四、中央政府全力支持香港特别行政区繁荣发展 |
IV. Efforts Made by the Central Government to Ensure the Prosperity and Development of the HKSAR |
中央政府始终高度重视香港的经济发展和民生改善,全力支持香港应对各种困难和挑战,在谋划和推进国家整体发展战略时充分发挥香港的作用,积极推动香港与内地开展交流合作,为香港保持繁荣稳定提供坚强后盾。 |
The central government has always given high priority to Hong Kong's economic development and improvement of its people's livelihood, and fully supported it in meeting various difficulties and challenges. It gives full play to its role in adopting and executing the national development strategy, and actively promotes exchanges and cooperation between Hong Kong and the mainland, thus providing solid backing for Hong Kong's prosperity and stability. |
(一)支持香港特别行政区应对风险和挑战 |
1. Supporting the HKSAR in Defusing Risks and Meeting Challenges |
——支持香港应对亚洲金融危机。1997年亚洲金融危机爆发并迅速蔓延,港元受到国际投机势力狙击,香港金融市场动荡,与美元挂钩的联系汇率制度遭受冲击,金融体系的稳定受到严重威胁。中央政府郑重宣布,将不惜一切代价维护香港特别行政区的繁荣稳定,坚决支持香港特别行政区政府维护联系汇率制度,坚持人民币不贬值。在中央政府的支持下,香港特别行政区政府采取果断措施,维护了金融和社会的稳定。 |
- Supporting Hong Kong in the fight against the Asian financial crisis. In 1997, the Asian financial crisis broke out, and spread rapidly around the region. Hong Kong was attacked by international speculative forces, its financial market was volatile, its dollar pegged exchange rate system came under attack, and its financial system faced a grave threat. Given these circumstances, the central government solemnly announced that it would safeguard the stability and prosperity of the HKSAR at all costs, strongly support the HKSAR government in protecting the pegged exchange rate system, and not depreciate the RMB. With this support from the central government, the HKSAR government took swift measures that ensured the stability of its financial system and the Hong Kong society. |
——支持香港抗击非典。2003年上半年,非典疫情肆虐香港,不仅危及香港同胞的生命健康,而且使尚未完全摆脱亚洲金融危机影响的香港经济雪上加霜,通货紧缩,市场萧条,失业率上升至8.7%。为保障香港同胞生命安全,帮助香港经济走出低迷,中央政府及时伸出援助之手。在内地同样急需抗疫医药物资的情况下,中央政府无偿向香港提供大批抗疫药品和器材。国家领导人亲赴香港疫情重灾区和医院视察慰问。当年6月29日,内地与香港签署《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》(CEPA),确定了两地在货物贸易、服务贸易和贸易投资便利化三个领域的开放措施和实施目标。随后又实施内地居民赴香港“个人游”政策。这些都为香港摆脱非典冲击、恢复经济增长注入“强心剂”。 |
- Supporting Hong Kong in the fight against SARS. In the first half of 2003, the SARS epidemic hit Hong Kong. It not only posed a threat to the lives and health of the Hong Kong people, but also dealt a blow to Hong Kong's economy that had not recovered from the Asian financial crisis, resulting in deflation, market slump and a high unemployment rate of 8.7 percent. To ensure the safety of life of the Hong Kong people and help the Hong Kong economy climb out of recession, the central government promptly lent a helping hand. Although the mainland also needed medical supplies in the fight against SARS, the central government provided a large quantity of free medical supplies to Hong Kong. The Chinese leaders also went to the hardest-hit areas and hospitals of Hong Kong to inspect local conditions and console victims. On June 29, the mainland and Hong Kong signed the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA), which outlines the steps that the mainland and Hong Kong should take in trade in goods and services, and trade and investment facilitation as well as the goals to be achieved. Later, the Individual Visit Scheme was introduced, allowing mainland residents to visit Hong Kong on their own. These measures helped Hong Kong overcome the SARS attack and boosted its economic growth. |
——支持香港应对国际金融危机。2008年下半年国际金融危机爆发后,中央政府高度关注香港受到的影响,当年12月即推出支持香港经济金融稳定发展的14项政策措施。2009年1月,中央政府再次推出包括中国人民银行与香港金融管理局签署2000亿元人民币货币互换协议在内的一系列政策举措。此后,国家领导人在访问香港期间又先后宣布多项支持香港发展经济、改善民生,加强与内地交流合作的政策措施。这对提振港人信心、增强抵御风险能力、刺激香港经济复苏发挥了积极作用。 |
- Supporting Hong Kong in the fight against the international financial crisis. When the international financial crisis broke out in the second half of 2008, the central government was highly concerned about its impact on Hong Kong. In December of that year, it introduced 14 policies to ensure economic and financial stability in Hong Kong. In January 2009, the central government launched more policies, including the signing of a RMB200 billion currency swap agreement by the People's Bank of China with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Later, when visiting Hong Kong, the Chinese leaders announced a number of policies to support Hong Kong's economic development, improve the local people's livelihood, and strengthen its exchanges and cooperation with the mainland. All these policies played a positive role in boosting confidence, strengthening capability to defuse risks and stimulating the economic recovery of Hong Kong. |
(二)支持香港特别行政区巩固和提升竞争优势 |
2. Supporting the HKSAR in Reinforcing and Enhancing Its Competitive Strengths |
——支持香港国际金融、贸易、航运中心发展。支持香港开展个人人民币业务、发行人民币债券、开展跨境贸易人民币结算试点等,奠定了香港人民币离岸市场的先发优势。继续鼓励内地企业在香港上市融资,并推出其他支持香港金融业发展的措施。2013年,香港人民币清算平台参加行共有216家;经香港处理的跨境贸易人民币结算金额为3.84万亿人民币,占全部跨境贸易人民币结算总额的82.9%;香港人民币客户存款及存款证余额突破1万亿元人民币。香港已成为全球最大的离岸人民币业务中心。继2003年签署CEPA并于2004年1月实施后,内地与香港陆续签署和实施了10个补充协议。内地对原产于香港的产品全部实行零关税。截至2013年底,在货物贸易方面,CEPA项下内地自香港进口商品额为71.61亿美元,关税优惠39.83亿元人民币;在服务贸易方面,共采取403项开放措施。按照世界贸易组织贸易分类标准,通过CEPA及其补充协议,内地对香港服务贸易开放的部门达到149个,涉及目前服务贸易部门总数的93.1%,这是目前内地商签的开放程度最高的自由贸易协议。此外,广东服务业对香港开放的先行先试措施达82项。中央政府在编制《全国沿海港口布局规划》和《“十二五”综合交通运输体系规划》等规划时,均考虑了巩固和发展香港国际航运中心的需要。 |
- Supporting Hong Kong as an international center of finance, trade and shipping. The central government supports Hong Kong in launching individual use of RMB, issuing RMB bonds and conducting trials of RMB settlement in cross-border trade, thus consolidating Hong Kong's position as a leading offshore RMB market. It has continued to encourage the listing of mainland enterprises on the stock market in Hong Kong, and introduced other measures to support Hong Kong's financial sector. In 2013, a total of 216 Hong Kong banks joined the RMB clearing platform, and the amount of cross-border RMB settlement in Hong Kong reached RMB3.84 trillion, accounting for 82.9 percent of the total cross-border RMB settlement of China. The balance of Hong Kong's RMB customer deposits and depository receipts reached RMB1 trillion. Hong Kong has become the world's largest offshore RMB trading center. After the signing of the CEPA in 2003 and its coming into force in January 2004, the mainland signed and implemented ten supplementary agreements with Hong Kong. The mainland now gives zero tariff treatment to all products of Hong Kong origin. From that time to the end of 2013, the mainland imported from Hong Kong goods worth US$7.161 billion under the CEPA, with tariff preference of RMB3.983 billion for Hong Kong. The mainland also adopted a total of 403 liberalization measures in respect of trade in services. Based on WTO classification, the mainland has opened to Hong Kong 149 areas of trade in services under the CEPA and its supplementary agreements, accounting for 93.1 percent of the total number of such areas of the mainland. This makes the CEPA the most open agreement on free trade that the mainland has ever signed. In addition, Guangdong Province has adopted 82 pilot measures to open its services industries to Hong Kong. When drawing up the National Plan for the Layout of Coastal Ports, and the 12th Five-Year Plan for the Comprehensive Development of Transportation Systems, the central government took into account the need to consolidate and enhance Hong Kong's position as an international shipping center. |
——支持香港旅游、零售业及内地港资企业发展。中央政府应香港特别行政区政府请求,逐步扩大“个人游”试点城市,目前已达49个城市,超过3亿人口。截至2013年底,内地共有1.29亿人次的游客通过“个人游”方式到香港旅游。据香港特别行政区政府测算,2012年“个人游”为香港带来相当于本地生产总值1.3%的增加值,创造了超过11万个职位,占本地整体就业的3.1%。为更多地惠及香港中小商户和基层市民,中央政府还允许香港居民在内地开办个体工商户。截至2013年底,内地共注册香港个体工商户5982户,从业人员16476人。中央政府高度重视在内地的香港加工贸易企业的发展,积极支持和帮助内地港资企业转型升级。2009年,广东省出台了30条支持港澳台资企业应对国际金融危机和加快转型升级的政策措施。2011年12月,中央政府出台《关于促进加工贸易转型升级的指导意见》,在苏州、东莞等地开展加工贸易转型升级示范区和试点城市建设,并在中西部地区培育建设44个梯度转移重点承接地。 |
- Supporting Hong Kong in developing its tourism and retail sectors, and Hong Kong-invested companies on the mainland. At the request of the HKSAR government, the central government gradually expanded the Individual Visit Scheme to 49 pilot cities, with a total population of over 300 million. By the end of 2013, some 129 million mainland residents had visited Hong Kong under the Individual Visit Scheme. According to estimate of the HKSAR government, in 2012 alone the Individual Visit Scheme contributed to 1.3 percent increase of Hong Kong's GRP of the year, and it created more than 110,000 jobs, accounting for 3.1 percent of the local employment. To bring more benefits to medium-sized and small businesses and residents in Hong Kong, the central government also allows Hong Kong residents to start individual businesses on the mainland. By the end of 2013, a total of 5,982 individual businesses opened by Hong Kong residents had been registered on the mainland, employing 16,476 people. The central government encourages the development of Hong Kong processing and trading companies on the mainland, and has assisted the transformation and upgrading of Hong Kong-invested companies on the mainland. In 2009, Guangdong Province introduced 30 policies to help companies established with Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan investment weather the international financial crisis and accelerate their transformation and upgrading. In December 2011, the central government issued the Guidelines on Promoting the Transformation and Upgrading of Processing Trade, and set up demonstration zones and pilot cities for the transformation and upgrading of processing trade in Suzhou and Dongguan, as well as 44 key areas in central and western China to relocate enterprises of processing trade in a phased way. |
(三)支持香港特别行政区与内地加强各领域的交流合作 |
3. Supporting the HKSAR in Strengthening Exchanges and Cooperation in Various Fields with the Mainland |
香港回归以来,中央政府把保持香港繁荣稳定作为国家整体发展战略的重要内容。“十五”、“十一五”规划纲要明确提出要保持香港的长期繁荣稳定,巩固和加强香港国际金融、贸易、航运中心地位。“十二五”规划纲要首次将涉港澳内容单独成章,并进一步明确香港在国家发展中的战略地位,强调国家支持香港巩固提升竞争力、支持香港培育新兴产业、深化内地与香港经济合作。 |
Since Hong Kong's return to China in 1997, the central government has made the maintenance of its prosperity and stability an important part of the country's overall development strategy. Both the 10th and 11th Five-Year Plans stress the need to ensure lasting prosperity and stability in Hong Kong, and strengthen its position as an international center of finance, trade and shipping. In the 12th Five-Year Plan, for the first time, the development of Hong Kong and Macau is dealt with in an independent section. This has further defined Hong Kong's strategic position in China's development strategy and stressed the state support for Hong Kong in enhancing its competitive edge, fostering emerging industries and deepening economic cooperation with the mainland. |
——支持香港特别行政区与内地深化经贸合作。CEPA及其补充协议的实施,有力消除香港与内地在贸易、投资等方面的制度性障碍,深化了两地经贸关系,拓宽了两地合作领域,实现了两地互利共赢。目前,内地是香港最大的贸易伙伴。2013年,据香港统计,香港与内地的贸易额38913亿港元,比1997年增长2.49倍,占香港对外贸易总额的51.1%。同时,香港是内地最重要的贸易伙伴和主要出口市场之一。香港还是内地最大的境外融资中心。截至2013年底,在香港上市的内地企业797家,占香港上市公司总数的48.5%;在香港上市的内地企业总市值13.7万亿港元,占香港股市总市值的56.9%。此外,内地与香港还互为外来直接投资的最大来源地。截至2013年底,内地对香港直接投资超过3588亿美元,占内地对外直接投资总额的近六成;内地累计批准港商投资项目近36万个,实际使用港资累计6656.7亿美元,占内地累计吸收境外投资的47.7%。 |
- Supporting the HKSAR further in developing economic and trade cooperation with the mainland. The implementation of the CEPA and its supplementary agreements has removed a great deal of institutional barriers in trade, investment and other sectors between Hong Kong and the mainland, strengthened their economic and trade relations, and broadened the range of cooperation, with both sides benefiting from their cooperation. Currently, the mainland is the largest trading partner of Hong Kong. According to Hong Kong statistics, in 2013 the trade volume between Hong Kong and the mainland reached HK$3.8913 trillion, 3.49 times that of 1997 and accounting for 51.1 percent of Hong Kong's external trade. At the same time, Hong Kong is the mainland's most important trading partner, a key export market and the mainland's largest off-shore financial center. By the end of 2013, mainland enterprises listed in Hong Kong had totaled 797, accounting for 48.5 percent of the total number of Hong Kong listed companies. In addition, their total market value had reached HK$13.7 trillion, accounting for 56.9 percent of the total value of the Hong Kong stock market. In addition, the mainland and Hong Kong are each other's largest source of overseas direct investment (ODI). By the end of 2013, Hong Kong's ODI from the mainland had exceeded US$358.8 billion, accounting for nearly 60 percent of the mainland's total ODI; the mainland had approved nearly 360,000 projects with Hong Kong investment, involving US$665.67 billion in total and accounting for 47.7 percent of the mainland's total ODI. |
——支持香港特别行政区与内地各省、自治区、直辖市特别是广东省加强区域合作。中央政府批准设立粤港合作联席会议、泛珠三角区域合作与发展论坛。批准实施《珠江三角洲地区改革发展规划纲要(2008-2020年)》、《横琴总体发展规划》、《前海深港现代服务业合作区总体发展规划》、《广州南沙新区发展规划》,批准广东省与香港特别行政区签署《粤港合作框架协议》,明确粤港合作的重点领域,构建珠海横琴新区、深圳前海深港现代服务业合作区、广州南沙新区三大合作平台,促进粤港两地共同打造更具综合竞争力的世界级城市群和世界先进制造业、先进服务业基地。还批准香港特别行政区与北京市、上海市建立区域合作机制,支持香港特别行政区政府在内地设立办事机构。香港特别行政区政府除在北京设立办事处外,还先后在广州、上海、成都、武汉设立经济贸易办事处,在深圳、重庆、福州设立联络处,促进了香港与内地有关地方的经贸合作以及其他方面的交流。 |
- Supporting the HKSAR in strengthening cooperation with mainland provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, particularly Guangdong Province. The central government has endorsed the establishment of the Hong Kong-Guangdong Cooperation Joint Conference, and the Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Cooperation and Development Forum. It approved the implementation of the Outline of the Plan for the Reform and Development of the Pearl River Delta (2008-2020), the Overall Development Plan of Hengqin, the Overall Development Plan for the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone, and the Development Plan for the Nansha New District of Guangzhou, and approved the signing by Guangdong with the HKSAR of the Framework Agreement on Hong Kong-Guangdong Cooperation, which identifies the three key areas of cooperation, namely, building the Hengqin New District of Zhuhai, the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone and the Nansha New District of Guangzhou, the central government has urged Guangdong and Hong Kong to work together to build more competitive world-class urban cluster with cutting-edge manufacturing and service industries. The central government has also approved the establishment by the HKSAR of regional cooperation mechanisms with Beijing and Shanghai, and supported the HKSAR government to set up offices on the mainland. Currently, in addition to its Beijing Office, the HKSAR government has also set up commercial offices in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Chengdu and Wuhan, and liaison offices in Shenzhen, Chongqing and Fuzhou, which are instrumental in promoting Hong Kong's economic and trade cooperation with the various localities in the mainland and exchanges in other areas. |
——支持香港特别行政区与内地跨境基础设施建设和人员、货物通关便利化。深圳湾公路大桥于2007年建成通车,成为内地与香港间第4条陆路通道。2009年开工、预计2016年建成的港珠澳大桥,东接香港、西接珠海和澳门,将成为连接珠江东西两岸新的公路运输通道。广深港高速铁路全线建成通车后,香港将与全国高速铁路网对接。内地与香港的所有水、陆货运口岸均已实现查验结果完全互认。2013年内地访港旅客4075万人次,比1997年增长16.3倍。香港同胞进入内地人数也从1997年的3977万人次增至2013年的7688万人次。 |
- Supporting efforts by the HKSAR and the mainland in cross-border infrastructure construction and facilitation for personnel and cargo customs clearance. The Hong Kong-Shenzhen Western Corridor, which opened to traffic in 2007, has become the fourth land passage linking Hong Kong with the mainland. The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, the construction of which started in 2009 and scheduled for completion in 2016, will connect Hong Kong in the east and Zhuhai and Macau in the west, and will become a new road transport corridor linking eastern and western banks of the Pearl River. The Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong High-Speed Railway, when completed, will connect Hong Kong with China's national high-speed rail network. As things stand now, the mainland and Hong Kong have achieved full mutual recognition of inspection results at all land and water ports. In 2013, a total of 40.75 million mainland residents visited Hong Kong, which was 17.3 times that of 1997; while 76.88 million Hong Kong residents visited the mainland, up from 39.77 million in 1997. |
——支持香港特别行政区与内地加强教育、科技、文化等领域交流合作。支持香港与内地高校开展跨地招收学生;支持香港与内地高校合作办学;支持两地教师、学生开展交流。支持香港高等院校、科研机构和香港科技园等建立国家重点实验室伙伴实验室、国家工程技术研究中心香港分中心和国家高新技术产业化基地;支持香港高校在深圳设立研究院;支持香港科技工作者和机构申请国家科技研发项目、推动国家重大科技项目向香港开放。2005年,内地与香港签署《内地与香港特别行政区更紧密文化关系安排协议书》,在文化保育、产业发展和交流等方面展开全面合作。支持香港、澳门与广东共同申报并成功将粤剧列入联合国教科文组织《人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》;支持香港西贡地质公园成功申报为世界地质公园;支持香港与内地合拍电影,自CEPA签署以来香港与内地合拍影片共322部,占内地与境外合拍影片总量的70%。支持两地在体育人才交流、培养、训练等方面展开合作,邀请香港运动员参加全国运动会等赛事。支持香港与内地在中医中药发展、医疗卫生管理、传染病疫情通报和防治,以及突发公共卫生事件通报和紧急合作等方面开展交流合作。 |
- Supporting the HKSAR in strengthening exchanges and cooperation with the mainland in education, science and technology, culture and some other fields. The central government has supported universities of Hong Kong and the mainland in enrolling students from each other; supported cooperation in academic affairs between institutions of higher learning of Hong Kong and the mainland, and supported teaching staff and students from the two sides in carrying out exchange activities. It has supported Hong Kong's institutions of higher learning, research bodies and the science and technology parks in Hong Kong in setting up Partner Labs of Key State Laboratories, the Hong Kong branch of the National Engineering Research Center and the National High-tech Industrialization Base; supported Hong Kong universities in establishing research institutes in Shenzhen; supported Hong Kong science workers and institutions in applying for projects under China's National Research Program; and endeavored to make the country's key sci-tech projects more accessible to Hong Kong. In 2005, the mainland and Hong Kong signed the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Cultural Ties Arrangement Agreement, launching overall cooperation in cultural conservation, and industrial development and exchanges. The central government supported Hong Kong, Macau and Guangdong in jointly and successfully including the Yueju opera in the UNESCO's Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009; and supported Hong Kong's successful bid to list its Geopark in Sai Kung as part of the UNESCO Global Geoparks Network in 2011. It has also supported Hong Kong in joint production of films with the mainland; since the signing of the CEPA, Hong Kong and the mainland have worked together in producing 322 films, accounting for 70 percent of mainland's total in such area. The central government has supported Hong Kong in cooperating with the mainland in sports personnel exchanges, training and some other aspects. It invites Hong Kong athletes to take part in National Games and other events. It has also supported exchanges and cooperation between the two sides in the development of traditional Chinese medicine, health care management, notification and prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, notification and cooperation in cases of public health crises, etc. |
——支持香港特别行政区政府与中央政府有关部门建立交流合作机制。香港特别行政区政府与中央政府有关部门建立了不同领域、不同层级的交流合作机制,协调、推进相关工作。比如,设立CEPA联合指导委员会,监督CEPA的执行并解决执行过程中的问题,拟定CEPA内容的补充及修订等;在出入境管理、海关、检验检疫、金融、公共卫生、旅游等领域建立合作机制,相互沟通情况,共同处置突发事件,打击违法行为等。此外,为加强对深圳前海深港现代服务业合作区、广州南沙新区、珠海横琴新区开发建设的指导、协调和服务,中央政府还建立了促进广东前海南沙横琴建设部际联席会议制度,香港特别行政区政府是成员单位之一。这些机制为促进香港与内地的互利合作、处理共同关注的区域发展和治理问题发挥了积极作用。 |
- Supporting the HKSAR government in establishing exchange and cooperation mechanisms with relevant departments of the central government. The HKSAR government has established a number of exchange and cooperation mechanisms at different levels and covering different areas with relevant departments of the central government to coordinate and promote related work. For example, the two sides established the CEPA Joint Steering Committee to oversee the implementation of the CEPA, solve problems, and supplement and amend the CEPA; and cooperation mechanisms in the areas of entry-and-exit control, customs, inspection and quarantine, finance, public health, tourism and other fields, to promote communication, jointly handle emergencies and combat illegal activities. In addition, the central government established a Joint Inter-ministerial Conference System for the Promotion of Qianhai, Nansha and Hengqin, to strengthen guidance, coordination and services for the development and building of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone, Nansha New District in Guangzhou and Hengqin New District in Zhuhai; and the HKSAR government is a member of this system. These mechanisms have played a positive role in promoting mutually beneficial cooperation between Hong Kong and the mainland, and in handling related issues of regional development and governance of common concern. |
(四)确保对香港基本生活物资的安全稳定供应 |
4. Ensuring Secure and Stable Supplies of Basic Necessities to the HKSAR |
受自然环境限制,香港所需的淡水、蔬菜、肉禽等基本生活物资主要由内地供应。自20世纪60年代初内地开通供应香港鲜活冷冻商品的“三趟快车”并建设东深供水工程以来,中央政府和有关地方全力保障对香港食品、农副产品、水、电、天然气等的供应。截至2013年底,香港市场活猪95%、活牛100%、活鸡33%、河鲜产品100%、蔬菜90%、面粉70%以上由内地供应,供港食品合格率一直保持在较高水平。2013年,广东按照与香港新修订的协议对香港供应淡水6.06亿立方米。自1994年起,大亚湾核电站向香港供电,每年供电量占全港电力总消耗的四分之一。2013年,内地向香港供应天然气25.31亿立方米。 |
Because of the limitations of its natural environment, Hong Kong mainly relies on the mainland for the supply of fresh water, vegetables, meat and other basic necessities. Since the early 1960s, when the mainland opened "three express trains" to supply Hong Kong with fresh and frozen goods, and started the Dongjiang-Shenzhen Water Supply Project, the central government and the relevant local governments on the mainland have made great efforts to ensure the supply of foodstuff, agricultural and sideline products, water, electricity, natural gas, etc., to the HKSAR. By the end of 2013, some 95 percent of live pigs, 100 percent of live cattle, 33 percent of live chicken, 100 percent of freshwater fish, 90 percent of vegetables and 70 percent or more of flour on the Hong Kong market had been supplied by the mainland. The first pass yield of foodstuff supplied by the mainland to Hong Kong has maintained at a fairly high level. In 2013, in accordance with the revised agreement, Guangdong supplied Hong Kong with 606 million cu m of fresh water. From 1994, the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant started to supply Hong Kong with electricity, and now its annual power supply accounts for a quarter of the annual power consumption of Hong Kong. In 2013, the mainland supplied Hong Kong with 2.531 billion cu m of natural gas. |
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