一、建立与发展 |
I. Founding and Development |
新疆地处中国西北边陲。新疆生产建设兵团是在特殊的地理、历史背景下成立的。 |
Xinjiang is situated in the border areas of northwest China. Founding of the XPCC occurred under a special geographical and historical background. |
1949年新疆和平解放时,当地经济是以农牧业为主体的自然经济,生产力水平低下,生产方式落后,发展处于停滞状态,人民生活贫苦不堪。为巩固边防、加快发展,减轻新疆当地政府和各族人民的经济负担,1950年1月,驻新疆人民解放军将主要力量投入到生产建设之中,当年实现粮食大部分自给、食油蔬菜全部自给。1953年,新疆军区将所属部队整编为国防部队和生产部队两个部分,其中生产部队建有军垦农牧团场43个,拥有耕地77.26千公顷。同时还兴办工业、交通、建筑、商业企业和科技、教育、文化、卫生等事业单位,为之后组建生产建设兵团奠定了基础。 |
When Xinjiang was peacefully liberated in 1949, the region featured a natural economy, with farming and animal husbandry as the mainstay. Productivity was low and the mode of production was backward. Development was stalled and local residents lived in poverty. Aiming to consolidate border defense, accelerate Xinjiang's development, and reduce the economic burden on the local government and local residents of all ethnic groups, in January 1950 the People's Liberation Army (PLA) units stationed in Xinjiang started focusing their efforts on production and construction. By the end of that year they had become largely self-sufficient in grains and fully self-sufficient in edible oil and vegetables. In 1953 the Xinjiang Military District reorganized its troops into two divisions: defense troops and production troops. The latter had 43 regimental agricultural and stock raising farms and 77,260 hectares of farmland. The production troops also set up industrial, transport, construction, and commercial enterprises, as well as public institutions of science and technology, education, health, and culture, so paving the way for the founding of the Production and Construction Corps. |
1954年10月,中央政府命令驻新疆人民解放军第二、第六军大部,第五军大部,第二十二兵团全部,集体就地转业,脱离国防部队序列,组建“中国人民解放军新疆军区生产建设兵团”,接受新疆军区和中共中央新疆分局双重领导,其使命是劳武结合、屯垦戍边。兵团由此开始正规化国营农牧团场的建设,由原军队自给性生产转为企业化生产,并正式纳入国家计划。当时,兵团总人口17.55万。此后,全国各地大批优秀青壮年、复转军人、知识分子、科技人员加入兵团行列,投身新疆建设。从1956年5月起,兵团受国家农垦部和新疆维吾尔自治区双重领导。 |
In October 1954 the central government ordered the demobilization of most of the PLA Second, Fifth, and Sixth Armies and all of the 22nd Army Group in Xinjiang, and their separation from the setups of the national defense forces to form the Production and Construction Corps of the Xinjiang Military District of the PLA, subject to the dual leadership of the Xinjiang Military District and the Xinjiang Sub-bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. The XPCC's missions were to carry out both production and militia duties, and to cultivate and guard the border areas. Henceforth the XPCC officially commenced its building of state-run agricultural and stock raising farms, and transformed from military self-sufficient production to production as an enterprise, incorporated into national planning. The XPCC had an initial population of 175,500, later swelled by large numbers of youth, demobilized military personnel, intellectuals, scientists, and technicians. As of May 1956 the XPCC was subordinated to the dual leadership of the Ministry of Land Reclamation and Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. |
1962年,新疆伊犁、塔城地区先后发生了边民越境事件。根据国家部署,兵团调遣了1.7万余名干部、职工奔赴当地维护社会治安,施行代耕、代牧、代管,并迅速在新疆伊犁、塔城、阿勒泰、哈密地区和博尔塔拉蒙古自治州等长达2000多公里的边境沿线建立了纵深10公里到30公里的边境团场带。这对于稳定新疆、维护国家边防安全发挥了不可替代的重要作用,改善了国家西北边防的战略态势。到1966年底,兵团总人口达到148.54万,拥有农牧团场158个。 |
In 1962 some local residents in Xinjiang's Ili and Tacheng crossed the frontier. By order of the state, the XPCC dispatched more than 17,000 officials and workers to Ili and Tacheng to maintain public order and tend the farmland and livestock of those who had fled. They quickly set up a belt of regimental farms ranging from 10 to 30 kilometers in breadth along the more than 2,000-kilometer-long boundaries of Ili, Tacheng, Altay, Hami, and Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture. They played a crucial role in maintaining stability in Xinjiang, safeguarding national border security, and improving China's strategic position in its northwest border defense. By the end of 1966, the Corps had 158 regimental agricultural and stock raising farms, with a population of 1,485,400. |
“文化大革命”(1966-1976年)期间,兵团屯垦戍边事业受到严重破坏。1975年3月,兵团建制被撤销,成立新疆维吾尔自治区农垦总局,主管全疆国营农牧团场的业务工作。1981年12月,中央政府决定恢复兵团建制,名称由原有的“中国人民解放军新疆军区生产建设兵团”改为“新疆生产建设兵团”,兵团开始了二次创业。30多年时间里,兵团对国有农牧场进行了大包干责任制、兴办职工家庭农场、企业承包经营责任制、发展多种经济成分等方面的改革,兴办工业,建设城镇,兵团的屯垦戍边事业不断迈向新的阶段。 |
During the "cultural revolution" (1966-1976), the XPCC suffered serious disruption in fulfilling its mission of cultivating and guarding the border areas. In March 1975 the Corps was dissolved. The General Administration of Land Reclamation of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region was founded to take charge of state-run agricultural and stock raising farms in Xinjiang. In December 1981 the central government decided to restore the production and construction corps organizational system. It renamed the Production and Construction Corps of the Xinjiang Military District of the PLA the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. The Corps then recommenced its pioneering work. Over the past 30 years or more, the XPCC has introduced reforms by expediting the general contract responsibility system and the enterprise contract responsibility system and setting up workers' household farms. It has also developed diverse sectors of the economy, promoted industrial development and established new cities and towns. The XPCC has thus scaled new heights of progress in its endeavor to cultivate and guard the border areas. |
60年来,兵团以屯垦戍边为使命,遵循“不与民争利”的原则,在天山南北的戈壁荒漠和人烟稀少、环境恶劣的边境沿线,开荒造田,建成了一个个农牧团场,逐步建立起涵盖食品加工、轻工纺织、钢铁、煤炭、建材、电力、化工、机械等门类的工业体系,教育、科技、文化、卫生等各项社会事业取得长足发展。截至2013年底,兵团下辖14个师,176个团,辖区面积7.06万平方公里,耕地1244.77千公顷,总人口270.14万,占新疆总人口的11.9%。 |
Over the past 60 years, in fulfilling its mission the XPCC has adhered to the principle of "not competing for benefits with the local people." The XPCC reclaimed farmland and successively built regimental agricultural and stock raising farms in the Gobi desert to the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, and in the harsh natural environment of the desolate border areas. The XPCC has gradually established a multi-sector industrial system encompassing food processing, light industry, textiles, iron and steel, coal, building materials, electricity, chemicals, and machinery. It has also achieved significant progress in education, science and technology, culture, health, and other public sectors. By the end of 2013, the XPCC had 176 regiments, 14 divisions, an area of 70,600 square kilometers under its administration, including 1,244,770 hectares of farmland, and a population of 2,701,400, accounting for 11.9% of Xinjiang's total population. |
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