Rango, which may take place entirely within its hero's head -- that kind of ambiguity worked in Inception and Black Swan, so why not here? -- is about the appetite for myths and stories, whether or not they make sense. It is about the worlds we dream inside our fishbowls, helped by the weird reflections on the walls.
By A. O. SCOTT, from The New York Times
It is, all in all, off its rocker. But it's gorgeous: The two-dimensional animation springs to life with more energy and impact than a lot of the 3-D we've been seeing. It pays sincere devotion to the classic Western, touching on all the devices and archetypes that any fan of windswept heroism could hope for. And Depp is Depp -- master of idiosyncrasy, swisher of hips, the self-aware and self-mocking peacock of his generation.
By Amy Biancolli, from San Francisco Chronicle
Despite the presence of an all-star supporting cast, Rango is clearly Johnny Depp's show from start to finish. The actor does an impressive job of shedding his distinctive persona to become this off-the-wall character, and there's little doubt that Depp does a fantastic job of portraying Rango's many moods and emotions. Among the rest of the actors, Ned Beatty stands out as Dirt's intimidating mayor and Bill Nighy steals every one of his scenes as a vicious rattlesnake named Jake.
By David Nusair, from About.com
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