

发布时间: 2016-11-18 17:51:01  |  来源: 中国翻译研究院  |  作者:  |  责任编辑: 李潇
编者按: Editor's Note:



On July 1, the Communist Party of China (CPC) held a gathering in Beijing to mark its 95th anniversary. At the meeting, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Chinese President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivered a keynote speech. In his speech, Xi reviewed the path that the CPC has led the Chinese people on, envisioned the future prospects of the Party and the people working together, and called on the whole Party and people of all ethnic groups to confidently strive toward the goal of building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and realizing the Chinese dream of national renewal.


Highlights of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Speech Marking the CPC's 95th Founding Anniversary

一、总结了中国共产党为中华民族做出的三个伟大历史贡献及其意义。 I. It summarized the three greatest historic contributions that the CPC has made to the Chinese nation and their significance.



In his speech Xi pointed out that in the CPC's 95 years of splendid history it has overcome one obstacle after another through its firm reliance on the people. It has also continued to score one victory after another and as a result made historic contributions to the Chinese nation.

In particular, the historic contributions that he mentioned include: leading the Chinese people through 28 years of bloody battles and civil war; defeating Japanese imperialism; overthrowing the anti-revolutionary rule of the Kuomintang; completing the New Democratic Revolution; and founding the People's Republic of China. These contributions are significant because when combined, they show how the CPC thoroughly put an end to the era when China was a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. The CPC brought together a China that was fragmented, and in the process completely abolished unfair treaties forced upon China by foreign powers and revoked the privileges that imperialists had enjoyed in China. Hence, China transformed from a feudal autocracy that had lasted for thousands of years to a people's democracy.



The Party has also made a historic contribution to uniting and leading the Chinese people to complete the socialist revolution, set up a basic socialist system, eliminate all exploitative systems and push ahead with socialist construction. The significance of this lies in that it has brought about the most extensive and profound social transformation in the history of China. It also laid the fundamental political and institutional foundation for all of the progress made in contemporary China and created a solid basis for the country to become strong and prosperous. The Chinese nation has reversed its fate from a continuous decline to increasing prosperity.



Additionally, the Party united and lead the Chinese people through reform and opening up. This process greatly inspired the general public's creativity, unleashed social productivity and boosted social vitality. It also improved people's lives, as well as China's national strength and the country's international standing. Overall, the contribution is significant in that it has opened a socialist path with Chinese characteristics, formulated a system of theories with Chinese characteristics and established a socialist system with Chinese characteristics. It allows China to keep up with the times, and for the Chinese people to stand up and become richer and stronger.
二、从中国共产党95年的发展历程中得出三大历史经验 II. The speech drew three important historical experiences from the CPC's 95 years of history.
习近平指出,历史告诉我们,没有先进理论的指导,没有用先进理论武装起来的先进政党的领导,没有先进政党顺应历史潮流、勇担历史重任、敢于作出巨大牺牲,中国人民就无法打败压在自己头上的各种反动派,中华民族就无法改变被压迫、被奴役的命运,我们的国家就无法团结统一、在社会主义道路上走向繁荣富强. Xi pointed out that history has proven that without the leadership of an advanced Party, China would not be where it is today. The Party is defined as advanced because it is armed with advanced theories, follows historical trends, courageously shoulders its duties and makes huge sacrifices for the people. Without this, the Chinese people would not have been able to defeat various reactionary forces, would still be oppressed and enslaved, and would not have become united and prosperous along the socialist path.
习近平指出,历史还告诉我们,历史和人民选择中国共产党领导中华民族伟大复兴的事业是正确的,必须长期坚持、永不动摇;中国共产党领导中国人民开辟的中国特色社会主义道路是正确的,必须长期坚持、永不动摇;中国共产党和中国人民扎根中国大地、吸纳人类文明优秀成果、独立自主实现国家发展的战略是正确的,必须长期坚持、永不动摇。 He also pointed out that history has proven that the great cause of rejuvenating the Chinese nation under the CPC's leadership, which was chosen by history and people, is correct and must be adhered to unswervingly. The socialist path with Chinese characteristics opened by the Chinese people under the CPC's leadership is correct and must be followed steadfastly. The CPC and Chinese people's strategy to develop the country based on national conditions and drawing on the excellent fruits of human civilization is correct and must be carried out firmly.
习近平指出,历史告诉我们,95年来,中国走过的历程,中国人民和中华民族走过的历程,是中国共产党和中国人民用鲜血、汗水、泪水写就的,充满着苦难和辉煌、曲折和胜利、付出和收获,这是中华民族发展史上不能忘却、不容否定的壮丽篇章,也是中国人民和中华民族继往开来、奋勇前进的现实基础。 Xi said that history has shown that the road traveled by China has been paved by the CPC and the Chinese people with blood, sweat and tears. It has been full of plights and setbacks, yet also splendor and victories. It is an unforgettable and undeniably spectacular chapter in the development of the Chinese nation and a foundation on which the Chinese people can build upon and forge ahead.
习近平总书记对中国共产党95年历史发展做出的这三大总结,表明了只有共产党才能救中国,没有共产党就没有新中国的事实,更表明了中国人民坚持中国共产党的领导下,坚定不移实现中华民族伟大复兴的信念和信心。 The above experiences show that only the CPC can save China. Without the CPC, there would not be the People's Republic of China. The Chinese people are confident that national renewal will be obtained under the CPC's leadership.
三、不忘初心、继续前进,必须牢牢把握的八方面工作 III. The speech emphasized that the CPC should stay true to its mission and keep moving forward.
习近平指出,面向未来,面对挑战,全党同志一定要不忘初心、继续前进。要坚持不忘初心,面向未来,就必须做到以下八点: Xi pointed out that all Party members should stay true to their mission and keep moving forward. As a result, Party members must keep the following eight requirements in mind:
——坚持不忘初心、继续前进,就要坚持马克思主义的指导地位,坚持把马克思主义基本原理同当代中国实际和时代特点紧密结合起来,推进理论创新、实践创新,不断把马克思主义中国化推向前进。 -- Adhere to the guiding role of Marxism; closely combine the basic tenets of Marxism with the realities of contemporary China and characteristics of the times; promote innovation in theory and practice; and continue to adapt Marxism to China's conditions.
——坚持不忘初心、继续前进,就要牢记我们党从成立起就把为共产主义、社会主义而奋斗确定为自己的纲领,坚定共产主义远大理想和中国特色社会主义共同理想,不断把为崇高理想奋斗的伟大实践推向前进。 -- Firmly remember that since its founding, the Party's basic principle has been to struggle for the victory of communism and socialism; stick to the lofty ideal of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics; and continuously pursue this great ideal.
——坚持不忘初心、继续前进,就要坚持中国特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信,坚持党的基本路线不动摇,不断把中国特色社会主义伟大事业推向前进。 -- Strengthen confidence in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics; adhere to the Party's basic line; and continue to further the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
——坚持不忘初心、继续前进,就要统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局,协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,全力推进全面建成小康社会进程,不断把实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标推向前进。 -- Concertedly promote economic, political, cultural, social and ecological progress; implement the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy; and spare no effort in pushing for the completion of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and the realization of the Two Centenary Goals.
——坚持不忘初心、继续前进,就要坚定不移高举改革开放旗帜,勇于全面深化改革,进一步解放思想、解放和发展社会生产力、解放和增强社会活力,不断把改革开放推向前进。 -- Steadfastly hold high the banner of reform and opening up; audaciously deepen comprehensive reform; further emancipate our thoughts; unleash social productivity and vitality; and continuously push forward reform and opening up.
——坚持不忘初心、继续前进,就要坚信党的根基在人民、党的力量在人民,坚持一切为了人民、一切依靠人民,充分发挥广大人民群众积极性、主动性、创造性,不断把为人民造福事业推向前进。 -- Firmly believe that the Party is rooted in the people and its power comes from the people; stick to the principles of serving the people and relying on the people; give full play to the people's initiatives and creativity; and continuously advance the undertakings to benefit the people.
——坚持不忘初心、继续前进,就要始终不渝走和平发展道路,始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略,加强同各国的友好往来,同各国人民一道,不断把人类和平与发展的崇高事业推向前进。 -- Unswervingly follow the road of peaceful development; implement the mutually beneficial opening-up strategy; strengthen friendship and exchanges with various countries; and work together with people in various countries to carry on the lofty cause of peaceful development.
——坚持不忘初心、继续前进,就要保持党的先进性和纯洁性,着力提高执政能力和领导水平,着力增强抵御风险和拒腐防变能力,不断把党的建设新的伟大工程推向前进。 -- Maintain the advanced and pure nature of the Party; energetically improve the Party's governance and leadership capability and its ability to resist risks and corruption; and continuously push forward the great project of Party building.
四、其他内容 IV. Other highlights
习近平在讲话中最后还对军队建设、推进祖国和平统一进程、青年人才建设发表了观点。 In his speech, Xi also made comments on army building, peaceful reunification of the motherland and nurturing talented young people.
在谈到军队建设时,习近平指出,要坚持党对军队的绝对领导,努力建设一支听党指挥、能打胜仗、作风优良的人民军队。中国奉行积极防御的军事战略方针,不会动辄以武力相威胁,也不会动不动到别人家门口炫耀武力。 When talking about army building, Xi said that the Party's absolute leadership over the military must be adhered to and endeavors should be made to build a people's army that follows the command of the Party, can win battles and has good working style. China follows a military strategy of active defense, so it will not threaten others with the use of force or flex its muscles at others' doorsteps.
在谈到推进祖国和平统一进程时,习近平表示,无论遇到什么样的困难和挑战,我们对“一国两制”的信心和决心都绝不会动摇。习近平同时指出,坚持“九二共识”、反对“台独”是两岸关系和平发展的政治基础。我们坚决反对“台独”分裂势力。对任何人、任何时候、以任何形式进行的分裂国家活动,13亿多中国人民、整个中华民族都决不会答应! When talking about peaceful reunification of the motherland, Xi said that faith and determination in "one country, two systems" should not be shaken regardless of what difficulties or challenges are encountered. Additionally, Xi said that adhering to the 1992 Consensus and objecting to "Taiwan independence" are the political foundation for the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations. He stressed the importance of resolutely opposing "Taiwan independence." The 1.3 billion Chinese people and the entire Chinese nation will absolutely not accept any form of activities to split the country.
在谈到青年人才建设时,习近平表示,95年来,我们党取得的所有成就都凝聚着青年的热情和奉献。全党要关注青年、关心青年、关爱青年,倾听青年心声,做青年朋友的知心人、青年工作的热心人、青年群众的引路人。 When talking about nurturing talented young people, Xi said, in the past 95 years, all the achievements of the Party embody the enthusiasm and contribution of young people. The Party should pay attention to young people, care about them, listen to their voices, make friends with them, enthusiastically support their work and be their guide.