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February 13, 2004 - February 20, 2004
New Office Aimed at Building Marine Sector
A strong growth outlook for the marine sector has led the government to make an exception to its streamlining policy and open a new office, which is expected to maximize potential.
Medicare Scheme to Cover More Farmers
More farmers are expected to enjoy a trial medicare system this year, similar to the medicare now enjoyed by increasing numbers of city dwellers, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security has promised.
Delta Residents Have More Spare Cash
Per capita annual disposable income in 15 cities on the Yangtze River Delta surged 9 to 17 percent in 2003, with residents of the area spending increasing amounts on electronic goods and a variety of services.
Shrimp Faces US Anti-dumping Tariffs
The US International Trade Commission (ITC) ruled on Tuesday that shrimp imports from China and five other countries threaten the US industry, opening the way to possible anti-dumping tariffs.
World Heritage Committee to Meet in China
Preparations are well under way for the 28th session of UNESCO's World Heritage Committee, to be held in Suzhou this summer. The conference promises to be the largest ever and organizers are determined to make it an unforgettable experience.
Gov't Tightens Work Safety Supervision
China will tighten control over work safety by changing supervision measures, and reduce deaths from accidents in 2004 by 2.5 percent, sources with the work safety committee under the State Council said in Beijing Tuesday.
Government Shares Costs of Bird Flu
The central government has extended immediate compensation to areas hit by bird flu and is bearing many of the costs associated with stopping the spread of the disease, says a source at the Ministry of Agriculture.
Chinese Diplomats Arrive in Baghdad
A team of Chinese diplomats arrived in Baghdad Monday afternoon and will soon start preparations for the reopening of the Chinese Embassy in the Iraqi capital.
Oil Trading Center to Reopen Doors
Chinese oil companies will likely resume activities at the oil trading centre in Shanghai this year, a move to further liberalize the once tightly controlled oil market. The trading volume could reach 80,000-100,000 tons a day, industrial sources said.
Fire at Shopping Center Kills 51
A Sunday noon fire at a five-floor commercial building has killed at least 51 people and injured another 71 in Jilin City, northeast China's Jilin Province, according to local police.
New Geological Parks on the List
Eight Chinese scenic attractions have become the first group of UNESCO-designated world geological parks. They are Mt. Huangshan, Zhangjiajie, Mt. Lushan, Mt. Yuntai, the Stone Forest, Mt. Danxia, Mt. Songshan and Wudalianchi (five adjecent lakes).
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