China Adheres to the Position of Settling Through Negotiation the Relevant Disputes Between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea


The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China on Wednesday published a white paper titled "China Adheres to the Position of Settling Through Negotiation the Relevant Disputes Between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea". July 13, 2016

一、南海诸岛是中国固有领土 I. Nanhai Zhudao are China's Inherent Territory
(一)中国对南海诸岛的主权是历史上确立的 i. China's sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao is established in the course of history
8. 中国人民自古以来在南海诸岛和相关海域生活和从事生产活动。中国最早发现、命名和开发利用南海诸岛及相关海域,最早并持续、和平、有效地对南海诸岛及相关海域行使主权和管辖,确立了对南海诸岛的主权和在南海的相关权益。 8. The Chinese people have since ancient times lived and engaged in production activities on Nanhai Zhudao and in relevant waters. China is the first to have discovered, named, and explored and exploited Nanhai Zhudao and relevant waters, and the first to have continuously, peacefully and effectively exercised sovereignty and jurisdiction over them, thus establishing sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao and the relevant rights and interests in the South China Sea.
9. 早在公元前2世纪的西汉时期,中国人民就在南海航行,并在长期实践中发现了南海诸岛。 9. As early as the 2nd century BCE in the Western Han Dynasty, the Chinese people sailed in the South China Sea and discovered Nanhai Zhudao in the long course of activities.
10. 中国历史古籍,例如东汉的《异物志》、三国时期的《扶南传》、宋代的《梦粱录》和《岭外代答》、元代的《岛夷志略》、明代的《东西洋考》和《顺风相送》、清代的《指南正法》和《海国闻见录》等,不仅记载了中国人民在南海的活动情况,而且记录了南海诸岛的地理位置和地貌特征、南海的水文和气象特点,以很多生动形象的名称为南海诸岛命名,如“涨海崎头”、“珊瑚洲”、“九乳螺洲”、“石塘”、“千里石塘”、“万里石塘”、“长沙”、“千里长沙”、“万里长沙”等。 10. A lot of Chinese historical literatures chronicle the activities of the Chinese people in the South China Sea. These books include, among others, Yi Wu Zhi (An Account of Strange Things) published in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), Fu Nan Zhuan (An Account of Fu Nan) during the period of the Three Kingdoms (220-280), Meng Liang Lu (Record of a Daydreamer) and Ling Wai Dai Da (Notes for the Land beyond the Passes) in the Song Dynasty (960-1279), Dao Yi Zhi Lüe (A Brief Account of the Islands) in the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), Dong Xi Yang Kao (Studies on the Oceans East and West) and Shun Feng Xiang Song (Fair Winds for Escort) in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and Zhi Nan Zheng Fa (Compass Directions) and Hai Guo Wen Jian Lu (Records of Things Seen and Heard about the Coastal Regions) in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). These books also record the geographical locations and geomorphologic characteristics of Nanhai Zhudao as well as hydrographical and meteorological conditions of the South China Sea. These books record vividly descriptive names the Chinese people gave to Nanhai Zhudao, such as "Zhanghaiqitou" (twisted atolls on the rising sea), "Shanhuzhou" (coral cays), "Jiuruluozhou" (nine isles of cowry), "Shitang" (rocky reefs), "Qianlishitang" (thousand-li rocky reefs), "Wanlishitang" (ten thousand-li rocky reefs), "Changsha" (long sand cays), "Qianlichangsha" (thousand-li sand cays), and "Wanlichangsha" (ten thousand-li sand cays).
11. 中国渔民在开发利用南海的历史过程中还形成一套相对固定的南海诸岛命名体系:如将岛和沙洲称为“峙”,将礁称为“铲”、“线”、“沙”,将环礁称为“匡”、“圈”、“塘”,将暗沙称为“沙排”等。明清时期形成的《更路簿》是中国渔民往来于中国大陆沿海地区和南海诸岛之间的航海指南,以多种版本的手抄本流传并沿用至今;记录了中国人民在南海诸岛的生活和生产开发活动,记载了中国渔民对南海诸岛的命名。其中对南沙群岛岛、礁、滩、沙的命名至少有70余处,有的用罗盘方位命名,如丑未(渚碧礁)、东头乙辛(蓬勃暗沙);有的用特产命名,如赤瓜线(赤瓜礁)、墨瓜线(南屏礁);有的用岛礁形状命名,如鸟串(仙娥礁)、双担(信义礁);有的用某种实物命名,如锅盖峙(安波沙洲)、秤钩峙(景宏岛);有的以水道命名,如六门沙(六门礁)。 11. The Chinese fishermen have developed a relatively fixed naming system for the various components of Nanhai Zhudao in the long process of exploration and exploitation of the South China Sea. Under this system, islands and shoals have become known as "Zhi"; reefs "Chan", "Xian", or "Sha"; atolls "Kuang", "Quan" or "Tang"; and banks "Shapai". Geng Lu Bu (Manual of Sea Routes), a kind of navigation guidebook for Chinese fishermen's journeys between the coastal regions of China's mainland and Nanhai Zhudao, came into being and circulation in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and has been handed down in various editions and versions of handwritten copies and is still in use even today. It shows that the Chinese people lived and carried out production activities on, and how they named Nanhai Zhudao. Geng Lu Bu records names for at least 70 islands, reefs, shoals and cays of Nansha Qundao. Some were named after compass directions in Chinese renditions, such as Chouwei (Zhubi Jiao) and Dongtou Yixin (Pengbo Ansha); some were named after local aquatic products in the surrounding waters such as Chigua Xian (Chigua Jiao, "chigua" means "red sea cucumber") and Mogua Xian (Nanping Jiao, "mogua" means "black sea cucumber"); some were named after their shapes, such as Niaochuan (Xian'e Jiao, "niaochuan" means "bird string") and Shuangdan (Xinyi Jiao, "shuangdan" means "shoulder poles"); some were named after physical objects, such as Guogai Zhi (Anbo Shazhou, "guogai" means "pot cover") and Chenggou Zhi (Jinghong Dao, "chenggou" means "steelyard hook"); still some were named after waterways such as Liumen Sha (Liumen Jiao, "liumen" means "six doorways").
12. 中国人民对南海诸岛的命名,部分被西方航海家引用并标注在一些19至20世纪权威的航海指南和海图中。如Namyit(鸿庥岛)、Sin Cowe(景宏岛)、Subi(渚碧礁)来源于海南方言发音“南乙”、“秤钩”、“丑未”。 12. Some of the names given by the Chinese people to Nanhai Zhudao were adopted by Western navigators and marked in some authoritative navigation guidebooks and charts published in the 19th and 20th centuries. For instance, Namyit (Hongxiu Dao), Sin Cowe (Jinghong Dao) and Subi (Zhubi Jiao) originate from "Nanyi", "Chenggou" and "Chouwei" as pronounced in Hainan dialects.
13. 大量历史文献和文物资料证明,中国人民对南海诸岛及相关海域进行了持续不断的开发和利用。明清以来,中国渔民每年乘东北信风南下至南沙群岛海域从事渔业生产活动,直至次年乘西南信风返回大陆。还有部分中国渔民常年留居岛上,站峙捕捞、挖井汲水、垦荒种植、盖房建庙、饲养禽畜等。根据中外史料记载和考古发现,南沙群岛部分岛礁上曾有中国渔民留下的作物、水井、房屋、庙宇、墓塚和碑刻等。 13. Numerous historical documents and objects prove that the Chinese people have explored and exploited in a sustained way Nanhai Zhudao and relevant waters. Starting from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Chinese fishermen sailed southward on the northeasterly monsoon to Nansha Qundao and relevant waters for fishery production activities and returned on the southwesterly monsoon to the mainland the following year. Some of them lived on the islands for years, going for fishing, digging wells for fresh water, cultivating land and farming, building huts and temples, and raising livestock. Chinese and foreign historical literature as well as archaeological finds show that there were crops, wells, huts, temples, tombs and tablet inscriptions left by Chinese fishermen on some islands and reefs of Nansha Qundao.
14. 许多外国文献记录了很长一段时间内只有中国人在南沙群岛生产生活的事实。 14. Many foreign documents also recorded the fact that during a long period of time only Chinese lived and worked on Nansha Qundao.
15. 1868年出版的英国海军部《中国海指南》提到南沙群岛郑和群礁时指出:“海南渔民,以捕取海参、介壳为活,各岛都有其足迹,也有久居岛礁上的”,“在太平岛上的渔民要比其他岛上的渔民生活得更加舒适,与其他岛相比,太平岛上的井水要好得多”。1906年的《中国海指南》以及1912年、1923年、1937年等各版《中国航海志》多处载明中国渔民在南沙群岛上生产生活。 15. The China Sea Directory published in 1868 by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty of the United Kingdom, when referring to Zhenghe Qunjiao of Nansha Qundao, observed that "Hainan fishermen, who subsist by collecting trepang and tortoise-shell, were found upon most of these islands, some of whom remain for years amongst the reefs", and that "[t]he fishermen upon Itu-Aba island [Taiping Dao] were more comfortably established than the others, and the water found in the well on that island was better than elsewhere." The China Sea Directory published in 1906 and The China Sea Pilot in its 1912, 1923 and 1937 editions made in many parts explicit records of the Chinese fishermen living and working on Nansha Qundao.
16. 1933年9月在法国出版的《彩绘殖民地世界》杂志记载:南沙群岛9岛之中,惟有华人(海南人)居住,华人之外并无他国人。当时西南岛(南子岛)上计有居民7人,中有孩童2人;帝都岛(中业岛)上计有居民5人;斯帕拉岛(南威岛)计有居民4人,较1930年且增加1人;罗湾岛(南钥岛)上,有华人所留之神座、茅屋、水井;伊都阿巴岛(太平岛),虽不见人迹,而发现中国字碑,大意谓运粮至此,觅不见人,因留藏于铁皮(法文原文为石头)之下;其他各岛,亦到处可见渔人居住之踪迹。该杂志还记载,太平岛、中业岛、南威岛等岛屿上植被茂盛,有水井可饮用,种有椰子树、香蕉树、木瓜树、菠萝、青菜、土豆等,蓄养有家禽,适合人类居住。 16. The French magazine Le Monde Colonial Illustré published in September 1933 contains the following records: Only Chinese people (Hainan natives) lived on the nine islands of Nansha Qundao and there were no people from other countries. Seven were on Nanzi Dao (South West Cay), two of them were children. Five lived on Zhongye Dao (Thitu Island); four lived on Nanwei Dao (Spratly Island), one person more over that of 1930. There were worship stands, thatched cottages and wells left by the Chinese on Nanyao Dao (Loaita Island). No one was sighted on Taiping Dao (Itu Aba Island), but a tablet scripted with Chinese characters was found, which said that, in that magazine's rendition, "Moi, Ti Mung, patron de jonque, suis venu ici à la pleine lune de mars pour vous porter des aliments. Je n'ai trouvé personne, je laisse le riz à l'abri des pierres et je pars." Traces were also found of fishermen living on the other islands. This magazine also records that there are abundant vegetation, wells providing drinking water, coconut palms, banana trees, papaya trees, pineapples, green vegetables and potatoes as well as poultry on Taiping Dao, Zhongye Dao, Nanwei Dao and other islands, and that these islands are habitable.
17. 1940年出版的日本文献《暴风之岛》和1925年美国海军航道测量署发行的《亚洲领航》(第四卷)等也记载了中国渔民在南沙群岛生产生活的情况。 17. Japanese literature Boufuu No Shima (Stormy Island) published in 1940 as well as The Asiatic Pilot, Vol. IV, published by the United States Hydrographic Office in 1925 also have accounts about Chinese fishermen who lived and worked on Nansha Qundao.
18. 中国是最早开始并持续对南海诸岛及相关海上活动进行管理的国家。历史上,中国通过行政设治、水师巡视、资源开发、天文测量、地理调查等手段,对南海诸岛和相关海域进行了持续、和平、有效的管辖。 18. China is the first to have continuously exercised authority over Nanhai Zhudao and relevant maritime activities. In history, China has exercised jurisdiction in a continuous, peaceful and effective manner over Nanhai Zhudao and in relevant waters through measures such as establishment of administrative setups, naval patrols, resources development, astronomical observation and geographical survey.
19. 例如,宋代,中国在两广地区设有经略安抚使,总绥南疆。宋代曾公亮在《武经总要》中提到中国为加强南海海防,设立巡海水师,巡视南海。清代明谊编著的《琼州府志》、钟元棣编著的《崖州志》等著作都把“石塘”、“长沙”列入“海防”条目。 19. For instance, in the Song Dynasty, China established a post of Jing Lüe An Fu Shi (Imperial Envoy for Management and Pacification) in the regions now known as Guangdong and Guangxi to govern the southern territory. It is mentioned in Zeng Gongliang's Wujing Zongyao (Outline Record of Military Affairs) that, in order to strengthen defense in the South China Sea, China established naval units to conduct patrols therein. In the Qing Dynasty, Ming Yi's Qiongzhou Fuzhi (Chronicle of Qiongzhou Prefecture), Zhong Yuandi's Yazhou Zhi (Chronicle of Yazhou Prefecture) and others all listed "Shitang" and "Changsha" under the items of "maritime defense".
20. 中国很多官修地方志,如《广东通志》、《琼州府志》、《万州志》等,在“疆域”或“舆地山川”条目中有“万州有千里长沙、万里石塘”或类似记载。 20. Many of China's local official records, such as Guangdong Tong Zhi (General Chronicle of Guangdong), Qiongzhou Fu Zhi (Chronicle of Qiongzhou Prefecture) and Wanzhou Zhi (Chronicle of Wanzhou), contain in the section on "territory" or "geography, mountains and waters" a statement that "Wanzhou covers 'Qianlichangsha' and 'Wanlishitang'" or something similar.
21. 中国历代政府还在官方地图上将南海诸岛标绘为中国领土。1755年《皇清各直省分图》之《天下总舆图》、1767年《大清万年一统天下图》、1810年《大清万年一统地理全图》、1817年《大清一统天下全图》等地图均将南海诸岛绘入中国版图。 21. The successive Chinese governments have marked Nanhai Zhudao as Chinese territory on official maps, such as the 1755 Tian Xia Zong Yu Tu (General Map of Geography of the All-under-heaven) of the Huang Qing Ge Zhi Sheng Fen Tu (Map of the Provinces Directly under the Imperial Qing Authority), the 1767 Da Qing Wan Nian Yi Tong Tian Xia Tu (Map of the Eternally Unified All-under-heaven of the Great Qing Empire), the 1810 Da Qing Wan Nian Yi Tong Di Li Quan Tu (Map of the Eternally Unified Great Qing Empire) and the 1817 Da Qing Yi Tong Tian Xia Quan Tu (Map of the Unified All-under-heaven of the Great Qing Empire).
22. 历史事实表明,中国人民一直将南海诸岛和相关海域作为生产和生活的场所,从事各种开发利用活动。中国历代政府也持续、和平、有效地对南海诸岛实施管辖。在长期历史过程中,中国确立了对南海诸岛的主权和在南海的相关权益,中国人民早已成为南海诸岛的主人。 22. Historical facts show that the Chinese people have all along taken Nanhai Zhudao and relevant waters as a ground for living and production, where they have engaged in exploration and exploitation activities in various forms. The successive Chinese governments have exercised jurisdiction over Nanhai Zhudao in a continuous, peaceful and effective manner. In the course of history, China has established sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao and relevant rights and interests in the South China Sea. The Chinese people have long been the master of Nanhai Zhudao.

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