4月10日,博鳌亚洲论坛在2014年年会期间举办“丝绸之路的复兴:对话亚洲领导人”分论坛。中国国务委员杨洁篪出席并讲话。[中新社 陆欣 摄] |
自信互信,共襄盛举 |
Jointly Undertake the Great Initiatives With Confidence and Mutual Trust |
各位贵宾,媒体朋友们,女士们、先生们: | Distinguished Chinese and Foreign Guests, Friends from the Press, Ladies and Gentlemen, |
很高兴参加今年的博鳌亚洲论坛年会。在中外同事和各界人士的共同努力下,论坛正成为亚洲乃至全球最具影响力的高端论坛之一。这种影响力不仅基于高水平的参与者和组织者,也源于论坛对时代潮流和前沿课题的准确把握,包括举办这次丝绸之路分论坛。我谨借此机会感谢在座的各国领导人和各界朋友出席本次分论坛,共商丝绸之路建设。 | It gives me great pleasure to attend the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference. Thanks to the concerted efforts of colleagues and people from various sectors in China and other countries, the Forum is becoming one of the most influential high-end fora in Asia and beyond. Its influence stems not just from its high-caliber participants and organizers but also its acute antenna for the current trend and frontier topics of discussion, including the discussion we are having today on the Silk Road. I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to you, leaders from various countries and friends from all sectors, for joining our discussions on the building of the Silk Road. |
去年秋天,习近平主席在访问中亚和东南亚国家时,分别提出建设丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路两大倡议,合称为“一带一路”,得到国际社会高度关注和有关国家积极回应。今天上午,李克强总理在演讲中全面阐述中国的亚洲合作政策,特别表示要推进“一带一路”建设。我们此时的研讨具有重要意义。 | The two initiatives of building a Silk Road economic belt and a 21st-century maritime Silk Road, known for short as the Belt and the Road, were put forth by President Xi Jinping during his two separate visits to Central Asia and Southeast Asia last fall. The initiatives have received positive response from countries concerned and been followed with great interest by the international community. Premier Li Keqiang, in his speech this morning on China's policy toward Asian cooperation, made a special mentioning of the importance of building the Belt and the Road. Our discussion this afternoon is therefore highly relevant. |
几天前,我陪同习近平主席访问欧洲,感到欧洲各界对“一带一路”很关注、很热心。中欧联合声明指出,中欧决定共同挖掘丝绸之路经济带与欧盟政策的契合点,探讨在丝绸之路经济带沿线开展合作的共同倡议。习主席在德国杜伊斯堡出席始发于重庆的中欧铁路班列抵港仪式,气氛隆重热烈,在场的每个人都直观感受到,丝绸之路不再是历史书上的概念,而是现代物流和中欧合作的新鲜故事,沿路人民得到了实实在在的利益。 | When I accompanied President Xi on his visit to Europe a few days ago, I found that people in different sectors across Europe have shown great interest and enthusiasm in the Belt and the Road. German leaders described the Silk Road economic belt as a significant initiative that will benefit Germany, and pledged Germany's full support and active participation. The Joint Statement released by China and the EU stated that the two sides will develop synergies between EU policies and China's "Silk Road Economic Belt" initiative and jointly explore common initiatives along these lines. During his visit to Germany, President Xi Jinping attended a grand welcoming ceremony in Duisburg for a train that arrived from Chongqing along the China-Europe railway. To everyone present there, the Silk Road, once a mere term in the history book, has become a novel story of modern logistics and of China-Europe cooperation delivering real benefits to people along the way. |
欧洲对古今丝绸之路的热情并不偶然,从一个侧面反映了世界对亚洲古老文明和当今发展潜力的再认识,反映了经济全球化和世界多极化背景下东西方交流合作的新趋势。 | Europe's enthusiasm for the Silk Road, both the ancient and the modern, is nothing accidental. It is one reflection of the world's renewed recognition of Asia's time-honored civilizations and its development potential today. It shows a new trend of communication and cooperation between the East and the West amid economic globalization and a move toward multi-polarity. |
欧洲是古代丝绸之路的终点,但丝绸原产于中国,丝绸之路的起点在中国,许多重要地域是在亚洲。中国和亚洲各国人民筚路蓝缕走出这条路,披星戴月维护这条路,对丝绸之路有着天然的亲近感。可以说,丝绸之路是亚洲各国共同历史与辉煌文明的见证,是亚洲人民历史文化自豪感的源泉,也是亚洲各国团结合作的旗帜。 | Europe was the end of the ancient Silk Road, yet silk originated from China, where the Silk Road started, and many important areas of the Silk Road ran through Asia. The Asian people opened the Silk Road, withstanding great hardships, and preserved it throughout the years. We therefore feel a natural affinity for the Silk Road, which had once witnessed the common history and glory of the Asian civilizations. For the Asian people, the Silk Road provides a source of historical and cultural pride, and stands as a flag of unity and cooperation among Asian countries. |
丝绸之路给了亚洲人历史文化的自信。2000多年前丝绸之路开辟之际,亚洲早已孕育出成熟的文明,生产力、管理水平和开放程度领先世界,很多考古发现和西方学者都证明了这一点。佛教、基督教、伊斯兰教等宗教的发祥地都在亚洲,丝绸、瓷器、漆器、铁器、马鞍、源于中国的“四大发明”和源于印度的“阿拉伯数字”,都曾是亚洲的“专利”。通过丝绸之路,亚洲国家敞开胸怀接纳外国商人和学子,毫无保留提供最先进的商品和技术。 | The Silk Road has given the people of Asia confidence in their history and culture. As early as over 2,000 years ago, when the Silk Road first began to take shape, Asia already boasted matured civilizations and was leading the world in productivity, managerial expertise and the level of openness. Ample proof of this could be found in archeological discoveries and the study by western scholars. Asia was the cradle of Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. Silk, porcelain, lacquerware, ironware, saddle, the four great inventions of ancient China (papermaking, gunpowder, movable-type printing and compass) and the Arabic numerals of India were all, at one time, the proprietary rights of Asia. It was through the Silk Road that Asian countries embraced foreign merchants and students and shared with them, without reservation, Asia's most advanced commodities and technologies. |
近代以来,亚洲国家落后了,饱受列强侵略、殖民之苦,面临外部强势文化的冲击,但亚洲国家珍爱自己的历史文化,维护自己的价值观根基。今天亚洲人不会陶醉于过去的光荣历史,也不会为历史悲情所累,而是从传统文化中汲取自强创新的营养,谱写美好的历史新篇。 | Since modern times, however, Asian countries have been left behind, suffering from the invasion and colonization of foreign powers and the shock of strong cultures from the outside. Nevertheless, Asian countries cherish their own history and culture, and have sought to uphold the roots of their own values. Today, the people of Asia, neither conceited with past glory nor indulged in the memory of old sufferings, have chosen to draw strength from their tradition and culture, be innovative and strive to write a new chapter in Asia's history. |
丝绸之路给了亚洲人发展道路的自信。多样性和多元化是亚洲的特色和优势,丝绸之路上每一个文明、民族和国家都有自己的社会土壤和发展轨迹,都是平等和独特的,没有高低优劣的区别,也没有强求一致的必要。基于多样性,商人们才能互通有无,智者们才能交流互鉴,世界也才能丰富多彩。古代的丝绸之路不是一条,而是存在许多路径的选择,涵盖了亚洲和欧洲广大的地区和国家。这对我们今天思考发展道路问题颇有启示。 | The Silk Road has given the people of Asia confidence in their development paths. Heterogeneity and diversity is the very feature and advantage of Asia. Every civilization, ethnic group and country along the Silk Road has its own social soil and development trajectory and everyone is equal and unique. The difference is never about which is superior and there is no need to force conformity. It is based on heterogeneity that businessmen have been able to trade, wise men communicate and the world be diverse and colorful. Instead of being just one single road, the ancient Silk Road actually provided a choice of several roads, which passed through broad areas and many countries in Asia and Europe. This is quite inspiring as we engage ourselves in discussion on our development paths today. |
近现代以来,亚洲的仁人志士苦苦探索国强民富之路,经历了很多挫折,结论是发展道路必须立足本国国情,可以借鉴外国经验但绝不能照搬。基于这一认识,依靠自力更生和国际合作,冷战后的亚洲创造了经济发展的奇迹,经受了亚洲金融危机和国际金融危机的洗礼。亚洲开发银行的最新报告预测,45个亚洲发展中经济体今明两年的经济增长将分别达到6.2%和6.4%,高出发达国家平均增长率两倍以上。这十分不容易,说明亚洲国家坚持走自己的路是对的,这条路有荆棘,但却是康庄大道。 | Since modern times, patriots and righteous people in Asia have explored tirelessly paths to a prosperous and strong nation. After experiencing many setbacks, they have come to the conclusion that to choose a proper development path, one must bear in mind the distinctive national conditions and that one may learn from but should never copy the experience of other countries. It is based on such an understanding that Asia, after the end of the Cold War, created miracles of economic development by working hard on its own and carrying out international cooperation. Asia has stood the test of the Asian financial crisis and the international financial crisis. According to the latest forecast of the Asian Development Bank, 45 developing economies in Asia will achieve a growth rate of 6.2% this year and 6.4% next year, more than twice the average for developed countries. Such result is not easily gained. It shows that Asian countries have done the right thing in sticking to their own paths which, despite thorns on the way, lead to bright prospects. |
丝绸之路给了亚洲人包容合作的自信。通过丝绸之路,东西方以和平、平等的方式开展多领域、深层次的交流,亚欧大陆很早就形成了贸易网络,各方都获益匪浅。古代中国的冶铁、耕作和水利灌溉技术西传南输,大幅提高了周边国家的生产力。来自南亚的医学、历法和雕塑艺术,在中国得到重视和运用。箜篌和马球是古代中亚游牧民族的发明,在中国音乐史和体育史上都有一席之地。东帝汶的檀香,泰国的大象,老挝的木雕,俄罗斯的毛皮,欧洲和西亚的琉璃,巴基斯坦、缅甸和斯里兰卡的宝石,都深受古代中国人民喜爱。 | The Silk Road has given the people of Asia confidence to pursue inclusive cooperation. The Silk Road had enabled the East and the West to thoroughly interact with each other in peace and equality in all possible areas. The network for trade running over the Eurasian continent way back in the early days brought benefits to all sides. The ancient Chinese technologies of iron-smelting, farming and irrigation were brought to neighboring countries to the west and south of China and greatly increased those countries' productivity, while the medicine, calendar and sculpturing art from South Asia were applied and valued in China. The Chinese Harp and Polo, created by ancient nomads in Central Asia, featured proudly in the history of Chinese music and sports. The sandalwood from Timor-Leste, elephant from Thailand, wood sculpture from the Laos, leather and fur from Russia, colored glaze from Europe and west Asia, and gems from Pakistan, Myanmar and Sri Lanka were all highly popular with ancient Chinese. |
一些宗教或宗教教派通过陆海丝绸之路传入中国,与中国的本土宗教相互融合,和谐相处。古代中外的使节、商人和取经求法的智者,得到了丝绸之路沿途民众的无私帮助,否则他们寸步难行。 | Some religions or sections of religion, after being introduced into China via the land and maritime silk roads, integrated with home-grown religions in China and coexisted with them in harmony. For the numerous Chinese and foreign envoys, merchants and the wise questing for scriptures and knowledge, it was the Silk Road, and the people who kindly assisted them along the way, that had made their journeys possible. |
今天亚洲国家的交通和物质条件好多了,区域合作也进入新阶段,亚洲国家应当弘扬和平友好、开放包容、互利共赢的丝绸之路精神,赋予其新的时代内涵。 | Now that conditions for transport and infrastructure are much more improved, countries in Asia may well live up to the Silk Road spirit of peace, friendship, openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, and endeavor to add to it a new dimension by bringing regional cooperation to a new stage. |
新的时代内涵,很重要的一点是互信。中国人讲“人无信不立”,法国文豪大仲马讲“信任是稀有的珍宝”。古代的人们走丝绸之路,很难独来独往,需要结伴而行、相互照应,海上行船更需要同舟共济、分工协作。今天我们的技术能力突飞猛进,但交通合作仍面临不少隐性困难,一些亚洲国家之间还存在信任赤字。无论是开展互联互通还是建设“一带一路”,都需要就互信问题下更大的功夫。 | An important part of this new dimension, as I see it, is mutual trust. The Chinese people believe that "one would achieve nothing without credibility". Alexandre Dumas, the celebrated French writer, noted that "confidence is a rare jewel". In fact, travelers on the ancient Silk Road could hardly make the journey alone. They had to travel in company and look after each other on the way. They even had to work with each other when they sailed in a same boat on the sea. Despite the leapfrog development in science and technology, cooperation in transport today still faces hidden difficulties, and some Asian countries still suffer from a "deficit of trust". I believe as we work to improve connectivity and promote the Belt and Road initiatives, more needs to be done to increase mutual trust. |
互信的基础,是尊重历史、以史为鉴,是各国都走和平发展道路,是恪守联合国宪章与和平共处五项原则,是尊重彼此核心利益和重大关切,是以诚相待、互学互助。 | What forms the basis of mutual trust is for countries to respect history and draw lessons from it, follow a path of peaceful development, act in the spirit of the UN Charter and the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, respect each others' core interests and major concerns, treat each other with sincerity and learn from and help each other. |
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