一、和平与安全 |
当今世界多极化和经济全球化深入发展,文化多样化、社会信息化持续推进。各国相互依存增加,利益交融前所未有。然而,世界仍然很不安宁。国际金融危机影响深远,全球发展不平衡加剧,国际和地区冲突频繁发生。传统安全威胁和非传统安全威胁相互交织。但和平、发展、合作、共赢已成为时代主流。促进多极化仍然是切实有效、协调一致应对全球性紧迫挑战的关键。中欧作为多极世界的重要力量,致力于加强在双边、地区和全球层面的对话与协调,携手应对地区和全球性挑战,推动国际秩序和国际体系朝着公正合理的方向发展。 |
The world's trends toward multipolarity and economic globalisation are deepening. The importance of cultural diversity is growing, and an information society is fast emerging. Countries are increasingly interdependent, with their interests more closely intertwined than ever before. On the other hand, the world is still far from being peaceful. The global financial crisis has had a far-reaching impact. Imbalance in global development has widened. International and local conflicts keep breaking out. Conventional and non-conventional security issues are interwoven. However, peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit have become the trend of the times. Promoting multilateralism remains crucial to ensure effective, coordinated and coherent responses to pressing global challenges. As important actors in a multipolar world, China and the EU commit to enhancing dialogue and coordination at bilateral, regional and global levels, to meet regional and global challenges together, and work to make the international order and system more just and equitable. |
主要倡议: |
This will be achieved by the following key initiatives: |
1. 就双方共同关心的重大双边、地区和国际问题进行充分有效的沟通。通过中欧高级别战略对话,加强在战略、政治和安全问题上的协调。利用这一平台增进了解,加强互信,凝聚共识,为促进双边关系、维护世界和平、推动共同发展提供战略支持。 |
1. Consult fully and effectively on major bilateral, regional and international issues of mutual concern. Enhance coordination on strategic, political and security issues within the China-EU High Level Strategic Dialogue. Use this platform to increase mutual understanding, deepen mutual trust, build common ground, and provide strategic support for promoting bilateral relations and safeguarding international peace and development. |
2. 就具有全球重大影响的国际和地区问题加强对话与沟通。加强中欧在非洲、中亚、拉美及双方各自周边地区事务的磋商。 |
2. Strengthen dialogue and communication on international and regional issues with major implications at the global level. Enhance consultations on Africa, Central Asia, Latin America and the respective neighbourhoods of the China and the EU. |
3. 加强在所有相关跨地区和地区论坛中的合作,特别是亚欧会议和东盟地区论坛,为亚洲的可持续发展以及构建平等、开放、透明和包容的地区架构做出贡献。双方一致认为,欧盟在基于共识的基础上参与东亚峰会是有益的。 |
3. Reinforce cooperation in all relevant trans-regional and regional fora, in particular ASEM and the ARF, and contribute to sustainable development and the building of an equal, open, transparent and inclusive regional architecture in Asia. Both sides agree that the EU's participation in the East Asia Summit, based on consensus, would be useful. |
4. 加强多边场合合作,包括在重大会议前进行协调。中欧将致力于建立基于规则的、更加有效、透明、公正、合理的国际治理体系,强调多边主义和联合国在国际事务中的核心作用,重视二十国集团等多边组织和平台的作用。欧盟期望中国主办随后的二十国集团峰会。 |
4. Reinforce cooperation in multilateral fora, including coordination before major meetings, to establish a rules-based, more efficient, transparent, just and equitable system of global governance, emphasise multilateralism and the central role of the UN in international affairs and value the role of multilateral organisations and platforms such as the G20. The EU looks forward to China hosting a forthcoming G20 summit. |
5. 加强协调与合作,致力于在国际贸易与投资、金融、环境、气候变化、互联网以及新一代无线通信技术等重点领域制订公正、合理、有效的规则。 |
5. Strengthen coordination and cooperation, working for just, reasonable, and effective rules in key fields, such as international trade and investment, finance, environment and climate change, the Internet and a new generation of wireless communication technology. |
6. 在推动核安全、加强国际防扩散体系及相关出口控制安排、打击核材料走私方面加强合作。 |
6. Reinforce cooperation on promoting nuclear security, strengthening the international non-proliferation regime and related export control arrangements, and combatting the smuggling of nuclear material. |
7. 支持并推动构建和平、安全、有弹性和开放的网络空间。通过中欧网络工作小组等平台,推动双方在网络领域的互信与合作。 |
7. Support and promote the establishment of a peaceful, secure, resilient and open cyber space, promoting mutual trust and cooperation through such platforms as the China-EU Cyber Taskforce. |
8. 在平等和相互尊重的基础上深化双边和国际人权事务交流。在协商一致的关键和重点领域通过建设性的讨论加强人权对话。 |
8. Deepen exchanges on human rights at the bilateral and international level on the basis of equality and mutual respect. Strengthen the Human Rights Dialogue with constructive discussions on jointly agreed key priority areas. |
9. 在《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》和《联合国反腐败公约》框架下,在打击跨国犯罪、非法移民、网络犯罪等方面开展具体项目合作,适时就反恐问题举行专门磋商。中欧应相互通报刑事犯罪、有组织犯罪、小武器非法贸易、绑架、偷渡、非法移民、贩卖人口、洗钱、造假、毒品、经济金融案件等犯罪活动,并开展联合行动。加强警务培训合作。 |
9. Strengthen China-EU cooperation under the framework of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime and the United Nations Convention against Corruption. Collaborate on projects combating transnational crime, illegal migration, and cyber-crime, and hold special consultations on issues of anti-terrorism at an appropriate time. China and the EU should keep each other informed on criminal activities, organised crime, illicit trade in small arms, abduction, human smuggling, illegal migration, trafficking in human beings, money-laundering, counterfeiting, and drugs, as well as economic and financial cases, and take joint actions. Cooperation on police training should be strengthened. |
10. 定期就防务与安全政策举行对话,加强人员培训交流,逐步提升中欧防务安全对话级别与合作水平,推进务实合作。 |
10. Hold regular dialogues on defense and security policy, increase training exchanges, and gradually raise the level of China-EU dialogue and cooperation on defense and security, advancing towards more practical cooperation. |
11. 继续开展海上安全和反海盗合作,开展反海盗联合演练。 |
11. Continue cooperation on maritime security, including on counter-piracy, and conduct joint counter-piracy exercises. |
12. 开展联合行动,提升海事安全,加强相关国际法专业知识共享,加强包括联合研究项目在内的北极事务交流。 |
12. Develop joint activities to promote maritime safety and security; share expertise in relation to relevant international law; develop exchanges on the Arctic, including joint research projects. |
13. 本着人道主义原则,根据受灾害或危机影响的民众的要求,加强有关合作,以促进和便利人道主义救援的送达。 |
13. Intensify co-operation with a view to promoting and facilitating the delivery of humanitarian aid solely based on the needs of people affected by disaster or crisis, and in accordance with humanitarian principles. |
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