Despite excitement caused by the recent harsh crackdown on mafia-style gangsters in southwestern Chongqing Municipality, the general public still has reasons to worry about taking walks at night.
An opinion piece in the Yunnan Info Daily points out that organized crime has not shown any obvious signs of being curbed in other parts of the country.
The commentary says the appalling living conditions of many young people, especially the children of migrant workers, explain the appeal of organized crime. According to the article, harsh reality, including disparate gaps in wealth and class between migrants and other citizens and rampant corruption, have pushed them into organized crime.
Now the children of the country's first generation of migrant workers are in their 20s. With a poor education, they find it hard to get jobs in cities where they do not enjoy the same rights as those who were born there.
It argues that the reform of the country's social security system is the only way to create equality in education and an adequate number of work opportunities.