Top 20 universities in China 2012: RUC

By Zhang Junmian
0 Comment(s)Print E-mail, May 31, 2012
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   Shanghai Jiao Tong University  上海交通大学


Shanghai Jiao Tong University, one of the 'Top 20 universities in China 2012' by

Shanghai Jiao Tong University [bbs.fengniao] 

 Rank 2012: 7; Rank 2011: 8

Overall score: 82.72

National discipline ranking: 70.37

Quantity and structure of national key disciplines: 77.01

Research paper citations: 87.84

Average scores in national college entrance examination: 92.72

Internet popularity (university name search index and university president search frequency): 67.47

Attraction to international students: 76.57


Originally founded in 1896 as the Nan Yang Public School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) had already become one of China's best universities in the 1920s, and was hailed as the "MIT of the East" for producing top engineers in the 1930s. The university's engineering department has exerted great influence on the country's social advancement and development. The university has a total enrollment of 42,881 students, including 17,766 undergraduates, 24,017 candidates for master's and doctor's degrees, and 1,598 international students. SJTU is well-known for perfectly integrating academia, research and industry. Its academic papers included in the SCI and SSCI have always achieved high rankings in China. Its notable alumni include a great number of elites in various areas, such as Zhang Guangdou, internationally renowned hydraulic engineering expert; Qian Xuesen, prominent missile and space program scientist; and Jiang Zemin, former Chinese President.

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