附件一 |
Annex A |
亚太经合组织推动实现亚太自贸区北京路线图 |
The Beijing Roadmap for APEC's Contribution to the Realization of the FTAAP |
过去25年,亚太经合组织经济体在追求自由开放的贸易投资进程中取得了巨大成就。亚太经合组织在推动区域经济增长与合作中发挥了重要作用,促进了区域共同繁荣和稳定,为亚太地区成为全球经济增长引擎做出了巨大贡献。当前,全球经济格局正在变化,全球供应链和价值链已经浮现,企业从更有效率的货物服务分布式生产和全球投资商、出口商网络中受益颇多。 |
Over the past 25 years, APEC economies have made great strides in the pursuit of free and open trade and investment. APEC's role in facilitating regional economic growth and cooperation has proven essential in efforts to achieve greater common prosperity and stability, and has greatly contributed to the region's reputation as an engine of world economic growth. As the global economic landscape has evolved, global supply chains and value chains have emerged, and enterprises have taken advantage of distributed and more efficient production of goods and services and global networks of investors and exporters. |
亚太地区的经济一体化进程已迈入关键阶段,机遇与挑战并存。区域贸易安排的迅速发展为自由化提供了强劲动力,对世界贸易组织所代表的多边贸易体制进行了有益补充,但同时也带来了“面条碗”效应,使区域经济一体化和商业面临新的复杂挑战。 |
Economic integration efforts in the Asia-Pacific region have entered a critical stage, and are now facing both opportunities and challenges. The proliferation of regional RTAs/FTAs has created favorable liberalizing momentum that complements the multilateral trading system as embodied in the WTO; however it has also resulted in a "spaghetti bowl" effect, posing complex new challenges to regional economic integration and to business. |
2006年,亚太经合组织经济体同意将亚太自贸区作为长期愿景。2010年,亚太经合组织领导人发布了《实现亚太自贸区的可能路径》,指示亚太经合组织为实现亚太自贸区采取切实行动,并将亚太自贸区作为区域经济一体化的主要手段。亚太经合组织领导人同意亚太自贸区应是一个全面的自贸协定,并在“10+3”、“10+6”、跨太平洋伙伴关系协定等现有区域贸易安排基础上发展建立。为此,亚太经合组织应做出重要和富有意义的贡献,成为亚太自贸区的孵化器。通过在区域经济一体化进程中发挥领导力和提供智力支持,亚太经合组织将发挥重要作用,推动实现亚太自贸区愿景。 |
In 2006, APEC economies agreed to examine the long-term prospect of a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP). In 2010, APEC Leaders issued "Pathways to FTAAP", and instructed APEC to take concrete steps toward realization of the FTAAP, as a major instrument to further APEC's regional economic integration agenda, which should be pursued as a comprehensive free trade agreement by developing and building on ongoing regional undertakings such as ASEAN+3, ASEAN+6, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. In this regard, APEC is expected to make an important and meaningful contribution as an incubator of the FTAAP. By providing leadership and intellectual input into the development process of regional economic integration, APEC could play a strong role in driving the FTAAP vision forward. |
在过去几年中,亚太经合组织讨论了一系列与亚太自贸区相关的议题,开展了与亚太自贸区相关的分析工作,解决了一系列下一代贸易投资议题,并开展了诸多部门倡议。亚太经合组织还实施了许多能力建设项目,帮助经济体提高自贸区特定议题的谈判能力;利用高官会对区域自贸区谈判现状进行了信息交流;以及开展了其他可能有助于实现亚太自贸区的工作。 |
Over the past several years, APEC has discussed a broad range of issues relevant to the prospect of the FTAAP, conducted analytical work related to the FTAAP, addressed a number of next generation trade and investment issues, and undertaken sectoral initiatives. APEC has also carried out capacity building programs to assist economies in engaging in FTA negotiations on particular topics, has exchanged information on status of FTA/RTA negotiations in the region in Senior Officials Meetings, and led other work that could be used to contribute to the eventual realization of the FTAAP. |
今天,我们来到全球经济革新的一个重要节点。亚太经合组织经济体承诺为将亚太自贸区从愿景变为具体行动付诸努力,启动并全面系统推进亚太自贸区进程。本路线图标志着我们向更加广泛而深入的区域经济一体化迈出了重要而坚实的一步。 |
Today, we have reached a critical point in global economic evolution, and APEC economies are committed to making a contribution by translating the vision of the FTAAP into concrete steps, and to kicking off and advancing the process in a comprehensive and systematic manner towards the eventual realization of the FTAAP. Establishment of this Roadmap for APEC's Contribution to the Realization of the FTAAP represents an important concrete step towards greater regional economic integration. |
在此,我们,亚太经合组织领导人,达成以下共识: |
In this regard, we, the APEC Leaders, share the following common views: |
以规则为基础的多边贸易体制仍将是亚太经合组织的关键宗旨。建设亚太自贸区的前提是支持多边贸易体制并为其提供有益补充。 |
-- The rules-based multilateral trading system will remain a key tenet of APEC. The FTAAP should be pursued on the basis of supporting and complementing the multilateral trading system. |
亚太自贸区不仅仅是狭义范畴的自由化,它将是全面的、高质量的,并且涵盖下一代贸易投资议题。 |
-- The FTAAP should do more than achieve liberalization in its narrow sense; it should be comprehensive, high quality and incorporate and address "next generation" trade and investment issues. |
2020年实现茂物目标仍然是亚太经合组织的核心目标,在此过程中取得的进展将实质性推进并决定亚太经合组织对最终实现亚太自贸区的贡献。亚太自贸区不会取代茂物目标,相反,它将成为整合和促进贸易投资自由化的重要驱动力。 |
-- Attaining the Bogor Goals by 2020 will continue to be APEC's core objective, and progress towards the Bogor Goals will substantially advance and help determine APEC's contribution to the eventual realization of the FTAAP. This work will not supersede the Bogor Goals but will serve as an important driving force to consolidate and accelerate progress toward trade and investment liberalization. |
亚太自贸区将建立在亚太经合组织之外,与亚太经合组织自身进程平行推进。在建设亚太自贸区过程中,亚太经合组织应保持非约束性和自愿原则。亚太经合组织将鼓励更多的单边贸易投资自由化和经济改革,继续发挥亚太自贸区孵化器作用,为实现亚太自贸区发挥领导作用和提供智力支持。 |
-- The FTAAP will be realized outside of APEC, parallel with the APEC process. APEC should maintain its non-binding, voluntary cooperation principles in its contributions to the realization of the FTAAP. APEC will encourage more unilateral trade and investment liberalization and reform, continue to play a role as incubator of the FTAAP and provide leadership and intellectual input to its realization. |
亚太自贸区应使区域和双边贸易安排带来的负面影响最小化,并建立在已有和正在谈判中的区域贸易安排基础之上。各经济体应投入更大努力结束亚太自贸区的可能路径谈判,包括跨太平洋伙伴关系协定和区域全面经济伙伴关系。 |
-- The FTAAP should aim to minimize any negative effects resulting from the proliferation of regional and bilateral RTAs/FTAs, and will be pursued by building on current and developing regional architectures. Greater efforts should be made to concluding the possible pathways to the FTAAP, including the TPP and RCEP. |
为帮助有兴趣的亚太经合组织经济体参与当前正在进行的自贸区谈判,并为最终实现亚太自贸区做好准备,亚太经合组织应在结构改革、人力资源、中小企业发展、一体化等方面继续开展有效的经济技术合作,帮助发展中经济体提高能力。 |
-- To assist interested APEC economies with participating in ongoing regional undertakings and preparation for the realization of the FTAAP, APEC should continue to provide effective economic and technical cooperation activities that help developing economies, including in structural reform, human resource, SME development and integration. |
在以上共识基础上,我们同意在尽快完成亚太自贸区可能路径的同时,采取以下行动: |
Bearing in mind the above, we agree to undertake the following actions while pursuing the conclusion of initiatives considered as potential building blocks of the FTAAP: |
在已有工作基础上,启动实现亚太自贸区有关问题的联合战略研究,分析亚太自贸区潜在经济影响和社会效益,盘点区域已生效的自贸协定,分析实现亚太自贸区的各个可能路径,评估“面条碗”效应的影响,找出贸易投资壁垒,明确经济体在实现亚太自贸区过程中可能遇到的困难,并基于研究结果提出相关建议。由各经济体组成的贸易投资委员会加强区域经济一体化和推进亚太自贸区“主席之友”工作组将牵头组建研究团队,开展这项研究,并从有兴趣的亚太经合组织经济体、亚太经合组织政策支持小组、亚太经合组织工商咨询理事会、太平洋经济合作理事会、亚太经合组织研究中心寻求支持。该研究将加强与茂物目标中期评估的互动。研究进展将每年向贸易投资委员会和高官会报告,最终结论及建议将在协商一致基础上于2016年底前向领导人及部长报告。 |
-- Launch a collective strategic study on issues related to the realization of the FTAAP by building on and updating existing studies and past work, providing an analysis of potential economic and social benefits and costs, performing a stocktake of RTAs/FTAs in force in the region, analyzing the various pathways towards the FTAAP, assessing impacts of the "spaghetti bowl" phenomenon on economies, identifying trade and investment barriers, identifying challenges economies may face in realizing the FTAAP, and considering any recommendations based on the study's findings. The CTI Friends of the Chair Group on Strengthening REI and Advancing FTAAP, led by member economies, will organize and lead a task force to undertake the study and will seek contributions from interested APEC economies, the APEC Policy Support Unit, ABAC, PECC and APEC Study Centers. The linkage with the second term review of Bogor Goals will be strengthened while carrying out this study. The CTI and SOM will review progress annually, finalize the report, along with any recommendations, arrived at by consensus, and submit them to Ministers and Leaders by the end of 2016. |
通过推进亚太经合组织自贸区信息交流机制,提高现有自贸区透明度。这项工作将支持实现亚太自贸区,并鼓励经济体在该机制下开展政策对话和其他信息交流活动。提高现有自贸区透明度和更好地理解可能路径将有助于争取利益相关者的支持,并最终实现一个真正让各方受益的亚太自贸区。这一机制将对世界贸易组织区域贸易协定透明机制进行补充,同时亚太经合组织经济体将继续最大程度地参与世界贸易组织透明机制。贸易投资委员会将每两年对机制有效性进行评估,并将结果报告给贸易部长会议、部长级会议和领导人会议。 |
-- Increase transparency of existing and recently concluded RTAs/FTAs by advancing work under the APEC Information Sharing Mechanism on RTAs/FTAs. This will support cooperation on the realization of the FTAAP, and encourage economies to organize supporting policy dialogues and other information sharing activities under this mechanism. Increased transparency of existing RTAs/FTAs and better understanding among our economies of possible pathways will contribute to building stakeholder support and lead to the eventual realization of a truly beneficial FTAAP. This mechanism would complement the WTO Transparency Mechanism for Regional Trade Agreements; economies will continue to participate to the fullest extent possible in the WTO Transparency Mechanism. The CTI will review the effectiveness of this mechanism biennially and submit any outcomes to MRT, AMM and AELM. |
在第二期亚太自贸区能力建设行动计划框架下继续开展能力建设活动。我们高度赞赏2012年至2014年第一期亚太自贸区能力建设行动计划的成功实施,并鼓励更多经济体担任牵头经济体设计和实施具体部门的能力建设项目。亚太经合组织将定期审议第二期能力建设计划的进展,以提高经济体参与现有区域贸易安排和最终实现亚太自贸区的能力。 |
-- Continue the capacity building activities in pursuit of the FTAAP under the Action Plan Framework of the 2nd Capacity Building Needs Initiative (CBNI). We highly commend the successful implementation of the 1st CBNI in 2012-2014 and encourage more economies to design and conduct capacity building programs for specific sectors as lead economies. The results of the capacity building programs conducted under the 2nd CBNI will be periodically reviewed with the goal of building up economies' capacity to participate in ongoing regional undertakings and realize the FTAAP. |
加快“边界上”贸易自由化和便利化努力,改善“边界后”商业环境,促进“跨边界”区域互联互通。这包括推进在投资、服务、电子商务、原产地规则、全球价值链、供应链联接、海关合作、环境产品和服务、良好规制以及亚太自贸区应涵盖的下一代贸易投资议题等领域的合作倡议。亚太经合组织将继续支持和促进这些领域合作,以确保成员经济体在推进亚太自贸区建设的同时,从这些倡议合作中真正受益。 |
-- Accelerate "at the border" trade liberalization and facilitation efforts, improve the business environment "behind the border", and enhance regional connectivity "across the border". This includes advancing initiatives in areas such as investment, services, e-commerce, rules of origin, global value chain, supply chain connectivity, customs cooperation, environmental goods and services, good regulatory practices, as well as next generation trade and investment issues that the FTAAP should contain. APEC will continue to support and foster cooperation in these areas to ensure that member economies can effectively benefit from such initiatives in its continuing contribution to realizing the FTAAP. |
通过亚太经合组织工商咨询理事会和其他渠道加强工商界参与。我们将努力加强亚太经合组织公私部门在促进区域经济增长、一体化和改善商业环境方面的对话。亚太经合组织工商咨询理事会在区域经济长期增长和发展方面的投入将被用于推进亚太自贸区。 |
-- Strengthen engagement with the business sector via the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) and other direct routes. We will intensify efforts to strengthen APEC public-private sector dialogues on the promotion of regional economic growth, integration and an improved business environment. ABAC input on issues expected to impact the region's economic growth and development over the longer term will be used to advance work towards the realization of the FTAAP. |
我们将循序渐进、按照协商一致原则推进亚太自贸区,并重申在现有区域贸易安排基础上尽快实现亚太自贸区的承诺。这将极大地促进亚太地区经济可持续增长和共同繁荣。我们将坚定支持区域经济一体化和增加全球贸易投资,并采取诸如本路线图的措施。我们愿借此显示亚太经合组织的领导作用和共建面向未来的、牢不可破的亚太伙伴关系的承诺。 |
We will pursue the FTAAP with a step-by-step, consensus-based approach, and affirm our commitment to the eventual realization of the FTAAP as early as possible by building on ongoing regional undertakings, which will contribute significantly to sustained growth and overall prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. We are steadfast in supporting regional economic integration and increasing global trade and investment, including through this Roadmap. We are determined to demonstrate APEC's leadership and commitment to shaping the future of the region with a strong Asia-Pacific Partnership. |
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