三、2013年经济社会发展的主要任务和措施 | III. Major Tasks and Measures for Economic and Social Development in 2013 |
实现今年经济和社会发展目标,要着力抓好十个方面工作。 | We need to work on the following ten areas to attain the objectives of economic and social development this year: |
(一)加强和改善宏观调控。(1)继续实施积极的财政政策。结合税制改革完善结构性减税政策,重点是加快推进营业税改征增值税试点。严格财政收支管理,财政支出继续向民生领域和薄弱环节倾斜,从严控制行政经费等一般性支出。加强地方政府性债务管理,妥善处理债务偿还和在建项目后续融资问题,保障符合条件的地方政府融资平台正常运转。2013年拟安排财政赤字1.2万亿元,比上年预算增加4000亿元,赤字率2%左右。(2)继续实施稳健的货币政策。适当扩大社会融资总规模,保持货币信贷合理增长和流动性合理适度。优化信贷结构,加大对“三农”、小型微型企业、战略性新兴产业、国家重点在建续建项目等的金融支持,切实降低实体经济发展的融资成本。积极拓宽企业融资渠道,稳步扩大企业直接融资规模,发展多层次资本市场。加强监管,坚决守住不发生系统性和区域性金融风险的底线。2013年,广义货币供应量M2余额预期增长13%左右。(3)加强财政、货币、产业、土地、环保等政策之间的协调配合,努力形成宏观调控的整体合力。(4)抓好经济运行调节。完善煤炭产运需衔接机制,加快煤炭应急储备建设。优化电力生产调度,强化跨省区电力资源配置,推进电力需求侧管理城市综合试点。搞好成品油总量平衡和进出口调节,加快天然气应急储备建设。加强运输综合协调,确保重点物资运输。 |
1. We will strengthen and improve macro-control. 1) We will continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy. We will improve the policy for structural tax reductions in the process of taxation reform, with the focus on pushing forward the pilot project for replacing business tax with VAT. We will exercise strict management of fiscal revenue and expenditures, continue to give priority to people's wellbeing and weak links in economic and social development work, and stringently control administrative expenses and other general expenditures. We will enhance management of local government debts, properly handle issues of debt repayment and additional funding for ongoing projects, and ensure normal operations of eligible local government financing platforms. The fiscal deficit for 2013 is projected to be 1.2 trillion yuan, an increase of 400 billion yuan over last year, and the deficit as a percentage of GDP will be about 2%. 2) We will continue to implement a prudent monetary policy. We will appropriately expand the aggregate financing for the economy, and maintain reasonable growth of money and credit and proper liquidity. We will optimize the credit structure; offer more financial support to agriculture, rural areas, farmers, small and micro businesses, strategic emerging industries, and national projects of key importance under construction or expansion; and effectively lower financing costs of development of the real economy. We will actively widen financing channels of enterprises, steadily increase their direct financing, and develop multilevel capital markets. We will strengthen oversight and control to ensure that systemic and regional financial risks are kept at a minimum. The balance of broad money supply (M2) is expected to increase by about 13% in 2013. 3) We will increase coordination and cooperation among fiscal, monetary, industrial, land, and environmental policies to build up a synergy of macro-control measures. 4) We will focus on regulating economic activities. We will improve the mechanism to coordinate coal production and transportation with demand, and build up emergency coal reserves at a faster pace. We will improve electricity generation and distribution, strengthen inter-provincial allocation of electricity, and carry out comprehensive pilot projects for demand-side management of electricity in cities. We will balance supply and demand of refined petroleum products, regulate their imports and exports accordingly, and quicken the building of emergency natural gas reserves. We will enhance overall transportation coordination and ensure transportation of key materials. |
(二)着力扩大国内需求。一方面,发挥好消费对经济增长的基础作用。2013年,社会消费品零售总额预期增长14.5%。(1)努力提升消费能力。着力增加中低收入者收入,建立健全职工工资正常增长机制,多渠道增加农民收入,健全覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系。(2)促进居民消费升级。继续推广节能和新能源汽车,出台鼓励节水产品、家庭自给式太阳能产品消费的政策,扶持文化产业发展,发展信息消费,引导旅游消费,鼓励社会资本兴办养老、康复等服务机构,加快培育新的消费增长点。(3)优化消费环境。加强商贸流通、宽带网络等消费基础设施建设,鼓励发展电子商务、网络购物等新型消费业态,研究实施信用消费促进政策,继续开展食品药品安全专项整治,坚决打击侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品行为。 |
2. We will focus on boosting domestic demand. On the one hand, we will leverage the fundamental role of consumption in driving economic growth. Total retail sales of consumer goods are expected to grow by 14.5% in 2013. 1) We will strive to increase consumption. We will endeavor to raise the income of low- and middle-income groups, put in place a sound mechanism for regularly increasing workers’ wages, raise the income of farmers through various means, and improve the social security system that covers both urban and rural residents. 2) We will work hard to upgrade the structure of consumer spending. We will continue to promote the use of energy-efficient and new-energy vehicles, introduce policies that encourage the use of water-efficient products and standalone residential solar-energy products, support development of the culture industry, promote consumption of IT products and services, guide tourism consumption, encourage nongovernmental investors to invest in elderly care homes and rehabilitation services, and foster new growth areas of consumption. 3) We will improve the consumption environment. We will work hard to build goods distribution networks, broadband networks, and other infrastructures of consumption; encourage development of new types of consumption including e-commerce and online shopping; research and implement policies for stimulating credit consumption; continue to carry out food and drug safety campaigns; and resolutely combat infringements of intellectual property rights and production and sale of counterfeit or substandard goods. |
另一方面,发挥好投资对经济增长的关键作用。2013年,全社会固定资产投资预期增长18%,中央预算内投资拟安排4376亿元。(1)优化投资结构。着力选准投资方向,提高投资质量和效益。在打基础、利长远、惠民生,又不会造成重复建设的基础设施和公共服务领域加大投资力度。中央预算内投资主要投向保障性安居工程和城镇基础设施、“三农”、交通能源等重大基础设施、社会事业和社会管理、节能减排和生态环保、自主创新和结构调整、欠发达地区等领域。严格控制高消耗、高排放、产能过剩行业盲目扩张和党政机关办公楼等楼堂馆所建设。(2)抓好重点项目。加快“十二五”规划重点建设项目工作进度,保障重大工程进度、质量和安全。积极吸引社会资本更多参与重点项目建设。继续开展中央预算内投资计划执行情况的督查。(3)激发民间投资积极性。切实落实鼓励引导民间投资的“新36条”及42项实施细则,加大对民间资本参与基础设施和社会事业领域建设的支持力度。 (注:M2为M右下角加2) |
On the other hand, we will bring into play the key role of investment in powering economic growth. Total fixed-asset investment is projected to grow by 18% in 2013, and 437.6 billion yuan for investment will be allocated from the central budget. 1) We will improve the investment structure. We will strive to make good investments and raise their quality and efficiency. We will make more investments in non-redundant infrastructure and public services that help reinforce the foundation for the country's long-term development and improve the people's wellbeing. The investments allocated by the central budget will mostly focus on government-subsidized housing, urban infrastructure, agriculture, rural areas, farmers, major infrastructure projects in transportation and energy, social programs, social management, energy conservation, emissions reduction, ecological conservation, environmental protection, independent innovation, structural adjustments, and underdeveloped areas. We will restrain blind expansion of industries that are energy-intensive and highly-polluting or have excess production capacity, and strictly control construction of office buildings and other facilities for Party and government departments. 2) We will focus on key projects. We will accelerate efforts to build key construction projects set forth in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, and ensure the quality and safety of major projects as well as the pace at which they are carried out. We will take active steps to attract more nongovernmental investment in key projects. We will continue to supervise implementation of the central budgetary investment plan. 3) We will unleash the enthusiasm of nongovernmental investment. We will earnestly implement the 36 new guidelines on encouraging and guiding nongovernmental investment and the 42 detailed rules for their implementation, and better support nongovernmental investment in building infrastructure and social programs. |
(三)切实做好“三农”工作。(1)保障主要农产品稳定生产。继续实施全国新增千亿斤粮食生产能力规划,开展粮食稳定增产行动。加快农业科技创新和推广,大力促进农业机械化,发展现代种业,推进农作物病虫害专业化统防统治和测土配方施肥,优化品种结构,提高单产水平。落实和完善棉花、油料、糖料生产扶持政策,加强生猪、奶牛和肉牛肉羊标准化规模养殖场(小区)以及重点地区蔬菜生产基地建设,支持海洋渔船更新改造和渔政渔港建设。健全农产品质量检验检测体系。2013年,预期粮食播种面积16亿亩以上,粮食总产量5000亿公斤以上,棉油糖和肉类生产稳定发展。(2)加强农业农村基础设施。抓好高标准农田和水利设施建设,推进大中型灌区改造与建设、大型灌排泵站更新改造、节水灌溉增效示范等重点工程。加强大江大河治理,抓好中小河流治理、病险水库水闸除险加固、山洪地质灾害防御等防洪薄弱环节建设。继续推进农村饮水安全工程、农村电网改造、无电地区电力建设和农村公路建设,实施农村危房改造、林区垦区危房改造和游牧民定居工程。2013年,拟再解决6000万农村人口的饮水安全问题,农村安全饮水普及率达到87%,新建改建农村公路20万公里。(3)促进农民持续增收。进一步提高小麦、稻谷最低收购价,平均每50公斤分别提高10元和10.7元。做好玉米、大豆、油菜籽、棉花、食糖等临时收储工作。认真落实生猪市场价格调控预案。落实好对种粮农民的直接补贴,提高良种补贴标准,完善农资综合补贴动态调整机制,扩大农机具购置补贴规模和范围。健全粮油和生猪大县奖励制度,完善粮食主产区利益补偿、耕地保护补偿和生态补偿办法。发展农村二三产业特别是农产品加工业,促进农民增加工资性收入。(4)扎实推进农村改革。坚持和完善农村基本经营制度,引导农村土地承包经营权有序流转,推进土地适度规模经营。创新农业生产经营体制,加大对农民合作社、社会化服务组织和产业化龙头企业的政策扶持。加快推进征地制度改革,尽快出台农民集体所有土地征收补偿条例。改革和完善农村宅基地制度,规范集体经营性建设用地流转。(5)积极推进城乡发展一体化。坚持新农村建设与城镇化双轮驱动,大力发展农村基础设施和社会事业,促进城乡要素平等交换和公共资源均衡配置,完善乡村治理机制,逐步推进城乡基本公共服务均等化,加快社会主义新农村建设。 |
3. We will earnestly carry out our work on agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. 1) We will ensure stable production of major agricultural products. We will continue to implement the plan to increase national grain production capacity by 50 million tons, and carry out activities to steadily increase grain production. We will accelerate innovation and dissemination of agricultural science and technology, promote agricultural mechanization, develop a modern seed industry, promote unified and specialized prevention and control measures for crop diseases and pests, conduct soil testing to determine appropriate fertilizer formulas, optimize the structure of crop varieties, and increase yield per unit area. We will enforce and improve the policy of supporting production of cotton, oilseed, and sugar crops; promote construction of large-scale standardized farms for hogs, dairy cattle, beef cattle, and mutton sheep as well as vegetable production bases in key areas; and support upgrading of sea fishing boats and development of fishery administration and fishing ports. We will improve the quality inspection and testing system for agricultural products. In 2013, the sown area for grain is expected to exceed 106.7 million hectares, total grain output will surpass 500 million tons, and production of cotton, oilseed, sugar crops, and meat will grow steadily. 2) We will strengthen infrastructure of agriculture and rural areas. We will build more high-yield croplands and water conservancy projects to a high standard, and advance transformation and development of such key projects as large and medium-size irrigated areas, upgrading and retrofitting of large irrigation and drainage pumping stations, and model water-efficient irrigation projects. We will step up efforts to harness major rivers and shore up weak links in flood prevention and control by bringing small and medium-sized rivers under control, reinforcing aging reservoirs and sluices, and preventing geological disasters brought about by mountain torrents. We will continue to advance the project to provide safe drinking water in rural areas; upgrade rural power grids and extend them to areas without electricity; build rural roads; renovate dilapidated houses in rural areas, land reclamation zones, and forest regions; and build permanent homes for nomadic families. In 2013, we plan to provide safe drinking water for another 60 million rural people, making safe drinking water available to 87% of the rural population, and build or upgrade 200,000 kilometers of rural roads. 3) We will promote a steady increase in farmers' incomes. We will further raise the minimum purchase prices of wheat and rice by 10 yuan and 10.7 yuan per 50 kilograms, respectively; temporarily purchase and stockpile corn, soybeans, rapeseed, cotton, and sugar; and earnestly carry out the contingency plan of regulating the market price for hogs. We will work to ensure direct subsidies to grain growers, raise the subsidies for purchasing superior crop varieties, improve the dynamic mechanism of adjusting general subsidies for purchasing agricultural supplies, and increase the amount and scope of subsidies for purchasing agricultural machinery and tools. We will improve the reward and encouragement system for major counties producing grain, oilseed, and hogs; and the methods of subsidizing major grain-growing areas and providing compensation for farmland protection and ecological damage. We will develop rural secondary and tertiary industries, especially industries that process agricultural products, to increase the wage incomes of rural residents. 4) We will make solid progress in the reform of rural areas. We will uphold and improve the basic management system of rural areas, guide the transfer of contracted rural land-use rights in an orderly manner, and promote appropriately large-scale operations of land. We will create a new agricultural production management system, and offer more policy support to farmer cooperatives, service organizations in rural areas, and leading industrialized agricultural production enterprises. We will accelerate reform of the land expropriation system, and quickly formulate regulations on compensating for expropriation of rural collective land. We will reform and improve the system of rural land used for private housing, and standardize the transfer of rural land used by collective businesses. 5) We will promote integration of urban and rural development. We will build a new countryside and advance urbanization at the same time, robustly develop infrastructure and social programs in rural areas, promote equitable exchanges of factors of production and balanced distribution of public resources between urban and rural areas, improve rural governance, achieve equal access to basic public services between urban and rural areas in due course, and build a new socialist countryside at a faster pace. |
(四)保持价格总水平基本稳定。(1)保障市场供应。落实好“米袋子”省长负责制和“菜篮子”市长负责制。综合运用多种手段,保护农民生产积极性。搞好重要商品的产运销衔接、储备吞吐和进出口调节,合理安排粮油棉糖肉的储备和投放,完善北方大城市冬春蔬菜储备制度。(2)搞活市场流通。实施降低流通费用提高流通效率综合工作方案。加强粮油棉糖仓储物流设施建设,重点增加粮食主产区仓容能力。加快发展冷链物流,健全农超对接,支持农产品批发市场升级改造。加强流通环节价格监管,规范流通领域收费行为。(3)完善调控机制。加强价格监测预警。把握好政府管理价格调整的力度和节奏。制定完善与群众生活密切相关的农产品价格大幅波动的应对预案。完善社会救助和保障标准与物价上涨挂钩联动机制。(4)强化价格监管。继续清理涉农涉企以及民生等领域不合理收费,深入开展教育、医疗、银行、工商等价格和收费检查,规范旅游、生活必需品、农产品等领域价格秩序,严肃查处价格违法行为,提升反价格垄断执法能力和水平。(5)加强舆论引导。全面阐释价格政策,合理引导社会预期。 |
4. We will keep overall prices basically stable. 1) We will ensure market supply. We will effectively implement the system of holding provincial governors responsible for grain supplies and city mayors for non-grain food supplies. We will take multiple measures to spur farmers' enthusiasm for production. We will coordinate production, transportation, and sale of important commodities; properly handle commodity reserves and adjust imports and exports of commodities; make appropriate arrangements on stockpiling and releasing grain, edible oil, cotton, sugar, and meat; and improve the reserve system for winter and spring vegetables in major northern cities. 2) We will boost market distribution. We will introduce an overall working plan for lowering distribution costs and improving distribution efficiency. We will intensify efforts to build storage and logistic facilities for grain, edible oil, cotton, and sugar, with the focus on increasing the storage capacity of major grain production areas. We will quicken development of cold-chain logistics, improve direct supply of agricultural products from farmers to stores, and support upgrading of wholesale markets for agricultural products. We will strengthen supervision of prices in the distribution process, and standardize fees in distribution areas. 3) We will improve the regulation mechanism. We will enhance monitoring and early warning on price changes. We will maintain proper intensity and pace when the government regulates prices. We will formulate sound contingency plans to cope with sharp price fluctuations of agricultural products that have a direct bearing on people's lives. We will improve the mechanism to increase social assistance and social security benefits when consumer prices rise. 4) We will tighten oversight of prices. We will continue to eliminate improper fees related to agriculture, enterprises, and other areas concerning people's lives; carry out intensive inspections on prices and fees in education, medical and health care services, banking, and industry and commerce administration; maintain orderly tourism, daily necessities, and agricultural products markets; crack down on price irregularities; and become better able to counter price fixing. 5) We will provide better guidance on public opinion. We will fully explain our pricing policies and properly guide public expectations. |
(五)加快产业转型升级。(1)化解产能过剩矛盾。坚持以市场为导向,加强政策引导,按照尊重规律、分业施策、多管齐下、标本兼治的原则,把化解过剩产能与加强节能减排、调整生产力布局和改造传统产业结合起来,通过多种方式消化、转移、整合、淘汰一批产能。发挥产业结构调整指导目录作用,制定实施钢铁、石化、有色、建材、造船、轻纺等重点行业生产力布局调整规划。严格执行技术、能耗、环保、安全等市场准入标准,加快推进产能过剩行业兼并重组。(2)强化创新驱动。启动“十二五”国家重大科技基础设施建设,全面推进科技重大专项和“创新2020”工程。加强自主创新能力建设,加快建设企业技术中心,实施创新企业百强工程。大力推进战略性新兴产业重大工程,落实并完善支持战略性新兴产业发展的政策措施,扩大创业投资规模,开展战略性新兴产业区域集聚发展试点。启动实施医疗器械、高端装备、新材料等重大专项。推进“宽带中国”等重大信息化工程,强化信息安全等基础设施建设。(3)加强交通能源建设。加快综合交通运输体系建设,2013年,预期新建铁路投产里程5200公里以上、新建公路8万公里、沿海港口万吨级以上泊位100个、运输机场10个左右。积极发展清洁能源,全年新增水电装机2100万千瓦、核电324万千瓦、风电1800万千瓦、光伏发电1000万千瓦。(4)提升服务业发展水平。研究制定促进服务业加快发展的政策意见。加快发展现代物流业,支持发展研发设计、软件服务、电子商务等高技术服务业,推动节能环保技术服务和设施社会化、专业化运营。加快服务业重要领域体制创新,开展国家服务业发展示范区建设。2013年,服务业增加值预期增长7.9%。 |
5. We will accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading. 1) We will resolve the problem of overcapacity. We will remain market oriented, strengthen policy guidance, follow the rules of the market, and use industry-specific, multi-pronged policies to seek both temporary and permanent solutions. We will address overcapacity in the process of stepping up efforts to conserve energy and reduce emissions, adjust distribution of the productive forces and transform traditional industries, and use multiple means to dissolve, transfer, integrate, and phase out some production capacity. We will give play to the role of the guiding catalog for industrial restructuring, and formulate and implement plans to adjust distribution of the productive forces in key industries including steel, petrochemicals, non-ferrous metals, building materials, ship-building, textiles, and other light industries. We will apply strict technology, energy, environmental, and safety standards for market access; and accelerate mergers and reorganizations in industries with excess production capacity. 2) We will enhance innovation as an impetus for development. We will launch major national scientific and technological infrastructure projects for the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period, and comprehensively promote key science and technology programs and the Knowledge Innovation Program (2011-2020). We will strengthen our capacity for innovation, accelerate the building of enterprise technology centers, and carry out the project to build 100 innovative enterprises. We will advance major projects for developing strategic emerging industries, implement and improve policies and measures for supporting their development, scale up venture capital in this area, and introduce pilot projects for their clustered development. We will launch major projects in medical appliances, high-end equipment, and new materials. We will implement the National Broadband Internet Agenda and other major projects for promoting IT application, and develop infrastructure in information security. 3) We will step up efforts to develop transportation and energy. We will expedite development of a comprehensive transportation system. In 2013, we will put into operation more than 5,200 kilometers of new railway lines, build an additional 80,000 kilometers of highways, and put into service 100 seaport berths for 10,000-ton class or larger ships and about ten new civilian airports. We will actively develop clean energy and increase installed power-generating capacity of hydropower by 21 million kilowatts, nuclear power by 3.24 million kilowatts, wind power by 18 million kilowatts, and photovoltaic power by 10 million kilowatts. 4) We will further develop the service sector. We will carry out studies and formulate policies and guidelines for accelerating development of the service sector. We will accelerate development of modern logistics; support development of high-technology service industries like R&D and design, software service, and e-commerce; and push forward commercialized and specialized operations of energy conservation and environmental protection technological services and facilities. We will expedite institutional innovation in key service industries, and build national demonstration zones for the development of the service sector. Value-added of the service sector is projected to grow by 7.9% in 2013. |
(六)积极稳妥推进城镇化。(1)加强统筹谋划。坚持科学规划、合理布局、城乡统筹、节约用地、因地制宜、提高质量。编制出台城镇化发展规划。合理控制特大城市和大城市规模,充分发挥辐射带动作用,增强中小城市和小城镇产业发展、公共服务、吸纳就业、人口集聚功能,在资源环境承载条件较好的地区培育发展城市群。加强区域规划、土地规划、城市规划的协调衔接。引导和规范新城新区健康发展。2013年,城镇化率预期达到53.37%。(2)增强城镇综合承载能力。推动城市群基础设施一体化建设和网络化发展,加强综合交通运输网络与城镇化布局的衔接。落实全国城市饮用水安全保障规划,加快城镇供暖设施建设与改造,强化城市地下管网设施、排水与暴雨内涝防治综合体系建设。建立可持续的市政建设投融资机制。(3)有序推进农业转移人口市民化。加快户籍制度和社会管理体制改革,完善土地管理制度,使在城镇已稳定就业和居住的农民工及其家属有序转为城镇居民。多渠道改善农民工居住条件,推动城镇基本公共服务逐步向常住人口覆盖。 |
6. We will actively and prudently advance urbanization. 1) We will enhance overall coordination and planning. We will adhere to scientific planning, rational distribution, balanced development between urban and rural areas and economical use of land, take measures that suit local conditions, and focus on raising the quality of urbanization. We will formulate and issue an urbanization plan. We will keep megacities and large cities at an appropriate scale and bring into fully play their role in driving the development of their surrounding areas; and we will make small and medium-sized cities and small towns better able to accommodate industrial development, provide public services, create jobs and attract population, and foster and develop city clusters in areas with good carrying capacity of resources and the environment. We will improve links and coordination between regional plans, land use plans, and urban plans. We will guide and ensure healthy development of new cities and districts. In 2013, the urbanization rate will reach 53.37%. 2) We will increase overall carrying capacity of cities and towns. In developing city clusters, we will integrate and connect their infrastructures, and better coordinate the comprehensive transportation network with the layout of urbanization. We will carry out a national plan to ensure safe drinking water in cities, quicken construction and upgrading of urban heating facilities, and step up efforts to build a comprehensive system to manage underground pipe networks and drainage facilities and prevent and handle disasters caused by failure to divert excess rainfall. We will establish a sustainable investment and financing mechanism for urban development. 3) We will conduct registration of rural migrant workers as permanent urban residents in an orderly way. We will expedite reform of the household registration system and the social management system, and improve the land management system in order to allow rural migrant workers with steady jobs and permanent homes in cities and their families to become urban residents. We will use various means to improve the living conditions of rural migrant workers, and progressively expand the coverage of basic public services in urban areas to all their permanent residents. |
(七)推动区域协调发展。(1)优化国土空间开发格局。立足发挥各地比较优势,充分考虑市场容量和资源环境承载能力,开展主体功能区建设试点示范,推动形成分工合理、优势互补、各具特色的区域发展格局。(2)优先推进西部大开发。健全西部大开发政策体系和长效机制,继续在西部地区布局一批重大基础设施项目,支持特色优势产业发展。加快向西开放,打造一批沿边和内陆开发开放高地。落实促进新疆、西藏和四省藏区跨越式发展的政策措施。(3)全面振兴东北地区等老工业基地。研究制定新十年振兴战略政策文件,加快产业结构优化升级,支持东北地区面向东北亚开放,促进林区生态保护与经济转型,加快资源型城市可持续发展,开展城区老工业区整体搬迁改造和独立工矿区改造搬迁试点。(4)大力促进中部地区崛起。深入落实关于大力实施促进中部地区崛起战略的若干意见,支持长江中游城市群一体化发展,鼓励中部地区加强合作、扩大开放,发挥比较优势承接东部地区产业转移。(5)积极支持东部地区率先发展。鼓励东部地区在行政管理、金融体制等改革方面先行先试,支持东部地区加快转型升级、提高自主创新能力。研究制定海洋发展战略,抓好海洋经济发展试点,加强海洋综合管理,保护海洋生态环境,提高海洋资源开发能力。(6)继续加大对革命老区、民族地区、边疆地区和贫困地区的支持,推进对口支援和帮扶工作,加大以工代赈和易地扶贫搬迁投入力度,支持集中连片特殊困难地区加快发展。 |
7. We will promote coordinated development among different regions. 1)We will improve development of China's geographical space. Capitalizing on the comparative advantages of different regions and fully considering the capacity of the market and the carrying capacity of resources and the environment, we will carry out pilot projects and demonstrations for developing functional zones to form a regional development pattern in which there is a proper division of work between regions that complement each other and take on their own distinctive features. 2)We will give high priority to developing the western region on a large scale. We will improve the policy system and permanent mechanism for this purpose, continue to launch major infrastructure projects in the western region, and support the development of industries that can take advantage of the region's local strengths. We will more quickly open up the region to the outside world, and create a number of leading areas to open up and develop border regions and the hinterland. We will implement the policies and measures to develop Xinjiang, Tibet, and Tibetan ethnic areas in Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu, and Qinghai provinces in leaps and bounds. 3)We will fully revitalize old industrial bases in northeast China. We will research and formulate policies for this purpose for the next ten years, accelerate the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, support the region's opening up to Northeast Asia, and promote ecological conservation and economic transformation in its forest areas. We will also promote sustainable development of northeastern cities once dependent on now-depleted mineral resources, and launch pilot projects to completely relocate and transform old industrial districts in cities and transform and relocate industrial and mining areas. 4)We will work to promote the rise of the central region. We will thoroughly carry out the guidelines on implementing the strategy for promoting the rise of the central region, and support the integrated development of city clusters in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. We will promote cooperation in the region, encourage the region to work together more with other regions and open wider to the outside world, and make better use of its comparative advantages in carrying on industries relocated from the eastern region. 5) We will support the eastern region in taking the lead in development. We will encourage the region to lead the way and explore new paths in the reform of administrative and financial systems. We will encourage the region to accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading and increase its innovation capability. We will research and formulate a marine development strategy, successfully implement pilot projects for developing the marine economy, strengthen comprehensive marine management, protect the marine environment, and become better able to exploit marine resources. 6) We will continue to increase support for old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas, and poor areas; and promote the partnership system that pairs developed regions with underdeveloped regions to provide aid and support. We will put more emphasis on replacing relief subsidies with work and relocating people from inhospitable areas as a poverty relief measure. We will support the accelerated development of contiguous areas with acute difficulties. |
(八)扎实推进资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设。(1)完善政策机制。开展生态文明先行示范区建设。落实控制能源消费总量工作方案,充分发挥市场机制作用,强化责任分解落实。实施鼓励分布式能源建设、余热余压发电上网和煤层气入网的政策。研究开展节能量交易试点。(2)抓好重点领域和重点工程。继续开展重点用能单位能耗在线监测体系建设试点。大力发展节能、资源循环利用和环保产业。加快脱硫脱硝、生活垃圾和城镇污水处理设施及配套管网建设。抓好公共机构、交通运输、建筑、商业、民用等领域节能减排。继续开展节能减排全民行动。2013年,城市污水处理率、城市生活垃圾无害化处理率分别达到86%和82%,万元工业增加值用水量下降5%,新增大宗固体废物综合利用能力1亿吨。(3)加快发展循环经济。鼓励支持重点企业和园区循环化改造,建设国家“城市矿产”示范基地,发展绿色矿业,推进城市餐厨废弃物资源化利用。启动第二批资源综合利用“双百工程”。加快海水淡化示范工程建设。(4)加强生态环境保护。强化重金属污染防治、重点流域水环境综合治理和城市大气污染防治,积极开展农村环境综合整治。继续实施天然林资源保护、防护林体系建设、退牧还草等重大生态修复工程,推进荒漠化、石漠化、水土流失综合治理,加强重点流域和区域水生态修复与治理。建立健全生态补偿机制。推进排污权有偿使用和交易试点。开展水权交易试点。实施清洁生产示范工程。加强PM2.5监测和信息发布,实施多污染物协同控制,开展区域联防联控。(5)做好应对气候变化工作。组织制定国家适应气候变化总体战略,发布实施国家应对气候变化规划。全面推进低碳发展试点示范,稳步开展碳排放权交易试点,研究建立全国碳交易体系。广泛进行政策对话和国际合作,同国际社会一道积极应对全球气候变化。 |
8. We will make solid progress in developing a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society. 1) We will improve policies and mechanisms. We will develop demonstration zones for promoting ecological progress. We will implement the work plan for limiting total energy consumption, make full use of market forces, and break down the responsibility for its implementation. We will implement the policy that encourages the generation of electricity from distributed energy sources, the recovery of by-product heat and pressure to generate on-gird electricity, and the supply of coal-bed methane into the natural gas grid. We will carry out studies and launch trials for trading energy savings. 2) We will focus on key areas and projects. We will continue to carry out trials to develop an online system for monitoring energy consumption among major energy consumers. We will work to develop energy conservation, resource recycling, and environmental protection industries. We will accelerate development of desulphurization and denitrification facilities, household waste and urban sewage treatment facilities, and sewer lines. We will effectively conserve energy and reduce emissions in public institutions, transportation services, construction, commerce, and household consumption. We will continue to implement the campaign to get everyone to save energy and reduce emissions. In 2013, the percentages of urban sewage treated and urban household waste safely handled will reach 86% and 82%, respectively, water consumption per 10,000 yuan of value-added of industry will drop by 5%, and our capacity for comprehensively utilizing massive solid waste will increase by 100 million tons. 3) We will accelerate development of a circular economy. We will encourage and support key enterprises and industrial parks in becoming more circular, establish national demonstration centers for recovering mineral resources from city waste, develop green mining, and recover resources from urban kitchen waste. We will launch a second group of projects to forge 100 demonstration centers and 100 key enterprises to comprehensively use resources. We will accelerate development of the demonstration project for seawater desalination. 4) We will better protect the ecological environment. We will work harder to comprehensively prevent and control heavy-metal pollution and improve the water environment in key watersheds, intensify prevention and control of air pollution in urban areas, and work to comprehensively improve the rural environment. We will continue to implement major ecological restoration projects to protect virgin forests, build forest shelterbelts, and return grazing land to grasslands. We will take integrated steps to control desertification, stony deserts, and soil erosion; and work harder to restore and improve the water ecosystems of key watersheds and areas. We will establish a sound mechanism of compensation for ecological damage. We will carry out the pilot project of a cap-and-trade system for emissions and the trials for trading water rights. We will implement demonstration projects to promote clean production. We will step up efforts to monitor and release information about PM2.5, seek to control multiple pollutants in a cooperative manner, and have different regions work together in preventing and controlling pollution. 5) We will effectively respond to climate change. We will organize the formulation of a national master strategy for adapting to climate change, and promulgate and implement the national plan for responding to climate change. We will comprehensively promote trials and demonstrations for low-carbon development, steadily implement the pilot project to trade carbon emissions, and research and establish a national emissions trading scheme. We will extensively carry out policy dialogue and international cooperation, and work with the international community to actively respond to climate change. |
(九)进一步深化改革开放。(1)加强改革的总体指导和综合协调。深入研究深化经济体制改革的顶层设计和总体规划,提出改革总体方案、路线图、时间表。出台并落实2013年深化经济体制改革重点工作的意见。扎实推进综合配套改革试验。(2)积极推进企业改革。完善各类国有资产管理体制,推动国有资本更多投向关系国家安全和国民经济命脉的重要行业和关键领域,完善国有资本经营预算制度。形成各种所有制经济依法平等使用生产要素、公平参与市场竞争、同等受到法律保护的体制环境,落实并完善促进非公有制经济发展的政策措施,全面清理不利于民间投资发展的投资审批事项和管理法规,在民间投资进入能源、铁路、金融等重点领域方面取得新突破。(3)稳步推进价格改革。完善成品油价格形成机制。全面实施天然气价格改革。组织实施深化电煤市场化改革方案。完善居民阶梯电价制度和可再生能源电价政策,推行居民阶梯水价和非居民用水超定额加价,试行居民阶梯气价。改革完善铁路运输价格形成机制。(4)深入推进医药卫生体制改革。健全全民医保体系,全面开展城乡居民大病保险试点,建立疾病应急救助制度,改革医保支付制度,推进基本医保城乡统筹。巩固完善基本药物制度和基层医疗卫生机构运行新机制。稳步推进全科医生执业方式和服务模式改革试点。以县级医院为重点,以破除以药补医机制为关键环节,加快公立医院改革。鼓励社会办医。(5)加快财税、金融、投资体制改革。健全中央和地方财力与事权相匹配的财政体制。进一步扩大营业税改征增值税试点地区和行业范围,合理调整消费税范围和税率结构,逐步扩大房产税改革试点范围和资源税从价计征范围,完善促进基本公共服务均等化和主体功能区建设的公共财政体系。稳步推进利率和人民币汇率市场化改革,扩大人民币跨境使用。积极引导民间资本进入金融业,因地制宜发展面向农村和社区的小型金融机构,推进农村金融改革,发展股权投资和创业投资,完善多层次资本市场体系。进一步精简审批事项,下放审批权限。抓紧修订出台新的政府核准的投资项目目录。落实并完善重大项目社会稳定风险评估机制。加快推进社会信用体系建设。(6)深化收入分配制度改革。认真落实深化收入分配制度改革若干意见,坚持按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存,坚持初次分配和再分配调节并重,继续完善劳动、资本、技术、管理等要素按贡献参与分配的初次分配机制,加快健全以税收、社会保障、转移支付为主要手段的再分配调节机制,以增加城乡居民收入、缩小收入分配差距、规范收入分配秩序为重点,努力实现居民收入增长和经济发展同步,劳动报酬增长和劳动生产率提高同步,逐步形成合理有序的收入分配格局。(7)继续推进教育、科技、文化等领域改革。全面推进以公平和质量为重点的教育改革试点,加快教育质量评价制度和招生考试制度改革。健全国家科技重大决策机制,深化科技经费管理体制改革,推进科研诚信和学风建设,建立企业主导产业技术研发创新的体制机制。完善公益性文化事业单位管理体制和运行机制,引导鼓励非营利文化机构提供公共文化产品和服务,发展新型文化业态,提高文化产业规模化、集约化、专业化水平。 |
9. We will further deepen reform and opening up. 1) We will provide better integrated guidance and coordination for reform. We will carry out in-depth research on the top-level design and master plan for deepening economic structural reform, and work out an overall plan, road map, and timetable for its implementation. We will issue and implement the guidelines on the priorities in deepening economic structural reform in 2013. We will push forward pilot projects for integrated, complete reforms. 2) We will promote enterprise reforms. We will improve the system for managing all kinds of state-owned assets, encourage more investment of state capital in key industries and areas that are vital to national security and are the lifeblood of the economy, and improve the budget system for state capital operations. We will create an institutional environment to ensure that economic entities under all forms of ownership have equal access to factors of production in accordance with the law, compete on a level playing field and are protected by the law as equals. We will implement and improve policies and measures for promoting the development of the non-public sector, fully streamline items subject to examination and approval for investment projects and review laws and regulations concerning investment management which are not conducive to development of nongovernmental investment, and make new breakthroughs in guiding nongovernmental investment into key areas such as energy, railway and finance. 3) We will carry out price reforms steadily. We will improve the pricing mechanism for refined oil products. We will comprehensively reform natural gas prices. We will organize the implementation of the reform plan to make thermal coal prices more market-based. We will improve the system of progressive pricing for household electricity consumption and the pricing policy for electricity generated from renewable energy sources. We will introduce progressive pricing for household water consumption, impose surcharges on non-household consumption of water exceeding water-use quotas, and try out progressive pricing for household natural gas consumption. We will reform and improve the pricing mechanism for railway transportation. 4) We will deepen reform of the medical and health care systems. We will improve the medical insurance system that covers the whole population. We will fully carry out trials of major disease insurance for rural and urban non-working residents, establish an emergency assistance system for disease treatment, reform the system of medical insurance payouts, and coordinate the development of basic medical insurance in urban and rural areas. We will consolidate and improve the system for basic drugs and the new operating mechanism of medical and health care institutions at the community level. We will steadily implement the pilot project to reform the way general practitioners work and provide services. We will accelerate reform of public hospitals, with the focus on county-level hospitals and for the main purpose of stopping hospitals from using pharmacy profits to subsidize their medical services. We will encourage nongovernmental investment in hospitals. 5) We will accelerate reform of the fiscal, taxation, financial, and investment systems. We will improve the fiscal system for ensuring that the financial resources of the central and local governments are in line with their respective powers. We will carry out the pilot project to replace the imposition of business tax with VAT in more areas and industries. We will adjust the scope of collection and rate structure of the sales tax as appropriate. We will expand the trial reform of the property tax and make resources taxes price-based for more types of resources in due course. We will improve the public finance system that promotes the equal access to basic public services and the development of functional zones. We will steadily promote the reform to make interest rates and the RMB exchange rate more market-based, and extend the use of RMB in cross-border trade settlement. We will work to guide nongovernmental capital into the financial sector, develop small financial institutions oriented toward rural areas and urban communities in line with local conditions, promote financial reform in rural areas, develop equity financing and venture capital, and improve the system of multi-tiered capital markets. We will streamline more items subject to administrative examination and approval and delegate the authority to examine and approve items to lower levels. We will promptly issue the revised list of government-approved investment projects. We will implement and improve the mechanism for assessing risks that major projects may pose to social stability. We will accelerate development of the national credibility system. 6) We will deepen reform of the income distribution system. We will earnestly implement the guidelines on deepening the reform, uphold the distribution system in which distribution according to work is the principal part that coexists with other forms of distribution, and attach equal importance to regulation by primary and secondary distribution. We will continue to improve the primary distribution mechanism in which labor, capital, technology, management, and other factors of production have a rightful share of income in accordance with their respective contribution. We will move faster to improve the mechanism of secondary distribution regulating income distribution mainly through taxation, social security, and transfer payments. We will focus on increasing urban and rural incomes, narrowing income gaps, and ensuring good order in income distribution; strive to increase individual income in step with economic development and work remuneration in step with improvement in labor productivity; and gradually establish a reasonable and orderly pattern of income distribution. 7) We will continue to carry out reform of education, science and technology, and culture. We will comprehensively carry out the pilot project to reform education with the focus on promoting fairness and quality, and accelerate reform of the system for evaluating education quality and the examination and enrollment system. We will improve the mechanism for making major state policy decisions regarding science and technology, deepen reform of the system for managing science and technology expenditures, promote integrity and a good style of study in scientific research, and establish systems and mechanisms in which enterprises play the leading role in promoting industrial R&D and innovation. We will improve the management system and the operation mechanism of nonprofit cultural public institutions, and guide and encourage nonprofit cultural organizations to provide cultural products and services for the public. We will foster new forms of cultural businesses, and make the culture industry larger and more intensive and specialized. |
实行更加积极主动的开放战略,坚持把深化沿海开放与扩大内陆和沿边开放结合起来,全面提升开放型经济水平。(1)促进对外贸易稳定增长。落实和完善促进外贸稳定增长的政策措施,巩固传统市场,拓展新兴市场。积极引导加工贸易转型升级。扩大重要原材料、先进技术设备、关键零部件等进口。大力发展服务贸易和承接服务外包。妥善处理贸易摩擦。(2)提高利用外资综合优势和总体效益。加强外商投资管理和政策体系建设,完善外资并购安全审查制度,促进外资产业结构优化。继续用好国外贷款,提高贷款使用效益。2013年,非金融领域外商直接投资预期达到1130亿美元,增长1.2%。(3)加快走出去步伐。完善境外投资法律法规和管理制度,健全境外投资产业导向和国别指导政策,支持引导各类所有制企业有序开展境外投资合作。继续做好对外援助工作。2013年,非金融类境外直接投资预期达到887亿美元,增长15%。 |
We will implement a more active opening up strategy, simultaneously deepen opening up in coastal areas and open inland and border areas wider, and make the economy more open in all respects. 1) We will ensure steady growth of foreign trade. We will implement and improve policies and measures to this end, strengthen traditional markets, and open up new ones. We will actively guide the transformation and upgrading of the processing trade. We will increase imports of important raw materials, advanced technology and equipment, and key spare parts and components. We will energetically develop the service trade and undertake services outsourced by other countries. We will appropriately handle trade frictions. 2) We will improve our overall advantage and performance in utilizing foreign capital. We will enhance the management of and the policy system for foreign investment, improve the security review system for mergers and acquisitions involving foreign capital, and optimize the mix of industries using foreign capital. We will continue to make good use of foreign loans and improve their performance. Non-financial foreign direct investment is expected to reach $113 billion in 2013, up 1.2%. 3) We will quicken our pace of going global. We will improve laws and regulations on outward investment and related management system, improve policies of providing industry and country guidance for outward investment, and support and guide enterprises under all forms of ownership in conducting overseas investment and cooperation in an orderly manner. We will continue to do well in offering aid to other countries. China's non-financial outward direct investment will amount to $88.7 billion this year, an increase of 15%. |
(十)着力保障和改善民生。(1)实施国家基本公共服务体系“十二五”规划,加快建设统筹城乡、区域的基本公共服务体系。(2)坚持实施就业优先战略和更加积极的就业政策。充分发挥政府投资和重大项目对就业的带动作用。健全城乡公共就业服务体系,落实和完善高校毕业生就业创业的扶持政策,加强对农民工和失业人员等就业困难人员的职业技能培训,完善就业援助制度。(3)统筹推进城乡社会保障体系建设。推进城乡居民基本养老保险制度整合,促进城乡各项养老保险之间的衔接。提高企业退休人员基本养老金、农村五保供养、优抚对象、城乡低保补助水平和城镇居民医保、新农合政府补助标准。完善社会救助体系,健全社会福利制度。加强基层社会保障服务能力建设。大力发展老龄服务事业和产业,健全残疾人社会保障和服务体系。2013年,力争城镇基本养老、失业、工伤保险和新农保的参保人数分别增长3.1%、1%、2.7%和3.7%,城镇基本医疗保险参保人数与上年基本持平。(4)切实抓好保障性安居工程建设和房地产市场调控。加强保障性住房建设和管理,支持和吸引社会资本参与保障性住房建设,抓紧建设个人住房信息系统。加大住房建设土地供应,增加中小套型普通商品住房供给。继续实施差别化的住房信贷、税收政策和限购措施,坚决抑制投机、投资性需求。(5)加快发展各级各类教育。支持中西部农村幼儿园建设,推进义务教育均衡发展,加强中等职业教育基础能力建设,促进中西部高等教育振兴,提升特殊教育学校办学条件和师资水平。2013年,九年义务教育巩固率达到92.3%,高中阶段教育毛入学率达到86%,普通高等学校计划招生694万人,研究生60.8万人。(6)提高人民健康水平。加强城乡医疗和公共卫生服务体系、儿童医疗服务体系、重大疾病防治机构基础设施建设。扶持中医药和民族医药事业发展。全面开展儿童白血病等20种重大疾病保障试点。完善人口和计划生育服务体系,提高妇幼保健水平。2013年,每千人口医院和卫生院床位数达到3.98张,增长6.7%。(7)大力发展文化事业和文化产业。继续实施广播电视村村通、地市级公共文化设施、文化信息资源共享、西新工程、农家书屋等重点文化惠民工程。建设优秀传统文化传承体系,继续实施国家文化和自然遗产保护设施建设专项。发展哲学社会科学。加强旅游基础设施建设。加快构建全民健身公共服务体系。(8)加强和创新社会管理。完善社区服务体系,加强社会工作专业人才队伍建设,提升城乡基层公共服务和管理能力。妥善解决群众合法合理诉求,加大社会治安、安全生产、食品药品安全监督和应急管理等工作力度,坚决纠正损害群众利益的行为,维护社会和谐稳定。 |
10. We will endeavor to ensure and improve the people's wellbeing. 1) We will implement the plan for developing the national basic public service system in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period, and move faster to adopt a holistic approach in developing the system in urban and rural areas and different regions. 2) We will continue to follow the strategy of prioritizing employment and to implement a more active employment policy. We will make full use of government investment and major projects in stimulating employment. We will improve the public employment service system in urban and rural areas; implement and improve the policy for encouraging employment and entrepreneurship of university graduates; strengthen professional skills training for rural migrant workers, the unemployed, and those who experience difficulty finding jobs; and improve the employment assistance system. 3) We will push forward the development of social security systems for urban and rural residents in a holistic way. We will promote the integration of the basic old-age insurance systems for rural and non-working urban residents and improve connections between all types of urban and rural old-age insurance. We will increase basic pensions for enterprise retirees; financial support for childless and infirm rural residents who receive subsidies for food, clothing, medical care, housing, and burial expenses; special care and preferential treatment for entitled groups; subsistence allowances for urban and rural residents; and government subsidies for medical insurance for non-working urban residents and the new type of rural cooperative medical care system. We will improve the social assistance system and establish a sound social welfare system. We will ensure social security services at the community level are carried out better. We will energetically promote service programs and industries for the elderly, and improve the social security and service systems for the disabled. In 2013, urban population to be covered by basic old-age, unemployment, and workers' compensation insurance will increase by 3.1%, 1%, and 2.7%, respectively, rural population under the new type of old-age insurance scheme will increase by 3.7%, and the number of urban residents covered by basic medical insurance will be roughly the same as last year. 4) We will work hard to develop government-subsidized housing and regulate the real estate market. We will make greater efforts to build and manage government-subsidized housing, encourage and attract nongovernmental capital into the construction of government-subsidized housing, and promptly set up a personal housing information system. We will increase land supply for housing construction, and provide more ordinary small and medium-sized condominiums. We will continue to implement differentiated housing credit and tax policies, and limit home purchases to rein in speculative and investment-driven housing demand. 5) We will advance education of all types and at all levels at a faster pace. We will support the construction of rural kindergartens in the central and western regions, promote balanced development of compulsory education, improve infrastructure of secondary vocational education, reinvigorate higher education in the central and western regions, and improve the quality of teachers for special education schools as well as teaching conditions. In 2013, the retention rate of nine-year compulsory education will reach 92.3% and the gross enrollment ratio for senior secondary education will reach 86%, and plans call for enrolling 6.94 million undergraduate students and 608,000 graduate students in regular institutions of higher learning. 6) We will improve the people's health. We will improve the system of urban and rural medical and public health services, the system of children's medical services, and infrastructure of institutions for preventing and controlling major diseases. We will support development of traditional Chinese medicine and ethnic minority medicine. We will fully carry out the pilot project to insure against 20 serious diseases. We will improve the population and family planning service system, and strengthen work concerning maternity and child care. In 2013, hospitals and health clinics will provide 3.98 beds per 1,000 people, up 6.7%. 7) We will vigorously develop cultural programs and industries. We will continue to advance key cultural projects for the public such as the extension of radio and television coverage to all villages, the construction of public cultural facilities at the prefecture level, the national cultural information resource sharing project, the Tibet-Xinjiang Project to extend radio coverage in the western region, and the project to build small libraries in rural areas. We will develop a system for carrying forward fine traditional culture and continue to carry out special projects to develop facilities for preserving national cultural and natural heritage sites. We will promote development of philosophy and the social sciences. We will improve tourism infrastructure. We will move faster to establish a public service system for promoting the national fitness program. 8) We will enhance and make innovations in social management. We will improve the community service system, improve the training of professional social workers, and help urban and rural communities better provide public services and conduct social management. We will properly deal with people's legitimate and reasonable complaints; work harder on public order, workplace safety, food and drug safety oversight, and emergency response management; and resolutely set right all actions that harm people's interests so as to safeguard social harmony and stability. |
继续加强内地与香港、澳门两个特别行政区的交流合作。深化内地与港澳更紧密经贸关系,推进服务贸易自由化进程。支持香港培育新兴优势产业,进一步巩固国际金融、贸易、航运中心地位。支持澳门建设世界旅游休闲中心,促进经济适度多元发展。巩固深化两岸关系和平发展的政治、经济、文化、社会基础,推进两岸经济合作框架协议的后续协商和实施,不断提高两岸经贸和产业合作水平。 | We will continue to increase exchanges and cooperation between the mainland and the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions. We will further implement the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between them, and promote the liberalization of service trade. We will support Hong Kong in cultivating emerging and advantageous industries and in further consolidating its position as an international financial, trade, and shipping center. We will support Macao in developing itself into a world center of tourism and recreation and in appropriately diversifying its economy. We will consolidate and strengthen the political, economic, cultural and social foundation for peaceful growth of relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, push forward the follow-up talks on and implementation of the Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, and keep improving cross-Straits economic, trade, and industrial cooperation. |
各位代表,做好2013年经济社会发展各项工作,任务艰巨,责任重大。我们要更加紧密地团结在以习近平同志为总书记的党中央周围,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,自觉接受全国人大的指导和监督,虚心听取全国政协的意见和建议,奋发有为,求真务实,真抓实干,为促进经济持续健康发展、夺取全面建成小康社会新胜利而努力奋斗! (注:PM2.5为PM右下角加2.5) |
Follow deputies, Successfully completing all the work for economic and social development in 2013 will be an arduous task and a great responsibility for us. We will unite closer around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary; hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics; and follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development. We will voluntarily accept the guidance and oversight of the NPC, and seek comments and suggestions from the CPPCC National Committee members with an open mind. Let us work hard, take solid and tangible actions, and make arduous efforts to promote sustainable and sound economic growth and achieve new victories in finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. |
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