四、西沙群岛是中国领土 |
IV. Xisha Islands are part of the Chinese territory |
(一)西沙群岛是中国固有领土,不存在任何争议。 |
1. Xisha Islands are an inherent part of China's territory, over which there is no dispute. |
中国最早发现、最早开发经营、最早管辖西沙群岛。中国北宋(公元960-1126年)政府已把西沙群岛置于自己的管辖范围内,并派水师赴该海域巡逻。1909年,中国清政府广东水师提督李准率军视察西沙群岛,并在永兴岛上升旗鸣炮,宣示主权。1911年,中华民国政府宣布将西沙群岛及其附近水域划归海南岛崖县管辖。 |
China was the first to discover, develop, exploit and exercise jurisdiction over the Xisha Islands. During the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1126 AD), the Chinese government already established jurisdiction over the Xisha Islands and sent naval forces to patrol the waters there. In 1909, Commander Li Zhun of the Guangdong naval force of the Qing Dynasty led a military inspection mission to the Xisha Islands and reasserted China's sovereignty by hoisting the flag and firing a salvo on the Yongxing Island. In 1911, the government of the Republic of China announced its decision to put the Xisha Islands and their adjacent waters under the jurisdiction of Ya County of Hainan Island. |
日本在第二次世界大战期间侵占了西沙群岛。1945年日本投降后,根据一系列国际文件,中国政府于1946年11月指派高级官员,乘军舰赴西沙群岛举行接收仪式,并立碑纪念,派兵驻守,一度被外国非法侵占的西沙群岛重新置于中国政府的管辖之下。 |
Japan invaded and occupied the Xisha Islands during the Second World War. After Japan's surrender in 1945, in accordance with a series of international documents, the Chinese government sent senior officials boarding military vessels to the Xisha Islands in November 1946 to hold the ceremony for receiving the islands, and a stone tablet was erected to commemorate the handover and troops were stationed there afterwards. The Xisha Islands, which had once been illegally occupied by a foreign country, were thus returned to the jurisdiction of the Chinese government. |
1959年,中国政府设立“西沙群岛、中沙群岛、南沙群岛办事处”。1974年1月,中国军民驱走了入侵西沙群岛珊瑚岛和甘泉岛的南越西贡当局军队,捍卫了中国的领土主权。1992年颁布的《中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法》和1996年中国政府公布的西沙群岛领海基点基线都相继确认了中国对西沙群岛的主权及领海范围。2012年,中国政府在西沙群岛永兴岛设立了三沙市的各类权力机关。 |
In 1959, the Chinese government established the Administration Office for the Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha Islands. In January 1974, the Chinese military and people drove the invading army of the Saigon authority of South Vietnam from the Shanhu Island and Ganquan Island of the Xisha Islands and defended China's territory and sovereignty. The Chinese government enacted the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone in 1992 and published the base points and baselines of the territorial waters of the Xisha Islands in 1996, both of which reaffirm China's sovereignty over the Xisha Islands and the extent of territorial waters of the islands. In 2012, the Chinese government established the various departments of Sansha city on the Yongxing Island of Xisha Islands. |
(二)1974年以前,越南历届政府从未对中国西沙群岛的主权提出过任何异议,无论在其政府的声明、照会里,还是在报刊、地图和教科书中,都正式承认西沙群岛自古以来就是中国的领土。 |
2. Prior to 1974, none of the successive Vietnamese governments had ever challenged China's sovereignty over the Xisha Islands. Vietnam had officially recognized the Xisha Islands as part of China's territory since ancient times. This position was reflected in its government statements and notes as well as its newspapers, maps and textbooks. |
1956年6月15日,越南民主共和国外交部副部长雍文谦接见中国驻越南大使馆临时代办李志民,郑重表示:“根据越南方面的资料,从历史上看,西沙群岛和南沙群岛应当属于中国领土。”越南外交部亚洲司代司长黎禄进一步具体介绍了越南方面的材料,指出:“从历史上看,西沙群岛和南沙群岛早在宋朝时就已经属于中国了。” |
During a meeting with chargé d'affaires ad interim Li Zhimin of the Chinese Embassy in Vietnam on 15 June 1956, Vice Foreign Minister of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam Ung Van Khiem solemnly stated that, "according to Vietnamese data, the Xisha Islands and Nansha Islands are historically part of Chinese territory." Le Loc, Acting Director of the Asian Department of the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry, who was present, specifically cited Vietnamese data and pointed out that, "judging from history, these islands were already part of China at the time of the Song Dynasty." |
1958年9月4日,中国政府发表声明(见附件2),宣布中国的领海宽度为12海里,明确指出:“这项规定适用于包括西沙群岛……在内的中华人民共和国的一切领土”。9月6日,越南劳动党中央机关报《人民报》在第一版全文刊登中国政府领海声明。9月14日,越南政府总理范文同照会(见附件3)中国国务院总理周恩来,郑重表示:“越南民主共和国政府承认和赞同中华人民共和国政府1958年9月4日关于领海决定的声明”,“越南民主共和国政府尊重这项决定”。 |
On 4 September 1958, the Chinese government issued a declaration (see Annex 2/5), stating that the breadth of the territorial waters of the People's Republic of China shall be 12 nautical miles and making it clear that "this provision applies to all the territories of the People's Republic of China, including ... the Xisha Islands". On 6 September, NHAN DAN, the official newspaper of the Central Committee of Vietnamese Workers' Party, published on its front page the full text of the Chinese government's declaration regarding China's territorial sea. On 14 September, Premier Pham Van Dong of the government of Vietnam sent a diplomatic note (see Annex 3/5) to Premier Zhou Enlai of the State Council of China, solemnly stating that "the government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam recognizes and supports the declaration of the government of the People's Republic of China on its decision concerning China's territorial sea made on September 4, 1958" and "the government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam respects this decision". |
1965年5月9日,越南民主共和国政府就美国政府确定美军在越南的“作战区域”问题发表声明,指出:“美国总统约翰逊把整个越南和越南海岸以外宽约100海里的附近海域,以及中华人民共和国西沙群岛的一部分领海规定为美国武装力量的作战区域”,这是“对越南民主共和国及其邻国安全的直接威胁”。 |
On 9 May 1965, the government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam issued a statement with reference to the designation by the US government of the "combat zone" of the US armed forces in Vietnam. It says, "US President Lyndon Johnson designated the whole of Vietnam, and the adjacent waters which extend roughly 100 miles from the coast of Vietnam and part of the territorial waters of the People's Republic of China in its Xisha Islands as 'combat zone' of the United States armed forces ... in direct threat to the security of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and its neighbors ..." |
1972年5月越南总理府测量和绘图局印制的《世界地图集》,用中国名称标注西沙群岛(见附件4)。1974年越南教育出版社出版的普通学校九年级《地理》教科书,在《中华人民共和国》一课(见附件5)中写道:“从南沙、西沙各岛到海南岛、台湾岛、澎湖列岛、舟山群岛,……这些岛呈弓形状,构成了保卫中国大陆的一座‘长城’。” |
The World Atlas printed in May 1972 by the Bureau of Survey and Cartography under the Office of the Premier of Vietnam designated the Xisha Islands by their Chinese names (see Annex 4/5). The geography textbook for ninth graders published by Vietnam's Educational Press in 1974 carried in it a lesson entitled "The People's Republic of China" (see Annex 5/5). It reads, "The chain of islands from the Nansha and Xisha Islands to Hainan Island, Taiwan Island, the Penghu Islands and the Zhoushan Islands ... are shaped like a bow and constitute a Great Wall defending the China mainland." |
越南政府现在违背自己所作的承诺,对中国西沙群岛提出领土要求,严重违背“禁止反言”等国际法原则和国际关系基本准则。 |
But now the Vietnamese government goes back on its word by making territorial claims over China's Xisha Islands. That is a gross violation of the principles of international law, including the principle of estoppel, and the basic norms governing international relations. |
五、妥善处理事态 |
V. Properly addressing the situation |
中国是维护南海和平稳定、推动地区国家合作与发展的坚定力量,也是维护《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则、国际关系基本准则和国际法基本原则的坚定力量。中国最不希望看到自己的周边出现任何动荡。 |
China is a staunch force for maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea and promoting cooperation between and development of countries in the region. China firmly upholds the purpose and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, the basic norms of international relations and fundamental principles of international law. The least China wants is any turbulence in its neighborhood. |
中国希望中越关系良好发展,但是不能放弃原则。中越之间的沟通渠道是通畅的。中方规劝越方从维护两国关系和南海和平稳定大局出发,尊重中方的主权、主权权利和管辖权,立即停止对中方作业任何形式的干扰,并撤走现场所有船只和人员,缓和紧张局势,使海上尽快恢复平静。中方将继续努力同越方沟通,争取妥善处理当前事态。 |
China wants good relations with Vietnam, but there are principles that China cannot abandon. The channel of communication between China and Vietnam is open. China urges Vietnam to bear in mind the overall interests of the bilateral relations and peace and stability in the South China Sea, respect China's sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction, immediately stop all forms of disruptions of the Chinese operation and withdraw all vessels and personnel from the site, so as to ease the tension and restore tranquility at sea as early as possible. China will continue its effort to communicate with Vietnam with a view to properly addressing the current situation. |
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