Wen said understanding and trust between EU and China have been greatly strengthened in the past decade, and they will be further reinforced in the upcoming dialogue.
Wen and Barroso also reached extensive consensus on various areas during their talks.
They agreed to expand economic and trade cooperation between the two sides and jointly promote the Doha round talks process, and to continue to promote Sino-EU comprehensive strategic partnership and maintain high-level contacts and consultations at various levels.

The two pledged to insist on dialogues and consultations to properly handle differences, based on the principle of equity, openness and mutual benefits.
They agreed to upgrade the mode for scientific and technological cooperation, and strengthen cooperation on energy saving, emission reduction, environmental protection, climate change and technological innovation.
The two countries will also deepen cooperation on product quality and food safety, in an effort to safeguard the basic interests of the two peoples, and will promote people-to-people communication and youth exchange, according to the two leaders.
Barroso arrived here on Thursday as a guest of Wen. This is his fourth visit to China since he took office in November 2004.
A big delegation of unparalleled seniority will accompany Barroso during this visit, which includes nine commissioners covering the areas of environment, science and research, external relations, trade, energy, tax and customs union, development and humanitarian aid, jobs and social affairs, and consumers protection.
(Xinhua News Agency April 25, 2008)