(三)中国对南海诸岛的主权得到国际社会广泛承认 |
iii. China's sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao is widely acknowledged in the international community |
45. 第二次世界大战结束后,中国收复南海诸岛并恢复行使主权,世界上许多国家都承认南海诸岛是中国领土。 |
45. After the end of the Second World War, China recovered and resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao. Many countries recognize that Nanhai Zhudao are part of China's territory. |
46. 1951年,旧金山对日和约会议规定日本放弃对南沙群岛和西沙群岛的一切权利、权利名义与要求。1952年,日本政府正式表示放弃对台湾、澎湖列岛以及南沙群岛、西沙群岛之一切权利、权利名义与要求。同年,由时任日本外务大臣冈崎胜男亲笔签字推荐的《标准世界地图集》第十五图《东南亚图》,把和约规定日本必须放弃的西沙、南沙群岛及东沙、中沙群岛全部标绘属于中国。 |
46. In 1951, it was decided at the San Francisco Peace Conference that Japan would renounce all right, title and claim to Nansha Qundao and Xisha Qundao. In 1952, the Japanese government officially stated that it had renounced all right, title, and claim to Taiwan, Penghu, as well as Nansha Qundao and Xisha Qundao. In the same year, Xisha Qundao and Nansha Qundao, which Japan renounced under the San Francisco Peace Treaty, together with Dongsha Qundao and Zhongsha Qundao, were all marked as belonging to China on the 15th map, Southeast Asia, of the Standard World Atlas recommended by the then Japanese Foreign Minister Katsuo Okazaki with his signature. |
47. 1955年10月,国际民航组织在马尼拉召开会议,美国、英国、法国、日本、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、泰国、菲律宾、南越和中国台湾当局派代表出席,菲律宾代表为会议主席,法国代表为副主席。会议通过的第24号决议要求中国台湾当局在南沙群岛加强气象观测,而会上没有任何一个代表对此提出异议或保留。 |
47. In October 1955, the International Civil Aviation Organization held a conference in Manila, which was attended by representatives from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, the Philippines, the authorities from South Vietnam and China's Taiwan authorities. The Filipino and French representatives served as chair and vice chair respectively. It was requested in Resolution No. 24 adopted at the conference that China's Taiwan authorities should enhance meteorological observation on Nansha Qundao, and no opposition or reservation was registered. |
48. 1958年9月4日,中国政府发布《中华人民共和国政府关于领海的声明》,宣布中国的领海宽度为12海里,明确指出:“这项规定适用于中华人民共和国的一切领土,包括……东沙群岛、西沙群岛、中沙群岛、南沙群岛以及其他属于中国的岛屿。”9月14日,越南政府总理范文同照会中国国务院总理周恩来郑重表示,“越南民主共和国政府承认和赞同中华人民共和国政府1958年9月4日关于领海决定的声明”,“越南民主共和国政府尊重这项决定”。 |
48. On 4 September 1958, the Chinese government promulgated the Declaration of the Government of the People's Republic of China on China's Territorial Sea, proclaiming a twelve-nautical-mile territorial sea breadth, and stipulating that, "This provision applies to all territories of the People's Republic of China, including [...] Dongsha Qundao, Xisha Qundao, Zhongsha Qundao, Nansha Qundao, and all other islands belonging to China." On 14 September, Prime Minister Pham Van Dong of the Vietnamese government sent a diplomatic note to Zhou Enlai, Premier of the State Council of China, solemnly stating that "the government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam recognizes and supports the declaration of the government of the People's Republic of China on its decision concerning China's territorial sea made on 4 September 1958" and "the government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam respects this decision." |
49. 1956年8月,美国驻台机构一等秘书韦士德向中国台湾当局口头申请,美军人员拟前往黄岩岛、双子群礁、景宏岛、鸿庥岛、南威岛等中沙和南沙群岛岛礁进行地形测量。中国台湾当局随后同意了美方的申请。 |
49. In August 1956, First Secretary Donald E. Webster of the United States institution in Taiwan made an oral request to China's Taiwan authorities for permission for the United States military personnel to conduct geodetic survey in Huangyan Dao, Shuangzi Qunjiao, Jinghong Dao, Hongxiu Dao and Nanwei Dao of Zhongsha Qundao and Nansha Qundao. China's Taiwan authorities later approved the above request. |
50. 1960年12月,美国政府致函中国台湾当局,“请求准许”美军事人员赴南沙群岛双子群礁、景宏岛、南威岛进行实地测量。中国台湾当局批准了上述申请。 |
50. In December 1960, the United States government sent a letter to China's Taiwan authorities to "request permission be granted" for its military personnel to carry out survey at Shuangzi Qunjiao, Jinghong Dao and Nanwei Dao of Nansha Qundao. China's Taiwan authorities approved this application. |
51. 1972年,在《中华人民共和国政府与日本国政府联合声明》中,日本重申坚持遵循《波茨坦公告》第8条规定。 |
51. In 1972, Japan reiterated its adherence to the terms of Article 8 of the Potsdam Proclamation in the Joint Communiqué of the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of Japan. |
52. 据法新社报道,1974年2月4日,时任印度尼西亚外长马利克表示,“如果我们看一看现在发行的地图,就可以从图上看到帕拉塞尔群岛(西沙群岛)和斯普拉特利群岛(南沙群岛)都是属于中国的”;由于我们承认只存在一个中国,“这意味着,对我们来讲,这些群岛属于中华人民共和国”。 |
52. It was reported by AFP that, on 4 February 1974, the then Indonesian Foreign Minister Adam Malik stated that, "si nous regardons les cartes actuelles, elles montrent que les deux archipels des Paracels [Xisha Qundao] et des Spratleys [Nansha Qundao] appartiennent à la Chine", and that because we recognize the existence of only one China, "cela signifie que, pour nous, ces archipels appartiennent à la République populaire de Chine". |
53. 1987年3月17日至4月1日,联合国教科文组织政府间海洋学委员会第14次会议讨论了该委员会秘书处提交的《全球海平面观测系统实施计划1985-1990》(IOC/INF-663 REV)。该文件建议将西沙群岛和南沙群岛纳入全球海平面观测系统,并将这两个群岛明文列属“中华人民共和国”。为执行该计划,中国政府被委任建设5个海洋观测站,包括南沙群岛和西沙群岛上各1个。 |
53. The 14th Assembly of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, held from 17 March to 1 April 1987, deliberated on the Global Sea-Level Observing System Implementation Plan 1985-1990 (IOC/INF-663 REV) submitted by the Commission's Secretariat. The Plan integrated Xisha Qundao and Nansha Qundao into the Global Sea-Level Observing System, and explicitly listed these two Islands under "People's Republic of China". For the implementation of this Plan, the Chinese government was commissioned to build five marine observation stations, including one on Nansha Qundao and one on Xisha Qundao. |
54. 南海诸岛属于中国早已成为国际社会的普遍认识。在许多国家出版的百科全书、年鉴和地图都将南沙群岛标属中国。例如,1960年美国威尔德麦克出版社出版的《威尔德麦克各国百科全书》;1966年日本极东书店出版的《新中国年鉴》;1957、1958和1961年在联邦德国出版的《世界大地图集》;1958年在民主德国出版的《地球与地理地图集》;1968年在民主德国出版的《哈克世界大地图集》;1954至1959年在苏联出版的《世界地图集》;1957年在苏联出版的《外国行政区域划分》附图;1959年在匈牙利出版的《世界地图集》;1974年在匈牙利出版的《插图本世界政治经济地图集》;1959年在捷克斯洛伐克出版的《袖珍世界地图集》;1977年在罗马尼亚出版的《世界地理图集》;1965年法国拉鲁斯出版社出版的《国际政治与经济地图集》;1969年法国拉鲁斯出版社出版的《拉鲁斯现代地图集》;1972年和1983年日本平凡社出版的《世界大百科事典》中所附地图和1985年出版的《世界大地图集》;以及1980年日本国土地理协会出版的《世界与各国》附图等。 |
54. Nanhai Zhudao have long been widely recognized by the international community as part of China's territory. The encyclopedias, yearbooks and maps published in many countries mark Nansha Qundao as belonging to China. For example this is done in, among others, the 1960 Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations by the Worldmark Press published in the United States, the 1966 New China Yearbook by the Far Eastern Booksellers published in Japan; the Welt-Atlas published in 1957, 1958 and 1961 in the Federal Republic of Germany, the 1958 Atlas Zur Erd-Und Länderkunde and the 1968 Haack Großer Weltatlas published in the German Democratic Republic, the Atlas Mira from 1954 to 1959 and the 1957 Administrativno-territorialnoe Delenie Zarubezhnyh Stran published in the Soviet Union, the 1959 Világatlasz and the 1974 Képes Politikai és Gazdasági Világatlasz published in Hungary, the 1959 Malý Atlas Svĕta published in Czechoslovakia, the 1977 Atlas Geografic Scolar published in Romania, the 1965 Atlas international Larousse politique et économique, the 1969 Atlas moderne Larousse published by Libraire Larousse in France, the maps in the 1972 and 1983 World Encyclopedia, the 1985 Grand Atlas World by Heibon Sha, and the 1980 Sekai to Sono Kunikuni published by Japan Geographic Data Center in Japan. |