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June 6, 2003 - June 13, 2003
FDI in China Soars in First 5 Months
Foreign direct investment (FDI) in China soared by 48.15 percent year-on-year to US$23.271 billion in the first five months this year, according to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Commerce (MOC).
China Faces Flood and Drought This Summer
China faces a severe situation in flood control and drought relief this summer, warned Zhang Zhitong, deputy chief of the Office of the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, at a press conference Friday morning.
Park Bids for UNESCO Listing
The Three Parallel Rivers National Park in southwest China's Yunnan Province has applied to join the United Nations World Heritage list. If the honor is bestowed, it will become the 29th Chinese property to join the list.
UN Chief Condemns Suicide Attack in Jerusalem
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan strongly condemned Wednesday's suicide bombing in Jerusalem and called on Israeli and Palestinian leaders not to be deterred from the path to peace by the attack.
US Launches First of Twin Mars Rovers
The first of a pair of US robot Mars rovers blast off Tuesday afternoon, embarking on a mission to search for proof of water and life on the red planet. Its identical twin is scheduled to be launched on June 25.
China's Largest JV Auto Manufacturer Established
A new giant auto manufacturer, Dong Feng Motor Co., Ltd., was established Monday in Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province, with the largest capital investment in Chinese auto history.
Returned Migrant Workers Seek New Jobs at Home
Statistics show that one tenth of China’s 80 million migrant workers returned home in the past several months due to the outbreak of SARS or seasonal harvests. Now they are seeking new jobs with the help of local governments.
China's SARS Patient Zero?
On December 15, last year, 36-year-old Heyuan native Huang Xingchu who works in a restaurant in Shenzhen got a fever and was sent to Heyuan Hospital. Two days later he was transmitted to Guangzhou Military General Hospital owing to deteriorating condition. He was to be China’s first reported SARS patient. Here he tells his story.
Work Starts on World's Longest Trans-oceanic Bridge
Construction of what will be the world's longest trans-oceanic bridge began Sunday afternoon in Cixi in east China's Zhejiang Province as the first stone of its foundation was laid. The bridge will create a short cut from Ningbo to Shanghai.
Water Storage Going Well in Three Gorges Reservoir
By 20:45 Saturday, the water level of the Three Gorges Reservoir had reached 125.40 meters, less than 10 meters from its target of 135 meters. Navigation on the Yangtze River is expected to resume on June 16 after a lapse of 67 days.
Beijing Sports Centers Open Again As SARS on Wane
Beijingers can return to indoor sports venues from Saturday now that SARS is on the wane. And library, theatres and cinemas in the capital city are set to follow suit within days.
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