二、促进经济创新发展、改革与增长 |
II. Promoting Innovative Development, Economic Reform and Growth |
28. 我们认识到,经济创新发展、改革与增长三者互补互进,将决定亚太经合组织共同繁荣的前景。我们认识到,亚太地区正处于经济转型的关键时期,我们将致力于加快改革和创新步伐,探索新兴增长领域,巩固亚太地区全球经济增长引擎地位。我们同意加强宏观经济政策协调,实现协同增效,为本地区经济强劲、可持续、平衡和包容增长创造良好政策环境。 |
28. We realize that the prospects for the shared prosperity of APEC will depend on innovative development, economic reform and growth in the region, which are complementary and mutually reinforcing. We recognize that the Asia-Pacific region is at a crucial stage of economic transformation. We are committed to accelerating the pace of reform and innovation, and exploring new growth areas with the goal of bolstering the position of the Asia-Pacific as an engine for world economic growth. We agree to strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination with a view to forging policy synergy, and creating a sound policy environment for the robust, sustainable, balanced and inclusive economic growth in the region. |
29. 我们批准《亚太经合组织经济创新发展、改革与增长共识》(附件三),确立以经济改革、新经济、创新增长、包容性支持和城镇化为五大支柱,开展经验交流、政策对话、能力建设和务实合作。 |
29. We endorse the APEC Accord on Innovative Development, Economic Reform and Growth (Annex C) which identifies Economic Reform, New Economy, Innovative Growth, Inclusive Support and Urbanization as the five pillars for promoting experience sharing, policy dialogue, capacity building and practical cooperation. |
经济改革 |
Economic Reform |
30. 为推进亚太经合组织经济改革议程,我们同意在2015年举行第二届经济结构改革部长会议。我们认识到,许多亚太经合组织发展中经济体正面临“中等收入陷阱”挑战。我们同意将跨越“中等收入陷阱”问题纳入经济委员会工作计划。 |
30. To advance APEC's economic reform agenda, we agree to hold the 2nd Ministerial Meeting on Structural Reform in 2015. Recognizing that many APEC developing economies are facing the challenge of the Middle-Income Trap (MIT), we agree to incorporate the issue of overcoming the MIT into the work program of the APEC Economic Committee. |
31. 为实现加强实施良好规制实践的目标,我们同意结合各成员自身需要和条件,进一步加强沟通、交流和经验分享,培育亚太经合组织开放透明的规制环境。我们将努力采取新行动,运用信息技术和互联网,改进规制出台前的公共咨商。 |
31. To meet our objective of strengthening the implementation of good regulatory practices, we will further enhance communication, exchanges, and sharing of experiences, and foster an open and transparent regulatory environment in our economies, according to individual economies' needs and circumstances. We will endeavor to take new actions through the use of information technology and the Internet to improve our conduct of public consultations on proposed regulations. |
32. 我们意识到包括海牙公约在内的国际公认的国际私法文书在便利跨境贸易投资、提升运营便利、促进合同有效执行和商业纠纷便捷解决方面的作用。我们鼓励更广泛使用这些文书,促进亚太经合组织区域经济一体化、互联互通和结构改革进程。 |
32. We recognize the role of internationally recognized private international law instruments such as the Hague Conventions in facilitating cross-border trade and investment, enhancing ease of doing business, and fostering effective enforcement of contracts and efficient settlement of business disputes. We encourage wider use of these instruments which would contribute to APEC's regional integration, connectivity and structural reform agenda. |
新经济 |
New Economy |
33. 我们认识到,新经济契合当前全球和亚太地区经济增长和可持续发展的趋势。我们支持推动传统经济转型升级,挖掘绿色经济、蓝色经济、互联网经济等发展前景良好的新经济形态,走绿色、循环、低碳和高效发展之路。 |
33. We recognize that New Economy represents the trend of economic growth and sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. We support the efforts to promote economic restructuring and upgrading in traditional industries, explore new and promising economic growth areas such as the Green Economy, the Blue Economy, and the Internet Economy, and promote green, circular, low-carbon and energy-efficient development. |
34. 今年海洋领域合作取得新进展,我们备受鼓舞。我们欢迎第四届亚太经合组织海洋部长会议通过《厦门宣言》,并指示部长和官员们全力落实宣言。我们认可《厦门宣言》关于蓝色经济概念论述。我们欢迎《亚太经合组织海洋可持续发展报告》。我们鼓励海洋和渔业工作组与亚太经合组织其他机制合作推进蓝色经济合作。 |
34. We are encouraged by the progress of APEC's ocean-related cooperation and welcome the Xiamen Declaration issued at the 4th APEC Oceans Ministerial Meeting this year, and instruct our Ministers and officials to fully implement the Declaration. We acknowledge the Xiamen Declaration's statement on the Blue Economy. We welcome the APEC Marine Sustainable Development Report. We encourage the Ocean and Fisheries Working Group to work with APEC fora to advance Blue Economy cooperation. |
35. 我们认识到互联网经济对促进经济创新发展和推动个体参与经济的作用。我们批准《亚太经合组织促进互联网经济合作倡议》,指示部长和官员们进一步讨论这一议题,提出行动建议,推动各成员就发展互联网经济开展合作,促进技术政策交流,弥合数字鸿沟。 |
35. We recognize the role of the Internet Economy in promoting innovative development and empowering economic participation. We endorse the APEC Initiative of Cooperation to Promote the Internet Economy and instruct Ministers and officials to discuss the Internet Economy further, put forward proposals for actions, promote member economies' cooperation on developing the Internet Economy and facilitate technological and policy exchanges among member economies, taking into account the need to bridge the digital divide. |
36. 我们欢迎《2014年亚太经合组织能源部长会议北京宣言》。我们欢迎在中国建立亚太经合组织可持续能源中心。我们认识到推进能源供应多样化的重要性,认识到各经济体根据实际情况并基于市场和供求原则的竞争和定价机制的重要性。我们鼓励各成员采取行动,消除可能延缓可再生能源技术进步和行业发展的贸易保护和限制措施。我们通过能源部长会关于到2030年亚太经合组织地区可再生能源及其发电量在地区能源结构中的比重比2010年翻一番的雄心目标。我们承诺规范并逐步取消低效、鼓励浪费的化石燃料补贴。我们注意到秘鲁和新西兰在2014年自愿开展取消低效、鼓励浪费的化石燃料补贴同行审议并分享有关经验,欢迎菲律宾关于在2015年开展化石燃料补贴同行审议的承诺。我们鼓励创新、竞争与合作,推动亚太可再生能源行业健康、可持续发展,确保能源安全、经济增长、消除贫困及有效应对气候变化。 |
36. We welcome the Beijing Declaration of the 2014 APEC Energy Ministerial Meeting. We welcome the establishment of the APEC Sustainable Energy Center in China. We recognize the importance of promoting diversified energy supplies, and market-based competition and pricing mechanisms that reflect demand and supply fundamentals as appropriate to each economy. We encourage member economies to take actions to eliminate trade protection and restrictive measures that may impede progress in renewable energy technologies and development of this sector, and we endorse the Energy Ministers' aspirational goal to double the share of renewables including in power generation by 2030 in APEC's energy mix. We affirm our commitment to rationalize and phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption while still providing essential energy services. We acknowledge Peru and New Zealand for initiating voluntary peer reviews in 2014 of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that cause wasteful consumption and sharing their best practices, and welcome the commitment from the Philippines to undergo a peer review in 2015. We encourage innovation, competition and cooperation to promote a sound and sustainable energy sector in the Asia-Pacific and to ensure its energy security, economic growth, poverty eradication and an appropriate response to climate change. |
37. 我们强调包括矿产品、金属及相关产品开发、加工、利用、投资和贸易活动在内的矿业可持续发展的重要意义,欢迎部长们认识到《关于汞的水俣公约》的重要性。 |
37. We emphasize the importance of efforts to ensure sustainable development in mining, including the development, processing, utilization, investment and trade in minerals, metals and related products and welcome Ministers' views recognizing the important role of the Minamata Convention on Mercury. |
38. 我们将继续推进林业资源保护,打击非法采伐和相关贸易,加强林业可持续管理,并与亚太森林恢复与可持续管理网络等相关组织合作,确保悉尼森林目标的实现。 |
38. We will continue our efforts to protect forest resources, combat illegal logging and associated trade, promote sustainable forest management, and work with relevant organizations, including the Asia-Pacific Network on Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet), to ensure the achievement of the aspirational goal on forests in the Sydney Declaration. |
39. 我们将继续致力于打击野生动物非法贸易。我们将通过野生动物执法网络及其他现有机制,加强国际合作,打击野生动物走私,减少野生动物非法贸易的供给与需求,提高公众对野生动物走私及其影响的认识并加强相关教育,严肃处理走私动物犯罪。 |
39. We commit to continue our efforts in combating wildlife trafficking. We will take steps to combat wildlife trafficking by enhancing international cooperation through Wildlife Enforcement Networks (WENs) and other existing mechanisms, reducing the supply of and demand for illegally traded wildlife, increasing public awareness and education related to wildlife trafficking and its impacts, and treating wildlife trafficking crimes seriously. |
创新增长 |
Innovative Growth |
40. 我们认为创新是经济发展和结构改革的重要抓手。我们批准《创新驱动发展倡议》。我们决心建立科学、技术和创新领域的务实、高效和强有力的伙伴关系。我们同意加强政府、学术界和私营部门利益相关方的协作,提升科技能力,通过建立商业化和研究培训中心,培育有助于创新的环境,加强本地区科学技术互联互通,并保护知识产权和商业秘密。 |
40. We recognize innovation as an important lever for economic growth and structural reform. We endorse the initiative on Toward Innovation-Driven Development. We commit to foster a pragmatic, efficient and vigorous partnership on science, technology and innovation. We agree to strengthen collaboration amongst government, academia, and private sector stakeholders to build science capacity, to promote an enabling environment for innovation and including by establishing training centers for the commercialization of research, and to enhance regional science and technology connectivity, with respect for intellectual property rights and trade secrets. |
41. 我们欢迎《促进中小企业创新发展南京宣言》。我们决心加强对中小企业创新活动的支持,创造有益环境。我们欢迎亚太地区促进中小企业合作的努力,帮助其融入亚太经合组织生产链和供应链,推广商业道德实践,提升国际市场运营能力。我们欢迎成员经济体采取共同行动,推进亚太经合组织加速器网络,为中小企业创新发展提供早期投资。 |
41. We welcome the Nanjing Declaration on Promoting SMEs Innovative Development. We commit to strengthen our support, and provide an enabling environment for SMEs in innovation activities. We welcome efforts to strengthen SMEs' cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, involve SMEs in APEC production and supply chains, promote ethical business practices, as well as to empower their capacity to operate in an international market. We welcome member economies' joint efforts and contribution to promote the APEC Accelerator Network and to invest in the early stage development of innovative SMEs. |
包容性支持 |
Inclusive support |
42. 我们认识到包容性支持有助于为经济增长奠定坚实基础,帮助弱势群体,对保持经济增长、应对改革带来的震荡至关重要。我们欢迎第六届亚太经合组织人力资源开发部长会议的成果和促进高质量就业和开发人力资源加强人员交往互联互通行动计划。我们鼓励亚太经合组织经济体优先关注稳定和扩大就业,实施有利于就业的宏观经济政策,加强人力资源能力建设、职业技能开发和青年技能人才培养。我们赞赏亚太经合组织数字机会中心倡议十年来开展合作缩小数字鸿沟,加强人力资源开发和在亚太经合组织地区创造数字机会所取得的成就。 |
42. We recognize that inclusive support is essential to maintain growth and to deal with risks and potential fallout of reform, with an aim to provide a solid foundation for economic growth and to address the needs of vulnerable groups. We welcome the outcomes of the 6th Human Resources Development Ministerial Meeting and the Action Plan (2015-2018) on Promoting Quality Employment and Strengthening People-to-People Connectivity through Human Resources Development. We encourage APEC economies to give priority to stabilizing and expanding employment, implementing macroeconomic policies in favor of job creation, and strengthening capacity building for human resources development, vocational skills development and skill training for youth. We commend the 10-year achievement of the APEC Digital Opportunity Center initiative through our joint efforts and cooperation in bridging digital divides, strengthening human resource development and creating digital opportunities throughout the APEC region. |
43. 我们认识到妇女对亚太发展和繁荣的关键作用,决心采取切实政策和创新举措,进一步加强妇女经济赋权,消除妇女参与经济的一切障碍,保障女性与男性在经济创新发展、改革与增长中的机会平等、参与平等、收益平等。我们欢迎妇女与经济论坛的建议,承诺推进妇女企业家精神。我们认识到数据在设定减少妇女经济参与障碍具体目标和衡量工作进展方面的重要性,并欢迎建立亚太经合组织妇女经济数据指标表,促进政策讨论。我们支持妇女的领导作用,认识到支持妇女企业家精神服务和网络的重要性。我们鼓励正式发展亚太经合组织区域妇女企业家网络,推进妇女赋权,开始并促进妇女加入国内外市场。 |
43. We recognize the pivotal role of women in the development and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific, and are committed to taking concrete policies and innovative measures to further enhance women's economic empowerment and their access to markets and ICT technology, eliminate all barriers that hinder women's economic participation, and ensure women's equal opportunities, participation and benefit in innovative development, economic reform and growth. We welcome the recommendations from the Women and the Economy Forum, and commit to promote women entrepreneurship. We recognize the importance of data to measure progress in reducing barriers to women's economic participation, and we welcome the establishment of the APEC Women and the Economy Dashboard as a tool to inform policy discussions. We support women's leadership and recognize the importance of women's entrepreneurship support services and networks. We encourage the formal development of an APEC-wide women's entrepreneurship network to empower women entrepreneurs to start and grow businesses and increase their access to domestic and international markets. |
44. 我们欢迎第四次高级别健康和经济会议提议,批准《健康亚太2020》倡议,以全政府行动、全社会参与、全区域合作的方式,建立高效可持续的卫生体系,保障人民终身身心健康。 |
44. We welcome recommendations from the 4th High Level Meeting on Health and the Economy and endorse the "Healthy Asia-Pacific 2020" initiative, which aims to achieve sustainable and high-performing health systems that will ensure people's health, including physical and mental well-being, through the whole life-course by means of a whole-of-government, and whole-of-society approach with the collaboration of the entire Asia-Pacific region. |
45. 我们决心共同应对大规模流行性疾病、恐怖主义、自然灾害、气候变化等全球性挑战。面对当前肆虐的埃博拉疫情,我们决心携手并肩,加强合作,帮助非洲国家有效处理疫情,并预防、检测、管理和应对未来风险。我们将继续支援疫区人民战胜困难,重建经济,共同取得抗击疫情的最终胜利。 |
45. We commit to jointly tackle pandemic diseases, terrorism, natural disasters, climate change and other global challenges. In confronting the current Ebola Virus Disease epidemic, we are determined to intensify our cooperation and work shoulder to shoulder with African nations to help them effectively end this epidemic and prevent, detect, manage and respond to future outbreaks. We will continue to assist people in affected areas to overcome this crisis and build back their economies so we can win the battle against the disease. |
46. 我们批准第三届粮食安全部长会议发表的《亚太经合组织粮食安全北京宣言》。我们欢迎《亚太经合组织减少粮食损失和浪费行动计划》、《亚太经合组织粮食安全商业计划(2014-2020)》、《亚太经合组织面向2020年粮食安全路线图(2014年版)》和《加强亚太经合组织粮食标准和安全确认互通行动计划》。我们注意到2014年二十国集团有关食品安全方面的工作。我们呼吁亚太经合组织成员努力增进共识,建立开放、包容、互利、多赢、长期的粮食安全伙伴关系。我们将加强亚太经合组织农业科技创新与合作,推进农业可持续发展,支持可持续渔业。 |
46. We endorse the Beijing Declaration on APEC Food Security issued at the Third APEC Ministerial Meeting on Food Security. We welcome APEC Action Plan for Reducing Food Loss and Waste, the APEC Food Security Business Plan (2014-2020), and the APEC Food Security Roadmap toward 2020 (2014 version) and the Action Plan to Enhance Connectivity of APEC Food Standards and Safety Assurance.We note the G20's work on food security in 2014. We call on APEC economies to seek common ground to build an open, inclusive, mutually-beneficial and all-win partnership for the long-term food security of the Asia-Pacific region. We will strengthen APEC agricultural science and technology innovation and cooperation to advance sustainable agricultural development and support sustainable fisheries. |
47. 我们赞赏亚太经合组织食品安全合作论坛及其伙伴关系培训机构网络的持续努力,通过加强食品安全监管机制,鼓励向国际科学标准看齐,在促进贸易、增进产业界和监管部门就新兴食品安全问题的交流与合作等方面开展能力建设,确保亚太经合组织区域内食品生产和贸易安全。我们欢迎2014年亚太经合组织食品安全高层对话发表的《亚太经合组织食品安全北京宣言》。 |
47. We commend the ongoing efforts of the APEC Food Safety Cooperation Forum (FSCF) and its Partnership Training Institute Network (PTIN), which will help ensure the safety of food produced and traded in the APEC region by improving food safety regulatory systems, encouraging harmonization with international science-based standards, building capacity in areas that will facilitate trade, and enhancing communication and collaboration between industry and regulators to address emerging food safety issues. We welcome the APEC Food Safety Beijing Statement of the 2014 APEC High-Level Regulator Industry Dialogue on Food Safety. |
48. 我们赞赏坚定的反腐败决心和采取的有力举措,支持《北京反腐败宣言》,欢迎《亚太经合组织预防贿赂和反贿赂法律执行准则》和《亚太经合组织高效率公司合规项目基本要素》。我们决心携手打击腐败行为,拒绝成为腐败分子及其非法资产的避风港。我们决心加强在遣返或引渡腐败官员、没收和返还腐败资产等方面的合作与协调,并根据需要充分利用亚太经合组织反腐败执法合作网络等反腐败合作机制与平台。 |
48. We commend the strong resolve shown in fighting corruption, including through effective anti-corruption measures. We support the Beijing Declaration on Fighting Corruption and welcome the APEC Principles on the Prevention of Bribery and Enforcement of Anti-Bribery Laws, and APEC General Elements of Effective Voluntary Corporate Compliance Programs. We commit to work together against corruption and deny safe haven for corrupt officials and their illicitly-acquired assets. We are committed to strengthening cooperation and coordination on repatriation or extradition of corrupt officials as well as confiscation and recovery of corruption proceeds, and where appropriate, through the use of anti-corruption mechanisms and platforms such as the APEC Network of Anti-Corruption and Law Enforcement Agencies (ACT-NET). |
49. 我们鼓励各成员在减灾备灾、灾害应对、灾后恢复和搜寻救助等领域深化合作,包括促进灾害管理部门的网络化、加强科学技术应用,遵守《亚太经合组织适当捐款指南》,提高供应链复原能力,实施《贸易恢复计划》,减少应急救灾响应人员和人道主义救援跨境流动障碍,加强科技应用及数据分享。 |
49. We encourage further cooperation of member economies in disaster preparedness, risk reduction, response and post-disaster recovery, and cooperation in search and rescue, including through more robust networking among disaster management departments; following the APEC Guidelines on Appropriate Donations; improving supply chain resiliency; operationalizing the Trade Recovery Programme, reducing barriers to the movement of emergency responders and humanitarian relief across borders; increased data sharing; and application of science and technologies. |
50. 我们重申,将为本地区经济活动和互联互通创造安全和有韧性的环境,共同努力推进《亚太经合组织反恐和贸易安全战略》的落实。 |
50. We reiterate our resolve to create a secure and resilient environment for economic activities and connectivity in the APEC region and continue concerted efforts to implement the APEC Consolidated Counter-Terrorism and Secure Trade Strategy. |
城镇化 |
Urbanization |
51. 我们认识到亚太地区城镇化正蓬勃发展。城镇化的持续健康发展有助于促进创新增长,实现亚太强劲、包容和可持续发展。 |
51. We recognize that the Asia-Pacific is currently experiencing booming urbanization. We realize that sustained and healthy development of urbanization is conducive to promoting innovative growth and realizing robust, inclusive and sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific. |
52. 我们高度评价亚太经合组织今年在推动亚太城镇化合作方面开展的建设性工作,批准《亚太经合组织城镇化伙伴关系合作倡议》。 |
52. We commend the constructive work undertaken by APEC this year in promoting urbanization cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, and endorse the APEC Cooperation Initiative for Jointly Establishing an Asia-Pacific Urbanization Partnership. |
53. 我们认识到亚太经合组织经济体面临的城镇化挑战和机遇,承诺共同推进合作项目,深入探讨建设绿色、高效能源、低碳、以人为本的新型城镇化和可持续城市发展路径。 |
53. Recognizing the range of urbanization challenges and opportunities across APEC economies, we commit to collectively promote cooperation projects, and to further explore pathways to a new-type of urbanization and sustainable city development, featuring green,energy efficient, low-carbon and people-orientation. |
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