Magician Li Ning [Global Times] |
Young magician Li Ning will start a new journey of magic across China starting this July.
"The Legend of Magic" was recreated on Li Ning's 2004 production and was the country's first magic gala. This time, the magician has promised more adventure, excitement, and flights of fancy in the two-hour journey each night from July 22 to 26 at Beijing's Chang'an Grand Theater. After Beijing, "The legend of Magic" will tour around the country.
Li Ning is the first Asian to win the International Golden Magic Wand award. In 2001, he won the award because of his creative performance "Three Transformations."Inspired by the facial mask changes in the traditional Sichuan Opera, "Three Transformations" can change the face, costumes and the umbrella at the same time instantly. In "The Legend of Magic", Li Ning will start the show with his established "Three Transformations" which will open a night with even more magical transformations.
(Global Times June 24, 2009)