5月26日,国务院总理李克强在柏林出席德国总理默克尔举行的欢迎仪式。[新华社 马占成 摄] Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (front R) attends a welcoming ceremony held by German Chancellor Angela Merkel (front L) in Berlin, capital of German, May 26, 2013. [Photo/Xinhua] |
中德之间出现不一致怎么办? 一句话,求同存异。中国人常讲,十个手指各有长短。今天的世界丰富多彩,国家间认识上存在差异并不奇怪,如何对待差异才是关键。遇到分歧不以己度人,不强加于人,而应设身处地,推己及人。积极对话能够加深了解,换位思考能够增进互信。中德两国都有勤劳智慧的人民和创新求实的企业,有宽广的胸襟和务实的心态,理念上的分歧不应影响双方的友谊,扩大合作可以使彼此获得更多双赢的机遇。 中德企业的合作不会削弱彼此的优势。竞争不是坏事。随着中国经济持续发展,中国企业竞争力会提高,但双方企业的密切合作、良性竞争不是“你失我得”的零和游戏,而是能够把市场的“蛋糕”做得更大,为企业带来更多回报,为社会创造更多就业。况且,两国企业还可以联手开拓第三方市场。中国将更好地完备知识产权保护体系,为企业创造更加公平的竞争环境。 中德能为世界做点什么? 欧洲的德国与亚洲的中国携手前行,不仅使两国人民受益,而且造福于世界。国强不必霸。中国今天经济总量大了,但我们还是一个发展中国家,真正了解中国的人都不难看到这一点。即使将来中国真的强大了,我们也绝不恃强凌弱,因为中国人在近代曾深受战乱之苦,不愿看到悲剧在其他国家身上重演。己所不欲,勿施于人,这里包含着中国人文思想的精髓,是我们始终如一的信条。 中国的现代化之路还很漫长,要治理好13亿人口的大国,绕不开“柴米油盐酱醋茶”,也就是说,要关注最基本的民生问题。中国人民期盼着更好的教育、更稳定的工作、更完善的社会保障、更舒适的居住环境、更好的文化生活,他们希望社会安定,国家发展。不当家不知当家难,事实上,单就解决面临的日常问题就需要我们长期付出大量的投入和心血。坚持走和平发展道路不仅是中国的对外政策,更是我们的内在需要。 当今世界政治多极化、经济全球化仍在深入发展。中国是欧盟一体化的坚定支持者,坚信欧洲是维护世界和平与稳定的重要力量,是世界重要的一极。我们乐见欧盟成功应对债务问题,乐见欧元区货币稳定,赞赏德国为推动欧洲经济复苏所作的贡献。德国好了,欧盟好了,对中国也好。当前,世界经济仍存在不确定性,保护主义抬头,国际货币和金融体系也存在一些新的隐忧。继续同舟共济、共同应对挑战,需要各国拿出担当和智慧。中德作为负责任的大国,旗帜鲜明地支持自由贸易,反对保护主义,加强国际合作,有利于维护双方共同利益,有利于维护世界和平、稳定与发展。 请为我们祝福,中德携手,大步向前! (来源:新华网) |
What should we do about differences between China and Germany? The answer is simple: We should seek common ground while shelving differences. As we Chinese often say, the ten fingers are different in length. In this colorful and diverse world of today, it is not surprising that countries have different views. What is important is to handle the differences properly. When differences arise, one should not judge others by his own standard or impose his views on others. Instead, one should put himself in others' position and be accommodating. Conducting dialogue deepens understanding and putting oneself in others' position increases mutual trust. Both China and Germany are open and pragmatic. Our people are hardworking and talented, and our companies are innovative and down-to-earth. Different perceptions should not stand in the way of our friendship, and closer cooperation will bring more win-win opportunities to both countries. Cooperation between Chinese and German businesses will not weaken their respective strengths. Competition is not a bad thing. As China's economy continues to grow, Chinese companies will become more competitive. Close cooperation and healthy competition between our businesses are not a zero-sum game where one gains at the expense of the other. Rather, they help make the pie of the market bigger, which will in turn bring more returns to businesses and create more employment. In addition, the business communities of our two countries can join hands in developing the third market. On its part, China will continue to improve its IPR protection and ensure that there is a level playing field for all businesses. What can China and Germany do for the world? Cooperation between Germany, a European country, and China, an Asian country, benefits both our two peoples and the world at large. A country is not destined to pursue hegemony as it grows in strength. Despite the large size of its economy, China remains a developing country, a point that is not lost on those who know China. Even when China indeed becomes strong and developed, it will not bully the weak. This is because we Chinese suffered so much from wars and chaos in modern history that we don't want to see such history repeat itself to others. "Do not do unto others what you don't want others do unto you." This ancient teaching is a core Chinese value and an abiding belief for us. China's road to modernization is a long one. To govern such a big country with 1.3 billion people, it is essential to meet people's basic daily needs. The Chinese want better education, more stable jobs, better social security, a more comfortable living environment and a richer cultural life. They hope to enjoy social stability and national development. "Those who are not involved do not appreciate how hard it is to govern." Addressing the day-to-day issues in governance in China requires persistent and enormous efforts on our part. That is why China's pursuit of peaceful development is not only a foreign policy goal, but more importantly, a compelling domestic imperative. The trend towards political multi-polarity and economic globalization is gaining momentum. China is a firm supporter of EU integration. We see in Europe a major force for world peace and stability and an important pole in the world. We hope that the EU will successfully address the debt issue and that the euro zone will enjoy monetary stability. We appreciate what Germany has done to promotes recovery in Europe. When Germany fares well, it will be good for both the EU and China. The global economy still faces uncertainties and growing protectionism, and there are latent risks in the international monetary and financial system. All countries should face up to their responsibilities and demonstrate wisdom in order to jointly meet challenges in times of difficulty. China and Germany, as two major responsible countries, should unequivocally support free trade, oppose protectionism and step up international cooperation, as this is conducive to our common interests as well as world peace, stability and development. Give us your blessing and let us join hands to build even stronger China-Germany ties! (Source: Xinhua News Agency) |
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