十四、加快生态文明制度建设 |
XIV. Accelerating Ecological Progress |
建设生态文明,必须建立系统完整的生态文明制度体系,实行最严格的源头保护制度、损害赔偿制度、责任追究制度,完善环境治理和生态修复制度,用制度保护生态环境。 |
In order to promote ecological progress, we must establish complete and integrated institutions and systems, implement the strictest source protection system, damage compensation system and accountability system. We will also improve environment treatment and ecological restoration systems, and use set rules to protect the ecological environment. |
(51)健全自然资源资产产权制度和用途管制制度。对水流、森林、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂等自然生态空间进行统一确权登记,形成归属清晰、权责明确、监管有效的自然资源资产产权制度。建立空间规划体系,划定生产、生活、生态空间开发管制界限,落实用途管制。健全能源、水、土地节约集约使用制度。 |
51. Improving the system of natural resource property rights and the system of natural resource utilization control. We will carry out unified registration for natural ecological spaces such as rivers, forests, mountain ranges, grasslands, undeveloped land, tidal land, etc., so as to establish a natural resource property rights system with the property rights, rights and responsibilities clearly defined and characterized by effective oversight. We will establish a spatial planning system, and draw control boundaries for production, living and ecological space utilization. We will implement a system for conservation of energy, water and land resources and for their intensive use. |
健全国家自然资源资产管理体制,统一行使全民所有自然资源资产所有者职责。完善自然资源监管体制,统一行使所有国土空间用途管制职责。 |
We will improve the national natural resource management system, unify the duties of the people who act as the owners of public natural resources. We will improve the natural resource oversight system and unify the power over national land and space utilization. |
(52)划定生态保护红线。坚定不移实施主体功能区制度,建立国土空间开发保护制度,严格按照主体功能区定位推动发展,建立国家公园体制。建立资源环境承载能力监测预警机制,对水土资源、环境容量和海洋资源超载区域实行限制性措施。对限制开发区域和生态脆弱的国家扶贫开发工作重点县取消地区生产总值考核。 |
52. Delimiting the red line for ecological protection. We will unwaveringly implement the system of functional areas, establish the system of land and space development and protection, promote development in strict accordance with the functional definition of these functional areas, and establish the national park system. We will establish the mechanism to monitor and give early warning to the carrying capacities of resources and the environment, and implement restrictive measures for regions where water and land resources, the environment and oceanic resources have been excessively exploited. We will cancel regional GDP assessment for regions under restrictive ecological development and for national key counties for poverty alleviation displaying ecological fragility. |
探索编制自然资源资产负债表,对领导干部实行自然资源资产离任审计。建立生态环境损害责任终身追究制。 |
We will explore ways to compile a natural resource balance sheet and implement natural resource audits when leading officials leave their positions. We will establish a lifelong accountability system for ecological and environmental damage. |
(53)实行资源有偿使用制度和生态补偿制度。加快自然资源及其产品价格改革,全面反映市场供求、资源稀缺程度、生态环境损害成本和修复效益。坚持使用资源付费和谁污染环境、谁破坏生态谁付费原则,逐步将资源税扩展到占用各种自然生态空间。稳定和扩大退耕还林、退牧还草范围,调整严重污染和地下水严重超采区耕地用途,有序实现耕地、河湖休养生息。建立有效调节工业用地和居住用地合理比价机制,提高工业用地价格。坚持谁受益、谁补偿原则,完善对重点生态功能区的生态补偿机制,推动地区间建立横向生态补偿制度。发展环保市场,推行节能量、碳排放权、排污权、水权交易制度,建立吸引社会资本投入生态环境保护的市场化机制,推行环境污染第三方治理。 |
53. Implementing sound compensation systems for use of resources and for damage to the ecological environment. We will accelerate pricing reform for natural resources and their products to give full expression to their market supply and demand, the extent of resource scarcity, ecological and environmental damage costs and restoration benefits. We will adhere to the principle that whoever uses the resources must pay for them, and that whoever pollutes the environment and damages the ecology must pay compensation, and gradually expand resource taxes to cover the possession and use of all natural and ecological resources. We will stabilize and expand the areas where farmland is converted back to forests and grassland, adjust the usage of farmland in heavily polluted areas or areas where underground water has been overused, and implement an orderly rehabilitating system for farmland, rivers and lakes. We will establish effective comparative pricing mechanism to regulate industrial land and residential land prices, and raise the price of land for industrial use. We will persist in the principle that he who profits should compensate, improve the ecological compensation mechanism for key ecological functional areas, and promote the establishment of a horizontal compensation system between regions. We will develop the environmental protection market, implement a trading system for energy conservation, carbon emission, waste discharge and water usage rights, establish a market-oriented mechanism to attract private capital to ecological and environmental protection, and implement third-party treatment of environmental pollution. |
(54)改革生态环境保护管理体制。建立和完善严格监管所有污染物排放的环境保护管理制度,独立进行环境监管和行政执法。建立陆海统筹的生态系统保护修复和污染防治区域联动机制。健全国有林区经营管理体制,完善集体林权制度改革。及时公布环境信息,健全举报制度,加强社会监督。完善污染物排放许可制,实行企事业单位污染物排放总量控制制度。对造成生态环境损害的责任者严格实行赔偿制度,依法追究刑事责任。 |
54. Reforming the ecological protection management system. We will establish and improve an environmental protection system that strictly supervises the emission of all pollutants, and independently conduct environmental supervision and administrative law enforcement. We will establish a joint interregional mechanism for comprehensive land and marine ecosystem protection, restoration and pollution prevention. We will improve the operation and management system for the state-owned forest regions and press ahead with the reform of collective forest rights. We will publicize environmental information in a timely manner, improve reporting system, and strengthen social supervision. We will improve the licensing system for pollutant emission, and implement quantity control system for pollution emission by enterprises and public institutions. We will strictly implement the compensation system for those responsible for ecological or environmental damage, and investigate any criminal responsibilities in accordance with the law. |
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