11月11日上午,亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议第一阶段会议结束后,中国国家主席习近平和其他亚太经合组织成员经济体领导人、代表合影。[新华社 姚大伟 摄] Chinese President Xi Jinping poses for a group photo with participants of the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 11, 2014. [Yao Dawei/Xinhua] |
共建面向未来的亚太伙伴关系 ——亚太经合组织成立25周年声明 中国 北京 2014年11月11日 |
Shaping the Future through Asia-Pacific Partnership |
1. 我们,亚太经合组织领导人聚首北京雁栖湖畔,举行亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议。我们今天共同发表声明,纪念亚太经合组织成立25周年。 | 1. We, the Leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), having met by Yanqi Lake, Beijing, China for the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting, jointly issue this statement today to commemorate the 25th anniversary of APEC. |
2. 我们忆及,亚太经合组织于1989年应运而生,掀开亚太区域经济合作的历史新篇章。25年来,亚太经合组织矢志不渝发展经济,改善民生,共促繁荣,推动贸易和投资自由化便利化、经济技术合作“两个轮子”一起转动。亚太经合组织全力帮助本地区经受亚洲金融危机、国际金融危机的严峻考验,成为全球经济增长重要引擎。 | 2. We recall the establishment of APEC in 1989, which opened up a new historic chapter for economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific. Over the course of the past 25 years, in pursuit of economic growth, better wellbeing of people, and common prosperity of the region, APEC has propelled progress through "two wheels" -- trade and investment liberalization and facilitation and economic and technical cooperation. Having contributed to global efforts in meeting the grave challenges of the Asian Financial Crisis and the International Financial Crisis, APEC member economies have been the main engine of global growth. |
3. 我们高兴看到,亚太经合组织已成为亚太地区层级高、领域最广、影响力最大的区域经济合作论坛,正协力共建充满活力、繁荣发展的亚太大家庭。 | 3. We are pleased to note that APEC has become the premier, and most extensive and influential regional economic cooperation forum in the Asia-Pacific, unified in a common drive to build a dynamic and prosperous Asia-Pacific community. |
进步和成就 | Progress and Achievements |
4. 我们赞赏亚太经合组织自1989年成立以来取得的辉煌历史成就。过去25年,亚太经合组织成员经济体平均实施关税降低超过10个百分点,推动区域内贸易额和区域总贸易额提升7倍,亚太经济增速高于世界其他地区。 | 4. We acknowledge the historical achievements and the remarkable results APEC has delivered since its establishment in 1989. In the course of the past 25 years, the average applied tariffs of APEC economies have fallen by more than 10 percentage points, contributing to a seven-fold increase in both intra-APEC merchandise trade and APEC's total trade, as well as higher economic growth compared to the rest of the world. |
5. 我们认可并赞赏25年来亚太经合组织积累的许多成功经验: | 5. We recognize with appreciation that many successful experiences can be drawn from the 25 years of APEC: |
·秉持平等互利、相互尊重、开放包容、灵活务实、合作共赢的亚太经合组织精神;遵循自主自愿、协商一致的合作原则。 | -- APEC has upheld the spirit of equality, mutual benefit, mutual respect, openness, inclusiveness, flexibility, pragmatism, and win-win cooperation; and followed the principles of cooperation, voluntarism, and consensus building. |
·确立茂物目标,提出发达成员于2010年前、发展中成员于2020年前实现自由开放贸易和投资的两个时间表。 | -- APEC has established the Bogor Goals, putting forward two timelines calling for the realization of free and open trade and investment by 2010 for industrialized economies and by 2020 for developing economies. |
·亚太经合组织认识到贸易在创造就业、经济增长和可持续发展方面的关键作用,同时重申世界贸易组织所代表的多边贸易体制价值及其中心和首要地位。历史上,亚太经合组织一贯支持以规则为基础的多边贸易体制并发挥引领作用,包括1994年推动完成乌拉圭回合,2001年启动多哈发展议程,1996年成功达成《信息技术协定》,2012年启动《信息技术协定》扩围谈判,2014年启动《环境产品协定》谈判以及2013年达成“巴厘一揽子”协议。为支持“自由和开放的贸易和投资”,亚太经合组织经济体承诺不采取新的贸易和投资壁垒,反对各种形式的保护主义。 | -- APEC recognizes the importance of trade as a key to job creation, economic growth and sustainable development, and reiterates the value, centrality and primacy of the multilateral trading system as embodied in the WTO. Historically, APEC has been consistently supporting the rules-based multilateral trading system, and played a leading role in facilitating the conclusion of the Uruguay Round in 1994, launching the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) in 2001, and achieving a successful conclusion of the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) in 1996, launching the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) Expansion negotiations in 2012 and Environmental Goods Agreement (EGA) negotiations in 2014, as well as achieving Bali Package in 2013. In support of "free and open trade and investment", APEC economies committed to refraining from raising new trade and investment barriers and combating protectionism in all its forms. |
·作为亚太和全球经济合作的先行者、引领者和开拓者,亚太经合组织推进最终实现亚太自贸区建设的进程,推动贸易便利化,颁发亚太经合组织商务旅行卡,支持全球价值链发展,制定增长战略,推动环境产品和服务贸易,提高供应链绩效,推进互联互通,加强实施良好规制实践,解决下一代贸易投资议题。 | -- APEC has been a pioneer, pacesetter and pathfinder in regional and global economic cooperation, advancing the process towards the eventual realization of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP), promoting trade facilitation, including expedited business travel through the APEC Business Travel Card, supporting the development of Global Value Chains (GVCs), launching the APEC Growth Strategy, promoting trade in environmental goods and services, improving supply chain performance, promoting connectivity, strengthening the implementation of good regulatory practices, and addressing the next generation trade and investment issues. |
·在经济结构改革、标准和规制、妇女参与经济、卫生、教育和劳工、气候变化、粮食和食品安全、能源安全和可持续能源发展、绿色经济、蓝色经济、中小企业、信息通信技术、交通、基础设施建设发展和投资、林业、矿业、反恐、防灾减灾和反腐败等广泛领域开展务实合作。 | -- APEC has carried out practical cooperation in a wide range of areas, including structural reform; standards and conformance; women and the economy; health, education and labor; climate change; food security and food safety; energy security and sustainable energy development; green economy; blue economy; small and medium enterprises; information and communications technology; transport; infrastructure development and investment; forestry; mining; counter-terrorism; emergency preparedness; and, anti-corruption. |
6. 亚太经合组织建立工商咨询理事会,成为工商界提供政策建议、推进亚太经合组织议程的重要机制。产业对话和伙伴关系在加强成员经济合作和一体化方面发挥独特作用。我们重申公私合作对亚太经合组织工作的重要贡献。 | 6. APEC has established a mechanism through the APEC Business Advisory Council to receive valuable inputs from the business sector in its policy deliberations. APEC fully appreciates the active role played by business communities in advancing the APEC agenda. APEC industry dialogues and partnerships in a range of business sectors play a unique role in enhancing the economic cooperation and integration among the member economies. We reaffirm the significant value that public-private activities have contributed to APEC work. |
新机遇、新挑战 | New Opportunities and Challenges |
7. 我们深知,25年后的今天,亚太经合组织和亚太经济体正站在新的历史起点上,面临前所未有的机遇和挑战。 | 7. We recognize that today, 25 years on, APEC and the Asia-Pacific economies are at a new historical starting point, and are facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. |
8. 我们高兴地看到,亚太地区发展势头健康平稳,围绕改革和创新发展的努力竞相展开,亚太作为全球经济增长引擎的地位进一步巩固。我们对亚太地区的光明前景充满信心。 | 8. We are pleased to note that the overall development of the Asia-Pacific region has been sound and steady. With multiple efforts to reform and promote innovative development, the Asia-Pacific region is consolidating its leading role as an engine of global economic growth. We are full of confidence in the bright future of the Asia-Pacific region. |
9. 与此同时,我们仍面临各种重大挑战。我们认识到,全球和区域经济合作机制蓬勃发展,亚太经合组织必须不断探寻创新合作路径,实现本组织宗旨,继续紧跟世界经济潮流,发挥引领和协调作用。亚太经合组织亟需巩固和推进区域经济一体化进程,支持多边贸易体制,反对任何形式的贸易保护主义,防范碎片化风险。 | 9. At the same time, we are facing grave challenges in various aspects. We also realize that in a world of burgeoning global and regional economic cooperation institutions, APEC must constantly pursue new and innovative ways to achieve its objectives and continue to keep up with the global economic trends to play its leading and coordinating role. APEC is expected to consolidate and advance regional economic integration, support the multilateral trading system, resist protectionism in all its forms, and guard against the risks of fragmentation. |
10. 成员经济体亟需在后危机时期寻求新的增长点和增长动力。为此,各经济体将加倍努力,致力于破解瓶颈,加强互联互通与基础设施建设,以满足增长需要。 | 10. It is therefore imperative for member economies to find new areas and driving forces for growth in the post-crisis era. To this end, APEC economies are committed to redoubling efforts to achieve breakthroughs on bottlenecks and work to ensure that enhanced connectivity and infrastructure development will meet the growing needs of the member economies. |
共建面向未来的亚太伙伴关系 | Shaping the Future through Asia-Pacific Partnership |
11. 今天,我们在此欢庆成就,展望亚太愿景和长远发展方向。我们致力于巩固亚太经合组织作为本地区首要经济合作论坛的地位,推进可持续经济增长和繁荣,促进亚太地区贸易投资的自由和开放。 | 11. Today, we gather to celebrate our successes and also look ahead, envisioning the future prospect and direction of the long-term development of the Asia-Pacific. We are fully committed to maintaining APEC's profile as the premier forum for supporting sustainable economic growth and prosperity and advancing free and open trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific. |
12. 我们承诺在亚太经合组织历史成就的基础上,本着互尊、互信、包容、合作、共赢的精神,共建面向未来的亚太伙伴关系。 | 12. We commit ourselves to building upon APEC's historical achievements, carrying forward the spirit of cooperation, and shaping the future through an Asia-Pacific partnership that is built on mutual respect and trust, inclusiveness, and win-win cooperation. |
13. 我们致力于共同打造发展创新、增长联动、利益融合的开放型亚太经济格局。 | 13. We are committed to jointly building an open economy in the Asia-Pacific that is based on innovative development, interconnected growth, and shared interests. |
14. 我们将继续发扬引领世界贸易组织发展进程这一骄傲传统,协同工作,维护和加强有力和富有生机的多边贸易体制,增强世界贸易组织在全球经济治理方面的引领作用。 | 14. Building on its proud tradition of leadership in advancing WTO process, we shall continue to work together to safeguard and strengthen the strong and vibrant multilateral trading system, so as to enhance the leading role of WTO in the global economic governance. |
15. 我们决心推动宏观经济政策协调,加强信息交流和政策对话,实现政策合力,为地区经济增长创造良好政策环境。 | 15. We are determined to promote macroeconomic policy coordination, and enhance information sharing and policy dialogues, with a view to forging policy synergy, and creating a sound policy environment for the economic growth of the region. |
16. 我们重申2020年前实现茂物目标的承诺,将在既有进展的基础上,进一步加大努力。发达成员愿为发展中成员提供支持和协助,帮助其实现茂物目标。 | 16. We reaffirm our commitment to realizing the Bogor Goals by 2020, and will reinforce our efforts based on the progress already achieved. Developed APEC members are willing to provide support and assistance to developing members to help them realize the Bogor Goals. |
17. 我们坚信本次经济领导人会议的决定将为建设充满活力、发展繁荣的亚太夯实基础。鉴此,我们重申以下决定: | 17. We strongly believe that the decisions we take at this Economic Leaders' Meeting will lay the foundation for a dynamic and prosperous Asia-Pacific in the years to come. To this end, we reaffirm the decisions taken: |
·实施《亚太经合组织推动实现亚太自贸区北京路线图》,开展实现亚太自贸区有关问题的联合战略研究,在现有区域自贸安排基础上,尽早建成亚太自贸区。 | -- To implement the Beijing Roadmap for APEC's Contribution to the Realization of the FTAAP, and launch a collective strategic study on issues related to the realization of the FTAAP, with the goal of establishing the FTAAP as early as possible by building on ongoing regional undertakings; |
·实施《亚太经合组织推动全球价值链发展合作战略蓝图》,共建有利于全球价值链发展合作的良好环境。 | -- To jointly create an enabling environment for GVC development and cooperation through the implementation of the APEC Strategic Blueprint for Promoting GVC Development and Cooperation. |
·实施《亚太经合组织经济创新发展、改革与增长共识》。 | -- To implement the APEC Accord on Promoting Innovative Development, Economic Reform and Growth; and |
·实施《亚太经合组织互联互通蓝图(2015-2025)》,决心在2025年前完成各方共同确立的倡议和指标,加强硬件、软件和人员交往互联互通,实现无缝、全面联接和融合亚太的远景目标。 | -- To implement the APEC Connectivity Blueprint for 2015-2025 and achieve the overarching goal of strengthening physical, institutional and people-to-people connectivity by taking agreed actions and meeting agreed targets by 2025, with the objective of achieving a seamless and comprehensively connected and integrated Asia-Pacific. |
18. 我们决心共同探索适合自身实际情况的发展道路和发展模式,加强政策协调和经验交流互鉴,为所有成员多元和共同发展培育良好环境。 | 18. We are determined to jointly explore the development path and model suitable for each member's specific circumstances. We will enhance policy coordination, experience exchange and mutual learning, and foster an enabling environment for diverse and common development of all member economies. |
19. 我们承诺绿色和可持续增长,通过更紧密的务实合作应对环境挑战。 | 19. We are committed to green and sustainable growth, and addressing environmental challenges through closer practical cooperation. |
20. 我们承诺缩小发展差距,通过务实合作和相互帮助,实现共同发展。 | 20. We are committed to narrowing the development gaps and achieving common development through practical cooperation and mutual assistance. |
21. 我们重申支持亚太经合组织自身改革,促进机制自我完善。我们将从机制、议题和贸易投资三个层面,加强亚太经合组织与其他国际和区域合作组织的协调与互补,更好抓住机遇,应对复杂的跨境挑战,为区域经济合作和全球经济治理做出更大贡献。 | 21. We reaffirm our support for the reform of APEC in an effort to achieve organizational and institutional improvement. We will strengthen APEC's synergy and complementarity with other regional and international fora and processes to enable a more effective approach in seizing opportunities and solving complex cross-border challenges, through three work streams, namely institutional, thematic and, trade and investment. Such efforts will make way for a greater contribution to regional economic cooperation and global economic governance. |
22. 我们支持利益相关方参与亚太经合组织合作,使合作成就惠及亚太区域更多民众。我们欢迎工商咨询理事会和其他私营部门代表积极参与,承诺与工商界建立联系更紧密,合作更广阔的互动关系。 | 22. We support the participation of relevant stakeholders in APEC cooperation so that cooperation achievements can benefit a larger population across the Asia-Pacific. We welcome the active participation of ABAC and other private sector representatives in the process, and are committed to building a closer and broader interactive relationship with the business community. |
23. 我们相信,通过上述努力,亚太地区必将迎来地区经济更加融合,政策协调更加高效,经济和技术纽带更加牢固,区域联通更加顺畅,与世界其他地区联系更加紧密的光明未来。我们的持久承诺将确保亚太地区的和平、稳定和繁荣。我们承诺为亚太经合组织下一个25年的合作不懈努力,实现共同发展、繁荣和进步的亚太梦想。 | 23. We believe that through these efforts, the Asia-Pacific will embrace a brighter future. The region will enjoy a higher level of economic integration, more effective policy coordination, stronger ties in economic and technical cooperation, enhanced regional connectivity, and closer links with the rest of the world. Our enduring commitment will underwrite the peace, stability and prosperity of Asia Pacific. We are committed to making relentless efforts for the next 25 years of APEC cooperation, with the goal of fulfilling the Asia-Pacific dream of common development, prosperity, and progress. |
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