5 most expensive cities for marriage

The cost of marrying an ordinary woman in Shenzhen is 2.08 million yuan, making the metropolis the most expensive city in China for marriage. |
The cost of marrying an ordinary woman in Shenzhen is 2.08 million yuan, making the metropolis the most expensive city in China for marriage, the Hubei Daily reports. |
据《湖北日报》报道,深圳是中国结婚成本最高的大城市,在那里娶一名普通女子都要花掉208万元。 |
The cost includes house, car, decor and all the other accoutrements of domestic bliss. |
具体花费包括购房、汽车、装修以及其它家用支出。 |
It would take a man with 300,000 yuan in property assets and earning 60,000 yuan per year 29.5 years without eating and drinking to be able to afford to marry an ordinary woman in Shenzhen. |
以男方家庭30万资产、年薪6万计算,男方需倾家荡产并且不吃不喝工作29.5年,才能在深圳讨一个中等条件的女子为妻。 |
The costs of marriage in the other four most expensive cities are: 2.02 million yuan in Beijing, 2 million yuan in Shanghai, 1.78 million yuan in Hangzhou, and 1.28 million yuan in Guangzhou.
(China.org.cn August 16, 2011) |
其它四座结婚成本高昂的城市是北京、上海、杭州、广州,花费分别是202万元、200万元、178万元、128万元。 | |
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