Full text: Chinese Outcome List of the Meeting Between the Chinese and U.S. Presidents in Hangzhou

Print E-mail Xinhua, September 4, 2016
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16. Anti-corruption, Fugitive Repatriation and Asset Recovery: The two sides applauded the important achievements in their practical cooperation on anti-corruption, fugitive repatriation and asset recovery in recent years, and decided to enhance cooperation on information sharing and individual cases between their anti-corruption and law enforcement authorities and deepen practical cooperation. They reaffirmed the role of the China-U.S. Joint Liaison Group on Law Enforcement Cooperation through the Working Group on Anti-Corruption (JLG ACWG) as the principal channel and will actively explore ways to raise the efficiency and the impact of cooperation. China commended the U.S. assistance and cooperation on priority cases. The two sides will continue to cooperate on repatriating fugitives and illegal immigrants through chartered flights. The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation on anti-money laundering and corruption asset recovery, jointly implement the relevant documents including the MOU on Anti-money Laundering and Anti-terrorist Financing Information Sharing, and consult on mutual recognition and execution of confiscation and an agreement on asset sharing. The two sides also agreed to consult on lawful procedures of returning criminal suspects through communication.

The two sides supported the endorsement by the G20 Summit of the High-level Principles on Persons Sought for Corruption and Asset Recovery and its decision to establish in China the Research Center on International Cooperation Regarding Persons Sought for Corruption and Asset Recovery, and committed to jointly promote the implementation of the G20 2017-2018 Anti-corruption Action Plan. The two sides will further strengthen anti-corruption cooperation under multilateral frameworks such as UNCAC, G20 and APEC, deny safe haven to the corrupt and their criminal proceeds, continue to implement the 2014 APEC Beijing Declaration on Fighting Corruption, and support the work of ACT-NET. The two sides decided to convene the 11th meeting of the JLG Anti-corruption Working Group before the end of 2016.

17. Counter-Terrorism Cooperation: The two sides recognized the rising threat of terrorism to regional and global stability and security, and the greater necessity and urgency in strengthening China-U.S. cooperation on counter-terrorism. The two sides reiterated their opposition to terrorism in all its forms and called on the international community to actively conduct counter-terrorism cooperation and effectively combat terrorism in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and other basic norms governing international relations. The two sides agreed to promote practical cooperation in concrete areas such as information sharing on counter-terrorism, combating terrorists' use of the Internet, stemming trans-border flow of foreign terrorist fighters, countering terrorist financing and de-radicalization, in line with the principle of mutual respect and equal-footed cooperation. China expressed appreciation that the U.S. designated the East Turkistan Islamic Movement under the U.S. Executive Order 13224 and supported its listing at the United Nations 1267 Committee. The two sides decided to hold the 3rd round of China-U.S. Counter-terrorism Consultation at vice-ministerial level and the 2nd round of China-U.S. Countering Improvised Explosive Devices Workshop in Washington in late 2016.

18. Coast Guard Cooperation: The two sides emphasized the importance of strengthening personnel exchanges, exchange of vessel port calls, information sharing and jointly combating maritime illegal activities and crimes by the Chinese and U.S. coastguard authorities, and expressed intent to work together to sign the MOU on maritime law enforcement cooperation between Chinese and U.S. coast guards at an early date. The two sides commended the progress made in the second round of expert consultation on the rules of behavior for safety of maritime encounters between the Chinese and U.S. coast guards, confirmed their shared interests and goals in such areas as improving safety of surface to surface encounters, implementing maritime law enforcement responsibilities and maintaining maritime order, and agreed to continue to advance relevant consultations in order to conclude the rules of behavior at an early date.

19. People-to-People Exchanges: The two sides fully recognized the important role of enhanced people-to-people exchanges in increasing mutual understanding and friendship between China and the United States, and agreed to continue to push forward and implement relevant cooperative programs. The China National Tourism Administration and the U.S. Department of Commerce will continue to jointly carry out China-U.S. Tourism Leadership Summit and various programs of the China-U.S. Tourism Year, including the Closing Ceremony of the China-U.S. Tourism Year/the exchange program of 5,000 Chinese tourists visiting the U.S.. The two sides reaffirmed the support to the China Garden Project and intent to hold groundbreaking ceremony before October 30, 2016 in Washington D.C.. The two sides decided that the 3rd Across the Pacific: Chinese Arts Festival would be held in relevant cities of California and Washington State from September to October, 2016. The China State Administration of Cultural Heritage and the U.S. Metropolitan Museum of Art will jointly present an exhibition on the cultural heritage of Qin & Han dynasties in New York from March to July, 2017.

20. Sub-national Cooperation: The two sides spoke highly of the important progress made over the years in China-U.S. sub-national exchange and cooperation, and supported their relevant departments and provinces/states to further expand cooperation. The Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, National Health and Family Planning Commission of China, and Sister Cities International will jointly host the Third China-U.S. Sister Cities Conference in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, from November 18 to 19, 2016. Local government leaders and representatives from different sectors of the two countries will hold discussions and plan for future cooperation on building healthy cities. The Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and U.S. National Governors Association will jointly host the Fourth China-U.S. Governors Forum in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, in 2017. The Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and U.S. State Legislative Leaders Foundation will jointly host the Second China-U.S. Sub-National Legislatures Cooperation Forum in Wuhan, Hubei Province, in 2017.

China and the United States affirmed their commitment to strengthening sub-national cooperation and announced the launch of a new program to promote effective municipal governance. The program - led by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the National League of Cities, and with support from the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and other Chinese and U.S. organizations as appropriate - is intended to host exchanges and workshops on environmentally sustainable urban planning, developing healthy communities, open government information, public participation and other governance issues. The first exchange is planned for early 2017 in the United States.

21. Interaction between China and U.S. in the Asia-Pacific: The two sides emphasized that China and the United States are both major countries in the Asia-Pacific region and have broad common interests and common responsibilities in maintaining peace, stability and prosperity of the region. The two sides are committed to realizing inclusive cooperation and appropriately managing differences. The two sides decided to promote regional economic integration in a coordinated manner, agreed to strengthen communication and coordination within regional multilateral mechanisms, such as Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), East Asia Summit (EAS) and ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), and will conduct three-party cooperation programs.

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