White Paper: The Practice of the 'One Country, Two Systems' Policy in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

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二、特别行政区制度在香港的确立 II. Establishment of the Special Administrative Region System in Hong Kong
宪法和香港基本法规定的特别行政区制度是国家对某些区域采取的特殊管理制度。在这一制度下,中央拥有对香港特别行政区的全面管治权,既包括中央直接行使的权力,也包括授权香港特别行政区依法实行高度自治。对于香港特别行政区的高度自治权,中央具有监督权力。 The system of the special administrative region, as prescribed in the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the Basic Law of the HKSAR, is a special administrative system developed by the state for certain regions. Under this system, the central government exercises overall jurisdiction over the HKSAR, including the powers directly exercised by the central government, and the powers delegated to the HKSAR by the central government to enable it to exercise a high degree of autonomy in accordance with the law. The central government has the power of oversight over the exercise of a high degree of autonomy in the HKSAR.
(一)中央依法直接行使管治权 1. The Central Leadership Directly Exercises Jurisdiction over the HKSAR in Accordance with the Law
根据宪法和香港基本法的规定,中央直接行使对香港特别行政区管治权的权力主体包括全国人民代表大会及其常委会、国家主席、中央人民政府、中央军事委员会。全国人大决定香港特别行政区的设立,制定香港基本法以规定在香港特别行政区实行的制度,并拥有基本法的修改权。全国人大常委会拥有香港基本法的解释权,对香港特别行政区行政长官产生办法和立法会产生办法修改的决定权,对香港特别行政区立法机关制定的法律的监督权,对香港特别行政区进入紧急状态的决定权,以及向香港特别行政区作出新授权的权力。香港特别行政区直辖于中央人民政府,行政长官向中央人民政府负责,中央人民政府拥有任命行政长官和主要官员、依法管理与香港特别行政区有关的外交事务、向行政长官发出指令的权力。中央军事委员会领导香港驻军,履行防务职责,等等。中央依法履行宪法和香港基本法赋予的全面管治权和宪制责任,有效管治香港特别行政区。 As prescribed in the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the Basic Law of the HKSAR, the organs of power by which the central leadership directly exercises jurisdiction over the HKSAR are the NPC and its Standing Committee, the president of the state, the Central People's Government, and the Central Military Commission. The NPC decided on the establishment of the HKSAR, formulated the Basic Law of the HKSAR to prescribe the system to be instituted in the HKSAR, and has the power of amendment to the Basic Law. The NPC Standing Committee has the power of interpretation regarding the Basic Law of the HKSAR, the power of decision on revising the selection methods of the chief executive and the Legislative Council of the HKSAR, the power of supervision over the laws formulated by the legislative organs of the HKSAR, the power of decision on the HKSAR entering a state of emergency, and the power of making new authorization for the HKSAR. The HKSAR comes directly under the Central People's Government, and its chief executive is accountable to the Central People's Government. The Central People's Government appoints the chief executive and the principal officials, is responsible for foreign affairs relating to the HKSAR in accordance with the law, and issues directives to the chief executive. The Central Military Commission is the leading body of the Hong Kong garrison, and performs defense and other duties. The central authorities perform overall jurisdiction and constitutional duties as prescribed in the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and in the Basic Law of the HKSAR, and exercise effective administration over the HKSAR.
——组建香港特别行政区政权机关。回归前夕,香港特别行政区筹备委员会完成组建香港特别行政区第一届政府推选委员会,推选委员会选举董建华为香港特别行政区第一任行政长官人选,随后中央人民政府任命其为特别行政区首任行政长官;推选委员会还选举产生临时立法会议员;首任行政长官董建华任命终审法院法官和高等法院首席法官。上述工作的完成,确保了中央在香港特别行政区成立时即实施有效管治。香港回归后,中央人民政府先后任命经选举产生的行政长官人选董建华、曾荫权、梁振英为第二至第四任行政长官,还任免了历届香港特别行政区政府主要官员。国家领导人出席行政长官和政府主要官员就职典礼并监督他们宣誓。 - Forming the power organs of the HKSAR. Prior to the return of Hong Kong, the Preparatory Committee of the HKSAR completed the organization of the Selection Committee of the First Government of the HKSAR. The Selection Committee elected Tung Chee-hwa as the first chief executive of the HKSAR, and then the Central People's Government appointed him as the chief executive. The Selection Committee also elected members of the interim Legislative Council. The first chief executive, Tung Chee-hwa, appointed the judges of the Court of Final Appeal, and the chief justice of the High Court. The completion of the above work ensured the effective administration of the HKSAR by the central leadership upon its establishment. After the return of Hong Kong to China, the Central People's Government appointed Tung Chee-hwa, Donald Tsang and Leung Chun-ying, all elected, as chief executives of the HKSAR in that order, and appointed and dismissed key officials of their administrations. China's state leaders attended the inauguration ceremonies of the chief executives and key government officials, and heard them take their oaths of office.
——支持指导香港特别行政区行政长官和政府依法施政。行政长官每年向中央政府述职,报告基本法贯彻执行情况等须向中央政府负责的事项,国家领导人就贯彻落实基本法的重大事项对行政长官予以指导。中央政府设立国务院港澳事务办公室作为国务院处理港澳事务的办事机构,负责贯彻执行“一国两制”方针政策和中央的有关指示,承担与香港特别行政区政府的工作联系等职责;设立中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区联络办公室作为中央政府驻港机构,履行联系外交部驻港特派员公署和香港驻军、促进香港与内地各领域的交流与合作、联系香港社会各界人士、处理有关涉台事务等职责。 - Supporting and guiding the administration of the chief executive and government of the HKSAR in accordance with the law. The chief executive reports his/her work to the central government on an annual basis, on the implementation of the Basic Law and other items for which he/she is accountable to the central government; and the state leaders give guidance to the chief executive on major matters related to the implementation of the Basic Law. The central government has established the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council as an administrative office of the State Council to handle Hong Kong and Macau affairs. The office works to implement the "one country, two systems" principle and related directives of the central government, and is responsible for communicating with the government of the HKSAR. The Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR is a resident organ of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong. Its duties involve communication with the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the HKSAR and the PLA Hong Kong Garrison, the promotion of exchanges and cooperation between Hong Kong and the mainland in various areas, communication with personages from all sectors of Hong Kong society, and the handling of affairs involving Taiwan.
——负责管理与香港特别行政区有关的外交事务。第一,支持香港特别行政区积极开展对外交往与合作。支持和协助香港以适当身份参与国际组织和国际会议。协助香港申办各类重要国际会议,支持香港发展国际会展中心、区域法律服务和纠纷解决中心。支持推荐香港人士到国际组织任职,支持香港特别行政区护照在其他国家和地区获得免签待遇,支持香港特别行政区政府驻外经贸办事处开展工作。第二,妥善处理国际条约在香港特别行政区的适用等条约法律问题。办理香港新适用的多边条约及修正案超过170项。授权香港对外缔结投资保护、民航、税收、司法协助类协定338项。协助香港接受国际公约履约审议。支持香港在经济、贸易、金融、航运、通讯、旅游、文化、体育等领域以“中国香港”的名义单独同世界各国、各地区及有关国际组织保持和发展关系,签订和履行有关协议。授权和协助香港对外开展司法合作。第三,审批外国在香港特别行政区设立领事机构或其他官方、半官方机构。目前,外国在香港协议设立的总领事馆达66个、名誉领事73位。第四,全力维护香港同胞在海外的安全与合法权益,积极开展涉港领事保护工作。据不完全统计,截至2013年底,中国驻外使领馆共处理万余起涉港领保案。第五,防范和遏制外部势力干预香港事务。香港事务是中国内政,针对个别国家的干预言行,中央政府及时通过外交渠道进行交涉。外交部在香港特别行政区设立特派员公署,处理外交事务。 - Responsible for foreign affairs involving the HKSAR. First, the central leadership supports the HKSAR in actively carrying out international exchanges and cooperation; supports and assists the HKSAR in participating in international organizations and conferences in a proper capacity; assists the HKSAR in bidding to host important international conferences of various kinds, and supports the HKSAR in developing international conference centers, regional legal services and dispute settlement centers; supports the recommendation of Hong Kong residents to take up posts in international organizations; supports the promotion of visa waivers for HKSAR passport holders in other countries and regions; and supports the work of trade offices of the HKSAR government in other countries and regions. Second, the role of the central leadership also includes properly handling legal issues involving Hong Kong, such as the application of international conventions in Hong Kong. The number of multilateral treaties and amendments that have become applicable in the HKSAR now exceeds 170, and the number of agreements concluded with other countries with the authorization of the central government regarding investment protection, civil aviation, taxation and judicial assistance has reached 338. The central government assists the HKSAR in accepting reviews on the implementation of international conventions, supports it in maintaining and developing ties, and in signing and implementing treaties and agreements with other countries, regions and related international organizations in the name of "Hong Kong, China" in the areas of economy, trade, finance, maritime transport, communications, tourism, culture and sports. It also authorizes and assists Hong Kong in conducting judicial cooperation with other countries. Third, it ratifies the establishment of consulates and other governmental or quasi-governmental organizations of foreign countries in the HKSAR. Currently, there are 66 consulates-general set up by foreign countries under related agreements in the HKSAR, with 73 honorary consuls. Fourth, it strives to ensure the safety and legitimate rights and interests of Hong Kong compatriots while in other countries, and actively offers consular protection to Hong Kong travelers abroad. By the end of 2013, Chinese embassies and consulates overseas had handled over 10,000 cases of consular protection involving Hong Kong residents. Fifth, it prevents foreign forces from interfering in Hong Kong's affairs. Hong Kong's affairs are internal affairs of China, and the Chinese government has made timely representations with certain countries through diplomatic channels regarding their words and actions of interference. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has established the Office of the Commissioner in the HKSAR to attend to foreign affairs involving Hong Kong.
——负责管理香港特别行政区的防务。经中央决定并于1996年1月组建中国人民解放军驻香港部队。1996年12月30日,第八届全国人大常委会第二十三次会议通过《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区驻军法》。1997年7月1日零时,香港驻军进驻香港,依法履行防备和抵抗侵略、保卫香港特别行政区的安全,担负防卫勤务,管理军事设施,承办有关的涉外军事事宜等防务职责。香港驻军坚持依法驻军、依法治军,认真完成各项防务任务,组织海空巡逻、海空难搜救演习、诸军兵种联合演习、跨营区机动演练等军事行动,为维护国家主权和领土完整提供了有力保障。香港驻军还踊跃参加香港社会公益活动,开展军营开放、举办香港青少年军事夏令营等活动,加强军地互访联系,增进香港驻军与香港居民的相互了解和信任,充分展现了威武之师、文明之师的良好形象。 - Responsible for the defense of the HKSAR. The central leadership made the decision and authorized the formation of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Hong Kong Garrison in January 1996, and on December 30 the same year, the 23rd Session of the Eighth NPC Standing Committee adopted the Law of the People's Republic of China on Garrisoning the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. At midnight on July 1, 1997, troops of the PLA Hong Kong Garrison entered Hong Kong to take over the defense of the HKSAR. The Garrison's duties include guarding against and resisting aggression, ensuring the security of the HKSAR, performing defense services, managing military installations, and handling military affairs involving other countries in accordance with the law. The Garrison adheres to the law in performing its duties, and oversees military conduct in accordance with the law. It diligently fulfills its duties in defense, organizing sea and air patrols and carrying out search and rescue exercises in case of maritime or air emergencies, joint exercises of combined arms, and cross-district maneuvers, vigorously safeguarding China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Garrison also actively takes part in activities to promote the public good in Hong Kong, inviting local residents to visit the Garrison barracks and holding summer military camps for young students, in an effort to strengthen ties between the Garrison and the local community. All this has helped enhance the mutual understanding and trust between the Garrison and the people of Hong Kong, fully exemplifying the valor and good conduct of the PLA.
——行使宪法和香港基本法赋予全国人大常委会的职权。第一,对香港特别行政区立法机关制定的法律予以备案审查。截至2013年底,全国人大常委会收到香港特别行政区报请备案的法律共570件。第二,对香港基本法附件三所列在特别行政区实施的全国性法律作出增减决定。目前,共有12部全国性法律列入香港基本法附件三,并在香港实施。第三,对香港特别行政区作出新的授权。1996年,全国人大常委会即授权香港特别行政区政府指定其入境事务处为香港特别行政区受理国籍申请的机关,根据国籍法及其解释规定对所有国籍申请事宜作出处理。2006年,全国人大常委会授权香港对深圳湾口岸港方口岸区依照特别行政区法律实施管辖。第四,对香港基本法作出解释。全国人大常委会先后于1999年、2004年、2005年、2011年分别就香港永久性居民在香港以外所生中国籍子女等的居留权问题、行政长官产生办法和立法会产生办法修改的法律程序问题、补选产生的行政长官的任期问题和国家豁免原则等问题,对基本法及其附件的有关条款作出解释。第五,对香港特别行政区政制发展问题作出决定。全国人大常委会2004年对香港特别行政区2007年行政长官和2008年立法会产生办法有关问题作出决定;2007年对香港特别行政区2012年行政长官和立法会产生办法及有关普选问题作出决定。第六,批准和备案香港特别行政区行政长官和立法会产生办法修正案。2010年,批准香港特别行政区2012年行政长官产生办法修正案,同意将2012年立法会产生办法和表决程序修正案予以备案。第七,对香港特别行政区终审法院法官和高等法院首席法官的任命或免职进行备案,等等。此外,根据香港基本法和全国人大有关决定,1997年7月1日香港基本法实施时设立的全国人大常委会香港基本法委员会,由内地和香港人士共同组成,负责就香港特别行政区立法机关制定的法律是否符合基本法关于中央管理的事务及中央和香港特别行政区的关系的条款、对附件三所列适用于香港的全国性法律的增减以及基本法的解释或修改等问题,向全国人大常委会提供意见。 - Exercising power granted to the NPC Standing Committee by the Constitution of the PRC and the Basic Law of the HKSAR. First, the NPC Standing Committee keeps record of the laws drawn up by the legislature of the HKSAR for review. By the end of 2013, the HKSAR had reported a total of 570 local laws to the NPC Standing Committee for the record. Second, it adds or subtracts national laws applicable in the HKSAR as listed in Annex III of the Basic Law of the HKSAR. Currently, 12 national laws are listed in Annex III of the Basic Law of the HKSAR for implementation. Third, it makes new authorizations to the HKSAR. In 1996, the NPC Standing Committee empowered the HKSAR government to appoint its immigration department as the office to accept applications for nationality in the HKSAR and handle the applications in accordance with the Nationality Law and its interpretations. In 2006, the NPC Standing Committee authorized the HKSAR to run the Hong Kong section of the Shenzhen Bay Port in accordance with the laws of the HKSAR. Fourth, it makes interpretations regarding the Basic Law of the HKSAR. The NPC Standing Committee made interpretations of the related articles of the Basic Law in 1999, 2004, 2005 and 2011 on the following questions respectively: the right of abode in Hong Kong for permanent Hong Kong residents' children born outside Hong Kong and with Chinese nationality, the legal procedure for modifying the selection methods of the chief executive and the Legislative Council, the length of the term of a by-elected chief executive, and the principles of state immunity, and interpretations of relevant provisions in the Basic Law and its appendixes. Fifth, it decides on issues relating to the constitutional development in the HKSAR. The NPC Standing Committee made decisions in 2004 and 2007, respectively, on the selection method of the chief executive for 2007 and the Legislative Council for 2008, and the selection method of the chief executive, the Legislative Council and the general election for 2012. Sixth, it ratifies and keeps record of the amendments to the selection methods of the chief executive and Legislative Council of the HKSAR. In 2010, the NPC Standing Committee ratified the HKSAR's amendment to the selection method of the chief executive for 2012, agreeing to put on record the amendment to the selection method and voting procedure of the Legislative Council for 2012. Seventh, it keeps records of the appointment and removal of the judges of the Court of Final Appeal and the chief judge of the High Court of the HKSAR. In addition, according to the Basic Law of the HKSAR and relevant decisions of the NPC, the Basic Law Committee of the HKSAR of the NPC Standing Committee, established on July 1, 1997, when the Basic Law came into effect, is composed of members from the mainland and Hong Kong, and is responsible for providing opinions to the NPC Standing Committee on issues such as whether the laws drawn up by the HKSAR's legislature comply with the provisions of the Basic Law on the range of affairs responsible by the central government and the relationship between the central government and the HKSAR, on adding or subtracting the national laws applicable in Hong Kong as listed in Annex III and on the interpretation or revision of the Basic Law, and related issues.
(二)香港特别行政区依法实行高度自治 2. The HKSAR Exercises a High Degree of Autonomy in Accordance with the Law
香港特别行政区成立后,保持原有资本主义制度和生活方式不变,法律基本不变。特别行政区依法保护私有财产权,保持自由港和单独关税区地位、保持财政独立,实行独立的税收制度,自行制定经贸、金融和教科文卫体政策,等等。根据香港基本法和全国人大常委会关于处理香港原有法律的决定,香港原有法律,即普通法、衡平法、条例、附属立法和习惯法,除同香港基本法相抵触或经香港特别行政区立法机关作出修改者外,予以保留。在此基础上,香港特别行政区依法实行高度自治,充分行使行政管理权、立法权、独立的司法权和终审权。 After the establishment of the HKSAR, the previous capitalist system and way of life remain unchanged in Hong Kong, and existing laws remain basically unchanged. Adhering to the law, the HKSAR protects the right of ownership of private property, maintains the status of Hong Kong as a free port and a separate customs territory, maintains independent finances, practices an independent taxation system, and formulates its own policies regarding trade, finance, education, science, culture, public health and sports. In accordance with the Basic Law of the HKSAR and the decision of the NPC Standing Committee on handling the laws previously practiced in Hong Kong, the laws previously in force in Hong Kong, that is, the common law, rules of equity, ordinances, subordinate legislation and customary law are maintained, except for any that contravene the Basic Law and are subject to any amendment by the legislature of the HKSAR. On this basis, the HKSAR exercises a high degree of autonomy, and fully exercises its administrative, legislative and independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication.
香港特别行政区行政长官是特别行政区的首长,代表香港特别行政区,既对中央人民政府负责又对香港特别行政区负责。行政长官还是特别行政区政府的首长,依法履行基本法授予的领导特别行政区政府、负责执行基本法以及其他各项职权。行政长官在行使职权时须执行中央人民政府就香港基本法有关事项发出的指令。特别行政区政府由香港永久性居民依照基本法有关规定组成,设政务司、财政司、律政司和各局、处、署,行使基本法规定的制定和执行政策、管理各项行政事务等职权。特别行政区享有的行政管理权极为广泛,涵盖经济、教育、科学、文化、体育、宗教、社会服务、社会治安、出入境管理等领域。此外,根据中央政府的授权,特别行政区还享有一定的对外事务权。 The chief executive of the HKSAR is the head of the Special Administrative Region. He/she represents the HKSAR and is accountable to both the Central People's Government and the HKSAR. The chief executive is also the head of the government of the Special Administrative Region, and exercises powers and functions conferred by the Basic Law, such as leading the government of the region and being responsible for the implementation of the Basic Law. While exercising his/her powers and functions, the chief executive shall implement the directives issued by the Central People's Government in respect of the relevant matters provided for in the Basic Law of the HKSAR. The government of the HKSAR is composed of permanent residents of Hong Kong in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Basic Law, with a Department of Administration, a Department of Finance, a Department of Justice, and various bureaus, divisions and commissions to exercise powers and functions such as formulating and implementing policies and conducting administrative affairs, as prescribed by the Basic Law. The HKSAR enjoys administrative power in a wide range of areas, including the economy, education, science, culture, sports, religion, social services, public order, and control of entry and exit of the region. In addition, the HKSAR conducts external affairs as authorized by the Central People's Government.
香港特别行政区立法会是特别行政区的立法机关,经选举产生并根据基本法行使职权,包括根据基本法规定并依照法定程序制定、修改和废除法律;根据政府的提案,审核、通过财政预算;批准税收和公共开支等。特别行政区享有的立法权也极为广泛,可以依照基本法制定民事、刑事、商事和诉讼程序等各方面适用于特别行政区的法律。特别行政区立法会制定的法律须报全国人大常委会备案。全国人大常委会在征询香港基本法委员会后,如认为特别行政区立法机关制定的任何法律不符合基本法关于中央管理的事务及中央和特别行政区的关系的条款,可将有关法律发回,但不作修改。经全国人大常委会发回的法律立即失效。 The Legislative Council of the HKSAR is the legislature of the HKSAR. It is formed by election, and exercises the following powers and functions in accordance with the Basic Law: enacting, amending or repealing laws in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Law and legal procedures; examining and approving budgets introduced by the government, and approving taxation and public expenditure, among others. The HKSAR enjoys legislative power in a wide range of areas, and is empowered to formulate laws relating to civil, criminal and commercial affairs, as well as judicial proceedings, for application in the region in accordance with the Basic Law. The laws drawn up by the Legislative Council of the HKSAR must be reported to the NPC Standing Committee for the record. If the NPC Standing Committee, after consulting the Committee for the Basic Law of the HKSAR, considers that any law enacted by the legislature of the region is not in conformity with the provisions of the Basic Law regarding affairs within the responsibility of the central leadership or regarding the relationship between the central leadership and the region, the Standing Committee may return the law in question but shall not amend it. Any law returned by the NPC Standing Committee is immediately invalidated.
香港特别行政区各级法院是特别行政区的司法机关,依法独立行使审判权。特别行政区成立后,设立终审法院行使特别行政区的终审权。原在香港实行的司法体制,除因设立终审法院而产生变化外,予以保留。原在香港实施的普通法及相关的司法原则和制度,包括独立审判原则、遵循先例原则、陪审制度原则等延续实行。特别行政区法院对国防、外交等国家行为无管辖权,除继续保持香港原有法律制度和原则对法院审判权所作的限制外,对特别行政区所有的案件均有审判权。特别行政区法院审判案件时可参考其他普通法适用地区的司法判例,终审法院可根据需要邀请其他普通法适用地区的法官参加审判。 The courts of the HKSAR at all levels are the judiciary of the region, exercising the judicial power of the region. After the establishment of the HKSAR, the Court of Final Appeal was established to exercise the power of final adjudication in the region. The judicial system previously practiced in Hong Kong is maintained except for those changes consequent upon the establishment of the Court of Final Appeal. The common law and relevant judicial principles and systems previously practiced in Hong Kong, including the principle of independent adjudication, the principle of following precedents, and the jury system, continue to apply. The courts of the HKSAR have no jurisdiction over acts of state such as defense and foreign affairs. They have jurisdiction over all civil and criminal cases in the region, except that the restrictions on their jurisdiction imposed by the legal system and principles previously in force in Hong Kong are maintained. When adjudicating cases, the courts of the HKSAR may refer to precedents of other common law jurisdictions, and the Court of Final Appeal may as required invite judges from other common law jurisdictions to sit in the Court of Final Appeal.
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