Full text: China-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2013-11-26
实现创新、包容和可持续发展是中欧共同面临的任务。国际社会应采取积极措施,应对气候变化,保护环境,提高国际能源市场透明度,推动制订资源高效利用、着眼长远、社会包容和低碳发展的政策。新兴绿色产业的发展有助于促进世界经济的可持续发展,并为中欧企业创造新的商机。绿色增长应成为中欧主要的战略和务实合作领域。中欧致力于继续促进各自环境旗舰项目的合作,最大程度发挥中国生态文明建设和欧盟资源效能战略的对接效益。中欧一致认为,创新对实现可持续发展具有重要意义。有效的知识产权保护对支持创新解决方案和新兴产业的有效发展和应用至关重要。此外,为保证社会可持续发展,应解决社会和医疗保障、确保充分有效就业、老龄化等一系列重要的社会挑战。中欧还肩负促进全球发展的共同责任。 China and the EU face the common task of achieving innovative, inclusive and sustainable development. Addressing climate change, protecting the environment, promoting transparent international energy markets and facilitating resource-efficient, far-reaching, socially inclusive and low-carbon development policies are high on the international action list. Emerging green sectors contribute to sustainable growth of the global economy and are creating new business opportunities for Chinese and European companies. Green growth should therefore become a key area of strategic and practical China-EU cooperation. China and the EU are committed to continue promoting cooperation on the environmental flagship initiatives developed respectively by China and the EU, with a view to maximising the mutual synergies between China's ecological civilization and the European Union's resource efficiency agenda. Both sides agree that innovation has an important contribution to make to achieve sustainable development, and that effective protection of Intellectual Property Rights is crucial to support the effective development and deployment of innovative solutions and emerging industries. In addition, in order to ensure sustainable development, a number of important social challenges need to be addressed, including social security and health care, high and quality employment and demographic ageing. China and the EU have a common responsibility for advancing global development.
主要倡议:  Key initiatives:
(一)科技创新 I. Science, technology and innovation
1. 在《中欧科技合作协定》框架下,加强在科技和创新领域的产学研合作,应对共同挑战;发挥中欧科技合作指导委员会的框架作用,用好创新合作对话,在人力资源、技术技能、研究设施、创新融资、科研成果转化、创业精神和创新框架条件等方面,实现优势互补、互利共赢。 1. Reinforce cooperation on science, technology and innovation, involving industry, universities and research institutes, so as to tackle common challenges; complement mutual strengths and deliver win-win results in the areas of human resources, skills, technology, research infrastructure, financing of innovation, exploitation of research findings, entrepreneurship and framework conditions for innovation within the framework of the China-EU Agreement for Scientific and Technological Cooperation. Employ the China-EU Steering Committee and the China-EU Innovation Cooperation Dialogue to this end.
2. 建立中欧产业集群合作倡议,加强在可持续增长和城镇化等战略领域的协作。 2. Establish a China-EU cluster cooperation initiative to strengthen collaboration in fields of strategic interest such as sustainable growth and urbanisation.
3. 进一步探索在食品、农业和生物技术、城镇化可持续发展、航空、水资源、医疗和信息通信技术领域的联合科研创新合作倡议,制订联合资助计划。鼓励各自研发人员参与彼此的科研项目。 3. Joint research and innovation initiatives will be further explored, in particular in the areas of food, agriculture and biotechnology, sustainable urbanisation, aviation, water, health and ICT, by developing joint funding programmes and promoting enhanced mutual participation of Chinese and EU researchers and innovators into respective programmes.
4. 在互利共赢的基础上,继续执行《新能源、可再生能源及能效技术合作联合声明》,重视中小企业的适当参与。 4. Continue the implementation of the Joint Statement on cooperation in new and renewable and energy efficient technologies on the basis of common interest and mutual benefit and with special focus on participation of SMEs where appropriate.
5. 加强在国际热核聚变实验反应堆项目框架内的合作并建立聚变能源研究战略伙伴关系。加强中欧在核安保、核燃料循环、核事故应急、核废物管理和核安全领域的交流与合作。 5. Strengthen cooperation in the multilateral framework of the ITER project and build a strategic bilateral partnership on fusion energy research. Strengthen exchanges and cooperation on nuclear safety, nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear emergency response, nuclear waste management and nuclear security.
(二)空间与航天 II. Space and aerospace
1. 在中欧空间科技合作对话和地球观测组织框架下,加强在地球观测、地球科学、空间科学与探测等方面的合作,明确合作项目,促进绿色发展。 1. Enhance information exchange in the fields of earth observation, geo-science, space science and exploration under the framework of the China-EU Space Technology Cooperation Dialogue and Group of Earth Observation, identifying projects promoting green development.
2. 加强在空间科学、空间应用等领域的合作,建立磋商机制,探讨制定长期计划,明确双方共同感兴趣的合作项目和举措。 2. Reinforce cooperation in the fields of space science and space application, establish a consultation mechanism and explore a long-term plan to identify cooperation projects and actions of mutual interest.
3. 推动哥白尼遥感数据以及伽利略和北斗导航卫星系统的信息交流。探讨卫星数据交换和应用方面的合作。加强双方各自全球卫星导航系统间的民用合作。不断深化中欧载人航天领域交流与合作。支持双方开展航天产业和商业领域的合作。 3. Promote information exchange on Copernicus remote sensing data as well as Galileo and Beidou navigation satellite systems. Discuss cooperation on satellite data exchange and applications. Enhance cooperation for civil purpose between their respective global navigation satellite systems. Continue to deepen exchanges and cooperation in manned space. Support cooperation in space industry and in commercial fields.
(三)能源 III. Energy
1. 在中欧能源对话框架内加强能源领域合作,重点加强全球能源安全合作。 1. Reinforce cooperation on energy issues, with a special emphasis on global energy security within the framework of the Energy Dialogue.
2. 实施中欧能源合作路线图,推动双方在能源立法、政策和标准制定领域加强交流与合作。 2. Implement a roadmap for China-EU energy cooperation, in order to reinforce exchanges and cooperation in fields of energy legislation, policy and standard formulation.
3. 进一步探索在低碳能源技术上的合作,以支持经济可持续发展。 3. Further explore cooperation in low-carbon energy technologies, which will support sustainable economic growth.
4. 切实发挥中欧清洁能源中心等现有合作平台的作用,鼓励企业参加中欧清洁能源中心企业联盟,并开展试点项目合作。 4. Bring into play such existing cooperation platforms as the China-EU Clean Energy Centre (EC2), encourage enterprises to take part in EC2 enterprise alliance and cooperate on pilot projects.
5. 通过与欧洲原子能共同体商签总体协议,加强科研合作等方式,解决安全高效发展核能的相关问题。 5. Address the issue of nuclear energy development in a safe and secure manner through a general EURATOM agreement and closer scientific cooperation.
6. 加强能源监管合作,共享区域间以及国际间的经验和推广范例,从而促进各国内部能源政策制定的一致性,以及能源市场的效率。中国作为《能源宪章》大会受邀观察员,将进一步发展与《能源宪章》的关系。 6. Reinforce cooperation in energy regulation in order to share experience and promote best practices both regionally and internationally, thereby enhancing consistency in energy policy-making in each country as well as the efficiency of the energy market. China as an observer to the Energy Charter Conference by invitation will further develop its relationship with the Energy Charter.
(四)城镇化 IV. Urbanisation
1. 就城市可持续发展规划、城镇基础设施建设和管理、城乡一体化开展合作,推广先进技术和管理经验,包括涉及公共和企业利益攸关方的透明和平等的协商程序。 1. Carry out cooperation and promote advanced technology and managerial experience in sustainable urban development planning, urban infrastructure and management and urban-rural integration, including transparent and equitable consultative procedures with public and business stakeholders.
2. 办好中欧城镇化伙伴关系论坛、中欧城市博览会和中欧市长论坛。完善中欧伙伴关系组织框架,支持相关城市结对,依靠中欧城镇化伙伴关系联合指导委员会,统筹推进中欧城镇化伙伴关系发展。支持“中欧低碳生态城市合作项目”平台,提高中欧城镇化伙伴关系的影响力。 2. Ensure the success of the China-EU Urbanisation Partnership Forum, the China-EU City Expo and the China-EU Mayors' Forum, improve the governing framework of the China-EU Partnership, support the development of numerous relevant city pairings and steer China-EU urbanisation cooperation by the Joint Steering Committee of the China-EU Urbanisation Partnership. Support the development of the EC-Link as a cooperation platform to enhance the impact of the Partnership.
3. 在城市规划设计、城市的社会经济事务、城市科学管理、自然与文化遗产保护、绿色低碳发展、灾害防控和城市交通建设、生态建筑、建筑标准等领域开展对话,交流经验。 3. Conduct dialogues and share experience on urban planning and design, urban socio-economic issues, good administration, natural and cultural heritage preservation, green and low-carbon development, disaster prevention and control, urban mobility and eco-buildings and construction standards in the building sector.
4. 积极推进示范城市建设,支持中欧城市合作项目,推进城市间、城市与园区间、城市与企业间务实合作,为参与的所有利益攸关方创建公平竞争的环境,加大双方在金融、创新等领域合作力度,提升城市发展的质量和水平。 4. Actively build demonstration cities, support China-EU urban cooperation projects, promote cooperation between cities, and between cities and industrial parks and enterprises, creating a level playing field for all stakeholders involved, and reinforcing cooperation in the fields of finance and innovation to elevate the quality and level of urban development.
(五)气候变化与环境保护 V. Climate change and environmental protection
1. 基于联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会最新报告,加强《联合国气候变化框架公约》及其《京都议定书》有关有效国际气候变化措施的实施,为德班平台强化行动进程和执行多哈会议成果服务。 1. In response to the recent reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, enhance the implementation of effective international climate change measures under the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol, and contribute to the process of the Durban platform for enhanced action and the implementation of the outcomes of the Doha Conference.
2. 合作支持补充倡议,旨在把全球平均温升较工业化前控制在2摄氏度以内。共同努力并与其他国家一道,通过多边渠道包括利用《蒙特利尔议定书》的专长和机制,在审查经济适用型和技术可行性替代措施的基础上,逐步减少氢氟碳化物的生产和消费,同时继续把氢氟碳化物置于《联合国气候变化框架公约》及其《京都议定书》排放计量和报告范围内。 2. Cooperate to support complementary initiatives, with a view to reducing global greenhouse emissions so as to hold the increase in global average temperature below 2°C above pre-industrial level. This will include working together and with other countries through multilateral approaches that include using the expertise and institutions of the Montreal Protocol, to phase down the production and consumption of HFCs, based on the examination of economically viable and technically feasible alternatives, while continuing to include HFCs within the scope of the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol provisions for accounting and reporting of emissions.
3. 对联合国秘书长潘基文计划于2014年9月举行世界领导人气候峰会表示欢迎,帮助全球转向低碳经济。 3. Welcome the world leaders Climate Summit planned by UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon in September 2014 and help the global shift towards a low carbon economy.
4. 合作建立绿色低碳发展的战略政策框架,以积极应对全球气候变化,改善环境质量和促进绿色产业合作。 4. Cooperate on achieving a strategic policy framework of green and low-carbon development for actively addressing global climate change, improving the quality of the environment and facilitating business-to-business cooperation within the green sector.
5. 通过开展中欧碳排放交易能力建设合作项目,推动中国碳排放交易市场建设,运用市场机制应对气候变化。加强中欧在低碳城镇、低碳社区、低碳产业园区等领域及控制温室气体排放方面的务实合作,开发低碳技术以推动可再生能源广泛利用,从而减少化石能源消费和相关排放。 5. Facilitate the building of China's emission trading market and use of market mechanism in addressing climate change through a China-EU emission trading capacity building project. Enhance practical cooperation in building China-EU low-carbon cities, communities and industrial parks and controlling greenhouse gas emission. Develop low carbon technologies to promote extensive use of renewable energy to reduce consumption of fossil sources of energy and corresponding emissions.
6. 加强在航空环境保护和可持续发展方面的合作,探讨如何处理航空对环境的影响,具体包括:探索建立中欧民航业节能减排领域长期合作机制;促进环境友好航空减排技术的研发;增进对航空排放影响的科学认识,为政策制定提供依据;致力于控制和减少航空排放的空管创新;可持续航空生物燃油的研发与推广;绿色机场的设计、建设与高效运营;各种减排措施影响的定量分析方法学和技术。 6. Strengthen cooperation on aviation environment protection and sustainable development, and discuss how to handle the impact of aviation on the environment. This should include: exploring the development of a long-term mechanism for the collaboration between Chinese and EU civil aviation industries in ECER; facilitating the research and development of environmentally-friendly technology tackling aviation emissions; improvement of scientific understanding regarding aviation emissions impacts in order to better inform policy decisions; air traffic management innovation to limit and reduce environmental aviation emission; research, development and promotion of sustainable bio-fuels for aviation; design, construction and efficient operation of green airports; methodologies and technology for quantitative analysis of the impacts of various emission reduction measures.
7. 在环境监管事务以及环境标准与研究方面继续开展对话,交流经验。 7. Continue dialogue and exchange experience on regulatory matters and environmental standards and research.
8. 有意在亚太经合组织环境产品及服务贸易自由化的基础上,寻求双方在世界贸易组织的合作。 8. Express readiness to explore opportunities and work together in the WTO on the basis of APEC's liberalizations of trade in environment goods and services.
9. 在解决空气、水、土壤、化学品污染、可持续废物管理、消费和生产的资源有效性以及环境污染事故应急行动方面进行合作。 9. Cooperate on tackling air, water and soil pollution, chemical pollution, sustainable waste management and resource efficiency within consumption and production, as well as environmental pollution emergency action.
10. 推动林木资源和生物多样性的保护和可持续使用,尤其是生态体系服务评估、自然资源资本核算以及创新性金融机制;履行《生物多样性公约2011-2020战略计划》和《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》。 10. Promote conservation and sustainable use of forests and biodiversity in particular on the valuation of ecosystem services, natural capital accounting and innovative financing mechanisms; implement the Strategic Plan 2011-2020 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
11. 加强中欧水资源交流平台合作,推动水政策对话、联合科研和商业合作,共同应对与水有关的各类挑战,例如水的总量(水资源紧缺、干旱、地下水、城市水系统、水与安全的关系),水的使用效率(水循环、工业用水、水与食物的关系、水与能源的关系),水的质量(减少污染、河床管理)以及水灾害。 11. Strengthen the China-EU Water Platform to promote water policy dialogue, enhance joint scientific research and business cooperation with a view to addressing water challenges such as water quantity (water scarcity, drought, ground water, urban water systems, water and security nexus), water use efficiency (water recycling, industrial water use, water and food nexus, water and energy nexus), water quality (pollution reduction, river basin management), and water disasters.
(六)海洋 VI. Ocean
加强在海洋综合管理、海洋空间规划、海洋知识、海洋观测与监测、海洋科技研发、海洋经济发展、海洋能源利用方面的交流与合作。 Enhance exchanges and cooperation on comprehensive ocean management, ocean spatial planning, marine knowledge, marine observation and surveillance, R&D of marine science and technology, growth of the marine economy and ocean energy use.
(七)区域政策 VII. Regional policy
促进区域政策领域的相互理解和合作。继续办好中欧区域政策高层对话会和研讨会,围绕增长、竞争力、创新、区域合作以及促进区域协调发展等重大区域政策问题开展交流。就区域发展的基础性和前瞻性问题开展联合研究,继续实施相关人员能力培训项目,鼓励各自区域和地方机构直接接触与合作,推进试点示范工作。 Promote mutual understanding and cooperation in the field of regional policy. Continue to ensure the success of the China-EU High Level Dialogue and Seminar on Regional policy, carry out exchanges on major regional policies including growth, competitiveness, innovation, regional cooperation, and coordinated regional development. Conduct joint research on basic and forward-looking issues of regional development, continue the capacity training programme for related personnel, encourage direct contacts and cooperation between respective regional and local authorities and promote pilot demonstration projects.
(八)社会进步 VIII. Social progress
1. 加强社会政策对话,促进社会保障和社会团结,推动充分有效就业,保障职业安全与健康,促进体面劳动,应对包括青年就业、社会福利、社会救助、老龄化、移民和人口流动等方面的挑战。 1. Reinforce dialogue on social policies, promote social security and social cohesion, full and quality employment, occupational safety and health, decent work, so as to address a number of challenges such as youth employment, social welfare, social assistance, demographic ageing, as well as migration flows and cross-country mobility.
2. 共同实施“中欧社会保障改革合作项目”和“中欧高危行业职业安全与健康项目”,进一步发挥现有对话机制的作用。 2. Jointly implement the China-EU Social Protection Reform Project and the China-EU Occupational Safety and Health Project in High Risk Industries, and make better use of the existing dialogue mechanisms.
3. 加强在国际劳工组织合作,进一步推动体面劳动议程。 3. Enhance cooperation with the International Labour Organisation, in order to further promote the decent work agenda.
4. 扩大在卫生领域的对话与交流,包括与世界卫生组织合作,尤其增强在耐药性、医疗信息化、防癌领域合作,加强药品监管对话,保障公民健康与安全。 4. Expand dialogue and exchange in the field of health, including through cooperation with the World Health Organisation, especially the cooperation in antimicrobial resistance, e-health, prevention of cancer and regulatory dialogue on pharmaceuticals, with a view to ensuring the health and safety of citizens.
5. 根据联合国《残疾人权利公约》,扩大关于残疾人权利的对话与交流,推进融合,反对歧视,消除障碍。 5. Expand dialogue and exchange concerning the rights of persons with disabilities according to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) in order to advance inclusion, counteract discrimination and remove barriers.
(九)公共政策 IX. Public policy
1. 本着平等和相互信任的原则,继续就司法和行政事务开展对话与合作。 1. Based on the principle of equality and mutual trust, continue to develop dialogue and cooperation on legal and administrative affairs.
2. 建立“中欧公共政策对话机制”,作为中欧在公共政策领域长期对话、交流和合作的重要平台。 2. Develop a China-EU Public Policy Dialogue Mechanism as an important and long-term platform for dialogues, exchanges and cooperation in the public policy field.
3. 注意到第九次中欧领导人会晤决定建立的中国经社理事会与欧盟经社委员会圆桌会议定期交流机制举办的活动,呼吁双方加强对话与交流,尤其是在可持续发展、贸易和投资等领域。 3. Acknowledge the activities of the Round Table between the China Economic and Social Council and the European Economic and Social Committee, which was established by the 9th China-EU Summit, and call for its dialogue and activities to be further expanded, in particular in the fields of sustainable development, as well as trade and investment.
4. 推动在防灾、自然和技术灾难防灾准备和应急领域的政策交流与合作。 4. Promote policy exchange and facilitate cooperation and exchange of expertise in disaster prevention, preparedness and response to natural and technological disasters.
(十)全球发展合作 X. Cooperation on global development
加强中欧就重大国际发展问题和各自发展政策的对话与合作,包括推动制定和落实2015年后发展议程和可持续发展目标。双方同意启动高官级别年度发展对话。 Strengthen China-EU dialogue and cooperation on major international development issues, as well as their respective development policies, including efforts to formulate and implement post-2015 development agenda and sustainable development goals. Both sides agree to start an annual development dialogue at senior official level.

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