On March 13, Alibaba.com unexpectedly registered with ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, implying that the website is seeking to provide domain name registration service for both enterprises and individuals in the near future.
Insiders believe that the move was planned for months. Alibaba's new service is likely to be implemented within a few months.
The greatest merger in the history of the Chinese Internet industry is drawing near. Insiders predict that the company is planning to acquire some major Chinese domain name servers such as www.net.cn. In order to control the IT market for small and medium-sized enterprises, Alibaba.com might even acquire the Internet selling tools currently used by those enterprises.
The prediction is based on a statement previously made by Wei Zhe, CEO of the B2B listed company, who said that Alibaba.com is going to accomplish its development goals through ambitious restructuring and acquisition.
Fore more details, please read the full story in Chinese. (http://paper.people.com.cn/gjjrb/html/2008-03/14/content_48296964.htm)
(China.org.cn March 14, 2008)