片名:Win Win
导演:托马斯•麦卡锡(Thomas McCarthy)
主演:保罗•吉亚玛提(Paul Giamatti)
艾米•莱安(Amy Ryan)
鲍比•坎纳瓦尔(Bobby Cannavale)
杰弗里•塔伯(Jeffrey Tambor)
波特•杨(Burt Young)
梅兰妮•林斯基(Melanie Lynskey)
亚历克斯•谢弗(Alex Shaffer)
玛格•马丁戴尔(Margo Martindale)
大卫•汤普森(David Thompson)
The Story

Like many people, attorney Mike Flaherty (Paul Giamatti) is struggling to make ends meet. Between clients, he juggles duties as a family man while moonlighting as a high school wrestling coach. And his team is terrible. When Leo Poplar (Burt Young), a man in the early stages of dementia, is on the verge of becoming a ward of the state, Mike sees an opportunity to supplement his income by taking over guardianship. The plan seems fool-proof as Leo is placed in a nursing home while Mike collects the $1500-a-month stipend, but a potential kink arrives in the form of Leo's never-seen-before grandson, 16 year-old Kyle (Alex Shaffer). |
保罗•吉亚玛提在影片中饰演一位律师,名叫迈克•弗莱厄蒂。他跟很多人一样努力工作以维持生计。除了周旋于客户之间,他还是家里的顶梁柱,同时兼任一所高中的摔跤教练。不过,他带领的这支队伍很糟糕。利奥•波普勒(波特•杨 饰)是一位痴呆症早期患者,眼看需要有人监护;趁此机会,迈克担当起了他的法定监护人,从而贴补自己的收入。利奥被安顿在了疗养院,而迈克每个月领取着1500美元的津贴,打着这样的算盘似乎不会出什么问题,但潜在的障碍还是不期而至:利奥从未谋面的16岁外孙凯尔(亚历克斯•谢弗 饰)来了! |
After much contemplation, Mike and wife, Jackie (Amy Ryan), reluctantly take in the troubled, but polite, teen while trying to locate the boy's mother back in Ohio. Kyle takes the opportunity to connect with the grandfather he never knew, but also solves Mike's other problem by proving to be an explosive and talented wrestler. With the team winning and the extra income easing his financial burdens, Mike has no guilt about his win-win situation, until Leo's daughter Cindy (Melanie Lynskey) shows up, fresh out of rehab and flat broke, to reclaim not only her son, but the monthly $1500 she believes she's entitled from the father she hasn't seen in twenty years. Cindy's arrival throws Kyle into turmoil right before he's to wrestle in the biggest match of his young life. Without much effort, Mike exposes the young mother's motives, but Cindy's acquisition of a court document threatens to reveal the attorney's questionable business decision. Mike is then stuck between doing what's right for Kyle and Leo and exposing himself as an unethical opportunist and causing harm to his own family. |
经过多番思量,迈克和妻子杰基(艾米•莱安 饰)勉强收留了这个麻烦缠身但很懂礼貌的小伙子;同时,他们想方设法在俄亥俄州那边寻找孩子的母亲。凯尔抓住这个机会,与从未谋面的外祖父取得了联系。在此期间,他也帮了迈克不少忙——事实证明他是一个极具天赋的爆发型摔跤手。迈克所带的摔跤队因此连连获胜,额外的收入也缓解了他经济上的负担。对于这样的双赢局面,迈克并没有什么罪恶感,直到有一天,利奥的女儿辛迪(梅兰妮•林斯基 饰)冒了出来。辛迪吸毒成瘾,刚刚接受过康复治疗,目前身无分文,除了要回儿子,她还要求享有这每个月1500美元的津贴。在她看来,她有权从父亲那里获得这笔钱,尽管他们已有20年没见。凯尔即将参加他年轻的生命中最重要的一场摔跤比赛了,而这时候辛迪的到来却让他的生活乱成一团。迈克没费多大劲就揭露了这位年轻母亲的动机,但是辛迪弄到了一份法院文件,威胁要揭发这位律师可疑的商业行为。如果选择为了凯尔和利奥去做一些对得起他们的事情,就会暴露自己不道德的投机行为,进而连累家人,迈克因此陷入了两难境地。
(China.org.cn Wendy 译)
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