Ethnic Chinese around the world took to streets this weekend to voice their support for the Beijing Olympics and condemnation of some Western media's distorted coverage of China.
In Atlanta, where the CNN's headquarters and the Centennial Olympic Park are located, some 600 ethnic Chinese residing or studying in the U.S. state of Georgia and nearby regions gathered at the above two sites, waving the Chinese national flags and holding up banners supporting the Beijing Olympics and condemning the distorted coverage of China by some Western media.

The demonstrators, mostly professionals and students from southeastern United States, were reacting to CNN commentator Jack Cafferty's derogatory remarks on China made on April 9, when he called the Chinese "the same goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years."
They sang China's national anthem and chanted slogans such as "CNN Liar, Cafferty Fire" and "No Politicization of Olympics."
A plane circled overhead, carrying a banner that read: "Go Olympics! CNN Stop Bashing Chinese!!!"
"We want to let our voices be heard ... that we Chinese people are standing up to oppose anyone who wants to slander China with such racial remarks," Wu Peng, a Chinese man working for a financial firm in Atlanta, told Xinhua by telephone.

Also on Saturday, about 500 Chinese students and scholars from Yale University and Chinese residents living in nearby areas rallied in support of the forthcoming Beijing Olympics.
Waving the Chinese and U.S. national flags as well as the flags of the Beijing Olympic Games, demonstrators chanted slogans like "Olympics! Not Olympolitics", "Yes to Human Rights, No to Media Distortion" and "Go China! Go Olympics".