Top 20 kung fu stars in China

By Lin Liyao
0 Comment(s)Print E-mail, July 20, 2015
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No. 17 Chin Siu Ho (钱小豪)

Chin Siu Ho [File photo]


Date of birth: January 26, 1963 Place of birth: Hong Kong Notable work: "Mr. Vampire" (1985), "Tai Chi Master" (1993), "Fist of legend" (1994) Co-star: Jet Li, Sammo Hung

In 1977, 14-year-old Chin Siu Ho won the third place during a kung fu competition in Hong Kong. Two years later, he joined the Shaw Brothers Ltd., the largest film production company in Hong Kong at that time. During that period, Chin is notable for acting with Jet Li in "The Tai-Chi Master" and "Fist of Legend." After the Shaw Brothers stopped making films, Chin moved on to Golden Harvest and worked with Sammo Hung for a few years.

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