Xi sends condolence to Malaysian and Dutch leaders over MH17 disaster

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, July 19, 2014
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Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday sent condolences to Malaysia and the Netherlands over the loss of lives in the downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.

In a message of condolences to Malaysian Supreme Head of State Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah, Xi said he was shocked after learning about the crash.

"On behalf of the Chinese government and people, I express deep sympathy to your country over the unfortunate event and convey profound condolences to all the deceased including those from your country on board," Xi said.

In another message, Xi told Dutch King Willem-Alexander he was shocked to learn about the crash which killed a large number of Dutch passengers.

"We empathize with the Dutch government and people over grief. I, myself, and on behalf of the Chinese government and people, express deep sympathy to you and convey profound condolences to the deceased from your country," said Xi.

The Boeing 777-200, en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, went down Thursday in eastern Ukraine, killing all the 298 passengers and crew members aboard, according to Malaysia Airlines.

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