加大科技创新力度。中国经济虽然已居世界前列,但许多产业仍处在世界的中低端,传统的粗放式增长路径已经行不通了,必须更多地依靠科技进步调整结构。这是一种战略性、结构性、创新性调整。我们将坚持有扶有控、有保有压,培育壮大新产品、新业态,促进服务业、高技术产业、新兴产业加快发展;积极化解产能过剩矛盾,加快传统产业改造步伐,淘汰落后产能,提升中国产品和服务业在全球价值链中的位置,使创新真正能创造出更高的价值;加强人力资本投入,提高劳动者素质,提升产业技术、质量和品牌水平。特别是要通过加快改革,解除对个体、对企业创新的种种束缚,中国有各类专业技术人员和各类技能劳动者近两亿人。如果这么多人哪怕是大部分人都能发挥出他们的聪明才智,形成“万众创新”、“人人创新”的新态势,体力加脑力,制造加创造,开发出先进技术乃至所谓颠覆性技术,中国发展就一定能够创造更多价值,上新台阶。 |
We will step up science and technology innovation. The Chinese economy is among the largest in the world, but in many sectors China still ranks fairly low and its traditional, extensive way of seeking growth has been proved unsustainable. Readjusting the structure must be driven, more than ever, by science and technology progress, and that requires strategic, structural, and innovative readjustment. We will support and provide guarantee to certain sectors and curb and scale back some others, cultivate and promote new products and new businesses and speed up the development of service, high technology and emerging sectors. At the same time, we will phase out overcapacity, accelerate the transformation of traditional sectors and eliminate outdated capacity so that Chinese products and China's service sector can move up the global value chain and more value could be created through innovation. We must invest more in human capital and increase the ranks of high-caliber workers. We will improve the technological sophistication, quality and brand awareness of Chinese industries. In particular, we need to step up reforms to remove restraints on innovation by individuals and companies. When the talent of all, or at least most of the nearly 200 million professionals and skilled workers is brought to the full, a new pattern of innovation by the people and innovation by all, supported by the massive physical and mental power of the people and the strength of China's manufacturing and creative capability, will be fostered. This, coupled with the development of advanced and even revolutionary technologies, will create more value and move China's development to a higher level. |
中国城乡和区域发展还很不平衡,差距大、潜力也大。推进以人为核心的新型城镇化,是最大的结构调整。我们将抓住世界新技术和产业革命机遇,加快“宽带中国”、“智慧城市”等建设,发挥城市星罗棋布带动广阔腹地发展的作用,促进城乡一体化和区域梯度开发,实现新型工业化、信息化、城镇化和农业现代化同步发展;同时,大力发展民生事业,促进基本公共服务均等化,加强社会保障,包括为创业者中的失败者提供保障,这也是为他们再次创业提供机会。我们将继续扩大居民消费,形成内需拉动经济增长的新动力。 |
China faces uneven development between its urban and rural areas and among its different regions. But the existing disparity, which is quite striking, can entail a huge potential. Promoting a people-centered, new type of urbanization will be in itself the biggest structural readjustment. We will seize opportunities brought by technological advances and global industrial revolution to speed up the development of such schemes as "broadband China" and "smart cities", leverage the role of cities across the country in galvanizing hinterland development, promote urban-rural integration and a gradient development of different regions and bring about a synchronized progress of the new type of industrialization, IT application, urbanization and agricultural modernization. At the same time, we will vigorously develop programs related to people's wellbeing, promote equal access to basic public services and strengthen social security, including providing security to those who failed in their entrepreneurial endeavor to help them restart businesses. We will continue to increase household consumption and make sure that greater internal demand could serve as a new power to drive economic growth. |
中国经济还处于发展中阶段,但资源环境矛盾已经十分突出,必须加大节能环保力度。应对气候变化,既是中国作为一个负责任大国应尽的义务,也是我们自身发展的迫切需要。中国加强生态文明建设只会前进,不会倒退。我们已提出向污染宣战,并认真履行相应的国际责任,正在研究2030年前后中国控制温室气体排放行动目标,这其中包括二氧化碳排放峰值、碳排放强度比例下降、非化石能源比重上升等。中国推进绿色、循环、低碳发展不仅有决心,而且有能力,我们将紧紧依靠科技创新,进行艰苦卓绝、持续不断的努力,来加大环境治理力度,加快发展节能环保产业,着力完成节能减排任务,与世界各国一道为应对全球气候变化采取实实在在的行动。 |
The Chinese economy, now heading toward further growth, is also being weighed down by increasing resources and environmental constraints. It is imperative for us to enhance energy conservation and environmental protection. Tackling climate change is not only our binding international obligation as a major responsible country, but also the pressing need for our own development. There is no turning back in China's commitment to a sound eco-system. We have declared war on pollution and earnestly fulfilled our due international responsibilities. We are studying the action targets on greenhouse gas emissions control, including the peak of CO2 emission, the carbon emission intensity reduction and the increase in the share of non-fossil energy by 2030 and beyond. We have the resolve, the will and the capability to pursue green, circular and low-carbon development. We will keep focusing on scientific and technological innovation and make hard and unremitting efforts to step up environmental management, boost the development of energy conservation and environment protection sectors, fulfill the task of energy conservation and emissions reduction, and work with other countries to effectively address global climate change. |
女士们,先生们! |
Ladies and Gentlemen, |
人类已进入经济全球化深入发展的时代,各国利益相互依存,彼此命运休戚与共,世界离不开中国,中国也离不开世界。中国实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标和中华民族伟大复兴“中国梦”,将会给世界带来发展机遇和巨大市场。各国间不应再是你输我赢、“零和博弈”,而应该是双赢多赢、互利共赢,唯此世界才能繁荣进步。中国将坚定不移走和平发展道路,我们是国际体系的积极参与者、建设者和贡献者。我们致力于维护和平稳定的大环境,主张遵循国际关系基本准则,以和平方式、政治手段、通过对话解决地区冲突与热点问题。我们愿与亚洲邻国不断深化合作,妥善处理分歧,维护稳定安全大局,维护和平的秩序。我们倡导开放公平的全球统一大市场,支持多边自贸安排和双边自贸区建设“两个轮子一起转”,努力形成“面向全球的高标准自贸区网络”,反对各种形式的保护主义,更不赞成打贸易战。我们坚持实行更加积极主动的开放战略,完善开放型经济体系,重视稳定出口,也积极扩大进口,加快服务业、沿边和中西部地区开放,保持外资政策稳定,而且会更加开放。我们将不断完善和规范营商环境,继续吸引外国企业来华投资兴业,同时学习国外先进的技术、成熟管理经验和优秀的文化成果,兼容并蓄、消化吸收。中国永远做一个开放的大国、学习的大国、包容的大国,从中国国情出发,努力建设成为一个创新的大国。 |
We now live in an era defined by deepening economic globalization, with countries increasingly depending on one another in interests and sharing their destinies closely. The world needs China, and China needs the world. China's endeavor to realize the two centenary goals (namely, to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects when the Communist Party of China celebrates its centenary in 2021, and to turn China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious when the People's Republic of China celebrates its centenary in 2049) and the Chinese dream of the great renewal of the Chinese nation will present great development opportunities and a huge market to the world. Instead of "I win, you lose" or a "zero-sum game", we need win-win or all-win, which ensures mutual benefit. Only in this way could the world prosper and advance forward. China is resolute in following the path of peaceful development. China is a defender and builder of the existing international system and is dedicated to maintaining an overall environment of peace and stability. We call for observance of the basic norms governing international relations and believe that regional conflicts and hotspot issues should be solved peacefully and politically through dialogue. We stand ready to deepen cooperation with our Asian neighbors, properly handle differences as there may be, maintain the overall interest of stability and security and uphold the order of peace. We advocate the building of an open, fair and integrated global market and support the establishment of both multilateral free trade arrangements and bilateral FTAs, in order to build a high-standard FTA network that is globally oriented. We oppose protectionism in all its forms and do not favor fighting trade wars. We will continue to pursue a more proactive strategy of opening-up and improve the open economic system. We will focus on stabilizing export and actively expanding import. We will move faster to bring greater openness in the service sector, as well as China's areas bordering other countries and its vast central and western regions. We will follow a stable and more open policy on foreign capital. We will continue to improve and standardize the business environment, in order to attract more foreign businesses and investment and draw upon and adopt the advanced technologies, mature managerial expertise and fine cultural achievements of other countries. China will always be a major country committed to learning from others and to being open and inclusive. Acting on the basis of its actual conditions, China will strive to become a major country driven by innovation. |
“大智兴邦,不过集众思”。也就是说,智慧来自于大众。我刚才强调的大众创业、万众创新将会迸发出灿烂的火花。我们比任何时候都需要改革创新,更需要分享改革创新成果。这用中国的成语说,就是众人拾柴火焰高。希望与会各位畅所欲言,共同探索改革创新和开放发展之路,共同谋划创造价值与互利共赢之策,为中国经济社会发展、为世界繁荣进步作出应有的努力与贡献。 |
As the saying goes, great vision that makes a country prosper is but the result of collective wisdom. In other words, wisdom comes from the people. In the same line, the massive entrepreneurship and innovation by all, as I emphasized earlier, will generate enormous power. Today more than any other time, we need reform and innovation and the sharing of the result of reform and innovation. To use a Chinese idiom, the fire will burn higher when everyone adds wood to it. I hope that all our distinguished participants will speak up your minds, jointly explore ways for reform, innovation and open development, share your views on how to create value and achieve mutual benefit, and do what you can to help China's economic development and world prosperity and progress. |
预祝本届夏季达沃斯论坛圆满成功!愿各位嘉宾在华工作顺利、身体健康! |
Let me conclude by wishing this Summer Davos a complete success, and I wish all of you a successful Forum and very good health! |
谢谢大家! |
Thank you. |
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