涵相当丰富。我赞赏这个主题,因为这表明大家关注中国,希望近距离地观察中国、立体地认识中国,特别是展望中国的未来。 | Prior to the conference, the council gave me a question list covering the challenges that China faces in its development, measures of reform and opening-up, the concept and role of international governance, etc. This shows that you hope to learn more about China and the role it plays on the international stage. The council has decided that the theme of this conference would be "Understanding China". The two words many look simple but they carry a profound meaning. I appreciate the council's choice of the theme because it shows that you have a keen interest in China and wish to observe China up-close, perceive China in an all-around way, and especially envision China's future. |
对于国际社会,要读懂中国、理解中国,我想有三点很重要。从过去走来,我们这样做了;向未来走去,我们还会继续坚持和推进。 | For the international community to read and understand China, I believe the following three points are very important - things we have followed in the past and will remain committed to in the future. |
一是始终坚持发展和民生优先,扭住经济建设这个中心不放松。中国是十几亿人口的大国,国际社会对中国有一个几乎没有争议的共识,就是过去30多年,按世界银行标准中国减少了6亿多贫困人口,让这些人有了基本的生存权和人格尊严。这靠的是发展。目前按世行标准,我国还只处于中等收入水平,仍有近2亿人口没有脱贫,中国还需要发展。事实上,30多年来,无论遇到什么样的挑战,我们都把发展作为首要任务,实现了经济年均9.8%的增长。正因为如此,中国才有现在这样的繁荣局面。我们的经济发展到今天,面临一系列深层次矛盾和结构性问题,必须推动经济转型,不转型就难以持续。为此,我们提出经济升级,着力提高发展的质量和效益。经济为重,民生乃大。我们致力于城乡居民收入增长与经济发展同步,织牢社会保障的安全网,不断提高人民生活水平和质量。人们不仅要提高物质生活水平,追求精神生活的丰富,还希望社会公正。我们正在加快制度建设,促进权利公平、机会公平、规则公平,促进教育公平、就业公平、创业公平,促进社会纵向流动,保障每个人的发展权利,推动社会不断进步。 | First, we give top priority to development and people's livelihood, and stay focused on the central task of economic development. China is a large country with a population of more than 1 billion. The international community has little disagreement over the fact that, in the past three decades, China has cut its population living below the poverty line by more than 600 million according to the standard of the World Bank - enabling them to enjoy the basic right to survival and human dignity. This would not have been possible without development. Currently, according to the standard of the World Bank, China is just a middle-income country and nearly 200 million of its people still live under poverty. Hence, China still needs to develop itself. In fact, in the past 30 years, no matter what kind of challenges we encounter, we have always placed development on the top of our agenda, and we have achieved an annual economic growth of 9.8 percent on average. That is what has brought China to where it is today. On the other hand, our economy is now faced with a series of deep-seated and structural problems. There would not be sustainable development without economic transformation. Therefore, we have decided to build an upgraded version of the Chinese economy, focusing on improving the quality and efficiency of development. While growing the economy, the people's livelihood is our top concern. We will work hard to ensure that personal income will rise in tandem with economic growth, strengthen the social safety net and continually improve people's livelihoods. Our people want not only a better material life, but also a richer cultural life and social justice. We are accelerating institution building to provide equal rights, equal opportunities and fair rules; promote the equity of education employment and entrepreneurship; push forward vertical mobility among people of different social ranks; and ensure the rights of individuals to development to drive social progress. |
二是始终坚持改革开放,不断增强发展的动力和市场的活力。回顾中国的发展,正是改革开放掀开了精彩的幕章。我们打破计划经济的僵硬体制,推进市场化改革,把改革创新贯穿于国家发展和进步的方方面面,从中国国情出发,同时借鉴世界文明成果,走中国特色社会主义道路。中国的改革已进入深水区,我们将全面深化改革,着力突破深层次障碍,推进结构改革,大家关心的财政、金融、价格、企业等改革,都会不断走向深入。开放也是中国发展的重要引擎,开放能够促进和带动改革。我们主动参与经济全球化进程,加入世界贸易组织,拓展多边和区域合作,使中国经济融入世界经济。目前我国的进出口贸易占全球的比重,已由30多年前的不足1%提高到10.5%。中国人民从对外开放中尝到了甜头,中国对外开放将迈出更大步伐。最近中国(上海)自由贸易实验区正式启动,通过简政放权等诸多措施来推进改革开放,这从一个侧面再次显示了中国扩大开放的决心和信心。 | Second, we stick to the policy of reform and opening-up to enhance the driving force for development and vitality of the market. The reform and opening-up policy has opened the splendid chapter of China's development. We have broken the rigid system of the planned economy and pushed for market-oriented reforms, injected the spirit of reform and innovation into the various dimensions of the country's development and progress and have taken the path that fits China's national conditions while learning from the achievements of different civilizations in the world. China's reform has now entered the deep water zone. We will deepen the reform comprehensively, eliminate deep-seated obstacles, and promote structural reforms in order to continually unleash the dividends of reform. Reforms will continue to deepen in the fiscal, financial, pricing and enterprise fields which you have a keen interest in. Opening-up is another crucial engine of China's development. It can advance and drive reform. China has actively participated in economic globalization, joined the World Trade Organization and enlarged multilateral and regional cooperation to integrate the Chinese economy into the world economy. China's share of world trade has sharply increased from less than 1 percent more than 30 years ago to the current 10.5 percent. The Chinese people have greatly benefited from opening-up and China will take larger steps in this regard. The China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone was launched recently. The zone will advance reform and opening-up through various measures, including streamlining administrative procedures and delegating power to lower levels. This illustrates China's determination and confidence in enhancing the opening-up. |
三是始终致力于营造和平的国际环境和稳定的周边环境,实现互利共赢。这是中国发展的必要条件。二战后建立起来的安全稳定秩序,使我们这个世界总体上保持了和平。冷战结束后,各国更加聚焦于发展与合作,世界经济进入快车道,一大批新兴国家崛起。正是在这一背景下,中国赢得了难得的发展机遇。作为受益者,我们对此格外珍惜。中国作为一个人口大国,实现现代化在人类历史上没有先例可循,我们现在、将来都会遇到许多难题。但实现现代化是13亿人的共同愿望,我们将义无反顾去解决这些难题,把中国自己的事情办好,这本身也是对世界的贡献。而解决这些难题,必然需要和平的国际环境和稳定的周边环境。中国愿不断巩固和发展与周边国家的睦邻友好关系,积极发展与世界不同类型国家的关系,我们希望朋友越多越好、遍及天下。我们秉持互利互惠理念,最大限度地与各国开展合作,为彼此发展创造机遇、拓展空间。走和平发展的道路,中国过去如此,未来也必定如此,坚定不移。 | Third, we are dedicated to building a peaceful international environment and stable neighborhood to pursue mutual benefit and win-win progress. The world security order established after World War II has generally kept the world in a peaceful tune. Since the end of the Cold War, the world economy has got on the fast track of development and countries have begun to vigorously pursue development and cooperation. A host of emerging countries have been on the rise. China has gained rare opportunities in this process and made considerable achievements. We dearly cherish those opportunities. There is no precedent for China to follow to achieve modernization. Being the largest developing country with a huge population, China will undoubtedly encounter many challenges and difficulties in this course. But we will go all out to resolve the problems that may lie ahead as realizing modernization is the common dream among China's 1.3 billion people. To deal with the difficulties successfully, one needs a peaceful international environment and stable neighborhood. China will continue to reinforce its friendly relations and cooperation with neighboring countries, and actively promote relations with all countries around the world. In the principles of reciprocity and mutual benefit, China will do its best to carry out cooperation with all countries in the hope of creating greater opportunities for common development. China is committed to the path of peaceful development and will stay on this path in the future. |
女士们、先生们! | Ladies and gentlemen, |
世界正在深刻变革之中,机遇多、风险也多。我们的世界也是个地球村,各国之间的相互联系和依存日益紧密,人们希望世界安宁稳定,希望经济繁荣发展,希望自身幸福安康。这是各国的利益共同点、交汇点,应当聚合起来、不断放大。在这个过程中,中国会继续作出自己的贡献。 | The world today is undergoing transformation and there are both great opportunities and many risks. Our world is like a global village where countries have become more interconnected and interdependent. People of the world aspire to live in a stable and prosperous world and lead a stable and happy life. This represents the common interests of all countries which should be advanced and expanded. China will continue to make its own contribution to this end. |
中国是世界经济的重要贡献者。在几十年的经济发展中,稳定与信心、增长与潜力、发展与合作,已成为中国传递给世界的关键词。今后若干年,中国经济将继续以中高速度增长。中国实现现代化,还有很长的路要走,这不仅会造福中国人民,对世界人民也是福音。中国未来的发展是转型升级的发展,是扩大内需的发展,是新型工业化、信息化、城镇化和农业现代化同步推进的发展,是走绿色之路的发展,这对其他经济体的平衡发展、对世界的可持续发展都会带来新机遇。 |
China is an important contributor to the world economy. With several decades of fast economic development, stability and trust, growth and potential, development and cooperation have become the key words that China transmits to the world. In the years ahead, the Chinese economy will continue to grow at a medium to high rate. There's still a long way to go for China to achieve modernization. China's modernization will not only benefit the Chinese people, but also be good news to people around the world. The future development of China is about economic transformation and upgrading; about expanding domestic consumption and advancing the new type of industrialization, IT application, urbanization and agricultural modernization; and about pursing green growth. This will bring new opportunities to the balanced development of other economies and the world's sustainable development. |
中国是全球治理的积极建设者。我们致力于维护以联合国为中心的国际体系,以建设性态度参与和推动相关改革,主张国际关系民主化。现在区域经济正在重组重构,我们希望多哈回合谈判等多边贸易体制继续向前发展,同时推动区域性贸易投资自由化和便利化,两个“轮子”一起转。中国与东盟国家等已达成“区域全面经济伙伴关系”(RCEP)共识,这可以与“跨太平洋战略经济伙伴协定”(TPP)交流互动、相互促进。应对气候变化、保障粮食和能源资源安全、加强公共卫生等问题,符合各国人民利益。中国将同国际社会进一步加强沟通协作,共同应对全球传统和非传统安全领域的挑战。 | China is an active player in building global governance. We devote ourselves to maintaining the global system with the United Nations as its core. We call for greater democracy in international relations and have participated in and advanced relevant reforms with a constructive attitude. Now the regional economy is undergoing reorganization and structural adjustment. We hope to see progress in the multilateral trading regime like the Doha Round negotiations and greater liberalization and facilitation of regional trade and investment so that these "two wheels" will forge ahead in parallel. China has reached consensus with ASEAN countries on building the RCEP. The RCEP and the TPP may interact with and promote each other. To tackle climate change, guarantee food and energy security, and strengthen public health meets the interests of all people. China will enhance communication and cooperation with the international society to address the challenges in traditional and non-traditional security areas in the world. |
中国是人类和平的坚定维护者。中国人民热爱和平。中国人民曾经饱受欺凌、战乱之苦,盼的就是天下太平。国强必霸,不是中国的政治理念,不是中国的发展逻辑,也不是中国的文化传统。我们奉行己所不欲、勿施于人,中国永远不会搞扩张。言必信、行必果,我们是这样说的,也是这么做的。前不久,中国与东盟国家就维护南海和平与安宁、与一些国家就南海共同开发达成共识。对历史遗留问题,我们主张通过对话来解决,维护和平合作发展的大局。维护世界和平,需要国际社会共同努力。中国是一个负责任的大国,将发挥建设性作用。反对多种形式的恐怖主义,防止大规模杀伤性武器扩散,是国际社会的共同愿望,也是中国政府的一贯主张、一贯做法。 | China firmly defends peace among all humanity. The Chinese people love peace. They suffered deeply from foreign bullying and strife and hence long for peace in the world. The notion that "a strong country is bound to seek hegemony" is not China's political philosophy, development logic or cultural tradition. "Do not do to others what you would not like others to do to you" is what we believe in. China will never assume an expansionist policy. China honors its words and matches its words with results-oriented actions. Lately, China has reached consensus with ASEAN countries on maintaining peace and tranquility in the South China Sea and on joint development in the South China Sea with some countries. For outstanding historical issues, we advocate settling the problem by dialogue in keeping with the larger interest of peace, cooperation and development. To build a peaceful world requires the concerted efforts of the international society. China is a responsible big nation and will play a constructive role in the process. To fight terrorism in various forms and prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is the common wish of the international society and also China's position and practice. |
女士们、先生们! | Ladies and gentleman, |
21世纪理事会汇聚了一批国际上肯于担当的政治家、思想家和企业家,睿智博学、见多识广。相信此次会议会围绕主题,碰撞出许多思想的火花,把真实的中国传递给世界,也把世界更多地介绍给中国,让世界更好地读懂中国,让中国更好地读懂世界。这样,我们生活的这个世界就会少一份误解、多一份理解,少一份纷争、多一份和谐! | The 21st Century Council gathers together political leaders, intellectuals and entrepreneurs with a strong sense of responsibility and international influence. You are all wise and knowledgeable. I believe the conference will spark new ideas under its theme, helping the world to know a true China and China to know more about the world. This way, there will be deeper mutual appreciation between China and the world and the world we live in will enjoy more understanding and harmony and fewer disputes and misunderstandings. |
祝各位贵宾和朋友在中国愉快!谢谢大家! | I wish all the distinguished guests and friends a pleasant stay in China. Thank you. |
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