2013年9月9日,国务院总理李克强在英国《金融时报》发表署名文章《中国将给世界传递持续发展的讯息》。全文如下: | On Sep. 9th 2013, Premier Li Keqiang's article "China Will Stay The Course On Sustainable Growth" was published on Financial Times (UK). The full text is as followings: |
中国将给世界传递 |
China Will Stay The Course On |
在国际金融危机爆发5年后的今天,在世界经济增长缓慢的恢复过程中,新的挑战出现在各国面前。本周即将在中国大连举行的夏季达沃斯论坛吸引了世界的目光,人们期待从这里获得中国政府的信号,感受正处于转型关键阶段的中国经济的力量。 |
Five years on from the start of the financial crisis, many countries now face new challenges as the world economy slowly recovers. The Summer Davos Forum, which opens this week in Dalian, will be closely watched for signs of the state and strength of the Chinese economy, which finds itself at a crucial stage of transformation. |
有观察人士问,中国经济增速放缓的趋势是否会最终导致大幅下滑,甚至“硬着陆”?中国的改革开放之路是否会因各种复杂的社会难题而脱轨?我的回答是:中国将保持经济长期健康发展,中国将继续走改革开放之路。 | Observers ask whether China's economic slowdown will lead to a sharp decline -- or even a hard landing -- and whether our reform programme will be derailed by complex social problems. My answer is that our economy will maintain its sustained and healthy growth and China will stay on the path of reform and opening up. |
中国新一届政府今年3月上任伊始,就明确提出把持续发展经济、不断改善民生、促进社会公正作为施政目标。中国已经不可能沿袭高消耗、高投入的老旧模式,而是必须统筹“稳增长、调结构、促改革”。 | Shortly after it took office in March, the new Chinese government made clear its policy was to sustain economic growth, improve people's wellbeing and promote social equity. We can no longer afford to continue with the old model of high consumption and high investment. Instead, we must take a holistic approach in pursuing steady growth, structural readjustment and further reform. |
深化改革仍是持久动力。我们已经并将进一步通过简政放权,推进结构改革,发展混合所有制经济。市场能做的交给市场,社会能办的分给社会,政府该管的管好。 | Reform remains the driving force. We will continue to streamline government and delegate power, press ahead with structural changes and grow economic sectors under diverse ownership. Government will leave to the market and society what they can do well while concentrating on those matters within its purview. |
我们将继续推进行政管理、财税、金融、价格等改革。今年夏季达沃斯论坛的主题是“创新”,我理解,这指的不仅是技术创新,更重要的是制度创新,坚持改革就是创新。 | We will advance reforms of administrative management, fiscal and tax systems, financial sectors and pricing. The theme of this year's Summer Davos Forum is "Meeting the Innovation Imperative". To me this means not only technological but more importantly institutional innovation, and reform is also a way of innovation. |
加快开放是助推器。我们将继续支持WTO多哈回合谈判进程,推动与相关国家签署双边自贸协议,打造中国—东盟自贸区升级版,不断改善外商投资的公平和法制环境。我们将积极探索扩大开放的新办法,在上海设立自贸区实验区就是一个重要的尝试。 | Opening up at a faster pace gives impetus to development. We will continue to support the Doha round of World Trade Organisation talks, work for the signing of bilateral free trade agreements, upgrade the China-Asean Free Trade Area, and provide a level playing field and a better legal environment for foreign investors. We will explore new ways to open China to the outside world, and Shanghai’s pilot free-trade zone is a case in point. |
扩大内需是主攻方向。中国的一大优势是拥有追求美好生活并且愿意为之辛勤工作的13亿人民,拥有巨大的国内市场。我们要努力扩大国内消费需求,包括促进信息产业发展,例如扩展宽带和4G牌照等。 | A key focus is the expansion of domestic demand. Here China enjoys one great advantage: its 1.3bn people are keen to work hard in pursuit of a better life and make up a huge domestic market. We will expand consumer demand through initiatives such as the promotion of the IT sector through the expansion of broadband and 4G licences. |
在关注消费的同时,我们也要保持合理的投资力度,重点是加快发展节能环保产业、中西部铁路项目和市政设施建设等。 | While focusing on consumption, we will keep a reasonable scale of investment with priority given to energy conservation, environmental protection, railway projects in the central and western regions, and municipal facilities. |
城镇化为长期扩大内需提供巨大潜力。未来十多年,中国将有上亿人口融入城市,这是极为复杂的经济和社会变化过程,需要新的协同发展政策。虽然有许多困难,但这将成为我们缩小城乡差距的必由之路。 | Urbanisation also offers huge potential for long-term domestic demand. Of the people living in the countryside, more than 100m are set to be absorbed into cities over the next decade or so. This will be an extremely complex process of economic and social change, requiring a new policy approach aimed at balanced development. There will be many difficulties, but it is what we must accomplish in order to narrow the urban-rural gap. |
服务业是新支撑点。作为最大的就业容纳器,服务业为经济转型缓解压力。政府将大力改进公共服务。今年我们对众多小微企业其中大部分是服务业暂免征收增值税和营业税。 | The service sector will be an increasingly important pillar of our economy. As the biggest job provider, the sector helps ease employment pressure in economic transformation. The government will improve public services. This year, we have suspended value added tax and sales tax on many small businesses, the majority of which are in the service sector. |
中国政府明确了经济运行合理区间的“上限”和“下限”,防止过度波动。明确“下限”是要稳增长、保就业,GDP从以前的两位数增长到2011年的9.3%和2012年的7.7%,再平稳过渡到今年的7.5%左右,既是经济规律的趋势,也是主动调控的结果。明确“上限”是要防通胀,今年CPI涨幅3.5%左右。使经济运行保持在这一合理区间,切实防范金融风险,可以给市场和社会一个稳定的预期。 今年以来,中国经济运行稳中有进,上半年GDP同比增长7.6%;5%的调查失业率和2.4%的通胀率,均处于合理、可控范围。 世界经济仍然存在不确定因素。对一些发达国家退出量化宽松货币政策的预期导致大量资金回流发达市场,触发亚洲地区多国股市、汇市大幅波动,甚至有观察人士担心亚洲金融动荡重演。我认为,亚洲各国从过去的经历中汲取了教训,大大提高了抵御风险的能力,汇率形成机制更加灵活,外汇储备水平普遍提高,有关货币互换的清迈倡议多边化和各种双边金融安排为应对复杂局面提供了更好的条件,中国对此有信心。 |
Our government has defined the "upper and lower limits" of the reasonable range of economic performance with a view to avoiding excessive fluctuations. With a gross domestic product growth rate of around 7.5 per cent, the "lower limit" is intended to ensure steady growth and employment. The moderation of economic growth from double-digit figures in the past to 9.3 per cent in 2011, 7.7 per cent in 2012 and then to around 7.5 per cent this year, is the result of both natural economics and our readjustment initiatives. With the consumer price index at around 3.5 per cent, the "upper limit" is meant to prevent inflation. If our economy is kept within this reasonable range and financial risks are effectively forestalled, markets and society will have stable expectations. This year there has also been steady economic progress. In the first half of this year, GDP grew by 7.6 per cent year-on-year. Surveyed unemployment at around 5 per cent and inflation at 2.4 per cent are both within the reasonable and manageable range. However, global uncertainties remain. The anticipation of the withdrawal of quantitative easing by some major developed countries has led to a massive influx of capital back to developed markets and big fluctuations on the stock and currency markets in many Asian countries. Some observers even worry about a repeat of the Asian financial turmoil of the late 1990s. In my view, Asian countries have learnt the lessons from the past and significantly enhanced their capabilities to fend off risks. Thanks to more flexible exchange rate regimes, stronger foreign exchange reserves, the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation agreement -- a currency swap arrangement -- and various bilateral financial arrangements, China is confident that Asian countries are now better placed to cope. |
中国仍是一个发展中国家,有自己的诸多任务和挑战,随着中国国力上升,将在国际事务中承担更多的、与自身条件相符的责任和义务,与各国一道,共同促进世界和平与发展事业。我期待着,世界经济终将柳暗花明,再度繁荣。中国经济的升级版也将为世界经济提供新的动力。 | China is still a developing country with a myriad of tasks and challenges. Yet as China's national strength grows steadily, it will assume greater responsibilities and obligations in international affairs commensurate with its own conditions. We will work with other countries to promote global peace and development. I look forward to the day when the world economy returns to good health. In the meantime, the upgrading of the Chinese economy will give fresh impetus to the global economy. |
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