3月28日,中国国家主席习近平抵达柏林,开始对德国进行国事访问。图为习近平和夫人彭丽媛步出机舱。 Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) and his wife Peng Liyuan arrive in Berlin, March 28, 2014, kicking off his visit to Germany, the third leg of his ongoing Europe tour. |
3月28日,在对德国进行国事访问之际,国家主席习近平在德国《法兰克福汇报》发表题为《中德携手合作造福中欧和世界》的署名文章。文章如下: |
The German paper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on Friday published an article by Chinese President Xi Jinping ahead of his state visit to Germany. The article, titled "China-Germany Cooperation for the Benefit of China, Europe And the Whole World," is translated as follows: |
中德携手合作造福中欧和世界 |
China-Germany Cooperation for the Benefit of China, Europe And the Whole World |
我很高兴在万物复苏的早春时节再次来到德国。 | It is my great pleasure to visit Germany again in the early spring, a time of the revivification of nature. |
5年前,我曾经访问德国。那时,欧洲正处于国际金融危机阴霾之下,欧债问题初露端倪,唱衰欧洲之声甚嚣尘上。中国毫不迟疑选择同德国和欧洲加强合作,共克时艰,始终对欧元保持信心,一如既往坚定支持欧洲一体化。 | I visited Germany five years ago. Back then, Europe was under the shadow of the international financial crisis. There were initial indicators of the emerging European debt issue, amid widespread predictions of doom and gloom about Europe. Despite all this, China decided without any hesitation to enhance its cooperation with Germany and Europe in general in an effort to overcome difficulties together with them. China has never lost confidence in the euro and has always firmly supported the European integration. |
5年后的今天,欧债问题趋于缓解,欧元依然坚挺,欧洲一体化进程取得了新进展。德国作为欧洲经济的“发动机”和“稳定锚”,正在引领欧洲加快复苏步伐。这些不仅证明了我们当初判断的正确性,更印证了两国互信之深和合作基础之牢。 | Five years later today, the European debt issue has eased off, the euro has remained strong and the European integration has made progress. Germany, the engine and anchor of the European economy, is leading Europe to an accelerated recovery. All these have not only shown we made the right decision back then, but have also attested to the depth of our mutual trust and the solid foundation of our cooperation. |
中德合作有着深厚而坚实的基础,这是因为: | The China-Germany cooperation has been founded on a profound and solid ground for the following reasons: |
——中德合作是两大文明的交流对话。中国和德国分处亚欧大陆两端,是东西方两大文明杰出代表。两国数不尽的先贤哲人、深邃的思想哲理、丰富的文学艺术,是双方互学互鉴、交流合作取之不尽、用之不竭的智慧源泉。 | ―The China-Germany cooperation represents exchanges and dialogue between two great civilizations. Located at the two ends of the Eurasian continent, China and Germany have each prominently embodied the Eastern or Western civilizations. The numerous ancient scholars and philosophers, profound philosophical thinking, rich and colorful literature and art that our two countries have been proud to have are an inexhaustible source of wisdom for our two countries to learn from, draw upon and share in our exchanges and cooperation. |
——中德合作是两个伟大民族的相互学习。尽管中德历史传统和发展轨迹不尽相同,但两个民族拥有很多共同的优良品质,比如勤恳耐劳、谦虚认真、踏实苦干、勇于创新。这为两国人民相互理解、相亲相敬、取长补短提供了得天独厚的条件。 | ―The China-Germany cooperation is a learning process for our two great nations. Our two nations have many fine qualities in common, such as diligence, modesty, earnestness and creativity, though we may not have the same history, traditions and development paths. All these have made it possible for our two peoples to better understand, live in amity with, respect and learn from each other. |
——中德合作是两个经济奇迹创造者的携手并进。作为全球两大贸易国和两大经济体,中德两国发展早已你中有我、我中有你,谁也离不开谁。无论从产业发展水平、市场规模,还是从需求格局看,中德经济互补性十分突出,合作空间极其广阔。 | ―The China-Germany cooperation is also a process in which our two economic miracle creators work hand in hand and make progress together. Both being major trading nations and significant economies, China and Germany have long been economically interdependent and neither is dispensable to the other. Given the industrial development level, the size of the market and the pattern of demands, our two economies are highly complementary and promise a vast space for cooperation. |
近年来,中德合作一直领跑中欧合作。每天往返于中国和欧盟之间的15亿美元商品中,近三分之一属于中德。每周,70多个航班连接着两国10多个城市。中欧之间已经开通的3条联运班列中,有2条通往德国的杜伊斯堡和汉堡。每年有超过100万游客来往于中德之间。两国不仅已经成为对方国家在各自地区的最大贸易伙伴,更成为企业投资兴业的最重要目的地。迄今有8200多家德国企业在华安家落户,超过2000家中国企业在德国站稳脚跟。政府磋商、战略对话、法治国家对话等两国政府的60多个对话、合作机制运行顺畅,为中德关系不断取得新进展提供了有力保障。在维护世界和平、地区安全,应对气候变化、粮食安全,推动可持续发展等重大国际问题上,两国也日益紧密地开展沟通和合作。 | In recent years, the China-Germany cooperation has led the China-EU cooperation. Each day, the trade in goods between China and Germany accounts for about 1/3 of that between China and the EU which totals US$1.5 billion. Every week, there are over 70 flights connecting more than 10 cities of our two countries. Among the three rail links that have been built between China and Europe, two stretch to Duisburg and Hamburg of Germany respectively. Every year, there are one million tourists traveling between China and Germany. China and Germany have become each other's largest trading partner in Asia and Europe respectively. Furthermore, enterprises of our two countries have made the other country their most important investment destination. Up till now, more than 8,200 German companies and over 2,000 Chinese enterprises have established themselves in each other's country. Our two countries have over 60 dialogue and cooperation mechanisms, including the governmental consultations, strategic dialogue and rule of law dialogue, which have been operating smoothly and have provided a forceful guarantee for continuous progress in China-Germany relations. Our two countries have also increasingly closely coordinated and cooperated with each other in major international issues, such as world peace, regional security, climate change, food security and sustainable development. |
当前,全球新一轮科技和产业革命呼之欲出,世界各国争相调整、适应,抓紧实施必要改革。中国决心顺应时代潮流,全面深化改革,抓住实现国家现代化、实现民族复兴的历史机遇。 | A new round of scientific and industrial revolution is just around the corner and countries around the world are trying to adjust or adapt themselves to the development and lose no time in introducing necessary reform measures. Against this backdrop, China has decided to follow the trend of the times, deepen reform comprehensively, and seize the historical opportunity to realize the modernization of the country and the renewal of the nation. |
去年11月,中共十八届三中全会就全面深化改革作出总体部署,提出了改革路线图和时间表,涉及15个领域、330多项较大的改革举措。其中,重点是深化经济体制改革,建设统一开放、竞争有序的市场体系,让市场在资源配置中起决定性作用,更好发挥政府作用。我们将深化各方面体制改革,全面推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。 | Last November, the Third Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted a comprehensive plan on deepening reform in all areas and a roadmap and timetable for the reform, which entails over 330 major reform measures in 15 fields. The comprehensive in-depth reform is designed to focus on the economic structure and put in place a single open market system featuring orderly competition, in which the market will play a decisive role in the allocation of resources and the government its due role properly. We will deepen institutional reform in all fields and go all out for upgrading the country's governance systems and capabilities. |
德国推出了“工业4.0”战略,积极推行能源转型,并引领欧洲整固财政,实施结构改革,大力落实“欧洲2020”战略提出的举措,推进欧洲一体化。中德合作将会有更多契合点,获得新动力。中德关系也将在现有高水平基础上,进入一个精确磨合和深度对接的新阶段。 | Germany has introduced the strategy of Industry 4.0 and vigorously optimized its energy mix. It has led Europe in consolidating its public finances. It has conducted structural reform, earnestly implemented measures of the Europe 2020 strategy and promoted the European integration. There will be more areas and new impetus for the China-Germany cooperation. Hence, China-Germany relations will be able to move from the current high level to a new stage of "precision running-in" and "seamless docking". |
中德合作的根本在于服务各自国内发展和改善民生。中德合作的未来仍然在于能否为两国人民带来实实在在好处。中国市场和德国技术的结合,无疑将极大促进中欧经济社会发展,给普通百姓生活带来诸多实惠。中国速度和德国质量的联手,将为中欧乃至世界经济创造巨大增长空间。 | Fundamentally, China-Germany cooperation is to serve the domestic development and improve the people's lives of the two countries. Its future lies with the tangible benefits that the cooperation will bring to their peoples. There is no doubt that China's market and Germany's technologies, when working together, will greatly facilitate the economic growth and social development in China and Europe and bring many benefits to ordinary people. In the same vein, China's speed and Germany's quality, when working together, will create a huge space for the economic growth of China, Europe and the world. |
作为亚洲和欧洲最主要的经济实体,中德经济加强融合,将意味着亚欧两大增长极的强强联手。这将极大促进亚欧大市场的形成,带动整个亚欧大陆的增长,并对世界经济和贸易格局产生深远影响。 | China and Germany are the most important economies in Asia and Europe respectively. Greater integration of our two economies, or cooperation between strong growth poles in Asia and Europe, will greatly promote the formation of a big Asia-Europe market and the growth of the entire Eurasian continent, and will have a far-reaching impact on the world economy and the world trade structure. |
坚持走和平发展道路的中国同德国加强合作,将有利于世界多极化发展,维护和促进世界和平、稳定、繁荣。 | Closer cooperation between China, a country that is committed to the path of peaceful development, and Germany will be in the interest of the formation of a multi-polar world and of world peace, stability and prosperity. |
友谊建立在尊重、信任、包容基础上,国家交往亦是如此。当前,全面深化中德关系,缺的不是利益契合和共同目标,而是勇气、胸襟、视野。 | Friendship is based on mutual respect, trust and accommodation, so are state-to-state relations. What is lacking in deepening China-Germany relations in all areas is not converging interests or common goals, but courage, broad-mindedness and vision. |
让我们理解和尊重对方人民选择的基本制度和发展道路,照顾彼此核心利益和重大关切。让我们超越简单的买卖关系,以更加创新和开放的思维,赋予中德合作更多战略内涵。让我们通过平等对话和友好协商妥善处理分歧,以更加宏观和长远的眼光为两国关系发展谋划蓝图。让我们共同致力于国际机制和规则的改进和完善,使其更加公正合理、更好适应时代发展和国际社会共同需求。 | Let us understand and respect the basic system and development path chosen by each other's people and accommodate each other's core interests and major concerns. Let us go beyond simple business relations and add strategic dimensions to China-Germany cooperation with a more innovative and open mind. Let us properly handle our differences, if any, through friendly consultations and dialogue on an equal footing, and draw a blueprint for the future development of our bilateral relations with a broader mind and long-term vision. And let us work together to improve the international mechanisms and rules so that they will be fairer and more reasonable and in a better position to meet the needs of the times and the common aspirations of the international community. |
只有这样,中德合作的车轮才会越转越快、越转越好。 | This is the only way to enable the China-Germany cooperation vehicle to move faster and smoother. |
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