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Work report of NPC Standing Committee (2014)

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2014年3月9日,十二届全国人大二次会议在北京人民大会堂举行第二次全体会议。全国人大常委会委员长张德江作全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告。 [中国网]

2014年3月9日,十二届全国人大二次会议在北京人民大会堂举行第二次全体会议。全国人大常委会委员长张德江作全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告。 [中国网]
Zhang Dejiang, chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress (NPC), delivers a work report of the Standing Committee of the NPC during the second plenary meeting of the second session of the 12th NPC at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 9, 2014. [China.org.cn]




Delivered at the Second Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress on March 9, 2014

全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长 张德江

Zhang Dejiang, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

各位代表: Fellow Deputies,
现在,我受全国人大常委会委托,向大会报告工作,请予审议。 On behalf of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), I now present to you the report on its work for your deliberation.
过去一年的主要工作 Major Work of the Past Year
2013年,面对错综复杂的国际形势和艰巨繁重的国内改革发展稳定任务,以习近平同志为总书记的党中央,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,团结带领全国各族人民,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,沉着应对各种风险和挑战,全面推进社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设,对全面深化改革作出总体部署,各项工作取得新的重大进展,得到了全党和全国各族人民的衷心拥护。 In 2013, in the face of the complex international situation and the arduous domestic tasks of reform, development and stability, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary held high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and united with and led the people of all of China's ethnic groups in adhering to the general work guideline of making progress while maintaining stability; responding to all risks and challenges calmly; stimulating socialist economic, political, cultural, social and ecological advancement in an all-around way; making overall arrangements for comprehensively deepening reform; and making major progress in all its work, thus winning the heartfelt support of the whole Party and the people of all of our ethnic groups.
过去一年,是十二届全国人大常委会依法履职的第一年。常委会全面贯彻党的十八大和十八届二中、三中全会精神,以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,在以习近平同志为总书记的党中央领导下,贯彻落实十二届全国人大一次会议精神,认真行使宪法和法律赋予的职权,在以往基础上推动人大工作迈出新步伐,实现本届常委会工作的良好开局,为加强社会主义民主法治建设、全面建成小康社会、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦作出了积极贡献。 The past year was the first year for the Standing Committee of the Twelfth NPC to perform its functions in accordance with the law. The Standing Committee comprehensively implemented the guiding principles set forth at the Eighteenth National Party Congress and the second and third plenary sessions of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee, and took Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook on Development as its guide. Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary, the Standing Committee implemented the guiding principles of the First Session of the Twelfth NPC and conscientiously performed the powers and functions conferred on it by the Constitution and laws. Building on past achievements, the Standing Committee took new steps in the work of the NPC, and ensured that its work got off to a good start. Thus, the Standing Committee made positive contributions to strengthening socialist democracy and the socialist rule of law, finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and realizing the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
一、统筹部署十二届全国人大常委会工作 1. We made comprehensive arrangements for the Standing Committee of the Twelfth NPC.
党的十八大对新的时代条件下坚持和发展中国特色社会主义作出全面部署。党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为总书记的党中央,围绕改革发展稳定、内政外交国防、治党治国治军,提出许多新思想新观点新论断新要求,为党和国家事业进一步发展指明了方向。十二届全国人大常委会紧紧围绕党和国家工作大局,在深刻分析人大工作新形势新任务的基础上,提出了本届常委会工作的总体思路、基本要求和主要任务,努力为全面深化改革、促进社会主义民主法治建设提供有力保障。 The Eighteenth National Party Congress drew up a comprehensive plan for adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics under the new conditions of the times. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary has charted the course for making progress in the Party and country's cause since the conclusion of the congress by putting forward many new ideas, viewpoints, judgments and requirements centered on reform, development and stability; on domestic affairs, foreign relations and national defense; and on running the Party, country and armed forces. Bearing the overall work of the Party and country firmly in mind, the Standing Committee of the Twelfth NPC set forth the general thinking, basic requirements and main tasks for its work on the basis of a thorough analysis of the new circumstances and tasks of the NPC's work, and provided powerful guarantees for comprehensively deepening reform and promoting the development of socialist democracy and the socialist rule of law.
——坚定不移走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路,把人民代表大会制度坚持好完善好发展好。坚持人民主体地位,发展更加广泛、更加充分、更加健全的人民民主,支持和保证人民通过人民代表大会行使国家权力。毫不动摇地坚持、与时俱进地发展人民代表大会制度,不断丰富人民代表大会制度的实践特色和时代特色,充分发挥人民代表大会制度的根本政治制度作用。 -- We unswervingly kept to the socialist path of political development with Chinese characteristics and adhered to, improved and developed the system of people's congresses. We upheld the people's principal position in the country; made people's democracy more widespread, granted it more fully, and developed it further; and supported and ensured the exercise of state power by the people through people's congresses. We unwaveringly adhered to the system of people's congresses and developed it as required by the times, constantly enriched its practicality and suitability to the times, and got the system of people's congresses to fully play its role as China's fundamental political system.
——全面推进依法治国,维护宪法和法律权威。坚持依法治国、依法执政、依法行政共同推进,坚持法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设。推动各级国家行政机关依法行政,规范政府行为,推动各级审判机关、检察机关公正司法,提高司法公信力,做到有法必依、执法必严、违法必究,维护人民权益,促进社会公平正义。加强对宪法和法律实施情况的监督检查,维护国家法制统一、尊严、权威。 -- We promoted the rule of law in all respects and safeguarded the sanctity of the Constitution and laws. We ensured that the country is governed, governance is exercised and administration is conducted all in accordance with the law, and that our country, government and society are all based on the law. We standardized government activities and made sure that state administrative bodies at all levels function in accordance with the law. We got judicial and procuratorial bodies at all levels to be fair in administering justice. We enhanced judicial credibility, and ensured that laws are observed and strictly enforced, violators are punished, and people's rights and interests are safeguarded. We promoted social fairness and justice. We strengthened oversight and inspection of compliance with the Constitution and laws and safeguarded the unity, sanctity and authority of the country's legal system.
——充分发挥最高国家权力机关在建设社会主义法治国家中的重要作用,努力开创人大工作新局面。全国人大及其常委会处在社会主义民主法治建设的第一线,在全面推进依法治国进程中担负着重要职责,要把坚持依法治国、维护宪法和法律权威作为人大及其常委会的重要任务,依法行使立法、监督、决定、任免等职权,推动中央重大决策部署的贯彻落实。加强重点领域立法,着力提高立法质量。依法加强和改进监督工作,着力增强监督实效。支持和保障代表依法执行代表职务,密切代表同人民群众的联系。 -- We got the NPC and its Standing Committee to fully play their important roles as the country's highest organs of state power in building a law-based socialist country, and strove to initiate a new phase in the work of the NPC. The NPC and its Standing Committee stays in the forefront of developing socialist democracy and the socialist rule of law, and shoulders important responsibility in the course of comprehensively promoting law-based governance. Therefore, we should view steadfastly running the country in accordance with the law and safeguarding the authority of the Constitution and laws as important tasks of the NPC and its Standing Committee. We exercised our legislative, oversight, policymaking, and personnel appointment and dismissal powers in accordance with the law, and gave impetus to implementing the major decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee. We strengthened legislation in key areas and focused on improving the quality of legislation. We strengthened and improved our oversight work in accordance with the law and focused on making oversight more effective. We supported NPC deputies in the lawful performance of their duties, ensured that they could perform them and got them to close ranks with the people.
——编制立法规划,推动中国特色社会主义法律体系发展完善。立法是依法治国的前提和基础。我们全面分析中国特色社会主义法律体系形成后立法工作面临的新情况新要求,在认真梳理代表议案建议、深入调查研究、反复论证协商的基础上,编制了十二届全国人大常委会立法规划,并及时召开立法工作会议,明确本届任期内立法工作的目标任务、工作要求和落实措施。强调要坚持以中国特色社会主义理论体系为指导,坚持从中国国情和实际出发,坚持以人为本、立法为民,坚持通过完备的法律推动宪法实施,积极推进科学立法、民主立法,不断完善中国特色社会主义法律体系。 -- We drew up a legislative plan and developed and improved the socialist system of laws with Chinese characteristics. Legislation is a prerequisite and foundation for the rule of law. We drew up a legislative plan for the Standing Committee of the Twelfth NPC based on a comprehensive analysis of the new circumstances and requirements for our legislative work after the establishment of the socialist system of laws with Chinese characteristics, and on a careful review of bills and proposals put forward by NPC deputies, in-depth investigations and studies, and repeated discussions and consultations. In addition, we promptly held a meeting on legislative work to determine the targets, tasks and requirements of the legislative work for the current term and the steps for fulfilling them. We stressed the need to be guided by the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, proceed from China's conditions and realities, put people first, pass legislation for the benefit of the people, and further the implementation of the Constitution through well-developed laws. We also stressed the need to make laws scientifically and democratically, and constantly improve the socialist system of laws with Chinese characteristics.
二、以提高立法质量为核心,立法工作迈出新步伐 2. We made progress in our legislative work, with the focus on raising the quality of legislation.
一年来,常委会审议了15件法律和有关法律问题的决定草案,通过了其中的10件;涉及修改21部法律,新制定2部法律。 Over the past year, the Standing Committee deliberated 15 bills and draft decisions on legal issues, of which ten of them were passed; and revised 21 laws and enacted two.
第一,适应经济社会发展需要,相继完成一批重点立法项目。为促进旅游业持续健康发展,常委会制定旅游法,重点保障旅游者的合法权益,规范旅游市场秩序和经营活动,完善旅游纠纷解决机制,并明确规定了政府在规划、促进和监管旅游业发展等方面的责任。我国各类锅炉、压力容器、电梯、大型游乐设施等特种设备使用广泛。常委会制定的特种设备安全法,重点强化了特种设备生产安装、经营使用、维护保养、检验检测等全过程监管,确立了特种设备身份管理制度、质量责任追溯制度、产品召回和报废制度等,对于依法加强特种设备安全监管、保护人民群众生命财产安全具有重要意义。常委会对与人民群众生活密切相关的消费者权益保护法作出重要修改,从充实细化消费者权益、强化经营者义务与责任、规范网络购物等新型消费方式、更好发挥消费者协会作用等方面,进一步完善相关法律规定,维护消费市场秩序,保护消费者合法权益。常委会还修改商标法,进一步简化商标注册、审查程序,扩大商标注册范围,厘清驰名商标保护制度,严格商标侵权行为的法律责任。 First, we finished a number of key legislative projects to meet the needs of economic and social development. In order to ensure sustained, sound development of tourism, the Standing Committee enacted the Tourism Law, the main purpose of which is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of tourists; maintain order and standardize business activities in the tourism market; improve mechanisms for solving tourism disputes; and clarify the government's role in planning, promoting and overseeing the development of tourism. In light of the wide use of special equipment such as boilers, pressure vessels, elevators and escalators, and large recreational equipment in China, the Standing Committee enacted the Special Equipment Safety Law to stress the whole process of oversight and supervision of such equipment from manufacturing and installation to operation and use, maintenance, and inspection and testing, and then put in place systems for special equipment's identity management, quality accountability, and product's recalling and scrapping. This significantly strengthens safety oversight and supervision of special equipment and better protects people's life and property in accordance with the law. The Standing Committee made significant revisions to the Law on the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests, which is closely related to people's lives. The revised law maintains market order and safeguards consumers' legitimate rights and interests by specifying them in greater detail, increasing the obligations and responsibilities of managers, standardizing online shopping and other new types of consumption, and giving consumers' associations a bigger role to play. The Standing Committee also revised the Trademark Law, streamlined trademark registration and examination procedures, made more items eligible for registration as trademarks, improved the protection system for famous trademarks, and tightened legal responsibilities for trademark infringement.
常委会对环境保护法修订草案进行了两次审议。常委会组成人员强调,要充分认识环境保护工作的紧迫性、长期性和复杂性,深入分析环境问题产生的深层次原因,通过完善法律制度,加强环境管理过程控制,强化污染物排放行为监管,加大违法行为惩治力度,着力解决群众反映强烈的大气、水、土壤污染等环境突出问题,努力从根本上扭转环境质量恶化趋势。常委会还审议了资产评估法草案和行政诉讼法、军事设施保护法、安全生产法修正案草案等。 The Standing Committee deliberated draft revisions to the Environmental Protection Law twice. Its members stressed the need to be fully aware that protecting the environment is an urgent and complex task that requires long-term efforts. It is necessary to fully analyze the deep-rooted reasons for environmental problems, work to solve prominent environmental problems that the people are concerned about, such as air, water and soil pollution, and strive to fundamentally reverse environmental deterioration by improving laws and regulations, strengthening supervision over the process of environmental management, tightening oversight of the discharge of pollutants, and inflicting harsher punishments for illegal practices. The Standing Committee also deliberated the draft of the Asset Evaluation Law and the draft revisions to the Administrative Procedures Law, the Military Facilities Protection Law and the Law on Production Safety.
第二,及时通过相关决定、决议,保证重大改革依法有序进行。贯彻落实中央部署和十二届全国人大一次会议批准的《国务院机构改革和职能转变方案》,常委会采取一揽子修改的方式,先后通过关于修改文物保护法等12部法律的决定、关于修改海洋环境保护法等7部法律的决定,授权国务院在中国(上海)自由贸易试验区暂时调整有关法律规定的行政审批,取消和下放一批行政审批事项,创新对外开放模式,改革工商登记制度。这有利于进一步简政放权,激发经济社会发展活力,使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用。 Second, we adopted timely decisions and resolutions to ensure law-based, orderly progress of major reforms. In carrying out arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and implementing the Plan for the Reform of State Council Bodies and the Transformation of Their Functions approved at the First Session of the Twelfth NPC, the Standing Committee decided to revise a package of laws and adopted the decision to revise 12 laws including the Law on the Protection of Cultural Relics and the decision to revise the Law on the Protection of the Marine Environment and six other laws. It also authorized the State Council to make provisional adjustments to items subject to its review and approval required by law, eliminate or delegate a number of items requiring its review and approval, create new patterns for opening to the outside world, and reform the industrial and commercial registration system in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone. This helped further streamline administration and delegate more power to lower-level governments, invigorate economic and social development, ensure that the market plays a decisive role in allocating resources and make the government better play its role.
党的十八届三中全会明确提出,废止劳动教养制度,逐步调整完善生育政策。国务院提出相关议案后,常委会经过认真审议,通过关于废止有关劳动教养法律规定的决定,明确废止全国人大常委会的相关决议及《国务院关于劳动教养问题的决定》、《国务院关于劳动教养的补充规定》;通过关于调整完善生育政策的决议,启动实施一方是独生子女的夫妇可生育两个孩子的政策。 The Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee clearly stipulated that the system for reeducation through labor be abolished and progressive adjustments and improvements be made to birth policies. After the State Council put forward motions to that effect, the Standing Committee carried out careful deliberation and adopted the decision to repeal laws and regulations concerning reeducation through labor and unequivocally revoked previous resolutions of the NPC Standing Committee on this punishment as well as two documents of the State Council concerning it - the Decision of the State Council on Reeducation through Labor and the Supplementary Regulations of the State Council on Reeducation through Labor. It also adopted the decision to adjust and improve birth policies and introduced the policy allowing couples to have a second child if one parent is an only child.
第三,通过有关历史纪念日的决定,进一步弘扬爱国主义精神。为了牢记历史、不忘过去、珍爱和平、开创未来,常委会根据近年来全国人大代表、全国政协委员和社会各界人士提出的建议,审议通过了关于确定中国人民抗日战争胜利纪念日的决定,将9月3日确定为中国人民抗日战争胜利纪念日;审议通过了关于设立南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日的决定,将12月13日设立为南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日。全国人大常委会以立法形式确立这两个纪念日,对于进一步凝聚全国各族人民的意志和力量,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,促进人类和平与发展的崇高事业,具有十分重要的意义。 Third, we adopted decisions on anniversaries of some historical events and promoted patriotism. In order to ensure that the Chinese people bear history firmly in their mind, not forget the past, treasure peace, and break new ground, the Standing Committee deliberated and adopted the decision on making September 3rd Victory Day in the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the decision on making December 13th National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre Victims. The legal framework created by the NPC Standing Committee to establish these two anniversaries played a significant role in pooling the will and strength of the people of all of our ethnic groups, realizing the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and promoting the lofty cause of human peace and development.
第四,积极推进科学立法、民主立法,着力提高立法质量。当前,人民群众对立法的期盼,是法律管不管用、能不能解决实际问题。常委会把提高立法质量摆在更加突出的位置,完善立法工作机制和方式,立法科学化、民主化水平不断提高。 Fourth, we worked vigorously to make legislation more scientific and democratic and raise its quality. At present, what the general public expects of our legislative work is that laws work well and are capable of solving practical problems. The Standing Committee gave higher priority to raising the quality of legislation, improved the mechanisms and methods of legislative work, and constantly made legislation more scientific and democratic.
一是增强法律的可执行性、可操作性。针对一些法律规定比较原则、需要制定的配套法规和规章过多等问题,强调要科学严密设计法律规范,能具体就尽量具体,能明确就尽量明确,努力使制定和修改的法律立得住、行得通、切实管用。常委会在制定特种设备安全法的过程中,认真总结特种设备安全监管实践经验,对二次审议稿作出较大幅度的补充和细化,仅法律草案条文就从72条增加到了101条。 1) We made laws more enforceable and practicable. Because some laws are too general and need too many supporting regulations and rules, the Standing Committee emphasized that laws must be scientific and well-conceived and as specific and explicit as possible in order to ensure that all enacted and revised laws are well grounded, enforceable, and practicable. When enacting the Special Equipment Safety Law, the Standing Committee carefully reviewed practical experience in overseeing and supervising special equipment safety and greatly amplified the second draft of the law submitted for deliberation and made it more detailed, increasing its draft clauses from 72 to 101.
二是探索法律出台前评估工作。在旅游法草案提请审议表决前,我们邀请部分全国人大代表、旅游者和旅游经营者、专家学者召开座谈会,对法律草案内容的可行性、法律出台时机以及实施后的社会效果等进行综合评估,为立法决策提供参考。此后,又针对3部法律草案开展法律出台前评估。实践证明,这有利于把正向思维和逆向思维结合起来,既重视法律适用对象和专家学者的意见,也认真考虑法律执行部门的意见,使得立法工作更加科学周全。 2) We explored ways to assess laws before their promulgation. Before the draft of the Tourism Law was submitted for deliberation and vote, we invited some NPC deputies, tourists, travel agencies and experts to a conference at which comprehensive assessments were made of the feasibility of the draft and the timing of the law's promulgation, as well as its social effect after implementation to provide reference materials for making legislative decisions. Later on, such assessments were made of three other draft laws. Experience has proven that this is beneficial to integrating forward and reverse thinking and giving consideration not only to the opinions of experts and people affected by the laws but also to the comments of law enforcement departments, thus making our legislative work more scientific and comprehensive.
三是完善公布法律草案征求意见机制。在向社会公布法律草案一次审议稿的基础上,明确法律草案二次审议稿也要向社会全文公布,继续广泛征求各方面意见和建议。同时,健全公众意见采纳情况反馈机制,积极回应社会关切。在制定旅游法、修改商标法和消费者权益保护法的过程中,针对公众反映比较集中的零负团费、强迫购物等旅游乱象,商标审查时间过长、网络购物实行无理由退货等问题,从法律上作出明确规定。 3) We improved the mechanism for promulgating draft laws for public suggestions. By promulgating first drafts, we made it clear we will also make full texts of second drafts known to the public to further solicit comments and suggestions of everyone. At the same time, we improved the mechanism for giving feedback to people and actively responded to their concerns. In the process of enacting the Tourism Law and revising the Trademark Law and the Law on the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests, we provided explicit legal provisions on issues of greatest concern to the public, such as deceptive zero-fee tours, forced shopping and other irregularities in the tourism market, the overly long trademark review period, and the problem of getting unconditional refunds when cancelling a purchase made online.
一年来,常委会还决定批准我国与外国缔结的条约、协定以及加入的国际公约4件,决定和批准任免一批国家机关工作人员。 Over the past year, the Standing Committee ratified four treaties or agreements with foreign countries or international conventions that China concluded, and made decisions on and approved the appointment or removal of a number of employees in state bodies.
三、以增强监督实效为重点,监督工作取得新进展 3. We made progress in our oversight work with the focus on making our oversight more effective.
常委会坚持围绕大局、突出重点,认真行使监督职权,着眼于增强监督实效,进一步完善监督方式方法,加大对“一府两院”的监督力度。一年来,共听取审议国务院、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院15个工作报告,检查4部法律实施情况,组织开展3次专题询问和5次专题调研。 The Standing Committee conscientiously performed its oversight functions and powers, focusing on serving the overall interests of the country and emphasizing priorities; and improved oversight methods and strengthened its oversight of the State Council, the Supreme People's Court, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate with the focus on making oversight more effective. Over the past year, we listened to and deliberated 15 work reports of the State Council, the Supreme People's Court, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate; inspected compliance with four laws; conducted three special inquiries; and carried out five special investigations and studies.

First, we strengthened oversight of economic work. The Standing Committee listened to and deliberated the State Council's work reports on the interim assessment of the implementation of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, and on implementing China's 2013 plan for national economic and social development, fully implementing the strategy for large-scale development of the western region, advancing urbanization, and promoting financial reform and development in rural areas. It also carried out investigations and studies on compliance with the Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy. Members of the Standing Committee noted that under the leadership of the Party Central Committee, the whole nation worked hard as one and economic and social development progressed steadily and improved, getting the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period off to a good start. The Standing Committee stressed the following four points:

1) It is necessary to conscientiously implement the Party Central Committee's policy and arrangements for comprehensively deepening reform; steadfastly seek progress while maintaining stability, and carry out reform and make innovations; attach great importance to serious economic problems; accelerate transformation of the growth model; effectively improve the quality and returns of economic growth; and ensure that the objectives and tasks set forth in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan are accomplished on schedule.

2) In implementing the strategy for regional development, we should continue to give high priority to the strategy of large-scale development of the western region. It is necessary to accelerate economic growth, improvement in people's wellbeing, and environmental protection efforts in the western region; and explore for, divert and conserve water to alleviate the shortage of water resources in the region, and work harder to build highways, railways, rural roads and other infrastructure in order to constantly improve our capabilities to ensure economic and social development in the western region.

3) It is necessary to strive for a new type of urbanization with Chinese characteristics; and provide equal access to basic public services more quickly, improve the quality of the environment in cities, and refine systems and mechanisms for integrating urban and rural development, with the focus on granting urban residency to those who have left agricultural work.

4) It is necessary to deepen rural financial reform, increase financial support for agriculture, and offer more policy support to rural finance in order to make positive contributions to rural development, rural income growth and agricultural modernization.


Second, we strengthened budget and final account review and oversight.

1) At its June meeting, the Standing Committee listened to and deliberated the reports on the central government's final accounts and auditing work in 2012, and reviewed and approved the former. At its August meeting, the Standing Committee listened to and deliberated a report on the implementation of the budget for the first seven months of fiscal year 2013. We urged the State Council and its departments to be more frugal, increase revenue and reduce expenditures, work hard and be economical, do more to reduce expenditures, limit spending to what is affordable, tighten fiscal management, and use government funds more efficiently.

2) At its October meeting, the Standing Committee listened to and deliberated a report on the allocation and use of government funds for science and technology. This was the first time the Standing Committee oversaw the use of government funds for a specific purpose, and it was a useful attempt to intensify its budget oversight.

3) We organized investigations and studies on the examination and oversight of all government budgets and final accounts and set forth the thinking and measures for strengthening this work, and urged relevant government departments to improve budgeting systems for public finances, government-managed funds, state capital operations, and social security.

第三,加强对民生工作的监督。常委会听取审议了关于农村扶贫开发工作情况的报告,充分肯定我国扶贫开发工作取得的巨大成就,强调要坚定不移地贯彻落实中央扶贫开发工作决策部署,因地制宜、分类指导,抓住重点、注重实效,加快推进集中连片特殊困难地区扶贫攻坚工作。要把抓好贫困地区教育作为解决贫困代际传递问题的重要途径,切实保障扶贫对象子女接受义务教育,让更多贫困地区的孩子接受职业教育和高等教育。常委会检查了义务教育法实施情况,要求各级政府积极回应群众期盼,全面贯彻落实教育方针,大力促进教育公平,合理配置教育资源,减轻中小学生课业负担,加强农村教师队伍建设,让孩子们有学上、上好学。在听取审议传染病防治工作情况报告时,强调要健全部门间联防联控工作机制,支持西部、农村地区防治体系建设,加大传染病防治法律法规宣传力度,全面提升传染病防治工作水平。 Third, we improved oversight of the work relating to people's wellbeing. The Standing Committee listened to and deliberated a report on poverty relief and development work in rural areas and fully affirmed the enormous achievements that were made. We emphasized the need to unwaveringly implement the CPC Central Committee's policies and arrangements on poverty reduction and development work, adapt measures to local conditions and give guidance tailored to the situation, focus on key areas and seek substantive results, and alleviate poverty in poor contiguous areas more quickly. We also stressed the need to focus on providing education in poor areas as an important way to prevent poverty from being passed to future generations, effectively ensure that children of the poor receive compulsory education, and enable more children in poor areas to receive vocational or higher education. The Standing Committee inspected compliance with the Law on Compulsory Education, and called on governments at all levels to live up to the people's expectations, fully implement the Party's education policy, promote equality in education, appropriately allocate education resources, lighten the study load of primary and secondary school students, and improve the ranks of rural teachers, so that children can attend school and do well in their studies. When listening to and deliberating a report on the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, the Standing Committee stressed the need to improve the work mechanism for different government departments working together to prevent and control infectious diseases, support the development of a prevention and control system in the western region and rural areas, intensify publicity of laws and regulations on infectious disease prevention and treatment, and comprehensively improve work in this area.
第四,加强对生态环境保护的监督。常委会听取审议了关于生态补偿机制建设工作情况的报告,开展了可再生能源法、气象法执法检查。常委会组成人员指出,保护生态环境、建设美丽中国需要全社会共同参与,要按照谁开发谁保护、谁受益谁补偿的原则,加快生态补偿机制建设,落实生态补偿政策。要依法加强对可再生能源发展规划的修编和管理,继续加大财政补贴和税收优惠力度,大力加强关键技术研发应用,为可再生能源发展提供有力支撑。要加强气象现代化建设,增强气象防灾减灾能力,提高气象预报和灾害性天气预警准确率,强化气候资源科学利用和有效保护。 Fourth, we strengthened oversight of environmental protection. The Standing Committee listened to and deliberated a report on developing a mechanism for compensating for ecological damage and carried out inspections of compliance with the Law on Renewal Energy and the Meteorology Law. Members of the Standing Committee noted that protecting the environment and building a beautiful China require the participation of the whole society and that it is necessary to implement the policy of compensation for ecological damage and accelerate development of a mechanism for compensating for ecological damage based on the principle that developers are responsible for protecting the environment and those who damage it must provide compensation. Members of the Standing Committee specified that it is necessary to strengthen the revision and management of the renewable energy development plan in accordance with the law, further increase government subsidies and tax breaks, and strengthen R&D and application of key technologies in order to provide strong support for the development of renewable energy. The members also specified that it is necessary to step up efforts in meteorology modernization, become better able to use meteorology to prevent and mitigate natural disasters, make weather forecasts and warnings of disastrous weather more accurate, utilize climatic resources in a more scientific way and protect them more effectively.
第五,加强对权力运行的制约和监督。常委会先后就公安机关执法规范化建设、人民陪审员工作、检察机关反贪污贿赂工作情况等,听取审议国务院、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院的相关工作报告,并检查了行政复议法实施情况。常委会组成人员指出,健全权力运行制约和监督体系,关键是要让人民监督权力,让权力在阳光下运行,把权力关进制度的笼子里。各级执法、司法机关要坚持用制度管权管事管人,加大依法惩治腐败力度,加强执法和司法工作制度化、规范化建设,努力让人民群众在每一起案件中都感受到公平正义。 Fifth, we strengthened limits on and oversight of the exercise of state power. The Standing Committee listened to and deliberated the State Council's report on standardizing law enforcement by public security agencies, the Supreme People's Court's report on the work of jurors, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate's report on procuratorial organs' fight against graft and corruption. The Standing Committee also inspected compliance with the Law on Administrative Review. Its members stated that the key to improving the system that limits and oversees state power is to grant oversight power to the people, exercise power openly, and institutionalize the exercise of state power. Law enforcement and judicial bodies at all levels must use institutional means to oversee the exercise of state power, the handling of state affairs and the conduct of personnel, redouble their efforts in the fight against corruption and the punishment of corrupt people in accordance with the law, make their law enforcement and judicial work more institutionalized and standardized, and strive to ensure that the people feel that every case is handled fairly and justly.

Sixth, we improved the quality and effects of special inquiries. Special inquiries are an important way the NPC oversees the work of the State Council, the Supreme People's Court, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate. The Standing Committee conducted inquiries on prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, allocation and use of government funds for science and technology, and poverty relief and development work in rural areas. Having reviewed past experience, we improved organization of all aspects of special inquiries to make such inquiries more constructive and helpful.

1) We carried out in-depth investigations and studies to improve the quality of inquiries. Members of the Standing Committee shared the concerns of the people, focused their inquiries on key areas and identified pressing problems of public concern.

2) Members of the Standing Committee exchanged more ideas and deepened discussions with government departments. The members could either register beforehand to participate in inquiries or simply ask questions on the spot, and they could ask follow-up questions addressed to the answers given by government departments. Leaders of the relevant State Council departments answered inquiries informatively and frankly, did not evade questions or shift responsibility onto others, and responded to the people's voice with concrete improvements in their work.

3) We made inquiries more transparent to ensure problems identified are rectified. The Standing Committee used a variety of ways to report its inquiries and explored the idea of live broadcasts. It also assigned special committees to strengthen follow-up oversight of serious problems, and urged relevant State Council departments to turn the results of inquiries into improvements in work.

常委会高度重视规范性文件备案审查工作,着力加强主动审查。一年来,对国务院新制定的19件行政法规,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院新制定的32件司法解释,逐件逐条进行审查,对审查中发现的同宪法和法律相抵触的问题,督促制定机关及时修改或废止。 The Standing Committee paid great attention to the records review of normative documents and took the initiative to strengthen the review of them. We reviewed 19 new administrative regulations of the State Council and 32 legal interpretations of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate one by one for the past year, and we urged them to promptly revise or rescind those that conflict with the Constitution and laws.
上届常委会部署的司法解释集中清理工作,是新中国成立以来首次对现行有效的司法解释和司法解释性质文件进行全面集中清理。本届常委会听取审议了相关工作情况的报告,要求健全司法解释清理工作常态化机制,强调司法解释应遵循立法原意和法律确定的原则,在法律规定的范围内作出具体应用法律的解释,维护国家法制统一,保证法律正确实施。 The Standing Committee of the last NPC arranged the work of reviewing all of China's judicial interpretations and documents with the force of judicial interpretations currently in effect. This is the first comprehensive, concentrated review of its kind since the founding of New China. The Standing Committee of the current NPC listened to and deliberated the report on this work, set forth the requirement to improve the mechanism to make this work a regular practice, and emphasized that such interpretations should be in accord with the intentions of the laws they interpret and established legal principles, help with the practical application of those laws within the laws' scope, safeguard the unity of the country's legal system, and ensure the correct implementation of the laws.
四、支持和保障代表依法执行职务,充分发挥代表作用 4. We supported deputies in exercising their duties in accordance with the law and got them to fully play their role.
全国人大代表是最高国家权力机关的组成人员。尊重代表主体地位,提高代表素质,发挥代表作用,是做好人大工作的基础。常委会进一步完善代表服务保障工作机制,提高代表服务保障工作水平,代表参与管理国家事务的作用得到进一步发挥。 Deputies to the NPC are members of the country's highest organ of state power. Respecting their principal position, improving their quality, and getting them to fully play their role are the basis for doing the work of people's congresses well. The Standing Committee improved the mechanism for providing services for deputies and served them better, and deputies better played their role in participating in the administration of state affairs.
第一,完善代表联系群众制度。组建260个全国人大代表小组,支持代表小组积极开展活动,通过多种方式听取和反映人民群众的意见要求;部分委员长会议组成人员、常委会组成人员回到原选举单位参加代表小组活动,同基层代表交流履职情况。组织1740名代表参加专题调研,1700名代表参加集中视察,形成调研报告110余份,为中央和地方决策提供了重要参考;组织港澳台代表分赴广东、广西、吉林、江西等地开展视察调研。 First, we improved the system by which deputies maintain contact with the people. We divided the deputies to the NPC into 260 groups, supported their active activities, and listened to and reported on the people's opinions and requests through a variety of ways. Some members of the Chairperson's Council and the Standing Committee participated in activities of groups of deputies in their places of election, and discussed the performance of the NPC's duties with deputies from local levels. We organized 1,740 deputies to conduct investigations and studies on special topics and 1,700 deputies to participate in inspection tours. These investigations generated over 110 reports, which provided the central and local authorities with important reference materials for making policy decisions. We arranged for deputies from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan to carry out inspections, investigations and studies in Guangdong, Guangxi, Jilin, and Jiangxi.
第二,健全常委会联系代表制度。研究制定委员长会议组成人员联系全国人大代表的意见,明确委员长会议组成人员分别直接联系5名以上全国人大代表。这是常委会加强同代表联系、转变工作作风的一项重要举措。进一步扩大代表对常委会、专门委员会工作的参与,列席每次常委会会议的代表人数增加至66名,同时邀请更多代表参加执法检查、立法评估和调研等活动,认真听取相关代表的意见和建议。比如,修改商标法时就充分吸纳了代表提出的制止恶意抢注行为、明确商标和企业字号冲突处理办法、规定惩罚性赔偿等建议;审议生态补偿机制建设工作情况报告时,将代表提出的适当上调生态公益林和草原生态补偿标准等建议,汇总纳入常委会组成人员审议意见,送交有关部门研究办理。 Second, we improved the system by which the Standing Committee maintains contact with deputies. We formulated guidelines for creating closer ties between members of the Chairperson's Council and NPC deputies, which clearly specify that each member of the Chairperson's Council should maintain direct contact with at least five NPC deputies. This is an important measure adopted by the Standing Committee to strengthen its ties with deputies and improve its conduct. We expanded the participation of deputies in the work of the Standing Committee and special committees, and the number of deputies sitting on a meeting of the Standing Committee was increased to 66. We also invited more deputies to participate in such activities as law enforcement inspections, legislative assessments, and investigations and studies; and conscientiously listened to deputies' comments and suggestions. For example, when revising the Trademark Law, we fully adopted suggestions of deputies on prohibiting pirate registration of trademarks in bad faith, clarifying how to resolve legal matters involving trademark and trade name conflicts, and specifying awards for punitive damages. When we deliberated the report on developing the mechanism of compensation for ecological damage, deputies proposed increasing ecological compensation commensurate with improvements made in the ecosystems of public forests and grasslands. We incorporated their proposals into the comments of Standing Committee members, and turned them over to relevant departments to be looked into and handled.
第三,做好代表议案审议和建议办理工作。注重把审议代表议案同立法工作结合起来,认真梳理分析代表议案比较集中的立法项目,将169件议案提出的51个项目列入立法规划和立法计划;在制定修改法律的过程中,认真考虑、尽量采纳代表议案提出的相关内容,邀请提出议案的领衔代表参与立法调研座谈。注重把办理代表建议同推动改进工作结合起来,确定12项重点处理建议,涉及728位代表和10个代表团提出的166件建议,交有关专门委员会督办。代表提出的关于积极稳妥推进城镇化建设、完善生态补偿机制、加大贫困地区扶贫开发力度、防治大气污染、发展清洁能源、完善社会救助体系等建议,在国务院和有关方面出台的政策措施中得到充分体现。目前,十二届全国人大一次会议主席团交付有关专门委员会审议的401件代表议案,已全部审议完毕;代表提出的7569件建议也已全部办理完毕并答复代表,建议所提问题得到解决或者计划逐步解决的占建议总数的81%。 Third, we deliberated deputies' bills and handled their proposals well. We combined deliberation of deputies' bills with legislative work, combed and analyzed the legislative items deputies' bills focused on, and incorporated 51 items set forth in 169 bills into legislative programs and plans. In the process of enacting and revising laws, we gave full consideration to what was relevant and accepted all we could, and invited the lead authors of bills to participate in legislative studies and discussions. We handled deputies' proposals while improving our work. We selected 12 key proposals reflected in the 166 proposals put forth by 728 deputies and 10 delegations for handling under the supervision of the relevant special committees. Proposals made by deputies on advancing urbanization both actively and prudently, improving the mechanism of compensation for ecological damage, intensifying poverty alleviation and development in poor areas, preventing and controlling air pollution, developing clean energy, and improving the social assistance system were fully reflected in policies and measures introduced by the State Council and other relevant bodies. At present, special committees have completed deliberation on the 401 bills of deputies referred to them by the Presidium of the First Session of the Twelfth NPC; and the 7,569 proposals of deputies have all been handled and feedback has been given to deputies, and 81% of the problems brought up in proposals have been solved or plans have been made for solving them progressively.
常委会高度重视代表学习培训,全年共举办代表履职学习班4期,1200余名代表参加学习,代表依法履职能力进一步提高。 The Standing Committee attaches great importance to deputies' study and training and last year held four study sessions for them to better perform their duties. More than 1,200 deputies attended the study sessions, where they improved their ability to perform their duties in accordance with the law.
代表选举是人民代表大会制度的基础。湖南省衡阳市发生的以贿赂手段破坏选举的违纪违法案件,性质严重,影响恶劣,给我们以深刻警示。必须切实加强对人大代表选举工作的组织领导,坚持严格依法按程序办事,切实加强人大代表思想、作风建设,坚决维护人民代表大会制度的权威和尊严,维护社会主义民主政治的权威和尊严,维护宪法法律的权威和尊严。 The election of deputies is the foundation of the system of people's congresses. The case of vote buying that occurred in Hengyang in the province of Hunan was a serious violation of the law and discipline. It exerted a baneful influence and gave us a stern warning. We must strengthen the organization and leadership of the election of NPC deputies; act strictly in accordance with the law and prescribed procedures; improve the NPC deputies' way of thinking and conduct; and uphold the authority and sanctity of the system of people's congresses, the authority and sanctity of socialist democracy, and the authority and sanctity of the Constitution and laws.
五、服从服务于国家外交大局,做好人大对外交往工作 5. We complied with and served China's diplomacy and did the NPC's foreign relations work well.
全国人大对外交往是国家总体外交的重要组成部分。我们坚持服从服务于国家外交大局,充分发挥人大对外交往的特点和优势,加强同外国议会和国际议会组织的交流与合作,为维护和用好我国发展的重要战略机遇期,维护国家主权、安全、发展利益作出新的贡献。 The NPC's foreign relations are an important component of China's overall diplomacy. We steadfastly complied with and served China's diplomacy, and fully utilized the characteristics and advantages of the NPC in developing foreign relations to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with foreign parliaments and congresses and international parliamentary organizations, thereby making new contributions to safeguarding and exploiting the important period of strategic opportunity for China's development and safeguarding China's sovereignty, security and development interests.
积极开展与俄罗斯、乌干达、尼日利亚、斯洛伐克、波兰、伊朗、泰国、巴基斯坦等国议会高层交往,深化与周边国家、发展中国家和新兴市场国家的友好关系。稳妥推进议会机制交流,顺利召开与俄罗斯、韩国、英国、法国、德国、加拿大、澳大利亚以及欧洲议会等国家和地区议会的交流机制会议,保持与美国国会定期交流机制的延续性。充分发挥专门委员会、双边友好小组和工作机构的作用,加强对口交流和友好往来。认真做好外国议会代表团来访接待工作,充实和丰富交流内容。广泛参与议会多边外交,在各国议会联盟、东盟各国议会间大会、拉美议会等国际和地区议会组织中发挥建设性作用。 We actively developed high-level contacts with the national parliaments or congresses of other countries including Russia, Uganda, Nigeria, Slovakia, Poland, Iran, Thailand and Pakistan, and deepened friendship with neighboring countries, other developing countries and emerging market economies. We steadily promoted exchanges with foreign congresses or parliaments under the mechanism of regular exchanges, and on its basis held meetings with the national congresses or parliaments of Russia, the Republic of Korea, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada and Australia as well as with regional parliaments such as the European Parliament and also maintained continuity of regular exchanges with the United States Congress. We got the special committees, bilateral friendship groups and the executive bodies of the Standing Committee to strengthen foreign relations and exchanges in their specific fields. We did a good job in receiving visiting delegations of other countries' congresses or parliaments, and enriched the content of communication with them. We also extensively engaged in multilateral diplomatic activities among parliaments and congresses and played a constructive role in the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, the Latin American Parliament, and other international and regional parliamentary organizations.
在对外交往中,我们利用不同场合、采取多种形式,讲好中国故事,传播中国声音。一是深刻阐述中国特色社会主义道路,全面介绍人民代表大会制度,广泛宣传中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,增进国际社会对我国内外政策的了解和理解。二是以加强立法和治国理政等方面的经验交流为重点,介绍我国民主法治建设成就,积极借鉴国外有益经验。三是以推动务实合作为核心,为深化经贸合作、扩大人文交流营造良好法治环境,夯实国家关系发展的社会和民意基础。 In our foreign relations work, we told China's story and let its voice be heard in many forms on different occasions. First, we thoroughly expounded the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, explained the system of people's congresses in detail, and widely publicized the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, thereby helping the international community to better understand China's domestic and diplomatic policies. Second, with the focus on exchanging experiences with our foreign counterparts regarding legislation and state governance, we explained China's achievements in developing democracy and the rule of law, and learned from other countries' beneficial experiences. Third, with promoting pragmatic cooperation as the core, we worked to create a legal environment favorable for deepening economic and trade cooperation and expanding cultural and people-to-people exchanges with other countries, and strengthened the social and popular foundation for developing relations between China and other countries.
针对有关国家在涉及我国核心利益和重大关切问题上的错误言行,通过发表全国人大外事委员会声明、参加有关国际会议等,阐明我方严正立场,坚决维护国家利益。 In response to erroneous statements and actions by certain countries concerning China's core interests and issues of vital importance to China, we solemnly made clear our position to resolutely safeguard China's national interests through declarations from the NPC's Foreign Affairs Committee and participation in relevant international conferences.
六、加强人民代表大会制度研究,改进人大新闻宣传工作 6. We strengthened research on the system of people's congresses and improved the NPC's information and publicity work.
常委会从完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的高度,大力加强人民代表大会制度研究,改进和加强人大新闻宣传工作,坚定道路自信、理论自信、制度自信,推进人民代表大会制度理论和实践创新。 In order to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and modernize China's governance system and its governance capacity, the Standing Committee strengthened research on the system of people's congresses; improved and strengthened the NPC's information and publicity work; fortified its confidence in the socialist path, theories and system with Chinese characteristics; and carried out theoretical and practical innovations in the system of people's congresses.
第一,加强对地方人大工作和人大自身建设的调研。去年,重点就加强和改进县级人大工作进行了专题调研。委员长会议组成人员带队深入基层,实地了解代表履职和闭会期间活动情况,主持召开县级人大工作座谈会,深入探讨人大工作面临的新情况新问题,还书面征求31个省级人大常委会意见,全面了解县级人大工作和自身建设基本情况、主要经验、突出问题和意见建议。强调要按照总结、继承、完善、提高的原则,依法健全工作制度和工作机制,扎实推动各级人大工作完善发展;要把人民满意当作第一标准,切实改进工作作风,努力把人大及其常委会建设成有效担负起各项法定职责的机关。 First, we intensified investigations and studies on the work and development of local people's congresses. Last year, we conducted investigations and studies on strengthening and improving the work of people's congresses at the county level. Teams led by members of the Chairperson's Council visited organizations at the community level to find out how deputies to people's congresses had performed their functions and what they had done when their congresses were not in session. These teams held conferences on the work of people's congresses at the county level to thoroughly discuss the new conditions and problems facing these congresses. They also requested the standing committees of the 31 people's congresses at the provincial level in writing to comment on these new conditions and problems. All this was for the purpose of understanding the general situation, main experiences, prominent problems, comments and suggestions concerning the work and development of people's congresses at the county level. The teams stressed the need to improve the work systems and mechanisms of people's congresses at all levels in accordance with the law and steadily improve and develop their work on the basis of the principle of reviewing work, drawing upon successes, making improvement and raising standards. The teams also stressed the need to take people's satisfaction as the highest standard of the work of people's congresses, truly improve their work style, and build people's congresses and their standing committees into bodies that can effectively perform all their legally mandated duties and functions.
第二,推进人民代表大会制度理论研究。常委会高度重视人民代表大会制度理论研究,积极推进相关组织和平台建设。今年1月,中国人民代表大会制度理论研究会正式成立。这既是加强人大制度理论研究的活动载体和交流平台,也是全国人大常委会加强与地方人大联系的新渠道。我们要认真总结人大制度发展经验,研讨人大制度理论和实践问题,探索人大工作特点和规律,为做好新形势下的人大工作提供理论支撑和智力支持,使人大制度、人大工作更好地体现时代性,把握规律性,富于创造性。 Second, we carried out theoretical research on the system of people's congresses. The Standing Committee attaches great importance to this research and actively promotes the establishment of relevant organizations and platforms. The China Society for Theoretical Research on the System of People's Congresses was officially founded in January this year. It is not only an organization through which activities are carried out and a platform on which exchanges are conducted to strengthen theoretical research on the system of people's congresses, but also a new channel through which the Standing Committee increases its contacts with local people's congresses. We need to conscientiously review the experience of developing the system of people's congresses, discuss theoretical and practical issues concerning this system, and explore the characteristics of and laws governing people's congresses' work in order to provide theoretical and intellectual support for them to do their work well under new conditions and make this system and the work of people's congresses better manifest the character of the times, follow the law of development and be full of creativity.
第三,改进和加强人大新闻宣传工作。加强立法全过程宣传报道,对通过的法律及时作出权威解读,加强舆论引导,使各方面准确理解立法的背景、目的和法律的原则、内容,为法律正确实施营造良好社会环境。提高监督工作透明度,将专项工作报告、执法检查报告以及审议意见向全国人大代表通报,并通过中国人大网向社会公布,自觉接受人大代表和人民群众监督。召开人大新闻宣传工作座谈会,强调要适应新形势新要求,增强做好人大新闻宣传工作的责任感使命感,通过及时准确、内涵丰富、鲜活生动的宣传报道,充分展现人大制度优越性和人大工作新气象。 Third, we improved and strengthened the information and publicity work of the NPC. We increased publicity about and reports on the whole process of legislation, provided prompt authoritative interpretation of laws we passed and improved guidance on public opinion in order to get all sectors of society to better understand the background and purposes of the legislation and the principles and content of the laws and create a favorable social environment for correctly implementing the laws. We increased transparency in oversight work. We kept deputies to the NPC well informed about the special reports of the State Council, the reports on inspection of compliance with laws, and our comments on them, and also posted them online at the NPC's website www.npc.gov.cn so that deputies and ordinary people could exercise oversight. We held the Conference on the NPC's Information and Publicity Work and stressed that in order to meet new requirements in the new situation, we need to increase our sense of responsibility and mission to do the NPC's information and publicity work well, and fully demonstrate the advantages of the system of people's congresses and the new work of the NPC through prompt, accurate and vivid reports with rich content.
七、切实加强常委会自身建设 7. We effectively strengthened the Standing Committee's self-improvement efforts.
常委会坚持把思想政治建设摆在首位,全面贯彻党的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领、基本经验和基本要求,深入学习贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,自觉同以习近平同志为总书记的党中央保持高度一致,坚决贯彻中央决策部署,坚定维护党和国家工作大局。坚持民主集中制原则,牢固树立法治观念,严格依法按程序办事。 The Standing Committee always gave top priority to raising its intellectual and political standards; fully implemented the Party's basic theory, line, program, experience and requirements; thoroughly studied and put into practice the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches; consciously maintained a high level of unity with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary; resolutely implemented the Central Committee's policies and arrangements; and firmly safeguarded the work of the Party and country. We always adhered to the principle of democratic centralism, kept the rule of law firmly in mind, and did our work on the basis of procedures and in strict accordance with the law.
大力加强作风建设。常委会党组深入开展党的群众路线教育实践活动,研究制定坚持党的群众路线、加强作风建设的意见和举措,有力推动了常委会作风转变。委员长会议审议通过委员长会议组成人员贯彻落实中央八项规定实施办法,从改进调查研究等六个方面作出19条具体规定。常委会立法、监督调研更加深入实际、深入基层,采取暗访、蹲点调研、问卷调查、网上征求意见等多种形式,直接听取群众意见,实地了解突出问题。常委会会议切实改进会风,充分发扬民主,发言更加踊跃,审议更加充分,有力地提高了常委会的工作质量和水平。 We intensified efforts to improve our style of work. The Leading Party Members' Group of the Standing Committee thoroughly carried out the campaign to heighten awareness of and implement the Party's mass line, and formulated guidelines and measures for adhering to the mass line and improving our style of work, which effectively brought about improvements in the Standing Committee's style of work. The Chairperson's Council of the NPC Standing Committee deliberated and approved the Measures of the Members of the Chairperson's Council for Implementing the CPC Central Committee's eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct and issued 19 specific provisions in six areas, such as improving investigations and studies. In investigations and studies on legislation and oversight, the Standing Committee paid closer attention to actual conditions and lower-level organizations, and directly solicited the views of the people and learned on the spot about pressing problems in a variety of ways, such as unannounced visits, field studies in selected locations, questionnaire surveys and online comments. The way Standing Committee meetings were held was effectively improved, democracy was brought into full play, participants eagerly awaited their turn to speak, and deliberation was more thorough. All this significantly improved the quality and level of the work of the Standing Committee.
组织好常委会集体学习。我们提出努力把全国人大常委会建设成为学习型人大常委会的目标,要求把加强学习作为一项重要而紧迫的任务,贯穿于各项工作的全过程。认真学习贯彻党的十八届三中全会精神,强调要切实把思想和行动统一到中央关于全面深化改革的决策部署上来,充分发挥最高国家权力机关在全面深化改革中的作用。完善常委会专题讲座制度,结合常委会中心工作和会议议程,有针对性地安排专题讲座内容,努力做到学有所得、学有所用。 The Standing Committee's group study sessions were well organized. We set the goal of making the Standing Committee a committee keen on learning, and made strengthening learning an important and urgent task throughout the whole process of all our work. We carefully studied and followed the guiding principles of the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee, and stressed the need to align our thinking and actions with the Central Committee's decision on and arrangements for comprehensively deepening reform and to get the NPC to fully play its role as the country's highest organ of state power in comprehensively deepening reform. We improved the system of Standing Committee lectures on special topics, selected lecture topics in line with the central work and meeting agendas of the Standing Committee, and strove to make sure that something useful was learned at the lectures.
充分发挥专门委员会作用。全国人大各专门委员会紧紧围绕全国人大及其常委会的中心任务,发挥人才荟萃、知识密集的优势,结合自身职责积极开展调查研究,认真研究、审议和拟订有关议案,加强与有关方面沟通协调,在提高立法质量、增强监督实效、发挥代表作用、开展对外交往等方面做了大量卓有成效的工作。 We got the special committees of the NPC to fully play their role. Focusing on the central tasks of the NPC and its Standing Committee, the special committees made use of the abundant talent and immense knowledge of their members; vigorously carried out investigations and studies in line with their own functions and duties; conscientiously did research and deliberated and drafted bills related to their field; strengthened communication and coordination with relevant parties; and did a great deal of very fruitful work in improving quality of legislation, making oversight more effective, getting deputies to play their role, and developing foreign relations.
加强同地方人大的联系。举办3期地方人大常委会负责同志学习班和1期西藏人大工作学习班,召开第十九次全国地方立法研讨会,委托省级人大常委会检查有关法律实施情况,及时通报全国人大常委会的工作。委员长会议组成人员到地方调研,通过多种方式听取地方人大常委会负责同志、各级人大代表的意见,了解情况,研究问题,推动相关工作。全国人大与地方人大的联系和交流更加紧密、更加深入。 We increased ties with local people's congresses. We held three study courses for leaders of the standing committees of local people's congresses and one study course on the work of people's congresses in Tibet, held the Nineteenth National Conference on Local Legislation, had the standing committees of provincial-level people's congresses investigate compliance with laws, and kept local people's congresses informed about the work of the NPC Standing Committee. Members of the Chairperson's Council conducted investigations and studies in localities, solicited the views of leaders of the standing committees of local people's congresses and deputies to people's congresses at all levels in various ways, learned about local conditions, studied issues, and gave impetus to relevant work. All this made communication and exchanges between the national and local people's congresses closer and deeper.
全国人大机关深入开展党的群众路线教育实践活动,全体党员干部职工进一步坚定理想信念,巩固宗旨意识,振奋精神状态,转变工作作风,参谋助手和服务保障工作水平明显提高。 The bodies of the NPC thoroughly carried out the campaign to heighten awareness of and implement the Party's mass line. As a result, their Party members, officials and staff further fortified their Communist ideals and convictions, heightened their awareness of the Party's purpose, boosted their morale, improved their style of work, and became noticeably better at assisting and supporting deputies.
各位代表! Fellow Deputies,
过去一年全国人大常委会取得的成绩,是在以习近平同志为总书记的党中央正确领导下,全国人大代表、常委会组成人员、各专门委员会组成人员以及全国人大机关工作人员辛勤劳动的结果,是国务院、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院协同工作的结果,是地方各级人大及其常委会和全国各族人民大力支持的结果。在此,我代表全国人大常委会表示衷心感谢! The Standing Committee's achievements last year were made under the correct leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary and are the result of the hard work of NPC deputies, members of the NPC Standing Committee and special committees, and the staff of the offices of the NPC; the joint efforts of the State Council, the Supreme People's Court, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate; and the full support of the local people's congresses at all levels and their standing committees as well as the people of all of China's ethnic groups. On behalf of the NPC Standing Committee, I would like to express heartfelt appreciation to you all.
我们清醒地看到,常委会的工作与人民的期望、代表的要求还有不小差距。比如,立法工作中常委会的组织协调作用还有待加强;监督工作中跟踪督办的机制还有待完善;有的立法、监督调研存在深入基层、深入群众、回应关切不够的问题;加强常委会同代表的联系还需要进一步做细做实,等等。我们将自觉接受人民监督,虚心听取代表意见,更好地发挥全国人大及其常委会作为最高国家权力机关、依法履行职责的工作机关和密切联系人民群众的代表机关的作用。 We are keenly aware that the work of the Standing Committee still falls well short of the expectations of the people and the demands of deputies. For example, the Standing Committee still has to strengthen its organization and coordination of legislative work; improve its mechanisms for follow-up oversight; address the problems of inadequate engagement with lower-level organizations and the people and inadequate response to people's concerns that exist in some investigations and studies on legislation and oversight; and do more meticulous and effective work in order to strengthen its ties with deputies. We will willingly accept the oversight of the people; listen to the views of deputies with an open mind; and get the NPC and its Standing Committee to better play their roles as the highest organs of state power, working bodies that carry out their functions and duties in accordance with the law, and representative bodies in close contact with the people.

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