Considering the risk brought about by the rise of the A-share
market and the attraction of potential investment opportunities
once the so-called "nonstop train to Hong Kong stock market" policy
is implemented, a lot of Shenzhen investors are eager to open an
account in the Hong Kong Stock market. Some folks have even
traveled to Hong Kong to open an account directly, seeing that a
journey to Hong Kong is quite easy for a Shenzhener.
Market Insiders have warned investors to take note of the risk.
Also: be careful not to violate China's currency regulations.
Insiders point out that China has strict controls on foreign
exchange flow. Problems still exist, these issues precede the
formal approval of the services and mainland investment that will
flow into Hong Kong stock market and associated services.
For more details, please read the full story in Chinese. (
( Septemaber 18, 2007)