9月25日,中国外交部长王毅在纽约联合国总部出席联合国千年发展目标特别会议并发言。[新华社 张军 摄] Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi addresses a special event on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) during the 68th United Nations General Assembly at the UN headquarters in New York, Sept. 25, 2013. [Zhang Jun/Xinhua] |
9月25日,中国外交部长王毅在纽约联合国总部出席联合国千年发展目标特别会议并发言。全文如下: | Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi delivers an address at the opening plenary meeting of the United Nations special event on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) during the 68th United Nations General Assembly at the UN headquarters in New York, Sept. 25, 2013. Following is the full text: |
和平、发展、合作的事业 |
Peace, Development and Cooperation Must be Moved Forward Instead of Backward |
主席先生, 各位同事, 女士们、先生们: |
Mr. President, |
很高兴出席今天的会议。国际发展进程处于承前启后的关键阶段。我们既要回顾总结13年来落实千年发展目标的经验得失,又要加快相关目标的实现,还要制定2015年后发展议程路线图。中国代表团期待与各方共同努力,推动会议取得成功。 | It gives me great pleasure to attend today's meeting. We now stand at a crucial stage of global development where, as we review the experience and lessons of implementing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the past 13 years, we also need to accelerate the fulfillment of relevant goals, and formulate a roadmap for the post-2015 development agenda. The Chinese delegation will work with all of you to make this meeting successful. |
13年前的世纪之交,各国元首通过《千年宣言》。这是人类社会和联合国的创举,展现了联合国的权威和国际合作的力量,为贫困人口和弱势人群送去了希望。 | Thirteen years ago, at the turn of the century, the Millennium Declaration was adopted by our heads of state. This is a path-breaking initiative of the human society and the United Nations. It demonstrated the authority of the UN and the power of international cooperation, and has brought hope to the poor and the disadvantaged. |
13年来,国际社会汇聚多方力量,筹集发展资源,使千年发展目标取得可喜进展。全球提前实现减贫和安全饮用水的目标,疟疾死亡率下降25%以上,卫生、健康、教育等指标也不同程度提高,数以亿计的人们步入小康行列。 | Over the past 13 years, the international community, by pooling development resources and strengths, has made good progress on meeting the MDGs. The targets for poverty reduction and safe drinking water were achieved ahead of schedule. Malaria fatality was brought down by over 25%. Improvements were also made on the indicators of sanitation, health and education to varying degrees. Hundreds of millions of people have become much better-off. |
但要看到,全球每8个人中仍有1个在挨饿,5700多万儿童缺乏教育机会,每天有800多名妇女在分娩时死亡,严峻的形势容不得我们有丝毫松懈。实现潘基文秘书长报告标题的要求,即“人人过上有尊严的生活”,任重而道远。 | Nevertheless, we must not forget that in our world today one out of every eight people still live in hunger, over 57 million children are denied schooling, and more than 800 women die every day during childbirth. Such a grim situation forbids any slackness in our efforts. We still face a long and uphill journey before we can achieve "a life of dignity for all", as called for by the Secretary-General in his report. |
千年发展目标的一大特色是集思广益,群策群力。在加快落实既定目标和制定2015年后发展议程路线图的过程中,我们主张充分听取作为发展主体的发展中国家的意见,借鉴联合国2015年后发展议程高级别名人小组的报告。中国代表团散发了关于发展议程的立场文件。我愿进一步谈几点看法: | Collective wisdom and action has been crucial in setting and meeting the MDGs. As we step up implementation of the established goals and formulate the roadmap of the post-2015 development agenda, we need to fully heed the views of developing countries' who constitute the mainstay in pursuing development, and draw upon the report of the UN High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. The Chinese delegation has circulated a position paper on the development agenda. Here, I wish to make some further observations. |
千年发展目标代表了21世纪和平、发展与合作的潮流,是全人类的伟大事业,这一切只能前进,不能倒退。我们推进千年发展目标的努力,就像登山者爬到了半山腰,咬咬牙苦尽甘来,松口气前功尽弃。 | The MDGs follow the trend of peace, development and cooperation in the 21st century. They represent a noble endeavor of all mankind. Hence, its implementation process must keep moving forward, rather than go backward. We have climbed half-way up the mountain. We need to persevere to get to the top, otherwise all our previous efforts would be lost. |
在推进发展议程的进程中,需要像爱惜眼睛一样珍惜和平。战争造成数千万人流离失所,好端端的基础设施沦为瓦砾,数十年的劳动成果化为乌有。维护和平是《联合国宪章》的宗旨,是千年发展目标的前提。作为化学武器的受害者,中国坚决反对使用化学武器;作为联合国安理会常任理事国,我们坚定支持联合国和有关国家推动叙利亚化武问题政治解决的努力。 | In advancing the development agenda, we must cherish peace as we do our eyes. War has made tens of millions of people homeless, reduced infrastructures to rubble, and brought decades of hard work to nought. To uphold peace is the purpose of the UN Charter as well as the precondition for the MDGs. As a victim of chemical weapons, China is firmly against the use of such weapons. Being a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China strongly supports the efforts of the UN and relevant countries in seeking a political settlement of the issue of chemical weapons in Syria. |
发展议程作为千年发展目标的延续和升级,应坚持以发展为主线,以人为本为宗旨,以减贫为核心。当前尤其应关注一些国家民众的饥饿和失业问题。需要发挥好市场和政府的作用,建设社会保障体系,完善基础设施,改善外商投资环境,增强应对各类风险的能力。 | As an extension and upgrade of the MDGs, the development agenda must take development as its main objective, follow a people-oriented approach, and prioritize poverty reduction. At this stage, we must pay particular attention to the hunger and unemployment in a number of countries. We need to leverage the role of market and government, develop the social security network, improve infrastructure, build a friendly environment for foreign investors, and enhance the capacity to tackle risks. |
推进发展议程,离不开良好的外部经济环境。各国应共同努力维护开放包容、增长联动的世界经济,使更多发展中国家融入全球价值链并从中受益。抵制贸易和投资保护主义,推进世贸多哈回合谈判。发达国家应承担应尽的发展援助责任,采取负责任的宏观经济政策。南北国家都应该适应经济全球化的潮流,增强互利共赢意识,深化货币、财政、贸易、产业等宏观政策的协调,共同应对气候变化、能源、资源、粮食安全等全球性难题。 | A sound external economic environment is indispensible for advancing the development agenda. Countries should work together to uphold an open, inclusive and growing world economy, so that more developing countries could integrate into the global value chain and benefit from it. We must reject trade and investment protectionism, and push forward the WTO Doha round negotiations. Developed countries should undertake due responsibilities in providing development assistance, and adopt responsible macro-economic policies. Countries both in the South and the North should adapt to the trend of economic globalization, pursue win-win outcomes, better coordinate monetary, fiscal, trade, industrial and other macro-policies, and jointly tackle such global challenges as climate change, energy, resources and food security. |
推进发展议程,需要尊重各国国情。各国历史、文化、发展阶段都不同,决定了发展道路的不同。“条条大路通罗马”,没必要大家都走一条道,别人走的道可以作为借鉴,但并不一定适合自己去走。无论是中国梦、美国梦、欧洲梦、非洲梦,对幸福生活的追求是相似的,但方式方法各有千秋,不能讲谁优谁劣,更不能强迫别人做自己的梦。国际社会应该尊重多样化的现实,挖掘多样化的潜力,在包容互鉴中实现各国的发展目标。 | In advancing the development agenda, it is important to respect the national conditions of each country. Countries differ in history, culture and development stage, hence the difference in their development paths. Just as the saying goes, "All roads lead to Rome." There is no need for everyone to take the same path. The path of others could be of useful reference, but may not be suitable for oneself. Be it the Chinese dream or the American dream, European dream or African dream -they are all about aspiration for a happy life, and can be achieved through different ways. None is superior to another, and no one should try to impose his own dream on others. The international community should respect the reality of diversity in the world and tap into the potential of diversity so that countries can achieve their own development goals through mutual learning and mutual accommodation. |
需要构建新型发展合作架构。应完善以联合国为中心、其他多边机构为支撑的国际发展架构。国际开发机构应强化减贫职能,金融机构应加强发展筹资,贸易机构应发挥促贸援助作用。二十国集团应加大对发展问题的关注。区域和次区域合作可发挥先导和实验作用。 | It is important to develop a new type of framework for development cooperation. Efforts should be made to improve the international framework on development with the UN at the center and supported by other multilateral institutions. International development institutions should strengthen their function of poverty reduction; financial institutions should increase development financing; and trade institutions should make good use of aid-for-trade. The G20 should give greater attention to development issues. Cooperation at the regional and sub-regional levels can play a pioneering and experimental role. |
需要切实加强落实和监督。决心不能停留在纸面上,决定不能没有后续跟进。2015年后发展议程是千年发展目标的延续,更是全球发展的“升级版”,有必要加强后续落实机制。发展筹资是发展合作的燃料,必须保障供应。需要坚持南北合作的主渠道作用,加强资金投入和技术援助的联动。联合国及其专门机构应该在这些领域发挥领导协调作用。 | It is important to strengthen enforcement and supervision. Commitment should be more than words on paper; it should be followed up by action. The post-2015 development agenda is an extension of the MDGs and more importantly, will serve as an upgraded version for global development. Therefore, we must strengthen its follow-up implementation mechanism. Development financing is the fuel of development cooperation and as such, its provision must be guaranteed. North-South cooperation should continue to serve as the main channel, and coordination between financial input and technical assistance should be enhanced. The United Nations and its specialized agencies should play a leading and coordinating role on these issues. |
主席先生, | Mr. President, |
中国是千年发展目标的积极落实者,是第一个提前实现减贫目标的发展中国家,也是为南南合作做出重大贡献的国家之一。13年来,中国在南南合作框架下向120多个发展中国家提供帮助,援建了200多所学校、30多所医院和疟疾防治中心,培训了8万多名各类人才。我们还不富裕,但我们乐于助人。我们无意输出制度和模式,但我们乐见发展中国家多一种选择和参考。我们办好自己的事情,同时为朋友们提供力所能及的帮助,就是在为人类发展事业提供正能量。 | China has actively implemented the MDGs. It is the first developing country to meet the poverty reduction goal ahead of schedule and has made important contribution to South-South cooperation. Over the past 13 years, China has provided assistance to over 120 developing countries under the South-South framework. Altogether, it has built over 200 schools and more than 30 hospitals and malaria control centers, and trained over 80,000 professionals of all types. China, though not rich itself, is happy to help others. We have no intention to export our system or model, but we will be happy if other developing countries would have one more option to be taken as reference. We will manage our own affairs well and, meanwhile, will do what we can to help our friends. This is the positive energy China contributes to the cause of human development. |
中国西南边陲的云南省有一个叫金平的县,农民每天收入不到2美元。当地政府依靠内外资金,帮助农民打水井,种橡胶,种茶树,还为外出务工人员开技能培训班,使“输血”成为“造血”。去年,中国外交部组织一次往返7300公里的爱心传递,把43名患有先天性心脏病的儿童接出大山,送到北京治疗,让他们重获健康和快乐。他们灿烂的笑容,是世界上最美的图画。金平的老百姓立足于自力更生,辅之以外部援助,生活正一天天变好,孩子们的生活学习环境不断改善,全县36万人口一步步实现着千年发展目标。这个例子再次说明:事在人为! | Here let me share with you the story of Jinping County, Yunnan, a border province in China's southwest, where people earn less than two US dollars a day. The county government, by capitalizing on local revenues and external assistance, has helped local farmers dig wells and grow rubber and tea trees, and provided skill training courses to those who wish to work in cities, making every effort to turn the county from a recipient of "blood transfusion" into one capable of "blood creation". Last year, the Foreign Ministry of China made a 7,300-kilometer-long love journey: we sponsored a medical treatment trip for 43 children of congenital heart disease from the mountains of Jinping County to Beijing, where they were treated and regained health and happiness. If you would only see their smile-the most beautiful thing in the world. Now the people in Jinping, by mainly relying on their own efforts and supplemented by external assistance, are leading a better life day by day: the living and studying conditions of children are improving, and the 360,000 Jinping people are moving ever closer to reaching the MDGs. As we often say, where there is a will, there is a way. No better example could be found of it than the Jinping story. |
谢谢大家! | Thank you. |
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