'Thor: The Dark World' review

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail CRI, November 14, 2013
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From the beginning Thor: the Dark World looks to be built on flimsy foundations.


The heavily made-up actors in plastic costumes jostle with comic-book dialogue which can make the acting appear wooden.

Loki (Tom Hiddleston) is being sentenced to life behind bars for his attack on New York - in the Avengers movie - while his brother Thor is out restoring order to the nine realms by going to battle with his big hammer.

It must be said though that Chris Hemsworth, in the title role, is beautifully cast handling the part with physical prowess, gravitas and a generous helping of tongue in cheek - though hopefully he will prove so well cast as to be typecast.

From this very first battle scene screenings in IMAX 3D really do come into their own.

Every explosion, arrow, sword and staff is fired and flung in three - high definition - dimensions which makes every action sequence a feast for the eyes.

And what's more the sound...The SOUND is something incredible. Every crash, bang and wollop hits you in the chest and rumbles you in your seat.

This immersive experience just gets better with the menacing appearance of Christoper Eccleston as the film's super-villain Malekith the Accursed who's returned from a time before time in order to plunge the universe back into darkness with the help of a substance called the ether.

Malekith and his Dark Elves prove to be quite a match for the inhabitants of Asgard and Thor's father Odin (Anthony Hopkins) now wants to do things the old fashioned way by standing and fighting to the last man, but Thor sees things differently and time is running out...

The film has humour, action and romance and ticks all the right boxes, there's also something for everyone as the filmmakers, just about, pull off the juxtaposition of ancient Norse mythology with futuristic sci-fi.

But as I left the multiplex to enjoy a post film burger, I was left conflicted about what to think... could I actually say it was good?

Surely, I thought, it's just the standard Hollywood garbage that film aficionados tend to rail against.

But as I bit down on my burger and fries I realised that that idea is dead wrong. While the very best films tend to be those that teach us something, make us think differently and give us mental nourishment, sometimes it's good to enjoy films just like fast-food.

Thor might not contain complex ideas and make you think, but much like my whopper meal, it was damned enjoyable and from time to time that's exactly what you need.

So I would advise everyone in need of some pure enjoyment to go and see this film... in IMAX 3D.

Reviewed by Alexander Aucott


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