Xixia Mountain, Nanjing
Xixia Mountain is located some 22 km northeast of Nanjing City, capital of east China’s Jiangsu Province, reaching a height of 440 meters. It is famous for its beautiful autumn scenery with 17km² of fire-red maple tree leaves covered the entire mountain. Taixu Pavilion in the eastern peak is considered the best place for enjoying the two-week-long spectacular.
Best time for red leaves: End of November – Beginning of December
Nearby attractions: The Xixia Temple lies at the west foot of the mountain with a history of over 1,500 years. From 484 to 511 AD, hundreds of niches and statues of Buddha had been caved on the cliffs and now people called it "Thousands-Buddha Cliffside".
Tour agent: www.tourochina.com