附录 |
Appendix |
(一)香港经济社会发展有关情况 |
I. Statistics of Hong Kong's Economic and Social Development |
1. 香港本地生产总值由1997年的1.37万亿港元增长至2013年的2.12万亿港元,年均实质增长3.4%。 |
1. The Gross Regional Product (GRP) of Hong Kong rose from HK$1.37 trillion in 1997 to HK$2.12 trillion in 2013, an average annual growth rate of 3.4 percent. |
2. 香港特别行政区政府财政储备由1997年底的4575亿港元增长至2014年3月底的7557亿港元,增长65.2%。 |
2. The fiscal reserves of the HKSAR government had increased by 65.2 percent from HK$457.5 billion at the end of 1997 to HK$755.7 billion at the end of March 2014. |
3. 香港外汇储备由1997年底的928亿美元增长至2013年底的3112亿美元,增长了2.35倍。 |
3. Hong Kong's foreign exchange reserves had grown by 3.35 times from US$92.8 billion at the end of 1997 to US$311.2 billion by the end of 2013. |
4. 根据国际货币基金组织2013年数据,按购买力平价(PPP)计算,香港本地生产总值位居全球第35位,人均本地生产总值位居全球第七位。 |
4. According to the 2013 statistics released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Hong Kong's GRP and per-capita GRP respectively ranked 35th and 7th in the world, as calculated by purchasing power parity (PPP). |
5. 香港是重要的国际银行中心,世界排名前100位的银行中有73家在香港营业。 |
5. As Hong Kong is a leading international banking center, 73 of the world's top 100 banks operate in Hong Kong. |
6. 香港是亚洲第二大和全球第六大证券市场,2013年底香港股市总市值达24.04万亿港元,在香港进行的首次公开招股集资总额达1665亿港元,居全球第二位。 |
6. As Asia's second-largest and the world's sixth-largest securities market, Hong Kong recorded a market capitalization of HK$24.04 trillion by the end of 2013. IPO funds raised by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2013 totaled HK$166.5 billion, making Hong Kong the second-largest IPO market in the world. |
7. 香港是全球第五大外汇市场,2013年外汇市场日均成交额2746亿美元。 |
7. Hong Kong's foreign exchange market scored an average daily turnover of US$274.6 billion in 2013, making it the fifth-largest foreign exchange market in the world. |
8. 根据世界经济论坛2012年10月发布的《2012年金融发展报告》,香港金融业发展指数位居全球首位;在英国伦敦金融城公司2013年9月公布的“全球金融中心指数”排名中,香港位居全球第三位。 |
8. According to the 2012 Financial Development Report released by the World Economic Forum in October 2012, Hong Kong's financial development index ranked top worldwide. Hong Kong ranked third in the Global Financial Centres Index published by the City of London Corporation in September 2013. |
9. 香港是全球第九大贸易经济体。香港有约10万家专业进出口公司,与世界上几乎所有的国家和地区保持贸易联系。 |
9. As the world's ninth-largest trading economy, Hong Kong is home to approximately 100,000 import and export companies, which trade with almost every country and region in the world. |
10. 2013年香港对外商品贸易总额达7.62万亿港元,比1997年的3.07万亿港元增长1.48倍。 |
10. Hong Kong's external merchandise trade grew by a factor of 2.48 from HK$3.07 trillion in 1997 to HK$7.62 trillion in 2013. |
11. 香港是全球最重要的外来直接投资目的地之一。根据联合国贸易和发展会议《2013年世界投资报告》,香港在吸收外来直接投资方面位居全球第三位。截至2013年底,在香港注册的海外公司有9258家,比1997年底增加83%;截至2013年6月,外资驻港地区总部有1379家,比1997年增加52.7%;截至2013年6月,外资驻港地区办事处有2456家,比1997年增加52.5%。 |
11. Hong Kong is one of the largest recipients of foreign direct investment (FDI). The World Investment Report 2013 released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) shows that Hong Kong is the world's third-largest recipient of FDI. By the end of 2013, the total number of overseas companies registered in Hong Kong reached 9,258, an 83 percent increase over 1997. By June 2013, 1,379 foreign-funded companies in Hong Kong served as regional headquarters and 2,456 foreign representative offices served as regional offices, recording 52.7 percent and 52.5 percent increase respectively over that at the end of 1997. |
12. 香港是全球最大的集装箱运输港口之一,2013年共处理标准集装箱2228.8万个,比1997年增长52.9%。 |
12. As one of the largest container ports in the world, Hong Kong handled 22,288,000 ISO containers in 2013, 52.9 percent higher than in 1997. |
13. 香港是全球第四大船舶注册中心,截至2013年底,在香港注册的船舶有2327艘,总吨位达8643万吨。 |
13. Hong Kong is the world's fourth-largest ship registry. By the end of 2013, Hong Kong-registered ships numbered 2,327, totaling 86.43 million dwt. |
14. 香港国际机场是世界最繁忙的航空港之一,全球超过100家航空公司在此运营,客运量位居全球第五位,货运量多年高居全球首位,2013年航空货运、客运量分别比1998年增长1.53倍和1.18倍。 |
14. The Hong Kong International Airport, from which more than 100 airlines operate flights, is the world's fifth-busiest passenger airport and has the world's most active air cargo operation. Its passenger traffic and cargo throughput in 2013 were 2.18 times and 2.53 times the 1998 figures, respectively. |
15. 根据2013年“全球国际航运中心竞争力指数”,香港在660多个港口城市(区域)中排在第三位。 |
15. Hong Kong ranked third among over 660 international port cities or regions in the 2013 Global International Shipping Center Index. |
16. 香港特别行政区2014-2015财政年度用于教育的经常开支预算为671.3亿港元,占政府经常开支总额的21.8%,教育总支出预算为753.7亿港元,占政府开支总额的18.3%,是政府开支的第一大项目。2008-2009学年,香港已在公营学校实施十二年免费教育。 |
16. The HKSAR government's 2014-2015 budget recurrent expenditure on education is HK$67.13 billion, 21.8 percent of the government's total recurrent expenditure. The budget for expenditure on education is HK$75.37 billion, accounting for as high as 18.3 percent of the government's total expenditure budget and ranking first in all budget expenditure items. Hong Kong has been providing 12-year free education through public schools starting from the 2008/09 school year. |
17. 香港颁授本地学位的高等教育院校由回归前的12所增加至17所,其中8所大学接受政府财政资助。根据英国泰晤士高等教育研究机构公布的2013年亚洲大学排行榜,香港大学、香港科技大学进入前十名;2013-2014年世界大学排名中,香港大学名列第43位。 |
17. Since Hong Kong returned to China in 1997, institutions of higher learning that award local degrees have increased from 12 to 17, of which eight are funded by the government. The University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology were among the top 10 in the Asia University Rankings released by Times Higher Education in 2013. The University of Hong Kong was ranked 43rd in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2013/14. |
18. 从2000年第二季度到2013年第三季度,香港拥有专上教育程度的就业人口占全部就业人口的比重从23.7%提高到35.1%,其中,拥有大学学位的就业人口占全部就业人口比重从14.5%提升至26%。反映基础教育水平的“国际学生评估(PISA)”公布2012年全球测试排名,香港继续名列前茅;在英国培生集团2012年公布的全球教育系统排名中,香港位居全球第三位。 |
18. From the second quarter of 2000 to the third quarter of 2013, the percentage of people with post-secondary education in the entire employed population rose from 23.7 percent to 35.1 percent, and the percentage of those with higher education in the employed population increased from 14.5 percent to 26 percent. Hong Kong students remained high in the 2012 rankings of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Hong Kong ranked third in the Global Index of Cognitive Skills and Educational Attainment published by education company Pearson in 2012. |
19. 2014-2015财政年度,香港特别行政区政府用于医疗服务的财政预算支出524亿港元,占政府经常开支的17%。 |
19. In the 2014/15 fiscal year, the HKSAR government's budget expenditure on medical and health care reaches HK$52.4 billion, accounting for 17 percent of the government's recurrent expenditure. |
20. 截至2012年底,香港各类医疗卫生机构共有病床3.55万张。其中,90%以上的经费由政府财政拨款的公营医疗系统现有包括38间公立医院和医疗机构、48间专科门诊及73间普通科门诊,共有6.4万名雇员、2.7万张病床,提供约占全港九成的住院医疗服务和三成门诊医疗服务。 |
20. By the end of 2012, all types of health facilities in Hong Kong had a total of 35,500 beds. Public medical facilities with 90 percent of their funding coming from the government comprise 38 public hospitals, 48 specialist clinics and 73 general out-patient clinics, with 64,000 employees and 27,000 beds. They provide 90 percent of the in-patient services and 30 percent of the out-patient services of Hong Kong. |
21. 香港婴儿夭折率由1997年的4‰下降至2013年的1.6‰,是全球婴儿夭折率最低的地方之一。2013年香港男性与女性的预期寿命分别为80.9岁及86.6岁,是全球预期寿命最高的地方之一。 |
21. Hong Kong's infant mortality rate, dropping to 1.6 per thousand in 2013 from 4 per thousand in 1997, is one of the lowest in the world. Hong Kong also enjoys one of the highest life expectancies in the world -- 80.9 for men and 86.6 for women. |
22. 截至2013年6月,香港以中国政府代表团成员或其他适当身份参与以国家为单位参加的共41个政府间国际组织相关活动,包括国际货币基金组织、世界银行、国际民用航空组织、联合国粮农组织、国际刑警组织等;参加不限主权国家参加的政府间国际组织37个,包括世界贸易组织、亚太经济合作组织、世界气象组织等。香港以中国政府代表团成员身份或其他适当身份参加有关国际会议1400多次,以“中国香港”名义参加不以国家为单位参加的国际会议2万余次。 |
22. By June 2013, Hong Kong had, as a member of a Chinese government delegation or in other appropriate capacities, participated in activities of 41 international inter-governmental organizations limited to states. Among these organizations were the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, International Civil Aviation Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and International Criminal Police Organization. Hong Kong joined 37 international inter-governmental organizations not limited to states, including the World Trade Organization, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation and World Meteorological Organization. Hong Kong had attended over 1,400 international conferences as a member of Chinese government delegations or in other appropriate capacities and over 20,000 international conferences not limited to states under the name of Hong Kong, China. |
23. 香港特别行政区平均每年接待外国政要和学术界、智库等有影响人士来访上百次。许多国家的元首和政府首脑曾访问香港或在香港出席国际会议。香港共举办或协办国际会议1000多次,包括国际货币基金组织和世界银行年会、世界贸易组织第六次部长级会议、国际电信联盟世界电信展、国际海事组织外交大会、世界知识产权组织区域研讨会和亚洲太平洋邮政联盟执行理事会年会等。 |
23. Each year, the HKSAR hosts an average of over 100 visits by foreign senior government officials and influential personages of academic circles and think tanks from all over the world. Many heads of state and heads of government have paid visits to or attended international conferences in Hong Kong. Hong Kong has hosted or co-hosted over 1,000 international conferences, such as the annual meetings of the World Bank Group and IMF, the Sixth WTO Ministerial Meeting, Telecom World of the International Telecommunication Union, Diplomatic Conference of the International Maritime Organization, Asian Regional Workshop of the World Intellectual Property Organization, and Asian-Pacific Postal Union Executive Council Meeting. |
24. 香港特别行政区已与42个国家签署互免签证协议,150个国家和地区单方面给予特别行政区护照持有人免签或落地签待遇。 |
24. The HKSAR has signed visa waiver agreements with 42 countries, and 150 countries and regions have provided visa-free entry or visa upon arrival for HKSAR passport holders. |
25. 香港特别行政区与67个国家签署了民用航空运输及民用航空运输过境协定,与35个国家和地区签署了避免双重征税协定,与17个国家签署了促进和保护投资协定等,与30个国家签署了刑事司法协助协定,与19个国家签署了移交逃犯协定,与13个国家签署了移交被判刑人协定。 |
25. The HKSAR has signed civil air services agreements and civil air services transit agreements with 67 countries, double taxation avoidance agreements with 35 countries and regions, investment promotion and protection agreements with 17 countries, legal assistance in criminal matters agreements with 30 countries, transfer of fugitives agreements with 19 countries, and transfer of sentenced persons agreements with 13 countries. |
26. 香港特别行政区政府在日内瓦、布鲁塞尔、伦敦、多伦多、东京、新加坡、悉尼、华盛顿、纽约、旧金山、柏林等地设立了11个驻外经济贸易办事处,促进香港与有关国家和地区的经贸、投资利益及公共关系。 |
26. The HKSAR government has established 11 economic and trade offices in Geneva, Brussels, London, Toronto, Tokyo, Singapore, Sydney, Washington D.C., New York, San Francisco and Berlin to promote Hong Kong's economic, trade, investment and public relations with relevant countries and regions. |
27. 外国在香港协议设立的总领事馆达66个、名誉领事73位。欧盟委员会、国际清算银行、国际货币基金组织、联合国难民事务高级专员署、国际金融公司、海牙国际私法会议等国际组织在香港设立了6个代表机构。 |
27. There are 66 foreign consulates-general and 73 honorary consuls in Hong Kong. The European Commission, Bank for International Settlements, IMF, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, International Finance Corporation, and Hague Conference on Private International Law have offices in Hong Kong. |
(二)内地与香港交流合作有关情况 |
II. Statistics of Exchanges and Cooperation Between the Mainland and Hong Kong |
1. 内地是香港最大的贸易伙伴。据香港统计,2013年,香港与内地的贸易额达38913亿港元,比1997年增长2.49倍,占香港对外贸易总额的51.1%。 |
1. The mainland is the largest trading partner of Hong Kong. According to Hong Kong statistics, in 2013 the trade volume between Hong Kong and the mainland reached HK$3.8913 trillion, 3.49 times over 1997 and accounting for 51.1 percent of Hong Kong's external trade. |
2. 香港是内地最重要的贸易伙伴和主要出口市场之一。据海关总署统计,2013年,内地对香港出口额达3847.9亿美元,占内地出口总额的17.4%。 |
2. Hong Kong is the most important trading partner of the mainland and one of the mainland's major export markets. According to the data from the General Administration of Customs, the mainland's exports to Hong Kong in 2013 totaled US$384.79 billion, constituting 17.4 percent of the mainland's total exports. |
3. 内地是香港外来直接投资的最大来源地。据香港统计,截至2013年底,内地对香港直接投资超过3588亿美元,占内地对外直接投资总额的近六成。 |
3. The mainland is the largest source of overseas direct investment for Hong Kong. By the end of 2013, direct investment from the mainland to Hong Kong had exceeded US$358.8 billion, accounting for nearly 60 percent of the mainland's total outbound direct investment. |
4. 香港是内地最大的外商直接投资来源地。据商务部统计,截至2013年底,内地累计批准港商投资项目近36万个,实际使用港资累计6656.7亿美元,占内地累计吸收境外投资的47.7%。香港是内地最大的境外投资目的地和融资中心。截至2013年底,内地对香港非金融类累计直接投资为3386.69亿美元,占内地对外非金融类累计直接投资存量总额的59%。 |
4. Hong Kong is also the mainland's largest source of overseas direct investment. According to the data from the Ministry of Commerce, the mainland had approved nearly 360,000 projects with Hong Kong investment by the end of 2013, with US$665.67 billion paid-in investment, accounting for 47.7 percent of the total overseas investment in the mainland. Hong Kong is the largest recipient of the mainland's overseas investment as well as the mainland's largest financing center. By the end of 2013, the mainland's non-financial direct investment in Hong Kong had reached US$338.669 billion, taking up 59 percent of the mainland's total outbound non-financial direct investment. |
5. 截至2013年底,在香港上市的内地企业达797家,占香港上市公司总数的48.5%;在香港上市的内地企业总市值达13.7万亿港元,占香港股市总市值的56.9%。 |
5. By the end of 2013, the number of mainland enterprises listed in Hong Kong had reached 797, accounting for 48.5 percent of the total number of companies listed in Hong Kong. Their total market value had reached HK$13.7 trillion, accounting for 56.9 percent of the total value of the Hong Kong stock market. |
6. 2013年底,香港人民币客户存款及存证余额达1.05万亿元人民币,同比增长46%;人民币贷款余额1156亿元人民币,未偿还的人民币债券余额3100亿元人民币。 |
6. By the end of 2013, RMB deposits and depository receipts in Hong Kong amounted to RMB1.05 trillion, an increase of 46 percent over 2012. RMB loans totaled RMB115.6 billion, and outstanding RMB bonds totaled RMB310 billion. |
7. 内地与香港科技合作委员会依托香港高等院校、科研机构和香港科技园,分别建立了16个国家重点实验室伙伴实验室、1个国家工程技术研究中心香港分中心和2个国家高新技术产业化基地,支持香港高校在深圳设立研究院,推动国家重大科技项目向香港开放。 |
7. The Mainland/Hong Kong Science and Technology Co-operation Committee has, with the support of institutions of higher learning, research institutes and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks, established 16 Partner State Key Laboratories, one Hong Kong branch of the Chinese National Engineering Research Center, and two National High-tech Industrialization Bases in Hong Kong. The Committee supports Hong Kong's institutions of higher learning in setting up research institutes in Shenzhen, Hong Kong's neighboring city on the mainland, and encourages Hong Kong's participation in key national science and technology programs. |
8. 2010年以来,香港科技工作者和机构已成功申请国家973计划项目4项,获得研发资助1.6亿元人民币。 |
8. Since 2010, four projects under the national 973 Program have been undertaken by Hong Kong's science and technology professionals and institutes, and have received total research and development funding of RMB160 million. |
9. 2013年12月,搭乘“嫦娥三号”月球探测器成功登月的“玉兔月球车”,使用了香港理工大学专家研发的相机指向系统。 |
9. China's Chang'e-3 lunar lander and its Yutu rover landed on the moon in December 2013. The camera pointing system on Yutu was developed by experts from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. |
10. 截至2013年底,香港共有中国科学院院士、中国工程院院士39人(包括外籍院士),88位香港科学家作为主要人员分别获得国家自然科学奖、国家科学技术进步奖、科技发明奖等44个国家科技奖项。 |
10. By the end of 2013, the number of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering from Hong Kong had reached 39, including foreign nationals. In addition, 88 Hong Kong scientists had won 44 state science and technology awards, including the State Natural Science Award, State Scientific and Technological Progress Award and State Technological Invention Award. |
11. 2012-2013学年,在香港高校就读的内地学生约2.2万人;截至2013年10月,在内地高校就读的香港学生逾1.4万人。 |
11. Mainland students studying at institutions of higher learning in Hong Kong numbered 22,000 in the 2012/13 academic year. By October 2013, the number of Hong Kong students studying at institutions of higher learning in the mainland topped 14,000. |
12. 香港大学、香港中文大学、香港理工大学、香港浸会大学、香港城市大学等分别与内地高校联合办学或举办高等教育机构。广东、北京、上海、浙江、福建等省(市)与香港建立了400余对姊妹学校。 |
12. The University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Baptist University and City University of Hong Kong have worked with mainland universities in jointly holding academic programs and running institutions of higher learning. Universities in cities and provinces of Guangdong, Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Fujian on the mainland have established over 400 pairs of sister-school partnerships with Hong Kong universities. |
13. 2009年,香港、澳门与广东共同申报并成功将粤剧列入联合国教科文组织《人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》。 |
13. In 2009, Yueju opera, jointly nominated by Hong Kong, Macau and Guangdong Province, was officially inscribed on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. |
14. 2011年9月,在中央政府支持下,香港西贡地质公园成功申报为联合国教科文组织认可的世界地质公园。 |
14. In September 2011, with the support of the central government, Hong Kong Global Geopark was listed by UNESCO as part of its Global Geoparks Network. |
15. 自CEPA签署以来,香港与内地合拍影片共322部,占内地与境外合拍影片总量的70%,其中票房收入超过1亿元人民币的影片共有61部。 |
15. Since the mainland and Hong Kong signed the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) in 2003, Hong Kong and the mainland have worked together in producing 322 films, accounting for 70 percent of mainland's total in such area. Moreover, 61 of the 322 co-productions topped RMB100 million each in box office receipts. |
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