2014年3月9日,十二届全国人大二次会议在北京人民大会堂举行第二次全体会议。 [中国网] The second plenary meeting of the second session of China's 12th National People's Congress (NPC) is held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 9, 2014. [China.org.cn] |
今后一年的主要任务 | Major Tasks for This Year |
2014年是全面贯彻落实党的十八届三中全会精神、全面深化改革的第一年,是全面完成“十二五”规划目标任务的重要一年。全国人大常委会工作的总体要求是:高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,全面贯彻落实党的十八大和十八届二中、三中全会精神,学习贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,坚定坚持党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国有机统一,紧紧围绕党和国家工作大局依法行使职权、开展工作,加强重点领域立法,加强对“一府两院”的监督,维护宪法和法律权威,促进社会公平正义,推动人民代表大会制度与时俱进,为全面深化改革、全面建成小康社会、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦作出新贡献。 | The year 2014 is the first year for fully implementing the guiding principles of the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee and its decision to comprehensively deepen reform and is crucial for completing all the tasks of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan. The general requirements for the work the NPC Standing Committee this year are as follows: Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics; take Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook on Development as the guide; comprehensively implement the guiding principles of the Eighteenth National Party Congress and the second and third plenary sessions of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee; study and implement the guidelines of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches; firmly uphold the unity of the leadership of the Party, the position of the people as masters of the country, and the rule of law; focus on the overall work of the Party and country as we perform our official functions and carry out our work in accordance with the law; strengthen legislation in key areas; strengthen oversight of the State Council, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate; safeguard the authority of the Constitution and laws; promote social fairness and justice; get the system of people's congresses to advance with the times; and make a greater contribution to comprehensively deepening reform, finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and realizing the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. |
一、加强重点领域立法,积极推进科学立法、民主立法 | 1. We will strengthen legislation in key areas and legislate scientifically and democratically. |
国家立法权是宪法赋予全国人大及其常委会的重要职权。党的十八大提出了完善中国特色社会主义法律体系的要求。党的十八届三中全会对全面深化改革作出总体部署,其中许多改革举措涉及人大立法工作。全国人大常委会要围绕“完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化”的全面深化改革总目标,坚持把立法决策与改革决策更好结合起来,抓紧制定和修改同全面深化改革相关的法律,从法律制度上推动和落实改革举措,充分发挥立法在引领、推动和保障改革方面的重要作用。 | The power to enact laws for the country is the most important official function conferred on the NPC and its Standing Committee by the Constitution. The Eighteenth National Party Congress set forth the requirement of improving the socialist system of laws with Chinese characteristics. The Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee made overall arrangements for comprehensively deepening reform, many of which are about the legislative work of the NPC. To attain the overall goals of deepening reform in all respects, namely, improving and developing the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and modernizing China's governance system and its governance capacity, the NPC Standing Committee will better combine legislative decisions with reform decisions, promptly enact and revise laws related to comprehensively deepening reform, use the legal system to promote and carry out reform measures, and get legislation to fully play its role in guiding, spurring and guaranteeing reform. |
贯彻全面深化改革精神,修改预算法,改进预算管理制度,实施全面规范、公开透明的预算制度;修改行政诉讼法、行政复议法,健全行政诉讼案件、行政复议案件审理机制,纠正违法或不当行政行为,健全畅通有序的权益保障机制;修改环境保护法、大气污染防治法,完善严格监管所有污染物排放的环境保护管理制度,实行最严格的源头保护制度、损害赔偿制度、责任追究制度。列入今年常委会立法工作计划的项目还有:修改立法法、食品安全法、安全生产法、证券法、广告法、军事设施保护法、教育法等;制定资产评估法、航道法、国家勋章和国家荣誉称号法、期货法、粮食法、中医药法等。 | We will implement the Central Committee's decision to comprehensively deepen reform, revise the Budget Law, improve the budget management system, and put in place a comprehensive, standardized, open and transparent budgeting system. We will revise the Administrative Procedures Law and the Law on Administrative Review to improve the mechanisms for hearing administrative litigation and reconsideration cases, correct illegal or improper administrative actions, and make the mechanism for protecting people's rights and interests more accessible and better regulated. We will revise the Environmental Protection Law and the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law to improve the environmental protection and management system so that emissions of all pollutants can be supervised strictly, and enforce the strictest systems for protecting the environment by controlling pollution at the source, holding polluters accountable for the damage they cause and having them compensate for it. Other items on the Standing Committee's legislative agenda for this year are as follows: Revise the Legislation Law, the Food Safety Law, the Production Safety Law, the Securities Law, the Advertising Law, the Military Equipment Protection Law, and the Education Law; and enact the Asset Evaluation Law, the Waterway Law, the State Medals and Honorary Titles Law, the Futures Law, the Grain Law, and the Chinese Medicines Law. |
中央部署的相关改革举措,需要制定、修改法律或得到法律授权的,要加强研究、尽快启动,适时安排审议,确保重大改革于法有据、有序进行。按照既要稳妥又要主动的原则,加强立法工作组织协调,积极督促有关方面抓紧法律草案起草工作;对法律关系比较复杂、分歧意见较大的法律草案,要统筹协调各方面利益关系,妥善解决重点难点问题,有效防止部门利益法制化和地方保护。加强法律解释工作,促进法律的正确有效实施。 | For reform measures set forth by the CPC Central Committee that require enacting or revising laws or legal authorization, we will intensify research, promptly get started, arrange deliberation at appropriate times, and ensure that major reforms have a legal basis and are carried out in an orderly way. On the basis of the principle of proceeding actively and prudently, we will strengthen the organization and coordination of legislative work and urge those drafting legislation to do so quickly. For laws connected to issues that are complex and where there are sharp differences of opinion, we need to coordinate the interests of all parties in an overall manner, appropriately resolve key problems, and effectively prevent departmental interests from being written into law and local protectionism. We will better interpret laws to ensure they are enforced properly and effectively. |
立法质量直接关系到法治的质量。越是强调依法治国,越是要注重提高立法质量。要把推进科学立法、民主立法作为提高立法质量的根本途径,把科学立法和民主立法统一于中国特色社会主义法治实践,落实到立法工作全过程和各方面。 | The quality of legislative work directly affects how well the rule of law is implemented. The more we emphasize the rule of law, the more important it is to raise the quality of legislation. We need to make legislating scientifically and democratically the basis for improving the quality of legislation, and integrate legislating scientifically and democratically into the praxis of the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics and into the entire course and all aspects of legislative work. |
科学立法的核心,在于立法要尊重和体现客观规律。在具体立法实践中,要进一步完善立法程序、规范立法活动,健全中国特色的立法体制。抓好立法项目论证,科学确定立法项目,健全法律出台前评估和立法后评估制度。综合运用制定、修改、废止、解释等多种形式,增强立法工作的协调性、及时性、系统性。加强立法调查研究,找准立法重点难点,探求科学应对之策,切实增强法律的可执行性和可操作性。 | The essence of legislating scientifically is respecting and embodying objective law in enacting legislation. In the concrete praxis of legislation, we need to continue improving legislative procedures and standardize legislative action so as to improve the legislative system with Chinese characteristics. We need to fully debate legislative items, scientifically determine legislative items, and improve the system for evaluating laws before and after they are promulgated. We need to enact, revise, annul and interpret laws to make legislative work better coordinated, less delayed and more systematic. We need to strengthen investigation on legislative matters, correctly identify important and challenging issues in legislation, search for scientific solutions to them, and make laws more enforceable and practicable. |
民主立法的核心,在于立法要为了人民、依靠人民。在具体立法实践中,要进一步完善立法机关主导,有关部门参加,人大代表、专家学者、企事业单位、团体组织和人民群众共同参与的立法工作机制。健全公布法律草案征求意见机制和公众意见采纳情况反馈机制,重视网络民意表达,拓展公民有序参与立法途径。发挥人大代表在立法工作中的作用,把审议代表议案、办理代表建议同制定和修改法律紧密结合起来,认真研究吸纳代表提出的意见。完善法律起草、审议的协调协商机制,广泛听取、认真对待各方面意见包括不同意见,充分尊重、合理吸收各种建设性意见和建议,最大限度地凝聚社会共识。 | The essence of legislating democratically is relying on the people and legislating for their benefit. In the concrete praxis of legislation, we need to improve the legislative work mechanism of following the guidance of legislative bodies, having relevant government departments participate in making laws, and involving NPC deputies, experts, representatives from enterprises and public institutions as well as social groups, people's organizations, and members of the general public in legislative work. We will improve the mechanism for promulgating draft laws to solicit comments and suggestions on them and the mechanism for giving feedback to those who made suggestions. We will pay attention to the opinions people express online and expand the avenues by which people can participate in legislation in an orderly way. We will expand the role of NPC deputies in the legislative process and intimately integrate the deliberation of deputies' bills and the handling of their proposals with the work of enacting and revising laws, and study and accept deputies' suggestions. We will improve the mechanism for coordinating and consulting on the drafting and deliberation of laws, listen to and deal with suggestions from all sources including opposing views, fully respect and make proper use of all kinds of constructive criticisms and suggestions, and achieve popular consensus to the greatest possible extent. |
二、依法行使监督职权,加强对“一府两院”的监督 | 2. We will carry out our oversight functions in accordance with the law and strengthening oversight of the State Council, Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate. |
加强人大监督,是实施依法治国基本方略的必然要求。党的十八大提出,加强对“一府两院”的监督,加强对政府全口径预算决算的审查和监督。党的十八届三中全会强调,健全“一府两院”由人大产生、对人大负责、受人大监督制度;加强人大预算决算审查监督、国有资产监督职能;通过询问、质询、特定问题调查、备案审查等积极回应社会关切。我们要全面贯彻落实中央精神和监督法规定,推动人大监督工作迈上新台阶。 | Strengthening the NPC's oversight is a necessary requirement for implementing the rule of law as the basic strategy. The Eighteenth National Party Congress set forth the requirement that people's congresses should step up their oversight of people's governments, courts and procuratorates, and tighten their examination and oversight of all government budgets and final accounts. The Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee stressed the need to strengthen the system under which people's governments, courts and procuratorates are engendered by people's congresses, responsible to them and subject to their oversight; the need to strengthen people's congresses' function of examining and overseeing government budgets and final accounts and overseeing state assets; and that people's congresses should actively respond to issues of public concern through the use of inquiries, interpellations and investigations into specific problems and records review. We need to fully implement the guidelines of the Central Committee and the provisions of the Oversight Law and raise the NPC's oversight work to a new level. |
一要坚持依法行使监督职权。人大对“一府两院”的监督,是代表国家和人民进行的具有法律效力的监督,体现了国家一切权力属于人民的宪法原则。人大监督的职权是法定的,行使职权的程序和方式也是法定的。人大及其常委会要忠实履行宪法和法律赋予的职责,既敢于监督又善于监督,确保监督工作在法定权限范围内、依照法定程序进行。 | First, we need to exercise our oversight power in accordance with the law. People's congresses' oversight of the people's governments, courts and procuratorates is legally effective oversight exercised on behalf of the country and people, and reflects the constitutional principle that all state power belongs to the people. People's congresses' power to exercise oversight is a statuary power, as are the procedures and methods for exercising it. The NPC and its Standing Committee should faithfully carry out the duties conferred on it by the Constitution and laws, exercise oversight courageously and effectively, and ensure that oversight work is done within the legally specified limits of power and in accordance with legally specified procedures. |
二要围绕党和国家工作大局开展监督。把事关改革发展稳定全局的重大问题和人民群众普遍关注的热点难点问题作为监督重点,加强对宪法和法律实施的监督,强化对权力运行的制约和监督,推动中央重大决策部署的贯彻落实;正确处理监督与支持“一府两院”工作的关系,推进“一府两院”依法行政、公正司法,维护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益。 | Second, we need to exercise oversight in light of the Party and country's work. We need to focus oversight on major reform, development and stability issues and on sensitive issues of particular concern to the people; strengthen oversight of compliance with the Constitution and laws; strengthen constraints on and oversight of the exercise of power; give impetus to the implementation of the Central Committee's major policy decisions and agendas; correctly balance overseeing the State Council, Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate and supporting their work, and see to it that they administer affairs in accordance with the law and administer justice fairly; and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations. |
三要完善监督工作方式方法。继续开展专题询问,完善组织方式和工作机制,增强针对性和实效性。健全对行政法规、地方性法规、司法解释等规范性文件的备案审查制度。改进执法检查、监督调研方式,认真听取和反映民意,有的放矢地提出有分量的意见和建议。督促有关方面认真研究处理常委会组成人员审议意见,切实改进工作。 | Third, we need to improve the way oversight work is carried out. We will continue to carry out inquiries on special topics, improve methods of organization and work mechanisms, and make work more targeted and effective. We will improve the system for records review of administrative regulations, local statutes, judicial interpretations and other normative documents. We will improve the way we inspect compliance with laws, exercise oversight and conduct investigations and studies, conscientiously listen to and respond to people's concerns, and raise weighty criticisms and suggestions with a definite purpose in mind. We will exhort those, to whom Standing Committee members have made suggestions after deliberations, to conscientiously look into and handle these suggestions and improve their work in earnest. |
按照上述监督工作原则和思路,今年常委会监督工作的主要内容有:一是检查旅游法、专利法的实施情况,推动法律全面正确实施。二是听取审议计划、预算报告以及中央决算报告和审计工作报告,审查批准2013年中央决算,听取审议国家财政水利资金投入和使用情况报告,开展部门预算编制管理情况专题调研,推动贯彻落实稳中求进工作总基调,把改革创新贯穿于经济社会发展各个领域各个环节,切实提高经济发展质量和效益。三是听取审议国务院关于深化行政审批制度改革、加强金融监管防范金融风险等报告,开展公务员法实施情况专题调研,推动中央全面深化改革决策部署的贯彻落实,加快重要领域和关键环节改革。四是听取审议国务院关于节能减排工作情况的报告,检查大气污染防治法实施情况,开展土壤污染防治情况专题调研,督促解决环境突出问题,加强生态文明建设。五是听取审议国务院关于统筹推进城乡社会保障体系建设、新农村建设、安全生产等报告,检查未成年人保护法实施情况,围绕民族地区经济社会发展情况开展专题调研,回应广大人民群众关注点,督促解决关系人民群众切身利益的突出问题。六是分别听取审议最高人民法院、最高人民检察院关于规范司法行为工作情况的报告,推动提高公正司法水平,促进社会公平正义,保障人民安居乐业。 |
On the basis of the above principles and thinking on oversight work, the main oversight work the Standing Committee this year will be as follows: First, we will investigate compliance with the Tourism Law and the Patent Law, and promote comprehensive and correct implementation of them. Second, we will listen to and deliberate reports on the country's plan for economic and social development and central and local government budgets as well as on the final accounts and auditing work of the central government, deliberate and approve the central government's final accounts for 2013, listen to and deliberate the report on the allocation and use of government spending on water conservancy, carry out special investigations and studies on the preparation and management of departmental budgets, give impetus to the implementation of the general work guideline of making progress while maintaining stability, carry out reform and innovation in all areas of economic and social development, and genuinely improve the quality and returns of economic development. Third, we will listen to and deliberate reports of the State Council on deepening reform of the system of government review and approval and strengthening financial supervision and regulation to prevent financial risks, carry out special investigations and studies on compliance with the Civil Service Law, give impetus to the implementation of the Central Committee's policy decisions and agendas for comprehensively deepening reform in order to accelerate reforms in important areas. Fourth, we will listen to the report of the State Council on conserving energy and reducing emissions; investigate compliance with the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law; carry out special investigations and studies on preventing and controlling soil pollution; exhort relevant departments to solve prominent environmental problems; and strengthen ecological conservation. Fifth, we will listen to and deliberate reports of the State Council on carrying forward the development of social security systems for urban and rural residents in a holistic way, the building of a new countryside, and production safety; investigate compliance with the Law on the Protection of Minors; carry out special investigations and studies on economic and social development in ethnic minority areas; respond to the people's concerns; and exhort relevant departments to solve prominent problems that concern the people the most and affect their vital interests. Sixth, we will separately listen to and deliberate reports of the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate on how they have been standardizing their judicial conduct in order to improve judicial fairness, promote social fairness and justice, and ensure that the people can live and work in peace and contentment. |
三、继续加强和改进代表服务、对外交往、自身建设等方面工作 | 3. We will continue to strengthen and improve work related to deputy services, foreign contacts, and self-improvement. |
健全代表工作制度,扎实做好服务保障工作,充分发挥代表作用。一是进一步加强常委会同代表联系。委员长会议组成人员要通过走访、电话、信函等方式,加强同直接联系代表的交流;到地方开展执法检查、调查研究和视察时,邀请直接联系的代表参加相关活动。建立常委会组成人员、专门委员会联系全国人大代表的工作机制,特别要加强同基层全国人大代表的联系,畅通社情民意反映和表达渠道。完善代表参与常委会、专门委员会工作的机制,努力让来自基层的全国人大代表在五年任期内都能列席一次常委会会议,邀请更多代表参加执法检查、立法调研等活动。二是进一步密切代表同人民群众联系。完善代表联系群众制度,加强代表联络机构建设,建立健全网络平台,改进代表视察、专题调研等工作,拓宽和丰富代表联系群众的渠道和内容,更好地发挥代表在了解民情、反映民意、集中民智方面的独特作用。三是进一步提高代表履职服务保障水平。提高代表议案和建议办理质量,拓宽代表知情知政渠道,开展代表专题学习培训,让来自基层的全国人大代表在五年任期内都能接受一次学习培训。 |
We will improve the system for work related to deputies, effectively provide them with services and get them to fully play their role. First, we will strengthen relations between the Standing Committee and deputies. Members of the Chairperson's Council need to increase their exchanges with deputies they are partnered with through visits, phone calls and letters. When they go on trips to inspect compliance with laws or carry out investigations and studies or inspections, deputies they are partnered with should be invited to take part in relevant activities. We will establish a work mechanism for Standing Committee members and special committees to maintain contacts with NPC deputies, especially strengthen contacts with local-level deputies to the NPC, and ensure that social conditions and popular sentiment find ways to be heard. We will improve the mechanism for deputies to participate in the work of the Standing Committee and special committees, strive to make sure that all local-level deputies to the NPC can sit in on at least one Standing Committee meeting during their five-year term of office, and invite more deputies to participate in activities including inspections of compliance with laws and investigations and studies for pending legislation. Second, we will foster closer links between deputies and the people. We will improve the system for deputies to maintain close ties with the people, strengthen deputy contact offices, build a sound online platform, improve the work of inspection tours and investigations and studies on special topics by deputies, widen the channels and enrich the content of deputies' contacts with the people, and make better use of deputies' special role in understanding public feelings, reporting on popular sentiment and drawing on the wisdom of the people. Third, we will better serve deputies carrying out their duties. We will raise the quality of our handling of bills and proposals by deputies, expand the avenues by which deputies learn about what goes on in the NPC and the government as a whole, carry out special training sessions for deputies, and make sure that local-level deputies to the NPC attend at least one training session during their five-year tenure. |
认真贯彻落实中央外交大政方针和总体部署,加强与重要国家、发展中国家和周边国家议会的交流与合作,巩固和完善与外国议会定期交流机制,积极开展多渠道多形式对外交往,加强政治互信,推动务实合作,增进人民友谊,积极为我国改革发展稳定营造良好的外部环境,为维护世界和平稳定和促进共同发展作出应有贡献。 | We will conscientiously implement the major policies and principles and overall arrangements of the CPC Central Committee for the country's diplomatic work; strengthen exchanges and cooperation with parliaments and congresses of major countries, other developing countries, and neighboring countries; and strengthen and improve the mechanism for regular exchanges with foreign parliaments and congresses. We will develop diplomatic contacts through multiple channels in various ways; enhance mutual political trust, promote pragmatic cooperation and deepen friendship among our peoples; create a beneficial external environment for our country's reform, development and stability; and make our proper contribution to safeguarding world peace and stability and promoting common development. |
继续加强常委会自身建设,坚持人大工作正确政治方向,坚持党对人大工作的领导,坚决维护中央权威。坚持民主集中制原则,贯彻执行党的群众路线,切实增强代表人民行使管理国家权力的政治责任感,全心全意为人民服务。紧紧围绕中央重大决策部署,加强对人大工作新情况新问题的调查研究,提高立法、监督、代表等工作水平。加强和推动法制宣传教育,营造全社会学法尊法守法用法的良好氛围。严格遵守中央八项规定,健全改进作风、厉行节约常态化制度,坚决维护制度的严肃性和权威性。继续办好常委会专题讲座,完善组织方式,拓展学习领域,增强学习效果。加强对专门委员会工作的领导,充分发挥专门委员会作用。加强与地方人大的工作联系,密切工作协同,开展工作交流,增强人大工作整体实效,共同推进社会主义民主法治建设。全国人大机关要按照理想坚定、政治可靠、业务精湛、作风优良、廉洁勤政的要求,进一步加强机关干部队伍建设。 | We will continue to strengthen the Standing Committee's self-improvement, adhere to the correct political orientation of the NPC's work, uphold the Party's leadership of the NPC's work, and firmly safeguard the authority of the Central Committee. We will uphold the principle of democratic centralism. We will implement the Party's mass line, genuinely increase our sense of political responsibility in representing the people in exercising the power of administering the country, and wholeheartedly serve the people. We will strengthen investigations and studies on new developments and problems that arise in the NPC's work concerning the Central Committee's major policy decisions and arrangements, and improve the NPC's work related to legislation, oversight and deputies. We will strengthen and promote publicity of and education in the legal system and create a sound atmosphere in which everyone study, respect, abide by, and apply the law. We will strictly abide by the Central Committee's eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct, improve the systems for regularly improving the conduct of the NPC and practicing thrift, and firmly uphold the sanctity and authority of rules and regulations. We will continue to deliver special topic lectures to the Standing Committee, improve organizational methods, expand the scope of study, and obtain better results from study. We will strengthen leadership of the work of the special committees and give full play to their role. We will strengthen work relations with local people's congresses, strengthen work coordination, develop work exchanges, raise the overall effectiveness of the work of people's congresses, and work together to promote the building of socialist democracy and the socialist rule of law. NPC bodies should continue to strengthen their ranks on the basis of the requirements that their staff have firm ideals, are politically reliable and professionally competent, have a good work style, and are honest and industrious. |
今年9月,我们将迎来全国人民代表大会成立60周年。实践充分证明,人民代表大会制度是符合中国国情、体现我国社会主义国家性质、保证人民当家作主的根本政治制度,也是党在国家政权组织中贯彻群众路线、充分发扬民主的最好实现形式。要以纪念全国人民代表大会成立60周年为契机,深入宣传人民代表大会制度的光辉历程、显著成就和实践经验,深入宣传我国根本政治制度的巨大优越性,坚定对人民代表大会制度的自信,推动人民代表大会制度与时俱进。 | September this year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the NPC. Through practice we have fully verified that the system of people's congresses is the fundamental political system that conforms to China's national conditions, reflects the socialist nature of the state and guarantees the people's position as masters of the country, and is also the best way the Party can implement the mass line and make democracy flourish in organizations of state power. We should make the most of the occasion of commemorating the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the NPC to fully publicize the glorious history, outstanding achievements and practical experience of the system of people's congresses, as well as the great superiority of our country's fundamental political system, firmly maintain our confidence in the system of people's congresses, and advance it with the times. |
各位代表,改革开放的新征程在召唤我们,人民群众的新期待在激励我们。让我们紧密地团结在以习近平同志为总书记的党中央周围,以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,全面贯彻落实习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,万众一心,锐意进取,扎实工作,为全面建成小康社会、不断夺取中国特色社会主义新胜利、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗! |
Fellow Deputies, A new journey of reform and opening up is summoning us, and new expectations of the people are energizing us. Let us rally closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary; take Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook on Development as our guide; comprehensively implement the guidelines of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches; work together as one; advance resolutely; do solid work; and strive mightily to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, constantly achieve new successes in socialism with Chinese characteristics, and realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. |
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