十五、深化国防和军队改革 |
XV. Deepening Reform of National Defense and Armed Forces |
紧紧围绕建设一支听党指挥、能打胜仗、作风优良的人民军队这一党在新形势下的强军目标,着力解决制约国防和军队建设发展的突出矛盾和问题,创新发展军事理论,加强军事战略指导,完善新时期军事战略方针,构建中国特色现代军事力量体系。 |
Aiming at the goal of building up the people's armed forces that are loyal to the CPC, be able to win and uphold fine traditions under the new conditions, we will endeavor to resolve the prominent problems that constrain the development of national defense and the armed forces, be innovative in developing military theories, enhance military strategic guidance, implement correct military strategy for the new period, and build a system of modern military forces with Chinese characteristics. |
(55)深化军队体制编制调整改革。推进领导管理体制改革,优化军委总部领导机关职能配置和机构设置,完善各军兵种领导管理体制。健全军委联合作战指挥机构和战区联合作战指挥体制,推进联合作战训练和保障体制改革。完善新型作战力量领导体制。加强信息化建设集中统管。优化武装警察部队力量结构和指挥管理体制。 |
55. Deepening the adjustment and reform of the military administrative setup and staffing. We will push forward the reform of military leadership system, optimize the functional structure and institutional setup of the Central Military Commission (CMC) departments, and improve the leadership management system of different services and arms. We will improve the joint combat command organizations of the CMC and the joint combat command mechanism of theaters, and push forward the reform of the system of training and logistics for joint combat operations. We will improve the leadership of new type of combat forces, and strengthen centralized management of IT application in the military. We will improve the structure and command and management system of the Armed Police Force. |
优化军队规模结构,调整改善军兵种比例、官兵比例、部队与机关比例,减少非战斗机构和人员。依据不同方向安全需求和作战任务改革部队编成。加快新型作战力量建设。深化军队院校改革,健全军队院校教育、部队训练实践、军事职业教育三位一体的新型军事人才培养体系。 |
We will optimize the size and composition of the armed forces, adjust and improve the ratios between the services and arms, between officers and soldiers, and between troops and military offices, and reduce the number of non-combat departments and staff. We will reform the task organization of the troops according to security needs and combat tasks in different directions, and accelerate the building of new-type combat forces. We will deepen the reform of military academies, and improve the new type of military personnel cultivating system consisting of school education, field training and vocational education. |
(56)推进军队政策制度调整改革。健全完善与军队职能任务需求和国家政策制度创新相适应的军事人力资源政策制度。以建立军官职业化制度为牵引,逐步形成科学规范的军队干部制度体系。健全完善文职人员制度。完善兵役制度、士官制度、退役军人安置制度改革配套政策。 |
56. Promoting adjustment and reform of military policies and systems. We will improve the military human resources policies and systems suited to the functions and tasks of the armed forces and national institutional innovation. A sound system of military personnel will gradually take shape with the establishment of a professional military officers system as the initial step. We will improve the system of civilian staff in the armed forces. We will improve the supporting policies for the reform of the systems of military service, sergeant service and placement of retired ex-servicemen. |
健全军费管理制度,建立需求牵引规划、规划主导资源配置机制。健全完善经费物资管理标准制度体系。深化预算管理、集中收付、物资采购和军人医疗、保险、住房保障等制度改革。 |
We will improve the management of military expenditures. We will establish a mechanism in which demands dominate planning and planning dominates resource allocation. We will improve the system of military expenditure and the logistics standard. We will deepen the institutional reform of military budget management, centralized payment, material procurement, and guarantee of military staff's healthcare, insurance and housing. |
健全军事法规制度体系,探索改进部队科学管理的方式方法。 |
We will improve military laws and regulations, and explore ways to improve the management of the armed forces. |
(57)推动军民融合深度发展。在国家层面建立推动军民融合发展的统一领导、军地协调、需求对接、资源共享机制。健全国防工业体系,完善国防科技协同创新体制,改革国防科研生产管理和武器装备采购体制机制,引导优势民营企业进入军品科研生产和维修领域。改革完善依托国民教育培养军事人才的政策制度。拓展军队保障社会化领域。深化国防教育改革。健全国防动员体制机制,完善平时征用和战时动员法规制度。深化民兵预备役体制改革。调整理顺边海空防管理体制机制。 |
57. Deepening the integration between the military and civilian sectors. To promote the integrated development of the military and civilian sectors, we will establish—at the national level—unified leadership, and institutions that coordinate between the military and local governments, link military demands to supplies, and share information. We will improve the national defense industry system and sci-tech innovation system serving national defense. We will reform the system and mechanism for the management of scientific research and production for national defense and armament procurement, and guide outstanding private enterprises into the fields of research, development, production and maintenance of military products. We will reform and improve the policies and systems for cultivating military personnel by relying on national education. We will open more areas of military logistics to ordinary enterprises. We will deepen the reform of national defense education, improve the national defense mobilization system, and the system of conscription during peace time and mobilization during war time. We will deepen the reform of the militia reserve system, and adjust the management system of border defense, coast defense and air defense. |
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