Gourds are an auspicious symbol among Chinese people. Wang Xuezhe, from Shanxi province completed a luxury set of gourd pieces in only two years. With them, he earned a place in the Guiness Book of Records for having created the most, different types of gourd artifacts. His burst of creativity arose from his affection for the propitious plant. It's a love rooted in his childhood.

Earthy, elegant and unique, these are the characteristics of the gourds made by Wang Xuezhe. Each of his gourds has got a different look. Seven skills are involved in creating the gourd art works -- carving, planting in molds, assembling, even embroidering. Often he inscribes poems on his works. Some designs were those favored by ancient Chinese literati, others are auspicious symbols.
Wang is not a professional craftsman. He didn't take up his art until after he retired. His prolific works emerged from his love to the plant and from his natural talent.