Top 20 kung fu stars in China

By Lin Liyao
0 Comment(s)Print E-mail, July 20, 2015
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No. 18 Collin Chou (邹兆龙)

Collin Chou [Photo/]


Date of birth: August 11, 1967 Place of birth: Taiwan Notable work: "The Bodyguard from Beijing" (1994), "My Father Is Hero" (1995), "The Matrix Reloaded" (2003), "The Forbidden Kingdom" (2008) Co-stars: Jet Li, Stephen Chow, Jackie Chan, Keanu Reeves

Collin Chou, also known as Ngai Sing, is dubbed as one of the most talented stuntman and martial artist in Hong Kong. Chou began studying martial arts at the age of five, and became a stuntman when he was only 12 years old. At the age of 21, he moved to Hong Kong, and joined Sammo Hung's stuntmen team, of which he became an essential member. In 2000, Chou went to Hollywood and joined the "Matrix" crew as an action choreographer. In 2003, he succeeded in getting a role (Seraph) in the Matrix trilogy.

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