![Each Gold To Go machine carries about 320 pieces of different-sized bars and coins. [Photo: Getty Images] Each Gold To Go machine carries about 320 pieces of different-sized bars and coins. [Photo: Getty Images]](http://images.china.cn/attachement/jpg/site1007/20101221/00114320def10e7a8c0513.jpg) |
Each Gold To Go machine carries about 320 pieces of different-sized bars and coins. [Photo: Getty Images] |
The US has unveiled its first ATM that dispenses 24-carat gold bars and coins instead of cash in Boca Raton, Fla., the Daily Telegraph reports. Shoppers insert cash or credit cards and use a computer touchscreen to choose the weight and style of gold they want. The machine spits out the precious metal in a black box with a tamperproof seal. Each machine carries about 320 pieces of different-sized bars and coins, and prices are updated automatically every 10 minutes to reflect market fluctuations.
最新自动售货机 购黄金如汽水
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,美国佛罗里达州的度假胜地博卡拉顿最新推出可以购买24k金条和金币的自动售货机。消费者可以使用纸币或信用卡,通过售货机上的电脑触摸屏,选购不同重量和款式的的金品。在完成购买后,售货机会“吐”出一个带封条的黑色盒子,里面装着选好的金品。每台黄金售货机内装320块大小不一的金条和金币,金价每10分钟根据市场行情更新一次。 |
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