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July 2, 2004 - July 9, 2004
Hu Urges US Not to Send Wrong Signal to Taiwan
At a meeting with US National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice in Beijing Friday, President Hu Jintao urged the United States to honor its commitments on the Taiwan issue and not send wrong signals to the Taiwan authority in order to avoid damage to the peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits.
US Shrimp Ruling Angers Producers
Chinese and Vietnamese shrimp producers are angered by the US decision to impose high duties on imports and vehemently deny allegations of dumping. Chinese producers say the US government is protecting its feeble shrimp industry to the detriment of more advanced foreign industry and US consumers.
China Lodges Representations on Japan's Exploration in East China Sea
China lodged solemn representation Wednesday on Japan's seabed exploration for natural resources in disputed waters of East China Sea.
International Sociologists Meet in Beijing
More than 1,000 sociologists from around the world have gathered in Beijing for the five-day 36th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology. Focusing on social change in the age of globalization, during the opening ceremonies organizers presented the Beijing Manifesto of Social Development.
China Hopes to Strengthen Ties with Kuwait
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said in Beijing Tuesday that China hopes to expand economic and trade cooperation, further political exchanges and strengthen cooperation in international affairs with Kuwait during his talks with visiting Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah.
China, EU Cooperate on IPR Protection
The EU-China joint IPR program has been helping China to develop its intellectual property rights system since 2000. A representative from the EU noted the tremendous changes that have taken place in the country over the years with the government's realization of the importance of IPR protection.
Cairns Decision Amended
An amendment to the hotly debated Cairns Decision was adopted by the 28th Session of the World Heritage Committee Monday. Each State Party at the World Heritage Convention can have two complete nominations to be examined at the 30th session in 2006, provided that at least one of such nomination concerns a natural site.
Typhoon a Boon, But Not Friendly
The heavy rains Typhoon Mindulle dumped on Guangzhou City have brought temporary relief from a heat wave blamed for 41 deaths. But the typhoon has been far from welcome in many coastal areas, killing at least 15 people so far in Taiwan and two on the mainland, and flooding thousands of hectares.
China, France Vow to Boost Partnership
French President Jacques Chirac and visiting senior official of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Li Changchun, have vowed to join hands to boost the all-around strategic partnership between the two countries.
Shanghai Week Opens in Paris
Shanghai Week, one of the major activities of the closing stages of the Chinese Culture Year in France, opened in Paris Saturday afternoon.
Tourist Groups to Be Allowed to Visit Europe
Chinese travel agencies will be allowed to organize tourist groups to 27 European nations as of September 1, sources with China National Tourism Administration said in Beijing Saturday.
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