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Tibetan antelope survives natural predators

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail CNTV, July 8, 2011
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As temperatures rise with the onset of summer, Zonag Lake in Qinghai Province becomes an attractive place for Tibetan antelope to give birth. As tens of thousands of antelopes descend on the area, they face many dangers.

With summer in full swing, wild life researchers have their eyes set on Zonag Lake.

There are no roads in the protected national park, making a trek deep inside the area difficult.

Wild yaks roam this vast plateau. Their long thick hair is essential to surviving in this harsh frozen desert.

Up on the hill, a group of Tibetan donkeys can be seen.

Researchers know they are close to their goal, locating the elusive and endangered Tibetan antelopes.

Wu Xiaoming, Researcher of Northwest Scare Animal Research Center said "The Tibetan antelope have a wide range. It takes up to half day of travel to catch up with them. Ordinary jeeps can't match their speed on this terrain. The antelopes can run up to 60-70 kilometers per hour."

As soon as the team arrived at Zonag Lake, researchers saw the grim reality that is striking many Tibetan antelopes.

Wu Xiaoming said "These marks are from wolves. However the bites weren't too deep but caused the bruises. The mother antelope must have been attacked while she was giving birth, she couldn't escape because she was already giving birth, and she was trying to protect her calf."

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